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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2017

        Lovers of Justice

        by Yurii Andrukhovych

        "Lovers of Justice" is a paranormal novel in which several biographies are combined into an artistic whole using the author's signature compositional and stylistic skills. They cry out to become an eight-and-a-half-episode TV saga. Family and political murders, rapes and robberies, depravity of minors and the mysterious separation of the head, ideological betrayals and betrayals for the sake of an idea, are assigned to various devils of the soul and are not always fair, but often terrible punishments. What else is needed for the reader to feel good and realize with pleasure his moral superiority over the unfortunate lovers of capricious Justice?

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2018

        Chio-Chio-San, Your Gaze

        by Andrii Liubka

        A drunk judge kills a young woman in a car accident and escapes punishment without much effort. But the woman's husband is not one of those who can be bribed to stay silent or intimidated into oblivion. He would rather lose everything but find out the name of the culprit. A psychological thriller about Ukraine before the war, where bribes measured the value of human life, and murderers stood in the front rows at church services. But why is Puccini able to burn the souls of both antagonists with the look of Madame Butterfly? And is the division between good and evil so clear-cut in this novel? The reader will not find the answer to the last question until the end.

      • Trusted Partner
        Thriller / suspense

        Porcelain Doll

        by Natalia Chajkovska

        Martha's husband was found dead. Friends express their condolencess to her, but Martha finally feels free. It all started 5 years ago. Martha was going through a difficult period after her mother's death. So, when she met the man who proposed to her, she did not hesitate, believing that a new start will help to overcome her loss. But soon something strange began to happen. Martha's life turned into hell. And, it seemed, there was only one way out of this hell ...

      • Trusted Partner
        Crime & mystery

        The principle of intervention

        by Horikha Zernia

        The "principle of intervention" is a detective story, a drama, a comedy, and a funny, touching story. It tells us about Stanislava, whose only support is work. The pure cold reason, logic, and mathematics. It is her safe space, the world where she sets her own game rules and feels safe. Suddenly she gets an offer she can't reject, but she can't accept it because it is strange, illogical, and dangerous. And yet, the associate professor of the department of higher and applied mathematics becomes a cook. She spent seven days in the city of her childhood, from which she once flew out in a traffic jam and vowed never to return. At least this week's task is to infiltrate the wedding and ensure that the bride is alive, to find and punish the murderer.

      • Trusted Partner


        by J.J. Rose

        During a Covid lockdown, “Walker. I”, an apparently normal man, mid-fifties, decides to become insane. He is unsure about what this means or even why he feels the need to do this. But, it is driven by his need to connect, emphasized by Covid isolation.  And, perhaps his relationship with “the author” has something to do with it.  He starts to walk. Somewhere. On his journey, we meet many people, both of Walker’s contemporary time and place and of others. Each is able to inform the protagonist’s narrative and his attempts to unravel the points of connection that exist between humans, other living beings and inanimate objects.   An important aspect of Walker’s mindset is what he calls his “Theory of Atomic Memory.” This idea draws broadly from the quantum theory concept of valency, the mysterious interconnectivity of the atoms from which all matter is built, including, of course, all living things, and the fact that atoms, depending on their type, can “live” long lives, perhaps many billions of years. Do they hold a memory of those lives, carrying them into other lives?  His progression into, and the evolution of, his theory provides not only a means of tracking Walker’s narrative, but is also channeled through his connections with the people he ‘meets’ both physically and along the invisible pathways of covalency.  The setting is during the COVID-19 shutdown, in Australia, over a 24 hour period. The narrative goes around the world, however, and crosses time and location.   The narrative, as much metaphysical as physical, moves with Walker as he himself undertakes his exploration.  The narrative structure is overlaid with an unsolved nineteenth century murder, which connects the dots and provides a thriller tone.  The structure is designed so that Walker’s ‘real time’ story, mapped out over a single day, is linked to the stories of those to whom, as we discover, he is ethereally – atomically - connected.  Connections are subtly, and sometimes unknowingly (to Walker) made, pulling Walker into contact with other lives and experiences beyond the constraints of his own time and place, including side journeys into Gnosticism, philosophy and quantum science.  The conclusion reaches a point where his thoughts become coherent and meaningful, perhaps giving him the missing sense of himself and a place he can call “home” for the first time.  He reaches a very sane outcome: we are all just trying to find our way home.  The novel explores themes such as connection, memory and identity and traces the inner narratives that compete to tell the stories of our respective lives, even as we live them.  The MS is currently at third draft stage, approx., 50,000 words.

      • Trusted Partner

        On the Run

        by Izai Amorim

        New York City, early 1990s: a young, rich, and well-educated Central American man on the run from the police and Colombian drug dealers. He is accused of crimes he didn’t commit. Ready to do what it takes to survive, Pablo ironically embraces the very drug trade that threatened his life in the first place. Who is he? What is he really capable of? The question of identity is at the heart of On the Run. More than a contemporary story of survival, it’s a journey of self-discovery. Pablo’s voice is funny, sometimes mean and merciless. He moves with nightmarish ease from recounting his adventures to recollecting his early life. Not always politically correct, On the Run gives you an insightful, twisted, humorous, and often disturbing view of conflicting worlds and beliefs: North and Latin America; black, brown, and white; rich and poor; rational and esoteric – and shows how they mix, match, and clash.

      • Trusted Partner

        La hermandad de la Casa Grande (The brotherhood of the Big House)

        Una novela negra sobre el juicio del Estado a los brujos de Chiloé (A detective novel about the state's trial of the witches of Chiloé)

        by Eduardo Pérez Arroyo

        It's 1879. To the north, Chile defends foreign investment in the Pacific War. To the south, beyond the already invaded Araucania, from a large, almost unexplored island, rumors of violence, superstition and a state incapable of enforcing its law spread. The elite would be at ease if some “elements” that are not occupied at the border with Peru penetrated Chiloé. They need evidence to condemn those criminals who terrorize the population with old indigenous beliefs. They call themselves witches. They are organized as La Recta Provincia or La Hermandad de la Casa Grande. They lie to scare and change the names of the cities on the island –Achao, Dalcahue or Quicaví–, confusing them with others: Buenos Aires, Villarrica, Salamanca. If they were only myths, it would be enough for the government to forget that secret place. But the one who calls himself the Greatest Liar in the World claims to have escaped the sorcerers and travels the north glimpsing the aliens: he talks to them of malice, monsters and murders; of the bloody clans' struggles to become a decaying reign. For these lies, or to secure an unstable national pride, coronels and tenants decide to put an end to things that a mortal has no power to finish.

      • Trusted Partner


        A Medical Thriller

        by Stef J. Bloem

        Alexander de Graaf is a young, recently graduated doctor. He works in the department of gastrointestinal diseases in the Mallera hospital and is fighting for a training place.  His supervisor's attitude and a number of unexplained deaths seriously jeopardise his career. And then there is his turbulent love life....  The young doctor and the angel of death is a modern doctor's novel. Captivating from beginning to the surprising denouement.

      • Trusted Partner

        The Bermuda Bond

        by Neil Thomas

        Set on the beguiling Atlantic Ocean island of Bermuda, this thriller reveals financial scams, deceit and crimes that lie beneath the surface of respectability.Owen Ash – Ash to his friends – runs a conference company, and is putting on a big event in partnership with a Bermudian firm. Not everyone is who they seem, and Ash can’t avoid being drawn into a world of crooked professionals and their web of corruption.A local investigative journalist, corporate intelligence agents from London, the FBI and the local police are all drawn in to uncover and unravel the web of deceit and lies. But will everyone survive and emerge unscathed?

      • Trusted Partner

        Secret Genes

        Are we our genes: A DNA-Thriller

        by Geert H. Blijham

        How much of a person's behavior is fixed in his genes? That is the question that DNA researcher Richard, data specialist Julia and behavioral scientist Chan want to answer. In Secret Genes, Geert H. Blijham outlines the ethical dilemmas that the main characters face. The novel is set in a wildlife park in South Africa, interspersed with scenes in the United States and China. In the dramatic showdown of the story, the role of the Chinese secret service becomes increasingly clear. Will Julia and Richard find the answer, will the data fall into the wrong hands?  Blijham describes the search for the secret genes with expert knowledge and provides the reader with an insight into medical-genetic research. A story full of wisdom, love and excitement. With this DNA thriller, Geert H. Blijham makes his debut as a novelist.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2019


        by Merchant, Judith

      • Women's Fiction

        The Garden by the Sea

        by Sophie Goldberg

        Bulgaria, 1942. Boris III must hand over 20,000 Jews to the Nazis for extermination, but the king and his people do not intend to yield. Likewise, little Alberto, only six years old, resists when SS officers forcibly take his father away. Now he is the man of the family, and he must take care of his younger brother and his mother, who seeks to keep her children safe from the horrors of the war and not lose hope of being with her beloved husband once more. Based on real events, The Garden by the Sea tells, through the eyes of a child, the previously untold story of the unique fate of Bulgarian Jews during World War II

      • Fiction

        Andreaa Constantin

        by Esteban Torres Lana

        A dangerous challenge at sea through a rock arch battered by strong waves. She ends up seriously injured in a leg when her friend Aurelio arrives at the cove. Overcoming her pain, she hides her injuries from Aurelio and tells him the extraordinary story of her mother, which propelled her to undertake such a madness. The story begins 6 years ago in Tenerife, with Nayra's expulsion from Philosophy class for the third time in a week, causing Pablo, her father, to pick her up from school and embark on a long day of disputes, confessions, and finally, complicities between them. Walking around Santa Cruz, canceling classes and professional commitments, Pablo and Nayra spend the day discovering a personal and sentimental reality that surprises them. The problems Nayra mentions with a group of immigrant classmates, along with the aggression Nayra shows towards her mother, Lola, prompt Pablo to tell her the unfinished story with Andreea, a high-class Romanian prostitute. Pablo cannot control the level of intimacy of the tale despite his own amazement, hearing himself say things he thought were unspeakable. Nayra responds, between disputes and affection, interspersing her own confidences, some of them having a strong impact, like the adventure with an immigrant who arrived on the beaches of Fuerteventura during a summer excursion. Neither tells the most intimate details of their stories truthfully, but they are accessible to the reader. Despite frequent arguments due to the teenager's incisive and groundbreaking language, their complicity grows and they end up spending the day together, walking through different places in the city. The story with Andreea takes on dramatic tones that completely captivate the young woman. Two suicides, the chase by Romanian mafia, returning to her hometown, searching for Pablo, Andreea’s struggle to regain her dignity and her artistic capacity through painting, and the apparent disappearance of her father's life, capture Nayra’s attention. Despite the narrative tricks used by Pablo, when night falls and they reach home, Nayra connects the dots and is surprised to discover that her perfectionist and successful mother, a recognized painter from Santa Cruz, with whom she has had a very conflictive season, is Andreea Constantin, the Romanian immigrant her father met as a high-class prostitute. After an initial reaction of rejection due to the ignorance in which she was kept, she understands her mother's situation. All the questions she always had about many details of her life arise with the discovery. A few years after discovering her identity, Andreea disappears from home. A call from Romania alerts them to the discovery of two charred bodies near her birthplace and the presence of her old exploiter nearby, who cursed her for life through a Transylvania ritual when she abandoned prostitution. Knowing she was discovered in Tenerife, Andreea tried to keep her family away from danger and returned to her country, where she was easy prey for the mafia. Pablo and his daughter Nayra fly to Bucharest to identify Andreea’s body, which may have been brutally murdered and burned. When it seems the identification will be negative, a small detail of the clothing makes them doubt. Desolate, they receive medical and psychological support from the Romanian team, but it turns out to be a false lead. Andreea is rescued from a hideout and has survived due to a misunderstanding by her captors. Protected by the Romanian police, she later becomes a key witness whose testimony ends the dangerous band of her pimp. But that bravery comes at a price; 2 years later, she does not return from an art exhibition in Paris. The police believe that her exploiter’s curse was fulfilled by a nephew who visited him in prison shortly before his death and was seen in Paris during the days Andreea had the exhibition. After a year of anguish, Nayra can no longer bear the situation and decides to mourn her mother at the cove where she painted her last picture. It had as its background the rock arch symbolizing the risk of living and facing life’s challenges. Nayra considers her mother lost and throws Andreea’s ashes into the sea, symbolized by those of a magnolia branch she planted many years ago. With this, she internalizes the loss and the fighting values Andreea taught her. The exit from the volcanic cove is a song to the life that continues and to the young woman who represents it. The novel is dedicated to the memory of Andreea Constantin and the thousands of women sexually exploited around the world.

      • Thriller / suspense

        Nobody's baby

        by Penny Kline

      • Fiction
        January 2009

        Sherlock Holmes and the Morphine Gambit

        by Jason Cooke

        It is February, 1912 and Sherlock Holmes is called out of retirement by brother Mycroft, acting on behalf of the British Government, to investigate a break-in at the Norfolk home of a wealthy German financier. Holmes is soon at work dismantling a German spy ring, but the investigation becomes clouded by his suspicions concerning Mycroft’s pivotal role in events.   What agenda is Mycroft pursuing? What is the truth behind the loss of the fishing vessels the Misty Jane and the Yarmouth Adventuress in the North Sea? And why is the Royal Navy seemingly operating incognito along the Norfolk coast? Before long a number of disparate events crystallise to reveal a dangerous conspiracy.   As the story unfolds against the background of an International Opium Conference, Holmes and Watson find themselves embroiled in espionage and arms smuggling in the tense period leading up to the First World War.

      • Fiction

        The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

        by Enéias TAvares; Fred Rubim

        At the end of the 18th century, the English poet and engraver William Blake contacted a powerful demon. The infernal creature, then, revealed to him the Wisdom of Hell and the way it could be passed down from generation to generation by using copper plates, corrosive acids and singular inks. Centuries later, the fates of a tormented hitman, a luxury call girl, a corrupt spiritual leader, and a visionary artist merge into a retelling of the Blakean illuminated book. Here, you will find blood, desire and revenge. Written by Eneias Tavares (Brasiliana Steampunk and Full Steam Punks!) and illustrated by Fred Rubim (Cão Negro and Le Chevalier), this graphic novel draws from the William Blake original and Quentin Tarantino aesthetics to present the urban savagery of São Paulo in a plot full of pop references, intense colors and fiery conflicts!

      • Fiction

        Witch, However

        by Carol Chiovatto

        Ísis Rossetti is a witch. Her job is to monitor crimes involving supernatural activity in the city of São Paulo. And only those crimes. The rules are clear: if there is no magic involved, she is not allowed to intervene. But in the midst of the city’s suffocating chaos , the lives of common people are in constant danger. She can’t just sit there and watch. Everything escalates when, caught between two extraofficial investigations, Ísis receives a mission from a deity. She must then relive personal issues she would much rather leave buried in the past, kept under lock and key by her friends, all while trying to handle the Magistrate and his watchful gaze.

      • Fiction
        October 2021

        Mit mir die Nacht

        by Michaela Kastel

        Mit mir die Nacht Michaela Kastel In einer Gegenwart, in der Gewalt gegen Frauen in unterschiedlichster Form die Gesellschaft erschüttert und Fluchtwege bzw. Lösungen so schwierig wie langwierig erscheinen, dringt Michaela Kastel mit ihrer Prosa tief in die subjektive Welt ihrer geschundenen Hauptfigur ein und geht gnadenlos mit dem System der Schlächter ins Gericht, mit Zwangsprostitution und Femiziden – und das logisch und konsequent nicht in einer auktorialen Erzählhaltung, sondern in Ich-Form, ungeschönt und ungeschminkt. Madonnas Welt oszilliert zwischen unerträglicher Enge und unbeherrschbarer Ausdehnung, hat nur mehr bruchstückhaft mit der Realität zu tun, denn nach all dem von ihr Erlittenen ist ihre Wahrnehmung zerschlagen und trügerisch. An diesem Punkt schafft es die Autorin, ihre LeserInnen komplett in dieses Erleben zu ziehen, körperlich spürbar, unausweichliche Empathie. Es ist also nicht nur Kastels Schreiben, das berührt und verstört, sondern auch die Geschichte selbst sowie Madonnas Emotionen. Diese ganz eigene Fiktion erreicht die Autorin u. a. mit den Elementen eines comichaften Film-Noir-Stils und ihrem epischen Sprachsound. Inhaltlich arbeitet Kastel im Kosmos von gnadenloser Gewalt und hilflosen Verzweiflung ganz bewusst mit Madonnas unbändiger Sehnsucht nach Heimat, Licht und Erlösung. Als Schriftstellerin, die mit dem Background der ehemaligen Buchhändlerin die Branche kennt wie nur wenige andere, weiß sie an genau diesen neuralgischen, literarischen Verfahrensweisen ihre künstlerische Eigenständigkeit zu entzünden und zu entwickeln.

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