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      • Trusted Partner
        Dogs as pets
        November 2014

        Dogs in the Leisure Experience

        by Neil Carr

        This book explores the social and cultural constructions and debates of what are dogs and what is leisure. It looks at how working dogs play a significant role in leisure experiences such as ensuring the safety of air transport, and considers the differing roles and changing acceptance of dogs’ involvement in sport. Within the setting of the animal welfare and sentience debates, it examines the leisure needs of dogs and their owners. Providing an original contribution to our understanding of dogs as both participants and objects in the leisure experience, this book is a useful resource for researchers in leisure, hospitality and tourism.

      • Trusted Partner
        Rabbits & rodents as pets
        March 2013

        Rabbit Production

        by James I McNitt, Nephi M Patton, Steven D Lukefahr, Peter Robert Cheeke

        This new edition of Rabbit Production is fully updated throughout. Mainly concerning rabbits bred for meat and fur, it also contains practical information on pet rabbits, show rabbits and rabbits used as laboratory animals. Core topics are covered, including rabbit genetics, reproduction, health and diseases, behaviour, welfare, fur and meat production, rabbit production in developing countries, slaughter and the marketing of rabbit products. Current areas of interest such as animal welfare and coat colour genetics are expanded in the new edition. An important resource for all those involved in rabbit production, this book is also vital reading for students and researchers of animal science and meat production, as well as the keen amateur rabbit enthusiast.

      • Trusted Partner
        Farm & working animals
        December 1997

        Nutrition of Goats

        by Edited by AFRC Technical Committtee

        This report is a comprehensive review of published information on the body composition and digestive physiology of temperate zone goats, the composition of their products, meat, milk and fibre, their voluntary feed intake, and their associated energy, protein, mineral and vitamin requirements. The systematic approach is similar to that of earlier reviews of ruminant nutrient requirements published by the Agricultural Research Council in 1980 and 1984, which are factorial in nature. In particular the energy and protein requirements are expressed in terms of Metabolisable Energy (ARC 1980, AFRC 1990) and Metabolisable Protein (AFRC1992), using the models for cattle and sheep as appropriate. The requirements for calcium and phosphorus have been calculated utilising the factors specified in a separate AFRC report published in 1991. The report also identifies areas where there is a lack of research data specific to goats, recourse having to be made to published data for sheep (particularly for voluntary feed intake and the nutrient requirements of pregnancy) or cattle, as most appropriate. The review has 49 tables covering all aspects of the subject, and is fully referenced. It represents an authoritative review for advanced students, research workers and advisors in animal nutrition.

      • Trusted Partner
        The environment
        October 2022

        The Soul of a Lion

        Reflections on a life lived with animals

        by Willie Labuschagne

        The Soul of a Lion, an engaging memoir by Willie Labuschagne, is an exhilarating journey which begins with the young conservationist’s unique experiences with wild animals. From his groundbreaking research on the desert cheetah’s behaviour and ecology to becoming an internationally respected consultant on environmental and wildlife-related issues, he holds the reader’s attention with all the skill of the master storyteller. The numerous occasions when Willie faced potentially life-threatening situations with wild animals are vividly recounted, many of them wryly humorous while others evoke deep emotion. But not all animal encounters took place in the wild. A significant and poignant encounter that further inspired Willie’s approach to conservation occurred when, during his time as director of the Johannesburg Zoo, he and his family hand-raised a newborn lion cub that had been rejected by its mother. Willie shares his entertaining and often moving life experiences with warmth and understanding, whether it is sleeping under the stars with the bushmen of the Kgalagadi desert or observing the traditions of the Zulu Royal House. His travels in the African landscape in particular are an exciting panorama of many distinctive habitats, from the relentless desert of the Skeleton Coast in Namibia to the pristine beauty of the Tsitsikamma Forest and the breathtaking vastness of the African bushveld. He is forthright in his view of the critical position of the world we live in and the future it holds for mankind and believes that we are all part of a custodianship which should do everything in its power to protect our fragile environment.

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        December 2024

        The Handbook of Ornamental Fish Health and Welfare

        by Nick Saint-Erne, Nick Saint-Erne

        This book forms a complete resource covering ornamental fish health and welfare from a recognized expert on the topic. Beginning with an overview of the tropical fish industry and aquarium keeping, it covers all the key elements of care, including water-quality testing and maintenance, filtration systems, nutrition, husbandry, handling and transportation of fish, disease diagnosis, treatments and medications, and disease prevention. It also reviews areas of wider interest, such as biosecurity and zoonoses. The book can be read through to gain a complete overview of the care and welfare of ornamental aquarium and pond fish, or it can be used to easily look up specific information about a topic of interest. With numerous illustrations and photographs, plus references allowing readers to study areas of interest in more detail, this book makes an invaluable teaching and reference handbook. It is a vital source of information for veterinarians, scientists using fish in their labs, students, ornamental fish breeders, retail pet store workers, and aquarium keepers looking for trusted advice about how to properly care for their ornamental freshwater fish.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2024

        Dog politics

        Species stories and the animal sciences

        by Mariam Motamedi Fraser

        Do dogs belong with humans? Scientific accounts of dogs' 'species story,' in which contemporary dog-human relations are naturalised with reference to dogs' evolutionary becoming, suggest that they do. Dog politics dissects this story. This book offers a rich empirical analysis and critique of the development and consolidation of dogs' species story in science, asking what evidence exists to support it, and what practical consequences, for dogs, follow from it. It explores how this story is woven into broader scientific shifts in understandings of species, animals, and animal behaviours, and how such shifts were informed by and informed transformative political events, including slavery and colonialism, the Second World War and its aftermath, and the emergence of anti-racist movements in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The book pays particular attention to how species-thinking bears on 'race,' racism, and individuals.

      • Trusted Partner
        Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        September 2023

        Pre and Probiotics for Poultry Gut Health

        by Helen Masey O'Neill, Emily Burton, Dawn Scholey

        Poultry are the most widely used animal protein source in the world: billions of meat birds are produced globally each year, using 360 million tonnes of feed. Within Europe, over 30,000 companies involved in the production of poultry create an annual turnover of €107 billion. However, maintaining the sustainability of the industry as it moves towards antibiotic-free production is one of the key challenges. Starting with an overview of antibiotics as growth promoters and the challenges faced as the industry moves away from their use, this book then thoroughly considers the potential of pre and probiotic additives in poultry gut health. The book: - Includes thorough definitions of additives in the pre and probiotic space and examples of how they work; - Addresses how to test pre and probiotics and other similar additives, and how they interact with other products, with learning from both poultry and allied sectors; - Combines authors from both academic and industry backgrounds on all chapters, to ensure coverage is balanced, robust and commercially relevant. Based on the renowned World Poultry Science Association UK Branch Poultry Science Symposium 2022, this book provides a thorough and valuable contribution to the field for all involved with the nutrition and production of poultry.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Doggy people

        The Victorians who made the modern dog

        by Michael Worboys

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Doggy people

        The Victorians who made the modern dog

        by Michael Worboys

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Doggy people

        The Victorians who made the modern dog

        by Michael Worboys

        We know that there were dogs in Victorian Britain, but who were the 'Doggie People' who kept them, bred them, showed them, worked with them and cared for them? Chapter by chapter, this book reveals the varied and often eccentric lives of the Victorians who helped define dogs as we know them today. The cast runs from the very pinnacle of society, Queen Victoria, to near the bottom with Jemmy Shaw, a publican, boxer, promoter of dog-fights and rat-killing. The others include an artist, aristocrats, authors, a clergymen, doctors, a dog-dealer, a feminist, journalists, landowners, millionaires, philanthropists, politicians, scientists, a stockbrokers, veterinarians, and a showman - none other their Charles Cruft. Looking at the invention and meaning of new breeds such as poodles, collies, Jack Russells, and borzois amongst others, we see how the Victorians thought about pets, sports, dog shows and animal rights.

      • The natural world, country life & pets
        October 2013

        A Guide to Wild Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar

        by Clive Finlayson, Geraldine Finlayson, Stewart Finlayson

        A Guide to Wild Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar is a unique book that brings together the history of exploration of the 'wild' country that is the Iberian                Peninsular in the 19th Century.                             The authors retrace the footsteps taken by four British naturalists based in Gibraltar and Jerez: Abel Chapman, a vitner from Sunderland, among whose               achievements was the saving from extinction of the Spanish ibex and large involvement in the establishment of Africa's first game reserve, now the Kruger National Park; Walter Buck, a native of Jerez who became British Vice-Consul in that city, and together with Chapman described the countryside, people and wildlife of Spain in two classic books Wild Spain (1893) and Unexplored Spain (1910); Leonard Howard Loyd Irby, an army officer and keen ornithologist who devoted his time to the study of birds in southern Iberia aftern his arrival in Gibraltar in 1868 and published his findings in his Ornithology of the Straits of Gibraltar (1875);and William Willoughby Cole Verner, also a military man, who was a keen naturalist and explorer and wrote in 1909 My Life among the Wild Birds in Spain on his retirement in Algeciras.                            Quoting liberally from the works of these intrepid naturalists and embellishing the book with their own exquisite photographs, the Finlayson family has produced an evocative image of a landmass so diverse that their predecessors, Chapman and Buck, recognised that "included within its boundaries are nearly all the physical conditions of Europe and northern Africa".                            The book is, however, not only a fascinating travelogue but also a plea for conservation as some of wild Iberia's treasures are now under serious threat. The grand Egyptian vulture,for example, the authors maintain, may well be extinct in Andalucía in a decade's time. Happily there is a counter-balance with the recovery of some species like the glossy ibis and the purple gallinule.                             A Guide to Wild Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar is a multi-facetted, cleverly conceived book that is directed at anyone who has an interest in the natural history of the three territories that make up the Iberian Peninisular. It tells the reader where to go to find unique species or natural phenomena like the migration of birds of prey. In substance, it is visually stunning 21st Century snapshot of one of Europe's ecologically richest lands.                             Author's Note: Clive Finlayson is a Gibraltar-born biologist and his work has included research into the ecology of birds and that of the Neanderthals. His wife,                 Geraldine, was also born in Gibraltar and is a biogeographer. She has worked on many field projects including inside the Doñana National Park. Their son, Stewart, is a keen naturalist and is reading for a PhD in biology. He is intimately familiar with the wildlife of Iberia and also heads the Gibraltar Museum Caving Unit.

      • The natural world, country life & pets
        November 2007


        How nature has shaped history

        by Clive Finlayson

        Clive Finlayson is also author of al-Andalus, an equally evocative, wonderfully illustrated, personal tribute to the Iberian Peninsular which he modestly sums up as "the story of olives, tuna, cork forests, vultures, wolves and humans". This "story" embraces the multi-lateral disciplines of history, geography and ecology. The historical element spans some five million years, from the opening of the Strait of Gibraltar to the present day; its geographical breadth takes in the old territory of al-Andalus, from Tarifa and Gibraltar in the south to the Cantabrian Mountains and the Pyrenees in the north; and its ecological scope extends from the coastal marshes of Doñana to the peaks of the Sierra Nevada. However, this is also the story of the countless individuals who had an impact on the land and its surrounding waters - from the earliest fishermen through the Romans to the tuna industry controllers of today - and it vividly relates the medieval struggle between Islam and Christianity and the role of the landscape in that struggle. From a loving appreciation of the richness of the Peninsular's wildlife to an intriguing account of the last Neanderthal, this book will strike a warm chord of interest in all Hispanaphiles. But beyond the visual luxury and the detective work there emerges a strong intent as fellow academic, José Carrión, Professor of Evolutionary Botany at the University of Murcia, notes, with the following subtle analogy: "The main purpose of the book is to make an argument for a compelling association between biodiversity and human past and future. The emphasis is on making readable a modern approach to historical ecology; how to cook chance and constraint, and make the meal enjoyable. Ultimately this book is about the thin, though not straight, line that exists between the fate of humans and the fates of other living beings. The final taste is that something crucial is at stake". Author's Note: Clive Finlayson is a Gibraltar-born biologist and his work has included research into the ecology of birds and that of the Neanderthals. He has been Director of the Gibraltar Musuem since 1991 and is also the territory's Director of Heritage.

      • The natural world, country life & pets
        January 2015

        Bach-Blüten für die Pferdeseele

        Entspannung und Linderung durch Bach-Blütentherapie

        by Brehmer, Marion

        Bach Flowers can not only help people to get back into a state of mental equilibrium: It may also be advisable for horses to take Bach Flower Remedies when they suffer from numerous complaints. Fears, learning difficulties, and numerous vices such as bobbing or weaving can be treated with Bach Flower Therapy. In this book Marion Brehmer presents all 38 Bach Flowers in detail and provides tested practical tips for their use on horses. A compilation of frequent symptoms makes it easier for the reader to choose the right flower for their own horse. For readers who wish for more expert assistance, there is an analysis sheet at the end of the book, which can be sent free of charge to the author for further analysis. *** Bach-Blüten können nicht nur Menschen helfen, wieder in ein seelisches Gleichgewicht zu gelangen: Auch für Pferde kann die gezielte Einnahme von Bach-Blüten bei zahlreichen Beschwerden ratsam sein. Ängste, Lernschwierigkeiten und zahlreiche Untugenden wie Koppen oder Weben können mit einer Bach-Blüten-Therapie behandelt werden. Marion Brehmer stellt in diesem Buch alle 38 Bach-Blüten ausführlich vor und gibt erprobte Praxistipps für ihre Anwendung bei Pferden. Eine Zusammenstellung häufiger Symptome erleichtert dem Leser die Auswahl der richtigen Blüte für das eigene Pferd. Wer auf Expertenhilfe nicht verzichten will, findet am Ende des Buches einen Analysebogen, der kostenfrei an die Autorin zur weiteren Analyse gesandt werden kann.

      • The natural world, country life & pets

        Natural Journey

        An encounter between Arts and Science

        by Josefina Hepp, Vivian Lavin, María José Arce

        “Natural Journey” aims to remove the old-fashioned tension between art and science in order to approach nature’s shapes and colors with astonishment and without being distracted from the main task: to learn from it and listen to its call in the midst of the climate crisis.  Botanical illustration is the art that allows us to enter the world of plants through our senses. But it is also a scientific record that provides botanists and scholars with subtle and precise representations that no technological device can reproduce.  A botanist, an illustrator and a journalist are touched by the journey led by other women who inspired them with their environmental sensitivity and awareness. When reading “Natural Journey”, you will be taken into a pleasant walk through six types of plants whose names take after their identifying characteristics. “Travelers”, some inspire and others move (without legs or wings), “dangerous”, even lethal, colors and characteristics that define them, “deceitful”, traps and camouflages to get what they want, “rebels”, those who dodge the rules, undisciplined, stubborn and defiant, and  “hungry” from the Plant to the Animal Kingdom,  nutrient-capture strategies, “flamboyant”, as emerged from delirium. The book also contains each plant’s data sheet and mapping.

      • Dogs as pets
        May 2020

        Take the Lead

        How to Care for Your Dog – A Fun & Practical Guide

        by Elena Browne

        A fun and practical guide to caring for dogs and puppies. From exercise and play to comfort and care this book is an ideal guide for children who already have a dog, would like a dog or love learning about dogs.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        September 2020

        Between Light and Storm

        How We Live With Other Species

        by Esther Woolfson

        A landmark new book about the fraught relationship between humans and animals that takes us from Genesis to climate change.   Beginning with the very origins of life on Earth, Woolfson considers pre-historic human-animal interaction and traces the millennia-long evolution of conceptions of the soul and conscience in relation to the animal kingdom, and the consequences of our belief in human superiority. She explores our representation of animals in art, our consumption of them for food, our experiments on them for science, and our willingness to slaughter them for sport and fashion, as well as examining concepts of love and ownership.   Drawing on philosophy and theology, art and history, as well as her own experience of living with animals and coming to know, love and respect them as individuals, Woolfson examines some of the most complex ethical issues surrounding our treatment of animals and argues passionately and persuasively for a more humble, more humane, relationship with the creatures who share our world.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure

        Forest School Wild Play

        Outdoor Fun with Earth, Air, Fire & Water

        by Jane Worroll & Peter Houghton

        This is the third book in the brilliant Worroll & Houghton Forest School series, packed full of new games and activities. The theme is the four elements.

      • Handicrafts, decorative arts & crafts
        September 2020

        A Masterclass in needle felting dogs

        Methods and techniques to take your needle felting to the next level

        by Cindy-Lou Thompson

        The art of needle felting dogs can produce amazingly hyper-realistic – almost taxidermic – results, and with a little know-how, some needles and wool, and a few inexpensive accessories, you, too, can needle felt like a professional. If you have ever wanted to improve your needle felting and take it to a whole new level to create lifelike dogs, this book, by world class needle felting master Cindy-Lou Thompson of Chicktin Creations, will show you how. Covering four different breeds of dog (Dachshund, Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier and Poodle), with step-by-step instructions and photos, Cindy takes you through the processes of creating different body shapes, proportions, armatures, coats, and blending, as well as realistic accessories such as eyes, noses, mouths, ears, and nails. Learn how to achieve a professional finish with different textured coats, clipping and shaping, and finishing off, using a variety of mediums and methods, some of which Cindy has designed and developed herself, and never revealed ... until now.

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