Educating and Supporting Girls with Asperger's and Autism
A resource for education and health professionals
by Victoria Honeybourne
This resource is designed to support education and health professionals to better understand how autism (including Asperger's syndrome) presents in girls. It explains the various difficulties and disadvantages they face in educational settings and provides strategies to overcome them. While supplying background information and theory, it also offers practical strategies for working with girls on the autism spectrum. The resource comes equipped with a broad range of worksheets and activities on key issues: self-awareness, preparing for school life, learning, wider school life, preparing for employment and preparing for further study. Other features include: Illustrated throughout with real-life quotes and case studies Guidance on best practices when working with girls with autism spectrum conditions Activities and resources for young females on the autism spectrum to support them in developing self-awareness, coping strategies and learning skills Uses ideas and strategies from the field of positive psychology Supports educational establishments in creating environments which enable females on the autism spectrum to fulfil their potential.