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      • Trusted Partner
        Rural planning
        September 2005

        Rural Change and Sustainability

        Agriculture, the Environment and Communities

        by Stephen J Essex, Andrew W Gilg, John Smithers, Randall Wilson. Edited by Richard Yarwood.

        This book draws upon selected, revised and edited papers from a conference of rural geographers from the UK, USA and Canada, held at the Universities of Plymouth and Exeter. It focuses on rural regions, which are facing conflicting demands, pressures and challenges, which themselves have far-reaching implications for rural space and society. Themes that occur throughout the book include agricultural change, environmental issues, rural communities, governance and globalization, and rural responses to these.

      • Trusted Partner
        Rural planning
        January 1992

        Contemporary Rural Systems in Transition Volume 2

        Economy and Society

        by Ian R Bowler, Christopher Bryant, Duane Nellis

        This is volume two of this series on contemporary rural systems in transition

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2023

        Rural quality of life

        by Pia Heike Johansen, Anne Tietjen, Evald Bundgård Iversen, Henrik Lauridsen Lolle, Jens Kaae Fisker

        Recent research suggests that rural residents in the global North are happier than urban populations in the same countries. This goes against received wisdom in the field, where the opposite is usually assumed. Is quality of life better in the rural areas? How and under which circumstances is this the case? What can we learn from digging deeper into the rural-urban happiness paradox and which critical questions does this leave us with for the future? What might policymakers, planners, architects, and other decision-makers learn about how, when, and where to intervene? Rural quality of life delves deeper into these matters by asking what quality of life in rural areas is all about - in everyday life, through interventions in the built environment, in civil society and measures of subjective well-being.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2023

        Rural quality of life

        by Pia Heike Johansen, Anne Tietjen, Evald Bundgård Iversen, Henrik Lauridsen Lolle, Jens Kaae Fisker

        Recent research suggests that rural residents in the global North are happier than urban populations in the same countries. This goes against received wisdom in the field, where the opposite is usually assumed. Is quality of life better in the rural areas? How and under which circumstances is this the case? What can we learn from digging deeper into the rural-urban happiness paradox and which critical questions does this leave us with for the future? What might policymakers, planners, architects, and other decision-makers learn about how, when, and where to intervene? Rural quality of life delves deeper into these matters by asking what quality of life in rural areas is all about - in everyday life, through interventions in the built environment, in civil society and measures of subjective well-being.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 2022

        Rural quality of life

        by Pia Heike Johansen, Anne Tietjen, Evald Bundgård Iversen, Henrik Lauridsen Lolle, Jens Kaae Fisker

        Recent research suggests that rural residents in the global North are happier than urban populations in the same countries. This goes against received wisdom in the field, where the opposite is usually assumed. Is quality of life better in the rural areas? How and under which circumstances is this the case? What can we learn from digging deeper into the rural-urban happiness paradox and which critical questions does this leave us with for the future? What might policymakers, planners, architects, and other decision-makers learn about how, when, and where to intervene? Rural quality of life delves deeper into these matters by asking what quality of life in rural areas is all about - in everyday life, through interventions in the built environment, in civil society and measures of subjective well-being.

      • Geography & the Environment
        October 2020

        Unterirdische Perspektiven

        Die historische Nutzung verborgener Räume und ihre Möglichkeiten für die Zukunft

        by Alexander Glück

        Unterirdische Räume geben der Nachwelt Auskunft über die Menschheitsgeschichte. Von jeher waren Höhlen im Falle einer Bedrohung oder eines Krieges Zufluchtsorte für Menschen. Ebenso wurden Kampfhandlungen während eines Krieges unterirdisch mit künstlich geschaffenen Tunnel- und Stollensystemen geführt. Befestigungsanlagen zum Beispiel wiesen geheime Fluchttunnel auf, durch die man im Belagerungsfall flüchten oder, vom Gegner unbemerkt, Verstärkung in diese hineinführen konnte.Neben der Entwicklungsgeschichte von so genannten "Unterstädten" richtet sich der sachkundige Blick hier auf geologische, architektonische, volkskundliche und technische Aspekte des Untergrunds. Alexander Glück M. A., geboren 1969 in Usingen, Studium der Fächer Buchwesen, Politikwissenschaft und Deutsche Volkskunde in Mainz, lebt seit 1996 als Publizist in Österreich. Zahlreiche Beiträge für Feuilletons, Fach- und Kulturzeitschriften. Veröffentlichte 2001 zusammen mit Marcello La Speranza und Peter Ryborz "Unter Wien. Auf den Spuren des dritten Mannes durch Kanäle, Grüfte und Kasematten".

      • Agriculture & farming
        May 2023

        Field To Lab

        A Comprehensive Handbook For Agricultural Extension

        by Sapna Jarial

        One of the primary goals of this handbook is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the principles and practices of agricultural extension. This includes an overview of extension methods, tools, and techniques and an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of extension agents/researchers and the communities they serve. This bookincludes a series of twelve practical aimed at equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary to work effectively in rural development. Each practical is designed to provide hands-on experience and facilitate active learning. The following is a list of the practical: 1. Group Discussion Exercises 2. Handling and Preparation of Audio-Visual Aids 3. Preparation of extension literature 4. Presentation skills exercise 5. Micro-teaching exercise 6. Understanding the problems encountered by the villagers/ farmers 7. Organization and functioning of DRDA and various development departments at the district level 8. NGOs for learning from their experience in rural development 9. Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) techniques with their application in village development 10. Community radio, and television studio for understanding the process of programme production 11. Script writing, print and electronic media 12. Developing script for radio, television

      • Agriculture & farming
        July 2023

        Harvesting Hope

        The Ultimate Guide for Establishing a Sustainable Farmers Producer Organization

        by Anirban Mukherjee

        Harvesting Hope: The Ultimate Guide for Establishing a Sustainable Farmers Producer Organization is a must-read for anyone interested in the concept and status of producer companies. The book is designed to provide a clear understanding of the classification of FPOs, related theories, and the current status of FPOs in India. It is an excellent resource for researchers, academicians, policy makers, students, farmers, and anyone interested in the development of sustainable farming practices. This book provides a clear understanding of the concept and status of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) for researchers, policy makers, students, farmers, and others. It covers FPO classification, related theories, promotion guidelines, and success stories. It also offers advice on sustainability, business planning, and better functioning strategies. One of the unique features of this book is the inclusion of FAQs on Farmer Producer Company/ Farmer Producer Organisations. This section clarifies the answers to general questions about FPOs, making it easier for readers to understand the key concepts and principles behind them. It is a must-read for those interested in FPOs and their potential.

      • Rural planning
        July 2021


        Principles and Practices

        by Alok Kumar Patra

        Agroforestry is now recommended as a core subject in the curriculum of undergraduate courses of forestry, horticulture and agriculture. Keeping the needs of the students in mind this book has been written. Besides fulfilling curriculum requirements of the students, it will also help them to prepare for various competitive examinations. The plant lovers may also find this book worth reading.This book has been divided into twenty chapters covering all aspects of agroforestry including concepts, systems classifications, soil productivity, tree-crop interaction, watershed and wasteland management through agroforestry, climate change adaptation and mitigation, carbon sequestration, urban agroforestry, agroforestry design & diagnosis, economics and extension of agroforestry.

      • Rural planning
        January 2014


        Systems and Prospects

        by C. B. Pandey & O. P. Chaturvedi

        The book includes total 26 chapters; the first 10 describe traditional agroforestry systems found in different parts of our country. Homegardens, having a multi-tire in structure, are another example of traditional agroforestry system found generally in northeast and southern part of our country. 11 to 14 deal with some modern agroforestry models, and mechanism of competitive interaction in found in agroforestry systems. 15 to 19 describes nutrient cycling and natural growth resources conservation by agroforestry systems. Tree has both protective as well as productive role. Tree canopies protect soils from rain beating and wind blowing whereas fine roots bind soil particles together and thereby protect soils from erosion. Trees recycle leaf and root litter and nutrients and make system at least semi-sustainable. Different models of agroforestry like shelterbelt and wind breaks are known to help protect environment from dust and sand dunes drifting; some models like medicinal plant based system that provide medicinal and other high value crops. These service oriented functions of agroforestry are described in 20 to 23. Tree improvement is an important aspect of agroforestry study. It helps develop plus trees for different agroforestry models. Multiplication of propgules and planting materials are equally important for development of agroforestry. These information are provided in s 24 and 25. But, agroforestry systems require much more parameters owing to their perennial nature. The last describes economic parameters like NPV, IRR, annuity, sensitivity etc. in detail.

      • Rural planning
        June 2010

        ICTs for Agricultural Extension

        Global Experiments,Innovations and Experiences

        by R. Saravanan

        This book is an attempt to document the National Policy on ICTs in agricultural extension, ICT infrastructure scenario and related issues, case studies on innovative ICTs for agricultural extension initiatives (Village knowledge centres, information kiosks, mobile ICT units, web portals, digital data base and networks, rural tele centres, farmer call centres, mobile telephony, video conference, offline multimedia CDs, decision support systems, expert systems, innovative community radio and television programmes, open distance learning etc. The agricultural extension students, academicians, scientists, practitioners, administrators and policy makers will find this compilation of the "ICTs for Agricultural Extension: Global Experiments, Innovations and Experiences" from twenty eight countries relevant to providing a framework for the design and implementation of sustainable ICT-enabled extension services for the agricultural development.

      • Rural planning
        March 2017

        Glimpses of Practical in Extension Education

        by K. Pradhan, Vara Prasad C, Avishek Saha, Rema Das,Victor Sarkar & Subhrajyoti Panda

        This particular manual will guide students in gaining practical knowledge on various extension methods and methodologies involved in agriculture extension. After completing these assignments in this manual, student will not only gain knowledge on various extension programmes, activities of various extension institutes like KVK and ATIC but also they will be practically experience actual situation in the village through assignments like conducting PRAs, studying actual situations in the village and will be in a position to prepare an extension work plan for implementing the extension. This bookalso provides significant hands on experience in acquiring skill, which are mainly aimed at creating agricultural information materials, script writing for farm broadcast and telecast, technical writing and also handling AV aids in extension. This book provides suitable guidance for the students of agricultural universities and agricultural colleges. It is also indispensable to anyone who would like to be involved in agricultural extension activities for community and rural development.

      • Agriculture & farming
        August 2023

        Farmers Empowerment and Entrepreneurial Development Through FPOS and Start-UPS

        by V.K.Jayaraghavendra Rao, R. Venkattakumar, C.K.Narayana & C. Vasanthi

        The book is designed to expose the users to various aspects of hortipreneurship and value addition opportunities through farmers empowerment and entrepreneurial development through FPOs and Start-ups which is a different game per se, both through diversification and business strategies.

      • Rural planning
        September 2019

        Communication Technologies in Agriculture

        by P, Jaisridhar & Surudhi

        This textbook Communication Technologies in Agriculture will be a comprehensive book with 24 chapters which covers the old wisdom and also the new horizons in innovations and trends in Agricultural Extension for all those who are associated with Agricultural Extension as a student, scholar, researcher and practitioner. This book would serve to the information needs of all the stake holders in the change process. More fittingly, the Under Graduate students of Agriculture and Horticulture and Post Graduate students of Agricultural Extension, Mass Communication and Rural Development who would use it for enriching their theoretical requirements.

      • Rural planning
        April 2009

        Advances and Challenges in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development

        by T. Rathakrishnan, M. Israel Thomes & L. Nirmala

        The book "Advances and Challenges in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development" covers the applications of areas like extension education, extension educational technology, administration and management, human relation in development administration and human resource development, participatory approaches, recent approaches in extension techniques, extension strategies for changing agricultural scenario and rural development, transfer of technology efforts, and recent advances in research methodology which has highly innovative methods of applications and implementation. This book would prove helpful to the extension and rural development workers in planning and manipulating communication strategies. Besides that it will be useful to the students in the field of extension and rural development. This book will be very helpful to the researchers, planners, policy makers in planning and decision-making regarding agricultural extension and rural development."

      • Technology: general issues
        June 2011

        Extension Techniques for Livestock Development

        by Sanjeev Kumar Singh & S.D.Singh

        This book is also helpful for graduate, postgraduate and doctorate students pursuing studies in veterinary dairy, agriculture, fisheries, and other related sciences and provides them a first hand information on important aspects related to contribution of livestock to national income, community development, panchayati raj, livestock development programmes, audio-visual aids, extension teaching methods, programme planning, adoption and diffusion process, livestock marketing as well as animal husbandry management and administration. We are sure that this book will be beneficial for professors, teachers, trainers, researchers and extension professionals engaged in veterinary and animal husbandry extension and other professional courses.

      • Rural planning
        July 2023

        Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension Education and Rural Development

        by S.R. Padma & M. Jegadeesan

        This books objective is to present the basic ideas behind Extension Education and Rural Development to students studying agriculture and related fields. The students community will be benefitted by the book that organizes all the information on Extension Education and Rural Development. It is a simple tutorial that will help you comprehend topics more clearly. We anticipate that this book will be useful for both undergraduate agriculture students

      • Agriculture & farming
        September 2022

        Principles of Analytical and Instrumental Techniques

        by Premasis Sukul

        This is to serve as a valuable text- and reference book to the undergraduate and postgraduate students, and researchers in the field of agriculture, horticulture, food science, home science, forestry, biochemistry, biotechnology, agricultural chemicals and other allied fields. The book contains 9 different chapters, precisely and comprehensively covering various analytical and instrumental techniques. The chapters 1-3 of the book describe the fundamental aspects which are most important for the learners to know and to conduct any experiment in chemical and biochemical fields. The remaining chapters emphasize on various advanced techniques that are employed for separation of individual components from a mixture of substances, and their qualitative and quantitative estimation. Chapter 1 deals with the basic concepts on acid-base theories, pH, and buffer solution preparation and the mechanism of its action. Chapter 2 provides the preliminary knowledge on standard solutions and their preparations, and various titrimetric methods. Chapter 3 provides a glimpse on indicator chemistry: their types, mechanism and indicator solution preparation. Chapter 4 comprehensively explores centrifugation technique, its principle and types, rotors, etc. Chapter 5 introduces the readers to different types of electrophoresis technique used primarily for biochemical analysis including their principles and applications. Chapter 6 deals with various spectroscopic techniques that include basic theory of spectrophotometry, UV-VIS spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, nephelometry and turbidimetry, infrared spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, flame photometry and atomic fluorescence spectroscopy along with their applications. Chapter 7 concentrates on mass spectrometry with a detailed explanation on various sources of ionization and mass analyzers. Chapter 8 pertains to various chromatographic separation procedures including paper chromatography, thin layer chromatography, column chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration chromatography, affinity chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography and gas liquid chromatography. Each type of chromatographic separation technique includes their basic principle, instrumentation and applications. Lastly, Chapter 9 covers the importance and application of radioisotopes, types of particles and their properties, radioactive decay and disintegration rate, interactions of radiations with matter, radioactivity detection techniques and their instrumentation etc. Each chapter of the book contains a few model questions to help the learners self-assess their grasp of the subject as well as practice the frequently asked questions in various competitive examinations. Necessary references have been incorporated to motivate readers for further exploration.

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