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      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Trust me!The way to loose weigh like this

        by Hu Weiqin

        The book shows women the ways to loose weight through everyday meals, exercise and Chinese medicine. This book will lead you to loose weight easily while enjoy the healthy delicious food. It also write about the reasons of fail to loose weight

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Trust me!How to keep ovary healthy

        by Hu Weiqin

        This is a book for introducing how to keep uterus healthy. From explaining the symptom of uterus and ovary to show you how to keep the common disease for women away. Keep ovary healthy,Keep a healthy life.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Trust me!The importance of Vital energy and blood for women

        by Hu Weiqin

        The book talks about how to adjust the vital energy and blood for women during the menstrual period by herbal cuisine, daily motion, self massage and etc. It includes some recipe to adjust the vital energy and blood for different illness. It also introduces the ways of having herbal cuisine, flower tea and snacks to enhance vital energy and blood.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Trust me!How to keep in tune well

        by huweiqin

        The book depends on the characteristics of all viscus, introduces several knowledges about keep in good health. It also recommends the healthy lifestyles for women and let them concentrate more on their health.   内容简介 本书根据每个脏腑的特点,综合介绍了不同的养生知识,还挑选了目前最热的中医养生法为广大女性的身体健康保驾护航,兼顾每个生活细节,分别讲述女性应养成的良好生活习惯及运动方式,从而引导女性朋友关注自身健康。

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Decrease fat of body

        by Zhao Ting

        The book contains several recipes of healthy meals which can help you to decrease your fat level instead of only loosing weight. Healthy meals and detox can help you to keep fit.     内容简介 体脂面前,体重什么都不算!减体重只治标,降体脂才治本!营养师私家亲授减肥食谱,健康进食排毒塑形,吃着吃着就瘦了的饮食减肥法!

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Take Care of Breasts

        by Ge Xiaoyan

        This book introduces basic knowledge on breast health, breast culture throughout history, people’s misunderstandings, physiological structure and breast transformation, as well as how to select brassieres. It also shares some basic methods on protecting breasts and preventing breast-related diseases.   内容简介 本书为读者介绍了乳房的基本健康知识、从古至今的乳房文化、人们对乳房的一些误解、乳房的生理结构及其变化、胸罩和乳房的关系、如何挑选出适合自己的胸罩等,还分享了乳房的健康饮食、运动、护肤等方法,以及预防乳腺增生、乳头内陷、乳腺炎、乳腺癌等的常识和方法;全书致力于为读者塑造健康而又美丽的乳房。

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        How to keep Uterus and ovary healthy

        by Xu Jianyang

        c This is a book for introducing how to keep uterus and ovary healthy. From explaining the symptom of uterus and ovary to show you how to keep the common disease for women away. It also explain how to solve the problem of getting fat and having pimples by taking good care of Uterus and ovary healthy.     内容简介 这是一本关于子宫卵巢健康的书,也是一本美容养颜书。以卵巢、子宫出现问题的症状表现为切入点,有针对性地介绍如何通过调养子宫卵巢,改善内分泌、排毒……,从而解决痘痘、色斑、发胖等问题。同时也介绍了一些女性常见病,让女人不仅能外养,还可以内调,远离女人病,活得更健康。

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        The importance of enhance Vital energy and blood

        by Wu Zhongchao

        The central point health specialist Wu Zhongchao wrote 50 common health problems and 1000 ways of enhancing vital energy and blood.     内容简介 中央保健会诊专家吴中朝先生,专门写给千万气血亏虚者的“补气血”方案。50种常见身体问题,1000种补气血方法!轻松改善手脚冰凉、精神不振、失眠健忘、便秘等健康问题。

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Keep the chronic disease away

        by Wu Yuewei Tang Guanhui

        This book contains a lot of folk prescriptions, ancient prescriptions, Chinese prescriptions and etc. for different disease. It introduces 60 ways to keep the diseases away.   内容简介 本书是集偏方、验方、古方、中医疗法、对症食疗、运动疗法为一体的保健百科,是作者70多年养生、抗病亲身经验的大集解!包括80个全家人适用的老偏方!60个顽疾对抗高招!能用一辈子的家庭养生治病必备宝典,告诉你与顽疾对着干的强大智慧!

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Heal Knee Pain

        by Zhang Fu

        This book is a collaborative work of experts in strength, body building, rehabilitation training and sports medicine. It is a manual for knee protection, functional training and injury recovery, offering practical and comprehensive guidance for athletes. The writer intends to share his own experience of healing knee pain with readers.   内容简介 力量、体能、体形、康复训练专家与运动医学专家的鼎力之作,膝关节保健、功能性训练与伤后康复训练手册,实用、全面的运动者有效护膝指南!作者以亲身经历与万千读者一起见证“终结膝痛”!

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Dispelling Cold

        by Yang Li

        The book introduces several ways to dispelling cold, 20 kinds of disease caused by body cold state, and ways to keep warm for 3 types of people who are afraid of cold. The book is rich in content as well as contains many pictures. 如果你是女性,你是不是经常畏寒怕冷,手脚冰凉,痛经宫寒,气色也差?总是提不起精神,熬夜过后昏昏沉沉完全不能工作?孩子体质差,反复感冒、高烧不退?中老年人,尤其是老年人,阳气不足,尤其怕过冬天,感觉肿痛……其实这些都是体内寒气惹的祸! 这本书中从6大方面解析体寒形成因素,20种体寒疾病全面分析,3类怕寒人群重点防寒攻略,4类几十种祛寒方法详细图解,内容丰富而全面,配以大量的图片,轻松驱除寒气,小病不反复,大病不沾身。

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development

        Household Chinese Medicines for Invigoration

        by Jin Yaming

        Complete contraindications for safe application: Contraindicated group, contraindications and contraindication of application of each Chinese medicine are listed in this book in detail to let you select Chinese medicine and apply safely according to your physique. Invigoration prescription easy for application. Simple and easy application invigorating methods with Chinese medicine, such as making tea, soaking with alcohol and stewing and fried dish are importantly introduced which are closely linked with life. Simple illustrations easy for understanding: Pictures on the left and tables on the right of this book are clear easy to understand. Aiming at popularizing the culture of Chinese medicines, this book collects more than 120 common Chinese medicines, analyze the properties and effect, collocation and contraindications of each Chinese medicine carefully and offer some corresponding household invigoration prescriptions to draw a relatively complete application map of Chinese medicine for reference.

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