Humanities & Social Sciences

Feminist Economy - Why economics needs feminism and vice versa

Why economics needs feminism and vice versa

by Hélène Périvier


Economics as a discipline was conceived by men in the interests of a society run by men. It is also the social science with the fewest women; barely a quarter of economists are women. This book lifts the veil on the apparent neutrality economic concepts and analyses. In so doing, it sheds light on the foundations of a social organization based on the patriarchal model focused on Mr. Breadwinner, while Ms. Housewife has become Ms. Paidappitance.

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Feminist economics renews the themes and approaches of this discipline and uses its knowledge and tools to work towards gender equality

Author Biography

Hélène Périvier  is an economist at the French Observatory of Economic Conjuncture (OFCE/Sciences Po). She is also responsible for a research and teaching programme on gender (PRESAGE).

Presses de Sciences Po

Presses de Sciences Po

Sciences Po University Press has a triple vocation: to publish research, to edit reference work for students, and to stimulate public and political debate. Founded in the 1950s by Sciences Po (Political Studies Institute of Paris), it has established itself as a leading university publisher. With more than 1,000 titles in its catalogue, Sciences Po University Press publishes the most advanced research in its areas of expertise: geopolitics, globalization and governance, trends in political life, societal change, gender theory and development and 20th century history.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publisher Presses de Sciences Po
  • Publication Date October 2020
  • Orginal LanguageFrench
  • ISBN/Identifier 9782724626759
  • Publication Country or regionFrance
  • FormatPaperback
  • Primary Price 15 EUR
  • Pages216
  • ReadershipGeneral
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Original Language TitleL'Economie féministe
  • Original Language Authorsfre
  • Edition1
  • Copyright Year2020
  • Dimensions19 x 12,5 cm
  • SeriesEssai

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