“The human being has the ability to heal themselves and others”. This idea may surprise, but it also conveys an optimistic message, because as stated in the subtitle of the book, this is “a human potential in theory and practice”.
Writing in the first person, the author elaborates on the subject of spiritual healing and analyses issues like disease, the relationship of the human being with their body, their emotions and mental functions, and much more.
In an experiential way, she presents how she was taught spiritual healing and how she actualised it, and she gives numerous examples which prove that spiritual healing is a reality and, above all, a way of life through which anyone can experience the continuous miracle in life.
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Megas Seirios Publications
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- Publication Date November 2021
- Orginal LanguageGreek
- ISBN/Identifier 9786185223519
- Publication Country or regionGreece
- FormatPaperback
- Pages262
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleΠΝΕΥΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΘΕΡΑΠΕΙΑ : Μια ανθρώπινη δυνατότητα τόσο στη θεωρία όσο και στην πράξη
- Original Language AuthorsΚΛΑΙΡΗ ΛΥΚΙΑΡΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ
- Edition2
- Copyright Year2021
- Dimensions14 x 21 cm
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