Something before and after Translation
by Cao Naiyun
The author of this bokk is a translater while the book Something before and after Translation comes from the author's notes dealing with the comprehension of the original works, the interesting things which take place in the work of translation and the comments on both original and translated works. It is a good reader and coference for middle school students, university students, teachers and researchers on the subjects of European and American culture and literature. This book can also make a firm foundtion and good preparation in life and knowledge about the western countries for the travellers, students and traders.
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Guangxi Normal University Press Group
Established in 1986, Guangxi Normal University Press is a renowned publisher of academic, education and humanities titles. Shanghai Co. is a fully owned subsidiary of Guangxi Normal University Press. It publishes 200 titles a year, covering a wide spectrum of subjects, from education, social sciences, history and culture, to biographies, memoirs, literature and academic. The company also specializes in genres like architecture and music.
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher Guangxi Normal University Press
- Publication Date April 2018
- Orginal LanguageChinese simplified
- ISBN/Identifier 9787559806727
- Publication Country or regionChina
- FormatPaperback
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language Title译前译后
- Original Language Authors曹乃云
- Copyright Year2018