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      • Adult & contemporary romance
        February 2015

        The Dearly Departed Dating Service

        by Rae Renzi (author)

        Joy had it all: a promising medical career, a handsome and kind fiancé, a bright future. Until it all came crashing down in one shattering moment. Two years later, nothing is the same. Joy has a mountain of debt, a boss with the barest hold on reality, and a complicated—to put it mildly—private life.The arrogant young surgeon she reviles and the pack of well-meaning but misguided ghosts don't help. Still, her idea for a new business just might be crazy enough to work...

      • Biography & True Stories

        Spirit Mates - The New Time Relationship

        by Anni Sennov, Carsten Sennov

        Most people have heard of the terms ‘soul mate’ and ‘twin soul’.  What most people may not yet know is that the concept of soul mate refers to a consciousness realm that is about to completely disappear from the Earth in order to be replaced by the purer and more powerful spirit energy. This is creating great changes in consciousness on Earth and it also means that we humans finally have the opportunity to join together with our spirit mate. In this book the co-authors and spirit mate couple Anni and Carsten Sennov describe with love and insight the different paths and circumstances that can lead you to your spirit mate.

      • Fiction
        January 2022

        The Words

        by Ashley Jade

        From USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Ashley Jade comes an edgy, enemies-to-lovers standalone romance about mistakes, forgiveness, and second chances.He was the talented bad boy everyone wanted.I was the irrelevant geek everyone hated.He was the sun...drawing all of us in.I was a black hole...taking up space.He was destined to be a star.I was destined to remain an insignificant no one.Until he made me believe I was special...And then he destroyed me.I never thought I'd see Phoenix Walker again after he broke my heart, but fate had other plans.One tour. Eight weeks. Forty shows.Countless opportunities to make him pay.The world thought he was a God...But I knew the truth.

      • Erotic fiction
        January 2022

        Wet Sand

        by DOYAK

        An instant hit BL webcomic series launched on August 2022 - Digital serializations available in CN DE EN FR KR TH - To be serialized in more languages - Vol. 1 of its print book to be published soon   Joseph and Ian meet by pure coincidence in a back alley in Asian Town. While the two quickly become close, Joseph starts to get tangled in the past Ian has tried to push away. Meanwhile, TJ, a high-ranking gang member and Ian's long-time friend and only family, can't seem to let go of his obsession towards Ian, who's left the gang. Now, Ian faces a choice. On one side is Joseph, who is the first person in Ian's life to show him what a stable, loving relationship looks like. On the other, is TJ, with whom he had a passionate love affair during his tumultuous gang days. Who will Ian choose...?

      • Romance
        December 2018


        by Thais Duthie

      • Romance
        October 2018

        Johanna und Vera

        Eine schicksalhafte Liebe

        by Petra Kania

        Nach der Trennung von Martin führt Johanna eine glückliche Beziehung mit Vera, ihrer großen Liebe. Alles könnte so schön sein ...Als Johanna und Vera aber nach der Hochzeit von Henning und Bernd auf dem Nachhauseweg überfallen werden, werden sie mit üblen Vorurteilen gegenüber Homosexuellen konfrontiert.Im Sommer steht eine Reise an den Lago Maggiore an, die beiden Frauen wollen sich vom Alltagsstress erholen. Wäre da nicht Jennifer, Bernds Tochter, mit von der Partie, die für manchen Wirbel sorgt. Ihr pubertäres Verhalten und der Besuch eines ungebetenen Gastes stellen die Beziehung von Johanna und Vera auf eine harte Bewährungsprobe.

      • Fiction

        Al Zafarana

        A Date with A Beautiful Lady

        by Ahmed Salama

        The novel is classified as one of the best novels that have been recently published. It is a romance mixed with the charming history of ancient Egyptians.The novel has been on the bestseller list since 2015.The plot revolves around an Egyptian archaeologist and a beautiful Greek woman searching the desert for an ancient Egyptian secret that has been kept for thousands of years and which reshapes our definition of the modern world.

      • Fiction

        Extremely Feminine Messages

        by Ghada Karim

        Ghada Karim is an Egyptian writer and relationship expert who has a great interest in discussing the relationship between men and women from all different characters, she also writes weekly in many websites and has a constant column in a famous newspaper, and has published several books such as (seven Signs of Love), (12 Months Confessions), ( 50 Questions in Love), ( Love catalogue) and (Secrets of Closed Hearts), where she discussed all the causes of gender disagreement based on real and concrete experiences and complicated problems of her clients. In this book she writes about woman needs and what she represents in Arab society in a mature way, revealing the subjects and hidden within each woman, her writings reach every woman and fortify her in the details of her life and what she goes through in her various experiences and problems. Very Feminine messages bearing 40 letters from the author for each woman, letters about relationships and life partner, feelings and depression, marriage and motherhood, separation and all the stages that a woman may go through. The book addresses almost all women who live the same reality in different details. And represents the reality of women in the Arab world and their role in society. It also focuses on the mind of men in order to accommodate the feelings of their partner Mirror expressed by the author brilliantly and honestly. She moved from the addressee box to the sender box where she wanted to express each woman's tongue to know that she was not alone in this cruel world.

      • Fiction

        Recipe for Mr Right

        by Anni Rose

        A quirky and fresh romcom from a promising debut in romantic comedy writing. A sprinkle of luck and a dollop of fate ... Ruby Brooks is a little sceptical when her horoscope say she’s going to have a fabulous year especially when she loses a boyfriend and a job in quick succession. Plus, a rogue kitchen fitter has run off and taken everything, including the kitchen sink! So, Ruby takes luck and fate into her own hands with an unusual resolution she’ll enter ten competitions a day, whether they’re for her dream Japanese holiday or a year’s supply of dog food (she doesn’t have a dog), and win her way to happiness. But when a Valentine’s Day prize from a local restaurant results in chef Adam Finder (and his dog, Brutus) appearing in her life, is that luck or fate? And will Ruby ultimately find out that true happiness doesn’t need to be won?

      • Fiction

        Summer's Secret Marigold

        by Kirsty Ferry

        An unforgettable love story set in beautiful Cornwall Can a summer secret from the past allow a new future to bloom? For two people who run competing arts centres in Cornwall, Sybill Helyer and Coren Penhaligon get on rather well. So well in fact that Sybill often wishes the owner of Pencradoc Arts Centre would look up from his spreadsheets for a minute and notice her. Unfortunately, even that’s too much to ask from workaholic Coren. However, when the pair join forces to run an exhibition on the wild and wonderful life of Elsie Pencradoc, a talented artist who lived at Coren’s estate in the early twentieth century, they’re in for a surprise. How will a secret sketchbook and an exquisite gothic dress from a long-ago midsummer costume ball lead them to the scandalous truth about Elsie and perhaps encourage them to reveal a few long-kept secrets of their own?

      • Romance
        May 2019

        Das Geheimnis einer Bruderliebe - Un Amore Italiano

        Italienische Liebesgeschichten Bd. 5

        by Mara Raabe

        Zwei Brüder, Eike und Malte Petersen, wachsen als Söhne des Besitzers des „Hotel Mariana“ in Sylt auf. Während Malte den elterlichen Betrieb weiterführt, kauft Eike sich ein Hotel in Viareggio in der Toskana, das er ebenfalls „Hotel Mariana“ nennt.Ein One-Night-Stand mit Folgen während der Karnevalszeit bringt Eike in große Nöte. Doch auch Eva, seine Ehefrau, hat ein dunkles Geheimnis mit schwerwiegenden Folgen für das Hotel.Was wird aus Katharina Palmer, der Journalistin für Hotelbewertungen, und ihrem ungeborenen Kind? Wird sie es behalten? Und wie kann Malte in dieser Situation seinem Bruder helfen?

      • Crime & mystery
        April 2019

        Mord und Liebe inklusive

        by Renate Hemsen

        Juliane, waschechte Kölnerin, ist der Meinung, dass ihre Beziehung zu Mark in letzter Zeit nicht mehr ganz so prickelnd ist, der bevorstehende Karneval ihr im Voraus schon Kopfschmerzen bereitet und sie unbedingt Sonne und Ruhe braucht. So beschließt sie, kurzfristig in die Türkei zu reisen – zum Entsetzen ihrer Freunde, allen voran Mark.Die Sache mit dem Relaxen ist jedoch in diesem Urlaub nicht so ganz einfach, denn als eine Dame des ewig Nadel schwingenden Strickklubs hinterrücks ermordet wird, ist es mit der Ruhe im Hotel schnell vorbei.Und dann ist da ein Mann im besten Alter mit einem Brilli im Ohr, der Juliane mächtig auf den Keks geht ...

      • Fiction

        Zurück nach Lima. Der Vergiftete Prinz / Back to Lima. The Poisoned Prince

        by Ankalina Dahlem

        Moving testimonies of a love story The world famous, prize winning writer Sternberg, tenant of a stately flat in Lima, died lonely. The owner of the flat is confronted involuntary with the estate of the famous tenant. This estate contains an envelope covered with stamps and postmarks, which obviously never reached its addressee. Surely, the parcel was addressed to an unnamed painter, Sternberg’s lover. As the owner of the flat opens the envelope, she discoversmoving testimonies of a love story. A two-voices collage of texts and pictures, happiness and hope, expectactions and dreams, daily routine, togetherness, failure, withdrawal of both artists into themselves, isolation and nostalgia. A compact web of emotions and reflections, love and understanding, from which one will not free oneself easily.

      • Fiction

        Le Coquelicot - Poppy Flower

        by Pavlo Matyusha

        After the breakout of war on the East of Ukraine, a young financialmanager is getting ready to leave his country, not able to live through theloss of love of his life However, he stays to join the PresidentialAdministration on the proposal of his childhood friend, another financierwho returned from Frankfurt to support the new political leadership Ajourney begins, full of aspirations to help the country but also deliria of thepast and conspiracy on the highest level The protagonist finds himselflocked in the world where wolves in sheep’s clothing get out hunting Willhe succeed to understand who is who while reassembling himself to begina new life?

      • Fiction
        September 2020

        The Ex means Trouble

        by Sibylle Luig

        Esther (35), a society press reporter, is finalising the preparations for her wedding, which is to take place at a luxury resort in the German Alps. Everything seems absolutely perfect until she runs into the owner of the hotel: her ex-boyfriend, Mark, whom she has not seen since their break-up of ten years before. Memories of her first love are rekindled and Esther soon finds herself torn.  If this were not complicated enough, Esther also encounters heart throb film star, Danyal Karim, at the same hotel. In order to secure an exclusive interview with him despite the wedding preparations, Esther comes up with a crazy idea ….

      • Fiction
        September 2019


        by Hua Ling

        Wedding singer Li Yi-Hsing has a talent for mimicry; she can morph her voice at will to sound like any pop star. However, because of her crippling stage fright, she cannot pursue her dreams of stardom, and only performs at the familiar venue where she works.   One day after a performance she is hit with a withering criticism: like the moon, she will never shine with a light of her own, and can only reflect the light of others. Shattered, Li Yi-Hsing visits a temple for guidance, drawing a fortune on a slip of paper. When she returns home she discovers a young woman dressed head-to-toe in vintage clothes who insists that this is, in fact, her house. She says she is Peng Hsuen-Mei, a recently-signed singer about to begin her first recording sessions… in the year 1934! Adding to the mystery, the time traveler has also drawn a fortune at the temple: the exact fortune that Li Yi-Hsing drew.   Li Yi-Hsing and her brother dig through historical records but can’t find anything — no surviving recordings by Peng Hsuen-Mei, nor any reference to them. Meanwhile, they have also been searching for a lost phonograph of a song written by their grandfather, also made in 1934. Could the girl from 1934 be the key that unlocks the mystery of their family’s musical legacy? The only sensible thing to do is have Peng Hsuen-Mei stay with them while they continue to delve into these mysteries and search for a way to return her to 1934. For her part, Peng Hsuen-Mei must adapt to contemporary life even as she continues to pursue her musical dreams.   Young women of different eras with identical dreams, both attempting to uncover their pasts, both of them to rushing to meet their futures. In an era of great unknowns, readers are sure to appreciate this mysterious tale of youthful dreamers who join together to explore the enigmas of love, friendship, family, and fortune.

      • Relationships
        May 2022

        The Lies Between Us

        Three friends. Three secrets.

        by Zoë Bell

        A thought-provoking and touching drama about pretending to live the perfect life – while building it all on lies.   Amber, Josefine and India are best friends. They confide in each other and share all the ups and downs of life. Or do they? All three of them claim that their relationships are happy – but behind the scenes the reality is quite different.   Amber says that her husband worships her like a princess – but in reality she’s terrified that he’s no longer attracted to her. She doesn’t tell her friends.   Josefine jokes that her life is nothing but dirty laundry and TV dinners – but secretly she feels neglected and unloved by her husband. She doesn’t tell her friends.   India claims that she and her boyfriend are at an amazing place in their lives – but the truth is that she’s completely bored and has become obsessed with her boss. She doesn’t tell her friends.   Why can’t they share these worries with each other instead of faking the perfect life? All three women carry secrets from the past that affect their actions in the present and make them desperate to stage the perfect facade.   About the book • Real life dilemmas and choices • Relevant topics about prejudices, shame and the right to say no • Friendship and relationship themes

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