Taste of the Soviet Union: Food and Eaters in the Art of Life and the Art of Cinema (mid-1960s - mid-1980s)
by Olena Stiazhkina
This book is about Soviet people - women, men, children - who ate at home, at work, on the road, in kindergartens and schools, in the system of the Soviet canteens. It describes those who fought for their food in long queues to the empty shops, at collective farm markets, gathered it in their own gardens, obtained it through bribes and barter exchanges and stole it at workplaces. It is about those who created the food surpluses in the system of the shadow economy and about those who refused food as a way of rebellion against the system and about those who managed to preserve national cuisine despite its deliberate extermination by the Bolsheviks and calling national dishes "simple nationalism." Food culture is considered not only as a sign of the late Soviet consumer revolution, but also as one of the powerful mechanisms of social engineering and (self) coercion. The real world of Soviet eaters is analysed together with the artistic world where filmmakers created and broadcasted the images of Soviet food, as an object representing repressive society in which taste was as problematic and almost unattainable as food and freedom associated with taste and choice.
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Author Biography
Olena Styazhkina is a member of the Ukrainian Association of Spoken History, the Ukrainian Association of Women's History Researchers and the PEN Club Ukraine. Among her previous books: "A woman in the history of Ukrainian culture of the second half of the 20th century" (Donetsk: Eastern Publishing House, 2002), "Gender relations in modern society" (Donetsk: Eastern Publishing House, 2006), "A person in the Soviet Union. Province: The Evolution of Failure (Donetsk: Knowledge, 2013), "The Stigma of Occupation: Soviet Women of the 1940s in Self-Vision" (Kyiv, Duh I Litera). Her articles have been published by Indiana Press, and the University of Tulsa.
Bibliographic Information
- Publisher Chasopys Dukh i Litera
- Publication Date 2021
- Orginal LanguageUkrainian
- ISBN/Identifier 9789663788791
- Publication Country or regionUkraine
- Pages376
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleСмак радянського: їжа та їдці в мистецтві життя й мистецтві кіно (середина 1960-х – середина 1980-х років)
- Original Language AuthorsСтяжкіна Олена
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