Orthopaedics Network
by Samir Mehta, MD, Web Editor
Orthopaedics Network is a single source solution for full-text access to every current article from the complete line of LWW orthopaedics journals including Spine. Featuring an innovative user interface, Orthopaedics Network aggregates and sorts articles from contributing journals into subspecialty-based Channels, giving users a quick and complete view into what’s being published specific to their unique needs. Web Editor, Samir Mehta, MD, guides users to “must-read” Featured Articles and, with his frequently updated Blog, provides insight into the latest developments in orthopaedics worldwide. Plus, with powerful personalization tools like My Network, Create Your Own Channel, and Saved Searches, users can customize Orthopaedics Network to focus on what matters most to them.

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Bibliographic Information
- Imprint Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- Publication Country or regionUSA / United States of America
- Publish StatusPublished
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