Aquaculture & fish-farming: practice & techniques


The first comprehensive monograph on periphyton, this book contains contributions by scientists fromaround the globe. Multi-disciplinary in nature, it covers both basic and applied aspects of periphyton,and is applicable worldwide in natural, extensive and intensive managed systems.Periphyton, as described in this book, refers to the entire complex of attached aquatic biota on submergedsubstrates, including associated non-attached organisms and detritus. Thus the periphyton communitycomprises bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae, zooplankton and other invertebrates. Periphyton is importantfor various reasons: as a major contributor to carbon fixation and nutrient cycling in aquatic ecosystems;as an important source of food in aquatic systems; as an indicator of environmental change. It can alsobe managed to improve water quality in lakes and reservoirs; it can greatly increase aquaculture production;it can be used in waste water treatment.The book provides an international review of periphyton ecology, exploitation and management. Theecology part focuses on periphyton structure and function in natural systems. The exploitation part coversits nutritive qualities and utilization by organisms, particularly in aquaculture. The final part considersthe use of periphyton for increasing aquatic production and its effects on water quality and animal healthin culture systems. This book will help scientists and entrepreneurs further understand the ecology andproduction of aquatic systems and venture into new and promising areas.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher CAB International
  • Publication Date November 2005
  • Orginal LanguageEnglish
  • ISBN/Identifier 9780851990965
  • Publication Country or regionUnited Kingdom
  • FormatHardback
  • Primary Price 110 GBP
  • Pages352
  • ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Copyright Year2005

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