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      • Trusted Partner
        Fisheries & related industries
        February 2011

        Fish Diseases and Disorders, 2nd Edition (buy all 3 volumes together)

        3 Volume Set

        by Edited by Patrick T K Woo

        Fish Diseases and Disorders, 2nd Editioncomprises fully updated information essential for fish health specialists, veterinarians and zoologists. Volume 1 (2006) presents protozoan and metazoan infections and molecular approaches to parasitology. Volume 2 (2010) covers non-infectious disorders, including a new chapter on the relationship between welfare issues and disorders associated with intensive fish culture. Volume 3 (2011) provides up to date information on viral, bacterial and fungal infections, and new chapters on alphaviruses, oncogenic viruses and genomics and proteomics. All three updated volumes of the acclaimed Fish Diseases and Disorders are now available to purchase together at a special price saving 20% on the individual volume prices.

      • Trusted Partner
        Fisheries & related industries
        February 2010

        Quest for Sustainable International Fisheries

        by Evelyne Meltzer

        The United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement (UNFSA) represents a major international effort to improve fisheries governance, resource recovery, and sustainable development of international fisheries. Straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks are especially vulnerable to overexploitation because of ineffective management regimes and noncompliance by fishing interests. This book explains the international legal framework, summarizes the state of the fisheries, and outlines the efforts of regional fishery management organizations (RFMOs) to adopt and implement key elements of UNFSA: the precautionary approach, the ecosystem approach, decision making, and enforcement.

      • Fisheries & related industries
        June 2023

        Ocean Dynamics

        Theory And Exercises (With Solutions)

        by A.S.N. Murty

        This book on Ocean Dynamics, though is a compilation from many sources, it mainly forms part of my personal teaching material at Berhampur University, University of Hyderabad and Arbaminch University. This book will be highly useful for graduate and post graduate students of Oceanography, physical oceanography, meteorology, atmospheric sciences, Aeronautical, Agricultural and space meteorlogy and many other related fields in civil and ocean engineering. Special interest in this book is providing many exercises and their solutions under each chapter for better understanding and applications. This book covers almost all the important topics in physical oceanography like currents with and without friction, upwelling and downwelling, water masses and TS-analysis, waves and tides, Estuaries, internal waves, seiches and storm surges and Rossby and Kelvin waves and related topics. Particular interest and attraction in this book is inclusion of recent developments on North Indian Ocean circulation.

      • Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        January 2009

        Fish Fermentation

        Traditional To Modern Approaches

        by Debabrat Baishya

        Fish Fermentation: Traditional to Modern Approaches is the first of its kind geared specifically for students interested in pursuing a career in Food Biotechnology and especially in Fish Processing Technology. There is information about fermented fish from Southeast Asia. Products from this region are highly salted and fermented until the fish flesh is transformed into simpler components and the fermentation process lasts for several months (three to nine months) and the fish flesh may liquefy or turn into a paste. Fermented fish products from the north eastern part of India share many common features with that from other Southeast Asian countries. Still some of the steps in the fermentation process are unique to the Northeast India. More over the scenario varies with the varieties of the fermented fish items. This book aims at bringing out not only the scientific basis of the fermentation process but also endeavors to cite the present market status of the fermented fish. With its balanced coverage of historical development, microbial diversity, nutritional aspects and contemporary application, the book provides the tools and basic knowledge necessary for success in this industry. Special sections on Probiotics and Fermented Fish, Starter Culture in Fish Fermentation are in great detail which is the outcome of various research works. This book is therefore, suitable for undergraduate, postgraduate as well as research students. The first, Fermented Food Products in India depicts about various fermented food items available in India and international scenario is also highlighted. The second , Traditional Fish Preservation Techniques gives an idea of traditional system of fish preservation in various parts of the world will surely help the students as well as the research students to carry out various projects in this field and in designing the protocol for standardization of fish preservation technique. The third , Microbial Diversity describe about the world of microbes in the fermented fish products, their role in fermentation, desirable and associated types of microbes in fish fermentation, the spoilage group of microbes involvedin fish fermentation, pathogenic microbes and possible health hazards, the beneficial group of microbes in the process and the relevant data of various research works. In the fourth , Nutritional Aspects of Fermented Fish, the nutritional value of a variety of fermented fish products are highlighted, their role as an important protein supplement for many nutritional diseases is also projected. This will give a basic idea of nutritional quality of fermented fish products. 5 and 6 are mainly aimed at introducing cutting edge technology in the field of fish fermentation which, in turn, is the result of the advent of modern biotechnological tools."

      • Fisheries & related industries
        January 2012

        Advances in Harvest and Postharvest Technology of Fish

        by D.D. Nambudari & K.V.Peter

        In recent years India has made notable advances in the fisheries. Progresses made in refinements of vessels, new line materials and line-handling systems, preserving the catch, the availability of oceanographic-sensor equipments and the utilization of satellite technology to locate potential fishing grounds have greatly improved the fishing power of longline vessels. Post harvest technology of fish has evolved in the last one decade to a more energy-efficient, cost-effective, and quality upgrading technology. Since fresh fish can get spoiled very quickly, the development of technology for post-harvest preservation and methodology to convert fish to value added products have also become popular in recent times. Value addition helps in getting high price for the fishery products. There is a need to develop competent human resources in the field of post harvest management of fish and production of value added products from them. It is required to inculcate vocational and entrepreneurial skills in order to widen employment opportunities, particularly among rural youth and the disadvantaged sections of the society as well as to enable self employment.

      • Agriculture & farming
        August 2021

        Economics in Shrimp Farming

        by Biswabas Patra

        The book has eight chapters. The first chapter deals with the introduction, problem, global shrimp production, shrimp production in India, significance, objectives, methodology and limitations of the study. In the second chapter a review of the existing studies on shrimp farming and its impact on economy, society and environment is presented. Socio-economic profile of the shrimp farmers is discussed in the third chapter. The fourth chapter discusses the shrimp farm management and marketing. The fifth chapter analyses the socio-economic impact of shrimp farming. The sixth chapter highlights the environmental problems due to shrimp farming. An evaluation of the existing policies related to shrimp farming is made in the seventh chapter. The last chapter presents the major findings for a sustainable, economically more viable and environment friendly shrimp farming. The book is very useful for the pisciculture students, academicians, policy makers, fish farmers, fish traders & exporters and other stakeholders; and will help shaping public policy for economically viable and environmentally sustainable shrimp farming in the future.

      • Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques
        July 2019

        Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics

        by A.P. Upadhyay, Ajit KumarRoy & Pramodh Kumar Pandey

        This book provides a detailed overview to the topic of international fisheries governance and the drivers of IUU fishing. Technologies that directly address these challenges reduce costs and improve and expand farm operations both offshore and especially on land are reported in this communication. The book provides information on the following areas to scientists, resource managers and researchers working with big data to advance more sustainable fisheries practices. Modeling in the areas of Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), Specific Feeding Ratio (SFR), Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that are needed for efficient management of resources for sustainable production from fisheries sector. Neural Network forecasts that exceeded other traditional forecasting methods such as linear or logistic regression systems. Application of Big Data Analytics in aquaculture that facilitated to bring the techniques of aquaculture to a new level of in depth understanding and unlocking the economic potential of improved management decisions particularly can spot business trends, prevent disease, combat crime, and even revolutionize the health of fisheries. Application of ANN to forecast water quality and temperature that benefits aquaculture process control. Sensor Technology that offers real-time environmental monitoring system for aquaculture in a wide range of areas and visual signal processing system to continuously control the feeding process of fish in aquaculture tanks. Artificial Intelligence Systems that in turn helps in increased process efficiency; reduced energy and water losses; reduced labor costs; reduced stress and disease; better understanding of the process and efficient accounting are also. Data Mining for better control on the food loss and food quality in the aqua farming industry. Analysis of Value Chain of Processed Fish Products Partial Budget Analysis for better understanding of the farms financial status and more efficient use of the resources available particularly for aquaculture practices. Tips for right type of statistical test to equip the social science researchers capable of performing of Statistical tests for various rating scales mostly used for social sciences research. A holistic, global-scale focus on challenges of IUU and technology initiatives to face the challenge This unique book explores a wide range of analytical issues centered on the aquaculture process management. It is expected that this book will be most useful who aims in achieving FAOs Sustainable Development Goal 14, which calls on the international community to effectively regulate fish harvesting end overfishing, illegal fishing, and destructive fishing practices, and to implement science-based management.

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