Computer games: strategy guides
Cheats Unlimited are the specialists when it comes to video game cheats, walkthrough guides, reviews and fetures. Fronted by the glamorous and gorgeous Cheatmistress, Cheats Unlimited has helped over five million gamers worldwide over the last 12 years. Through phone lines, fax machines, the Web and WAP sites and now eBooks, we have been there for gamers when they've needed us the most.With EZ Guides we aim to help you through the top games on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo Wii, DS and PSP, step by step from beginning to end in an easy and entertaining way. Along the way we'll teach you about the game's top secrets and the best way to unlock that Achievement / Trophy. EZ Guides are written by dedicated gamers who are here to help you through the difficult times in gaming.EZ Guides: The Games of the Decade covers the past ten years of gaming, including the Playstation 2, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, DS and PSP. The book contains detailed insights into the best games of the past ten years, plus numerous retrospectives and entertaining features. Take a trip down nostalgia lane, or perhaps even learn a thing or two about the past 10 years of video games. Games of the Decade is the literal alternative to taking your handheld gaming console on that long journey.Formats Covered:Xbox 360, Playstation 3, PSP, DS, PS2.
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360; Decade; DS; Games; past; Playstation; PSP ; ten ; Xbox ; years; gaming;
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint M-Y Books / Ice Publications
- Publication Date August 2012
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781907649455 / 190764945X
- Publication Country or regionGB
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 7.99 GBP
- Pages98
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Responsibilityby the mistress.
- EditionFirst
- Dimensions240 x 140 cm
- SeriesEZ Guides
- Reference CodeBDZ0013356474
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