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      • Science fiction

        The Omniconstants - Hollow Earth

        Book 2

        by Christos Rodoulla Tsiailis

        The second book of the series 'The Omniconstants', where the secret society acts to the benefit of the world from an underworld perspective.

      • Science fiction

        The Omniconstants - Hollow Earth

        Book 2

        by Christos Rodoulla Tsiailis

        The second book of the series 'The Omniconstants', where the secret society acts to the benefit of the world from an underworld perspective.

      • Fiction
        November 2011

        Code Blood

        by Kurt Kamm

        Colt Lewis, a rookie fire paramedic, is obsessed with finding the severed foot of his first victim after she dies in his arms. His search takes him into the connected lives of a graduate research student, with the rarest blood in the world and the vampire fetishist who is stalking her. Within the corridors of high-stakes medical research laboratories, the shadow world of body parts dealers, and the underground Goth clubs of Los Angeles, Lewis uncovers a tangled maze of needles, drugs and maniacal ritual, all of which lead to death. But whose death? An unusual and fast-paced LA Noir thriller.

      • Biotechnology
        March 2016

        Rejuvenation in Fruit Trees

        Tropical Subtropical

        by Rajesh Kumar

        The book entitled ‘Rejuvenation in Fruit Trees (Tropical and Subtropical) is up-to-date and informative, publication, covering all vital aspects on rejuvenation technology in perennial fruit trees. The book is full-fledged and updated publication on rejuvenation technology. By going through the book one can adopt this technology in all high-value fruit crops of woody perennial nature of tropical and subtropical groups. The concept of rejuvenation, present trend and constraints, its need, adoption level and successful implementation with proper package of cultural practices and management strategies, have been discussed in details in the book. All efforts have been made to increase production, productivity and profitability of fruit crops at a sustainable basis. The requisite information and need-based requirements have also been brought within purview in addition to critical perspective that foster a better understanding of its R&D issues. This book will be of immense utility to students of Agriculture/Horticulture, at B.Sc, M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels, academic experts, researchers, scientists, administrators, policy-makers, farmers, exporters, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in fruit production enterprise.

      • Physiology
        October 2011

        Physio-Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Vegetable Crops

        by M.K. Rana

        This book is aimed at providing systematic information on nutritional importance of vegetables in human nutrition, physiology, post-harvest technology, biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetables at a single source. The book contains very concise and precise information on physio-biochemical and biotechnological aspects of vegetable crops and also covers areas like resistance against diseases and herbicides and tolerance against drought and salinity and the physical aspects of quality, i.e., shape, size, texture, colour, tenderness, etc. It also contains the information on best possible solutions of problems faced by the students, scientists, growers and trade. The information given in this book is truly based on scientific records of scientists working on vegetables in various institutes. The book on physio-biochemical and biotechnological aspects of vegetable crops compiled for the students of postgraduate and postdoctoral programs is one such attempt to make them learn and understand the subject more precisely and motivate them o improve their knowledge in the field of physio-biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetables crops to meet the future needs. In addition, this book may be user-friendly to others who have the concern to expand their knowledge in the field of physio-biochemistry and biotechnology of vegetable crops and wish to fetch more remuneration from vegetable crops.

      • Agriculture & farming
        February 2023

        Plant Propagation and Nursery Management For Fruit Crops

        by Rakesh Kumar Jat & Mohan Lal Jat

        This book covers most of the areas of plant propagation including from traditional to recent advances. The emphasis has not only laid on plant propagation techniques and nursery management practices, but also on the ideas and their applications. The book will help the students to understand various techniques of plant propagation and nursery management and their utility in a very simple way.

      • Agronomy & crop production
        January 2013

        Breeding,Biotechnology and Seed Production of Field Crops

        by Bidhan Roy, Asit Kumar Basu & Asit B.Mandal

        In modern days, crop improvement is a multidisciplinary division of agriculture. In this book, entitled, "Breeding, Biotechnology and Seed Production of Field Crops", emphasis has been given on principles, methods and practices in plant breeding, biotechnology in crop improvement and seed production of field crops. The book has been written for all sections of learners, educators and staff-members of seed industries. Particular importance has been underlined for postgraduate students who specialize in plant breeding and seed science. Each of the book has been designed as per the recommended of syllabus of Indian Council of Agricultural Research for the postgraduate students of various Agricultural Universities in our country. This book has been divided into two major parts- i) Principles of crop breeding and ii) Methods and practices of crop improvement and seed production of individual field crop. The book contains total of 18 chapteFirst three s are related to shed light on the basic-principles and remaining s deal with methods and practices of individual crop for improvement and seed production. We hope that the book will be ready to lend a hand to the advanced undergraduate students doing plant breeding in elective, postgraduate students who opted plant breeding, teachers, researchers and staff-members of private seed companies of this field of specialization.

      • Nanotechnology
        January 2012

        Applied Computational Biology and Statistics in Biotechnology and Bioinformatics (Set of 2 Vols.)

        by Ajit Kumar Roy

        The book entitledis aimed to cater to the growing demand of academia, researchers and commercial ventures. Altogether there are forty four s divided into the following broad sections like 1. Bioinformatics, Genomics and Proteomics, 2. Phylogeny 3. Drug Design and Epigenomics 4. Advanced Computational Tools and Techniques 5. Statistical methods for computational biology, data mining and visualization 6. Socio Economics and Ethics. This book presents the foundations of key problems in computational molecular biology and bioinformatics. It contains basic molecular biology concepts, tools, techniques and ways to measure sequence similarity, presents simple applications of searching sequence databases. After introducing methods for aligning multiple biological sequences and genomes, the text explores applications of the phylogenetic tree, methods for comparing phylogenetic trees, the problem of gene expression and motif finding. Interestingly, it is attempted to introduce computational biology without formulas that presents the biological and computational ideas in a relatively simple manner. It focuses on computational and statistical principles applied to genomes, and introduces the computational statistics that are crucial for understanding and visualization of problems. This makes the material accessible to Statistician and computer scientists without biological training, as well as to biologists with limited background in Statistics and computer science. Furthermore one has been exclusively devoted to computational biology and computational statistics as applied in biotechnology illustrated with methodology, application and interpretation of results. More than four hundred figures, illustrations and diagrams reinforce concepts and present key results from the primary literature that will be very much useful to grasp on the subject, visualize the output and make right interpretation of the result. The book will be useful for all those working in Biotechnology sector in general and particularly researchers working in the laboratories of ICAR, CSIR, SAUs and many more institutions engaged R&D activities.

      • Nanotechnology
        January 2010

        Biotechnology in Animal Health and Production

        by Satish Kumar Jindal & M.C.Sharma

        This book describes and evaluates animal biotechnology and its application in veterinary medicine and pharmaceuticals as well as improvement in animal food production. Transgenic technologies are used for improving milk production and the meat in farm animals as well as for creating models of human diseases. Transgenic animals are used for the production of proteins for human medical use. Biotechnology is applied to facilitate xenotransplantation from animals to humans. Genetic engineering is done in farm animals and nuclear transfer technology has become an important and preferred method for cloning animals. Biotechnology has potential applications in the management of several animal diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, classical swine fever, avian flue and bovine spongiform encephalopathy. The most important biotechnology based products consist of vaccines, particularly genetically engineered or DNA vaccines. Gene therapy for diseases of pet animals is a fast developing area because many of the technologies used in clinical trials humans were developed in animals and many of the diseases of cats and dogs are similar to those in humans. RNA interference technology is now being applied for research in veterinary medicine. Molecular diagnosis is assuming an important place in veterinary practice. Polymerase chain reaction and its modifications are considered to be important. Fluorescent in situ hybridization and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays are also widely used. Newer biochip-based technologies and biosensors are also finding their way in veterinary diagnostics. This book is an attempt to unravel the mysteries of biotechnology as it affects animal health and production."

      • Botany & plant sciences
        October 2021

        Fungi Classification and Identification

        by Reeti Singh, Ajay Kumar, Jagdish Kumar Patidar, Pragati Saini, R.K. Pandya , Ashish Bobade & Radha Gupta

        The literature on fungi is huge and expanding rapidly. Many undergraduate students do not have sufficient time to read original publications, and rely solely on the course teacher due to non -availability of illustrated practical book in this field. The book tries to give important and useful information at one place. The main emphasis of this book is to present the fungi in such a simple way which can be understood by students. This book is designed to fulfill the syllabus by covering various aspects of fungi. It provides something for everyone from beginners to advanced students and researchers. There has been a continuous need to add atleast some additional recent text and more illustrations to the book for the subject which will benefit the students.

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