Ukrainian Artistic Avant-Garde: Manifestos, Essays, Talks, Memoirs, Letters
by Dmytro Horbachov (editor)
The publication is an anthology of rear and previously unpublished texts written by thirty-four representatives of the Ukrainian avant-garde: artists who act as critics and scientists; art critics acting as analysts and conceptualists; poets and writers who act as creators and analysts of contemporary artistic forms. The reader receives a thematic, personal, and philosophical variety of views on the creative "systematisation" of the artistic form in Ukrainian visual art of the 1910s-1930s. The reader is put amidst the creative disputes, the struggle of ambitions and the agreements on methodologies, a kaleidoscope of multidirectional search for artistic truth and seclusion in the social inevitability of historical events The genre of the texts vary. From a didactic nature of journalistic essays to the sharpness of manifestos and sometimes angry desperation of discussions — forms a stereoscopic sketch of trends and groups of that time in all the complexity, inconsistency, and therefore poignancy of the proclaimed positions.
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Author Biography
Dmytro Horbachov (born 1937) is an art critic and professor. Curator of international art projects "Ukrainian Avant-Garde" (Zagreb, 1990; Munich, 1993; Toulouse, 1993). His research reaches the art of the Baroque period of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the avant-garde of 1900–1930. He worked at the National Art Museum of Ukraine and the Kyiv Ivan Karpenko-Karyi University of Theater, Film and Television. Author and compiler of a number of books and albums. In particular, "Anatoly Petrytsky" (Moscow, 1971), "Ukrainian avant-garde" (1996), "Malevych and Ukraine" (2006), "Cases" (2017). Co-author of documentaries - "Kazymyr the Great, or Malevych Peasant" (1994), "Ukrainian cubofuturism and Oleksandr Bogomazov" (2005), "Oleksandra Ekster. Enlightenment ”(2014).
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Chasopys Dukh i Litera
- Publication Date 2021
- Orginal LanguageUkrainian
- ISBN/Identifier 9789663788173
- Publication Country or regionUkraine
- Pages640
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleУкраїнський художній авангард. Маніфести, публіцистика, бесіди, спогади, листи
- Original Language AuthorsГорбачов Дмитро (упорядник)