In the year 1910, at age twenty, Karl Artur Johan Gustafsson leaves Sweden to follow his older siblings to America. Renamed "Carl Arthur Gustafson" at Ellis Island, he begins a new life in Forestville/Bristol Connecticut where he falls in love with and marries Jennie Anderson. Together they build their "house," guiding their family through the rapidly changing events of the twentieth-century. In this multi-layered, multiple-generational story, their third child takes her readers on a journey through World War I, the Great Depression, World War II, changing technologies, changing roles and the tumultuous sixties and seventies.
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"This family's story is one you will want to read. Not only is it interesting, but it also portrays the life of our country from 1910 to 1975. The author's style in the telling drew me in, so I felt like I was right there with Carl Gustafson and his family from beginning to end." —Jeanette Ulness.
"In the opening scene the writer immediately drops you back intom the past with such vivid detail that you feel as if the story is being narrated for a feature film. You can smell the baking bread. You can feel the Mother's pain as she prepares for her son's departure. The cultural referecnes of the author's Swedish-American upbringing is interesting, and it was fascinating to read about a completely different historical period of time so opposite of how we live in today's world. That the author once sat on a rooftop as a child—on the lookout for enemy planes—and now sits at a desk typing on her computer to bring us this beautifully written story." —Lyn
"I found My Father's House by Mona Gustafson to be an honest and, sometimes profound, look at the complexities of family ancestors, and the following generations as they ocme to America from their native Sweden. Their story was a catalyst for me in my observations of my family as they immigrated from Ireland, Scotland and Germany holding fast to cultural traditions, faith and a strong value system. How they all emerge as individuals in a new and changing world is quite a reward to the reader from this gifted author." —Judy Gunther
"My Father's House is beyond brilliant, fantastic. Being that I was born and raised in Bristol and I still live here. Seeing pictures of Forestville Center before I was born is neat; also I travel the very same roads which Mona's family did. It makes me feel honored to know the history as to what took place back then. I recommend My Father's House and the highest rating in a book review." —Tina M. Olson
Author Biography
Mona Gustafson draws on her experience as daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, grandmother, professor, practicing psychologist and author to present the disarmingly honest story of her family's life and times. She has published several other books, including When to Forgive, Forgiving One Page at a Time, and the novel Figs & Pomegranates & Special Cheeses, all published under her married name, Mona Gustafson Affinito. She can be found on her website,, or her blog,
Calumet Editions
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Calumet Editions, LLC. / Wisdom Editions
- Publication Date August 2020
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781950743292 / 1950743292
- Publication Country or regionUnited States
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 18.99 USD
- Pages486
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleEnglish
- Original Language AuthorsEnglish
- Copyright Year2020
- Page size6 X 1.22 X 9 Inches (6 X 9) inches
- IllustrationBlack and White
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