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        Biography & True Stories
        May 2017

        Qi Baishi: Life of Hunan Modern Painting Master

        Study on Qi Baishi's Art and Life

        by Qi Baishi Memorial Museum

        Qi Baishi is an outstanding Chinese artist starting as a carpenter and developing into a master of painting, printing, book, poetry, literati art, and folk art. In his life, he made great contribution in the field of arts. This book is an academic book with plentiful pictures written by Qi Baishi Memorial Museum, which studies the life of Qi Baishi. The book strives to reflect the characteristics of Baishi's hometown, and focuses on the first half of his life. The book is a collection of readability and artistry to present the research on Qi Baishi.

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        Biography & True Stories
        November 2017

        Zhuzhou Heroines in Revolutions

        by Chen Lixia

        This book collects stories of 41 outstanding women representatives who participated in the movement during the 1911 Revolution and the New Democracy Revolution, and focuses on the contribution they made to national liberation, people' freedom, and emancipation of women. It is aimed at presenting the revolutionnary spirit and commemorating those heroines.

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        Biography & True Stories
        March 2019

        Memories of Shaoshan: Stories in Shaoshan

        by Li Wenliang

        The book is divided into nine chapters. Chapter I describes a series of real and touching stories of Mao Zedong when living and working in Shaoshan along with his words and actions when he returned to his hometown 5 times. Chapter II to V take Mao Zedong as the main line, and tell the stories happening between Mao Zedong's relatives and Shaoshan, Mao Zedong and relatives of Shaoshan, Mao Zedong and his neighbors in Shaoshan, and Mao Zedong and his respectful teacher. Chapter VI presents Shaoshan heroes with a lot of vivid examples and Shaoshan spirit that can be observed fromthose heroes. Chapter VII describes the stories of Chinese and foreign celebrities who visited Shaoshan. Chapter IX focuses on Shaoshan history and culture as well as human landscape.

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        Biography & True Stories
        June 2019

        The Half Quilt

        by Zeng San

        Rucheng, Hunan, is the first large-scale centralized land recuperation after the Red Army's Long March. A story of "half-quilt" embodies the deep feelings of the military and civilians in the village of Shazhou in Rucheng. The revolutionaries Mao Zedong and Zhu De launched revolutionary activities in Rucheng, which has consolidated the mass foundation on this land.The book takes the "Half Quilt" story as the entrance, integrates the Long March story and revolution story of Rucheng, and the story of Shazhou Village's poverty eradication in the new era.

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        Biography & True Stories
        May 2019

        Su Yu and Mao Zedong and Chen Yi

        by Zhou ShaoHua

        Su Yu and Chen Yi are the golden partner to Mao Zedong. The biggest confidant of Su Yu and Chen Yi is Mao Zedong. These three heroes were maintain closely relationships. The purpose of this book is to acquaint the achievements of the previous generation of proletarian revolutionaries with clues about the encounter between Su Yu and Mao Zedong Chen Chenyi for half a century.

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        Biography & True Stories
        April 2018

        The Chinese Soul——Deng Xiao Ping

        by Xue Qingshan

        The manuscript objectively records the difficult and tortuous process of the Chinese people's exploration of the road to socialist construction. It focuses on the wisdom and determination of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's firmly on Chinese Communist Party belief, loyalty to the party, and the creation of a socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. The book has rich historical materials, vivid language, clear context, and objectively and truly describes the twists and turns of Deng Xiaoping's "three falls and three rises."

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        Biography & True Stories
        August 2014

        My Predestined Love with High Rail: the Oral Autobiography of SHEN Zhiyun

        by SHEN Zhiyun, ZHANG Tianming, etc.

        This book is the oral autobiography of SHEN Zhiyun, the senior fellow member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. By the recall of his science study life on the railway motors, communications and transportations, it veritably reflects the development of the Chinese railway vehicles, especially the high rail.

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        Biography & True Stories

        Memories of Witnesses of Gold Silver Beach Legend

        by Narrated by Yimin REN, Side HU, Jingkan WANG, etc.

        During over 30 years from its establishment till its closure, numerous scientists and engineers, workers and cadres devoted their youth to Gold Silver Beach Base, making great achievements to China’s scientific and technological development. This book makes a legendary history of Gold Silver Beach reappear by combining relevant archives with extensive oral notes of scientific and technical workers who had worked in Gold Silver Beach from different perspectives, which makes it more stereoscopic, comprehensive and vivid.

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        Biography & True Stories

        Memories of Witnesses of Hydrogen Bomb Development

        by Xiyao LIU

        The first hydrogen bomb was exploded successfully in the western China on June 17th, 1967. This test is another leap forward in the nuclear weapon development after China’s successful explosion of its first atomic bomb, which marks a new phase in China’s nuclear weapon development. This book is based on the oral account of over 10 interviewees who are the participants of the hydrogen bomb development. Meanwhile, in this book, a large number of precious historical pictures and archives are included.

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        Biography & True Stories

        Oral Autobiography of Xuerong CHEN

        by Xuerong CHEN, Hongye FAN

        This book is Mr. CHEN's oral autobiography, which presents his extraordinary scientific life in a panoramic way. It truly and vividly demonstrates the noble character of the scientist who has been engaged in the meteorological cause for 80 years in perseverance. The contents presented in the book are of great significance to the study of Chinese meteorology as well as the history of Chinese meteorology.

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        Biography & True Stories
        December 2018

        Ji Kang: The Prominent Celebrity in Wei and Jin Dynasties

        by Pi Yuanzhen, Huang Dingsan

        Ji Kang (223-262) was a renowned ideologist, litterateur, musician, painter in the Wei and Jin dynasties in Chinese history. The book serves as a biography of Ji Kang with the illustration of his life stories to introduce the lengendary life of Ji Kang and explore the historical implication.

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        Biography & True Stories
        August 2018

        Tao Shu: Biography of a Chinese Reformer

        by Tao Yongshu

        Tao Shu, a pioneer of humanistic pragmatism and westernization in the latter Qing Dynasty, is a representative of modern talents in Hunan. The book is mainly a biography focusing on academic research and commentary. The book presents the lengendary figure Tao Shu from various perspectives in a true way. It is divided into five chapters: the 1st chapter introduces the education and family background of Tao Shu, the 2nd to 4th chapter clarify Tao Shu as a politician, a reformer, and an educator, and the last chapter shows the achievements in terms of philosophy, historiography, genealogy, textogy, and literature including poem writing.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        February 2018

        Stories in Guiyang

        by Deng Yanhong

        Guiyang, in Hunan province, is a birthplace of profound culture and history where legends have emerged for generations. This book introduces Guiyang in five parts: history, sites in Guiyang, celebrities in Guiyang, landscape in Guiyang, and works of Guiyang. You can experience and have a clear understanding of the culture, the history, the local customs and practices, besides, you can also know more about the glory of Guiyang in the past time and enjoy both ancient and modern civilization in Guiyang.

      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        March 2019

        Biography of He Binglin: An Educator in China

        by Li Guiyuan

        He Binglin, a modern educator, established Yueyun Middle School in Hunan province. From Qing Dynasty to the period of People's Republic of China, He devoted his life to education and Yueyun Middle School as a principal for more than 50 years. With unique educational philosophy, he developed any amount of talents as backbones of China. Besides, as a democrat, he committed himself to the building of democracy in his old age. This book aims at artistically presenting the whole life of He Binglin based on historical facts to show the figure as a civilian educator. In this way can students in Yueyun Middle School have a further understanding of the founder of their school. Also, this book can be as the source to study the educational philosophy and personality of He Binglin.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        February 2019

        Dayi Mountain in Changning

        by Fang Fugui

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      • Trusted Partner
        Biography & True Stories
        June 2017

        Questions beside the Xiangjiang River

        Reflections of Chinese Revolutionaries and Heroes

        by Zhang Zhichu, Chen Xianchun

        This book mainly introduces alarming questions issued by the revolutionaries or heroes such as Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoqi, Ren Bishi, Hu Yaobang, Zhu Rongji, Hua Guofeng, Peng Dehuai, Lei Feng, etc. beside the Xiangjiang River. The questions are the reflections about the universe and the country, the society and the people, which shows their love for the people, courage to assume, and pursuit of truth. The book uses "questions" as clues to further talk about stories in detail of these revolutionaries and heroes in terms of how to answer the questions they raised, and that how they struggled to find answers in their life.

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