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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2023

        Fantasies of music in nostalgic medievalism

        by Helen Dell

        In the period between the Second World War and the present, there has been an extraordinary rise in the production of medievalist fantasy literature and film. This has been accompanied by the revival, performance and invention of medieval music. In this enterprise modern fantasies of the Middle Ages have exercised great influence. Fantasies of music in nostalgic medievalism shows how music, medievalism and nostalgia have been woven together in the fantasies of writers and readers, musicians, musicologists, directors and listeners, film-makers and film-goers. This book studies the ways in which three fields of creative activity inspired by the medieval - musical performance, literature, cinema and their reception - have worked together to produce and sustain, for some, the fantasy of a long-lost, long-mourned paradisal home.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2023

        Fantasies of music in nostalgic medievalism

        by Helen Dell

        In the period between the Second World War and the present, there has been an extraordinary rise in the production of medievalist fantasy literature and film. This has been accompanied by the revival, performance and invention of medieval music. In this enterprise modern fantasies of the Middle Ages have exercised great influence. Fantasies of music in nostalgic medievalism shows how music, medievalism and nostalgia have been woven together in the fantasies of writers and readers, musicians, musicologists, directors and listeners, film-makers and film-goers. This book studies the ways in which three fields of creative activity inspired by the medieval - musical performance, literature, cinema and their reception - have worked together to produce and sustain, for some, the fantasy of a long-lost, long-mourned paradisal home.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2023

        Fantasies of music in nostalgic medievalism

        by Helen Dell

        In the period between the Second World War and the present, there has been an extraordinary rise in the production of medievalist fantasy literature and film. This has been accompanied by the revival, performance and invention of medieval music. In this enterprise modern fantasies of the Middle Ages have exercised great influence. Fantasies of music in nostalgic medievalism shows how music, medievalism and nostalgia have been woven together in the fantasies of writers and readers, musicians, musicologists, directors and listeners, film-makers and film-goers. This book studies the ways in which three fields of creative activity inspired by the medieval - musical performance, literature, cinema and their reception - have worked together to produce and sustain, for some, the fantasy of a long-lost, long-mourned paradisal home.

      • Fantasy
        February 2016

        The Dowry Blade

        by Cherry Potts (Author)

        Trust anyone, even an enemy…                                           …Trust no one, not even a friend. A fantasy epic of the strength and limitations of love and loyalty: between friends, lovers, kin, strangers– and enemies. Nine years after the loss of her sister, and near obliteration of her clan in an ill conceived raid, Brede, a plains’ nomad, is living unwillingly in the marshes. The sudden ending of a decade long drought, brings with it many changes; rumour has it that the rain was bought at the price of a King’s head, and the sword needed for such a sacrifice is missing.Change comes for Brede in the arrival of Tegan, a wounded mercenary.Brede’s discovery, first of the Dowry Blade and a stolen horse, and then of Tegan’s history, sets in train a journey to the capital in search of her missing sister and leads to an unexpected role in the Queen’s household, and a powerful lover.

      • Fiction

        Isaac D

        by Leandro Pileggi, Levi Tonin

        What if you woke up and were someone else? What if unnamable creatures showed up everywhere? What if only you noticed they were there? What if they came after you? Would you run? Would you hide? Or would you fight… Isaac D is a Light novel full of action and good humor, spiced by many Lovecraft and pop culture references. A fantasy built on humanity’s largest mysteries that brings together modern myths and pulp story classics.

      • Fiction

        A Jorney to the Abyss

        by Nikelen Witter

        This is the story of advancing deserts that covered cities. The story of a world on the verge of destruction. It is about the people who inhabited that world, their alienation and the violent war in which they lost themselves. This is the story of a young woman, who healed wounds, and her best friend, who ran a brothel, and how they faced all that was thrown at them. It is also the story of a tiger and a little girl. But, when you get to know all of them, you will have to answer the call to look into the future and plunge into the abyss.

      • Fiction

        Witch, However

        by Carol Chiovatto

        Ísis Rossetti is a witch. Her job is to monitor crimes involving supernatural activity in the city of São Paulo. And only those crimes. The rules are clear: if there is no magic involved, she is not allowed to intervene. But in the midst of the city’s suffocating chaos , the lives of common people are in constant danger. She can’t just sit there and watch. Everything escalates when, caught between two extraofficial investigations, Ísis receives a mission from a deity. She must then relive personal issues she would much rather leave buried in the past, kept under lock and key by her friends, all while trying to handle the Magistrate and his watchful gaze.

      • Fiction
        October 2021

        Mit mir die Nacht

        by Michaela Kastel

        Mit mir die Nacht Michaela Kastel In einer Gegenwart, in der Gewalt gegen Frauen in unterschiedlichster Form die Gesellschaft erschüttert und Fluchtwege bzw. Lösungen so schwierig wie langwierig erscheinen, dringt Michaela Kastel mit ihrer Prosa tief in die subjektive Welt ihrer geschundenen Hauptfigur ein und geht gnadenlos mit dem System der Schlächter ins Gericht, mit Zwangsprostitution und Femiziden – und das logisch und konsequent nicht in einer auktorialen Erzählhaltung, sondern in Ich-Form, ungeschönt und ungeschminkt. Madonnas Welt oszilliert zwischen unerträglicher Enge und unbeherrschbarer Ausdehnung, hat nur mehr bruchstückhaft mit der Realität zu tun, denn nach all dem von ihr Erlittenen ist ihre Wahrnehmung zerschlagen und trügerisch. An diesem Punkt schafft es die Autorin, ihre LeserInnen komplett in dieses Erleben zu ziehen, körperlich spürbar, unausweichliche Empathie. Es ist also nicht nur Kastels Schreiben, das berührt und verstört, sondern auch die Geschichte selbst sowie Madonnas Emotionen. Diese ganz eigene Fiktion erreicht die Autorin u. a. mit den Elementen eines comichaften Film-Noir-Stils und ihrem epischen Sprachsound. Inhaltlich arbeitet Kastel im Kosmos von gnadenloser Gewalt und hilflosen Verzweiflung ganz bewusst mit Madonnas unbändiger Sehnsucht nach Heimat, Licht und Erlösung. Als Schriftstellerin, die mit dem Background der ehemaligen Buchhändlerin die Branche kennt wie nur wenige andere, weiß sie an genau diesen neuralgischen, literarischen Verfahrensweisen ihre künstlerische Eigenständigkeit zu entzünden und zu entwickeln.

      • Fiction

        The Red Hala

        by Tsvetelina Vladimirova

        A thousand years ago the Red Hala ruined the old world and left all the kingdoms in Feryseya in fear, desolation, and hate. The only one who remembers the fearsome witch with love and tenderness now peeks from the land of the dead and follows the footsteps of her ancestor – the young Avarys. She has lost all hope of returning home and is forced to hide from the sins and dark secrets her family keeps. After twenty years in hiding in a village in the lands of the humans, away from all magic, her past finally catches up with her: a messenger from a magic kingdom finds her and demands that she pays her debt to his king. But by returning to Feryseya Avarys won’t find the freedom she had searched for all her life. Will the young witch recognize her friends among all the enemies in her way and can she save the one thing she is truly longing for?

      • Fiction
        September 2016

        The Deathbearer

        by Angel Arekin

        At 17, Seïs Amorgen is nominated to incorporate the biggest brotherhood of Asclepion’s kingdom. If he says yes, he will become one of the best warriors of the monarchy. If he says no, he will stay the frivolous and arrogant boy playing with the robbers in his hometown. While the shadow is extending through the country, Seïs must take a decision which will impact his life, and he must faces his own demons.

      • Fiction

        Les Kerns de l'oubli

        by Feldrik Rivat

        Almenarch, an ancient and sovereign city, is trembling. Is she afraid of some humans’ weak ambitions? Cataxak the stranger? Ulnhor the Fallen King? Roch whose heart has rotted from rage?  No. Above all, she dreads her last son, Erkan. A cursed, banished, hated warrior.  An epic tale mixed with a redemption quest, The Kerns of Chronicles offers a vivid universe whose splendors entrance until the last page, thanks to excellent narration.

      • Fiction

        Que passe l'hiver

        by David Bry

        A captivating and poetic behind-closed-doors tale, at the crossroads of a Nordic ode and a Shakespearian drama    Stig goes to his first Winter Solstice, where all clans go to pay tribute to the King of the Glade. As soon as he arrives however, death comes and the threads of Fate weave a future impossible to predict. Threatened with no reason, Stig will have to discover what lays in the festivities shadows, protect those he love, and... survive. At the crossroads of an initiation tale and a behind-the-doors story, May Winter Passtells the fate of a young man with a clubfoot and a king with long antlers, both caught in the maelstrom of a dying world...

      • Fiction

        ذئب وحيد

        ثلاثية تلال الشمس: الجزء الأول

        by إبراهيم أحمد عيسى

        على أرض تلال الشمس عاش أشد الضواري فتكًا. قتلة مجرمون، يمتطون قطيعًا من الذئاب، ويقودهم رجل يُدعى الذئب. لا أحد يعلم من أين جاءوا. أرَّقوا ليالي العامة، وارتعدت منهم عروش السلاطين والحكام. عدو متوحش، يجوب بحر الرمال، قاطعًا الطريق، وناهبًا القوافل، ومتحديًا مملكة وُلدت لتوِّها من رماد أخرى. وبين الذئب الوحيد والمملكة العائدة كانت هذه الملحمة. عن المؤلف إبراهيم أحمد عيسى روائي وباحث تاريخ، من مواليد مدينة الإسكندرية عام 1984. حاصل على بكالوريوس نظم معلومات، ودبلومة في صناعة السينما الديجتال. صدرت له ست روايات: طريق الحرير والبشرات وابق حيًا وباري: أنشودة سودان (جائزة كتارا للرواية العربية عام 2018) وحكاية الأشبوني (القائمة الطويلة لجائزة راشد بن حمد للإبداع عام 2019) والحاج ألِمان. كما شارك في كتاب التاريخ كما كان الصادر عن فريق بصمة للأبحاث التاريخية، وله عدة مقالات وأبحاث تاريخية نشرت في مواقع ومدونات إلكترونية.

      • Fiction
        January 2023

        The Last Life of Emma Taylor

        by Melanie S. Wolfe

        Emma hates the Bible belt culture. The hypocrisy, the lack of love, and worship of the church irritates the crap out of her. She has this unquenchable thirst to know the truth and researches every religion. Then, she goes to college and her world is turned upside down as she falls in love with an angel and is caught between good and evil and the God she's longed to meet.   From the author:   I wrote The Last Life of Emma Taylor in 2008 and self-published the eBook in 2009. It started out as a love story between a college girl and an angel, (inspired by Twilight). But as I wrote the story it took on a life of its own and became a reflection of my own life. At the time I was questioning everything I was told to believe about God, and I was quite sick of everyone telling me what to believe. So I went on a journey to research every book, belief, or religion I was told by my Evangelical leaders was bad, and I ended up finding my own truth.  If there is interest, I would love to turn this book into a series.

      • Fiction
        September 2018


        Livre 1

        by Laetitia Danae

        Rozenn is a djinn. For many years, her kind suffered from the domination of the dagnirs, but if slavery is abolished, freedom still has a bitter taste. What if a royal union could help to get over this painful past? The djinns have their blood, the essence of their power, taken by the dagnirs. Envy, fear? The dagnirs did all they could to maintain the djinns submissive. Rozenn, princess, had to meet the Sultan’s sons and find a husband to help their people overcome their differences. But once in the capital, she realizes that the Sultan is not ready to give up his ascendancy over the djinns. She will have to swim between plots, lies, but one thing is sure: she will do everything to free her kind.

      • Fiction

        Fabulous Faerie Folk

        by Virginia Innes-Jones

        This uniquely illustrated collection of Faerie Folk stories for children and adults, will inspire and transport you into other parallel worlds. As they say you CAN have the best of both worlds! The secret is 'to be' and to live in the now to enjoy and capture a slice of this uplifting and captivating other world allowing this to live on inside of you. So come with me and travel to this world that lies so very close to you and within us all.

      • Romance
        August 2018

        A Poem of Fire: Her Sword, Book 1

        by Huai Guan

        A young antiques restorer falls in love with her colleague only to find out he is an ancient sword in human form. A myth-imbued fantasy in the vein of A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES.   Antiques restoration is a lonely job where one becomes accustomed to loneliness. Renee knows it all. After graduating from college, she moves to a big city and starts her first job as a restorer. She didn’t expect much of anything to ever change, but things prove the opposite when she meets her beautiful colleague Hsiao Liam. At the age of 27, Hsiao Liam appears far more sophisticated than his looks may suggest. He seems to care deeply for Renee while keeping her at a distance. In an elevator accident, Hsiao Liam saves Renee by flying a sword and exposes his secret: he is an ancient sword that has taken on the human form. To Hsiao Liam, Renee is the one he has been waiting for thousands of years. As they get closer however, a spell begins to cause conflicts between his human and sword sides. He loves her, but the sword’s consciousness is trying to puncture her heart.   Comparable to A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES and inspired by the culture of the Bronze Age, HER SWORD creates unique characters and in essence explores the conflicts between what we need and what we want. Huai Guan’s flawless prose style draws us smoothly but irrevocably into a world in which our reverence for the deep past finds a new, though tumultuous rebirth.   Sponsored by Taiwan Creative Content Agency, HER SWORD is currently under development into a TV series.

      • Fiction
        March 2021

        Lagoon Whisperer

        by Gunnar Kunz

        Come to me. Don’t be afraid. Resist no longer the whispers of the lagoon. Climb down the stairs of the sunken houses of Venice, floor by floor. Deeper. Deeper. Below, in the darkness, something is waiting for you. A secret. Salvation. Death.   Black fog creeps towards Venice, black as the paint of a gondola, meandering through the lagoon and filling the channels with something dark. Something evil. Something that brings death and doom. Marco, son of a glassblower, and his girlfriend Chiara, the mask-maker, seem to be the only ones capable of saving Venice. But in doing so, they must not only fight against ancient magic, against intrigue and betrayal, but also surrender themselves to the whispering of the lagoon - and the fish-men, who according to legend live deep under the city.

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