Ground Floor
Where do you have to go to find yourself?
by Camilla Costa (writer) / Guilherme Athayde (illustrator)
Starting from the question “Where do you have to go to find yourself”, GROUND FLOOR is a gorgeously illustrated book that reflects on the act of moving and leaving a home. The illustrations by Gui Athayde depict a person, or a body, in transition, with sparse poetic text by Camilla Costa, print in both English and Portuguese. Here physical movement is grounded by internal stasis; or longing for a home that once was. The illustrations consume the pages in blues and reds, or sometimes get stripped back to leave only the text hand lettered and running parallel in both languages. MEET THE AUTHOR: Guy Athayde will be signning books during the Frankfurt Buchmesse:21.10.2023 | 16:00 - 16:40 h CEST@ Booth 4.1/B85