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      • The natural world, country life & pets
        January 2015

        Bach-Blüten für die Pferdeseele

        Entspannung und Linderung durch Bach-Blütentherapie

        by Brehmer, Marion

        Bach Flowers can not only help people to get back into a state of mental equilibrium: It may also be advisable for horses to take Bach Flower Remedies when they suffer from numerous complaints. Fears, learning difficulties, and numerous vices such as bobbing or weaving can be treated with Bach Flower Therapy. In this book Marion Brehmer presents all 38 Bach Flowers in detail and provides tested practical tips for their use on horses. A compilation of frequent symptoms makes it easier for the reader to choose the right flower for their own horse. For readers who wish for more expert assistance, there is an analysis sheet at the end of the book, which can be sent free of charge to the author for further analysis. *** Bach-Blüten können nicht nur Menschen helfen, wieder in ein seelisches Gleichgewicht zu gelangen: Auch für Pferde kann die gezielte Einnahme von Bach-Blüten bei zahlreichen Beschwerden ratsam sein. Ängste, Lernschwierigkeiten und zahlreiche Untugenden wie Koppen oder Weben können mit einer Bach-Blüten-Therapie behandelt werden. Marion Brehmer stellt in diesem Buch alle 38 Bach-Blüten ausführlich vor und gibt erprobte Praxistipps für ihre Anwendung bei Pferden. Eine Zusammenstellung häufiger Symptome erleichtert dem Leser die Auswahl der richtigen Blüte für das eigene Pferd. Wer auf Expertenhilfe nicht verzichten will, findet am Ende des Buches einen Analysebogen, der kostenfrei an die Autorin zur weiteren Analyse gesandt werden kann.

      • Self-help & personal development

        Pets Have Feelings Too!

        Understanding Your Pet's Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Needs

        by Dr Monica Diedrich

        My dog can't walk. How did he get hurt? Why does my pet use the carpet instead of the grass? Does my cat have a soul? Do animals reincarnate? Can an animal be my soul mate? These are some of the questions for which you will get an answer in this book. Sharing over 60 heart-warming case studies in this book, animal communicator Dr Monica Diedrich answers these and many other unusual pet questions. You will marvel at the unique ways in which pets can guide their own physical recoveries, and your heart will be touched by the depth of their emotional and spiritual healings as well. You will even discover pet soul mates and the love pets show by coming back again to help their special people to heal or learn new lessons. Dr Monica's writing is filled with conversation, laughter, tears of empathy and, most of all, love. The book will show you, in an easy-to-read style: How pets use the language of pictures How one small pet detective described the burglars How another solved the mystery of his death That some pets can tell doctors what's wrong and how to fix it How pets help people to heal The importance of talking to your pet out loud That many problems can be fixed if you would listen to your pet That pets know when it's time to leave How some people learned important lessons from their pets during serious illnesses and other difficult life experiences.

      • Crime & mystery
        December 2011

        One Hoof In The Grave

        by Carolyn McSparren

        Once again, Merry Abbott has to catch a killer in the high-stakes world of carriage-horse competitions. Nothing ruins an elegant Southern horse show like finding a murdered man with a tent spike through his neck. Merry’s at the top of a long list of suspects who have plenty of reason to want the victim dead. But soon it becomes obvious that she’s also at the top of the real murderer’s next-to-die list. Climb into the carriage seat for a wild ride as Merry hunts for clues, teaches her first (and maybe last) driving clinic, tries to rein in her attraction for a handsome GBI agent, and dodges a killer. Merry Abbott’s taking a new mystery out for a spin.

      • Tribal religions

        They Sang for Horses

        The Impact of the Horse on Navajo and Apache Folklore

        by LaVerne Harrell Clark

        First published in 1966 and now considered a classic, THEY SANG FOR HORSES remains the only comprehensive treatment of the profound mystical influence that the horse has exerted for more than three hundred years. In this completely redesigned and expanded edition, LaVerne Harrell Clark examines how storytellers, singers, medicine men, and painters created the animal's evolving symbolic significance by adapting existing folklore and cultural symbols. Exploring the horse's importance in ceremonies, songs, prayers, customs, and beliefs, she investigates the period of the horse's most pronounced cultural impact on the Navajo and the Apache, starting from the time of its acquisition from the Spanish in the seventeenth century and continuing to the mid-1960s, when the pickup truck began to replace it as the favoured means of transportation. In addition, she presents a look at how Navajos and Apaches today continue to redefine the horse's important role in their spiritual as well as material lives.

      • Self-help & personal development

        What Your Animals Tell Me

        by Dr. Monica Diedrich

        This is not only a book about animal communication but reveals many things animals feel and want from their humans. Through over 50 case stories, this book will open your eyes to the rich inner world of your pets, their hopes, fears, concerns, thoughts and feelings. Never again will you say: It's only an animal. In this book, you will learn: To communicate with your pets to heal them and relieve suffering and stress. Learn whether animals have souls. Where they go when they die. How they communicate from the other side. That they understand about death and euthanasia and they take pride in their appearance. How, in multi-pet households, they establish a pecking order under the top dog; or top cat. Learn how to deal with behavior problems. Know why they love us totally and unconditionally.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit

        For Pet's Sake Do Something! Book Two

        How to Heal Your Sick, Overfed and Bored Pets with Nutrition, Supplements, Herbs and Exercise

        by Dr Monica Diedrich

        Does your pet suffer from allergies or have a serious illness? Is he frequently under the weather, lacking in pep, or losing his stamina? Are you at your wits' end trying to find a remedy that might really work? Then it's time to "Do Something!" In the second book of the series, animal communicator Dr Monica Diedrich not only gives you hope that your pets can heal, but she also provides a wealth of practical "how-to" information. You have no doubt heard the expression, "We are what we eat" but do you realise that's true for your animals also? The right foods, nutritional supplements, and herbs can make the difference between a vibrant and longer life for your pet, or a life filled with multiple health challenges and high veterinary care bills. This book shows you how to: Select the highest quality commercial pet foods; Prepare a natural whole food diet for your pet, when you are on a busy schedule; Monitor dietary changes; Discover the effectiveness of herbs for healing your pets; Easily administer herbal remedies; Prepare and use herbal teas, tinctures, and elixirs; Make rinses, compresses, poultices and packs to provide sweet relief; Pre-test remedies before you buy them; Engage your pet in fulfilling exercise opportunities. You will also find lists of: a wide variety of herbs and their uses; essential vitamins, minerals, and nutritional supplements; foods all pets should avoid; nutritional support ideas for pets with major illnesses. Plus recipes for pets with serious diseases and other health challenges.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit

        For Pet's Sake Do Something! Book One

        How to Communicate with Your Pets and Help Them Heal

        by Dr Monica Diedrich

        There seems to be an emergency in the middle of the night, but you can't get to the veterinary hospital. Or your pet is living with a chronic condition, and veterinary medicine can't do anything more to relieve it. You are on an emotional roller coaster with worry, fear, grief and an overwhelming sense of helplessness. You wish you could ask your pet to tell you what's wrong. You want, with all your heart, to "Do Something"! Animal Communicator Dr Monica Diedrich faced this very same dilemma when her two-year-old Shih-tzu was close to death. As she lay on the floor beside him, she clearly heard him say, "You call yourself a healer . . . so do something!" She did as he requested, and he experienced an almost miraculous recovery. It was Chop Chop's heart-felt plea that then inspired Dr Monica to develop this series of books. In each book she provides a wealth of both spiritual and practical ideas to help you, as pet parents, "Do Something" when you are faced with similar challenges. In this first book in the series, Dr Monica clearly shows you how to: Engage in a real conversation with your pets about everyday things; Discover where it hurts and what to do about it; Use intention and visualisation as a catalyst for a speedy recovery; Utilise the healing benefits of aura and chakra energy; Select from among six guided meditations to help your pet to heal; Discover your own inner power to use the healing energy of love.

      • Mind, Body, Spirit

        For Pet's Sake Do Something! Book Three

        How to Heal Your Pets Using Alternative & Complementary Therapies

        by Dr. Monica Diedrich

        What can I do to make my pet more comfortable if he has to cope with pain, illness, or a chronic condition? How can I improve my pet s overall health? How can I tell ahead of time if something I want to try may, or may not, work? In book three of the series, animal communicator Dr Monica Diedrich provides you with clear information about a variety of effective healing modalities you can easily use at home. Dr Monica shows you how to use: Flower Essences to restore spiritual balance and promote physical healing; Essential Oils to quickly and effectively transport oxygen and nutrients into every cell of the body; Homeopathy for healing based on the principle that "like heals like"; Magnetic Therapy, Massage, and Reflexology for relaxation, relieving pain, reducing anxiety, and promoting overall well-being; Sound, in its different healing forms, to serve as a bridge between body, mind, and spirit; Colour to influence how a pet feels and behaves; Crystals as a means for focusing healing energy; Incense fragrances to heal emotional and behavioural imbalances; Animal Communication and how important it is to heal at every level -- spiritual, mental and emotional Acupuncture and Acupressure to eliminate blockages in the body's energy system; Chiropractic to correct misalignments in a pet's body; Hydrotherapy to promote healing in a weightless environment. You will also learn about how to pre-test remedies, how pets age, what to have in a first aid kit, first aid for emergencies, poison-proofing your home, and how to provide for your pet if you are no longer there.

      • Biography & True Stories
        June 2014

        Dark Night, Black Horse

        by J.G. Harlond

        A true story about a young boy who 'rescues' his father's favourite black stallion from Nationalist troops during the Spanish Civil War. The events take place in Coín in Andalucía, southern Spain.

      • Agriculture & farming

        The Right Colour

        by Andy Frazier

        This touching tale tells of a calf born in a pedigree Aberdeen Angus herd, an unusual calf that although is black in colour, is the wrong kind of black. Her times of hardship and degradation evolve her into a somewhat exceptional character. Now an old lady nearing the end of her life she tells her own extraordinary and comical tale of her exciting journey towards fulfilling her destiny.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        September 2014

        Das blinde Pferd: Haltung, Pflege und Arbeit

        Ein Ratgeber

        by Drost, Ellen

        Eye diseases are not uncommon in horses. But what can you do if your own horse suddenly goes blind? Ellen Drost had to ask herself this question when her Nantan fell ill with periodic eye inflammation. For the enthusiastic horse lover, it was clear that euthanasia was out of the question. Instead, together with Nantan, she set out to overcome the challenge of blindness and did what many considered impossible: to give Nantan a long and happy life. Ellen Drost shares her experiences with this guide. She gives the reader a deep insight into her personality and her soul and encourages them not to give up. All those who are struggling with the decision of how to care for their blind horse will find tips and hints here that have been tried and tested in practice. *** Augenkrankheiten sind bei Pferden keine Seltenheit. Was aber tun, wenn das eigene Pferd plötzlich erblindet? Dieser Frage musste sich Ellen Drost stellen, als ihr Nantan an Periodischer Augenentzündung erkrankte. Für die begeisterte Pferdeliebhaberin stand schnell fest: Einschläfern kommt nicht in Frage. Stattdessen machte sie sich gemeinsam mit Nantan auf den Weg, die Herausforderung Blindheit zu meistern, und schaffte das, was viele für unmöglich hielten: Nantan ein langes und vor allem glückliches Leben zu bereiten. Mit diesem Ratgeber gibt Ellen Drost ihre Erfahrungen weiter. Sie gewährt dem Leser dabei einen tiefen Einblick in ihre Persönlichkeit und in ihr Seelenleben und macht so Mut, nicht aufzugeben. Alle, die selbst mit der Entscheidung hadern, wie sie ihr blindes Pferd versorgen sollen, finden hier Tipps und Hinweise, die in der Praxis erprobt sind.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        March 2013

        Pferde verstehen

        Mit Achtung und Respekt Vertrauen herstellen

        by Kreuer, Susanne / Vorwort von Hackl, Bernd

        Horses are extraordinary animals and for centuries have exerted a special fascination on people. In order to be able to come into trusting contact with them, we must learn to better understand their nature, their essence. Horses are a mirror of our being, and understanding them is a moving journey to understanding ourselves. Sensitive, arousing and competent, Susanne Kreuer explains the feelings, senses, development, language, and instincts of horses and humans. How can we be fair and just when dealing with our horse and build a harmonious partnership? What is the human part in problems with the horse, and what can we do to work on ourselves in the sense of the horse? With new findings from modern psychology and behavioural research, as well as proven knowledge from her many years of professional experience as a coach in business and science, Susanne Kreuer enables her readers to see the world through the eyes of the horse and at the same time deepen their view of themselves. Kreuer's view of the similarities and differences in the nature of man and horse makes it possible to change unconscious patterns of behaviour that lead to misunderstanding, to replace them with a strategy based on partnership and thus to find a better, more harmonious way of dealing with horses. Kreuer's book enables the reader not only to take an important step towards an empathetic and understanding approach to their horse, but also to gain a clearer look at themselves. *** Pferde sind außergewöhnliche Tiere und üben seit Jahrhunderten eine unergründliche Faszination auf die Menschen aus. Um vertrauensvoll mit ihnen in Kontakt treten zu können, müssen wir lernen, ihre Natur, ihr Wesen besser zu verstehen. Pferde sind ein Spiegel unseres Seins, und sie zu ergründen ist eine bewegende Reise zu uns selbst. Einfühlsam, aufrüttelnd und kompetent erläutert Susanne Kreuer die Gefühle, die Sinne, die Entwicklung, die Sprache sowie die Instinkte von Pferden und Menschen. Wie können wir im Umgang mit unserem Pferd fair und gerecht sein und eine harmonische Partnerschaft aufbauen? Wo liegt der menschliche Anteil bei Problemen mit dem Pferd, und was können wir tun, um an uns selbst im Sinne des Pferdes zu arbeiten? Mit neuen Erkenntnissen aus der modernen Psychologie und Ver­haltensforschung sowie bewährtem Wissen aus ihrer langjährigen Berufspraxis als Coach in Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft ermöglicht Susanne Kreuer ihren Lesern, die Welt mit den Augen des Pferdes zu sehen und dabei gleichzeitig die Sicht auf sich selbst zu vertiefen. Kreuers Blick auf die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede im Wesen von Mensch und Pferd ermöglicht es, unbewusste missverständliche Verhaltensmuster zu verändern, durch eine partnerschaftliche Strategie zu ersetzen und so zu einem besseren, harmonischeren Umgang mit Pferden zu finden. Kreuers Buch ermöglicht dem Leser nicht nur einen wichtigen Schritt zu einem empathischen und verständnisvollen Umgang mit seinem Pferd, sondern auch einen klareren Blick auf sich selbst.

      • Horses & ponies
        June 2001

        The Versatile Welsh Breeds

        by Williams, Brenda

        A detailed look at the strength and variety of Welsh cob breeds, including profiles of notable breeding studs in Wales and beyond, and advice on breeding and showing, written by a qualified riding school instructor and an experienced horse breeder. 51 col

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