After a bitter betrayal a young naiad, Ashal, and her bodyguard, are exiled from their home in the watery depths of the Trident Realm. Swearing revenge against those who have wronged her, Ashal begins her quest to seek out and destroy the people responsible for her sorrow. Her journey takes her to the remote Abbey of Danos on the outskirts of the human empire of Basilea where the first on her list has taken up residency. Waiting there will force her to face some uncomfortable truths about herself and the world in which she lives as well as open her eyes to a greater darkness than she had imagined could exist, especially within herself. There are others who seek the same vengeance as her, but should she trust them? Or will her single-minded goal of vengeance blind her to the dangers that await for her at the edge of the Abkhazla Mountains?
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Author Biography
Ben lives in the wilds of Idaho, the land of potatoes, with his lovely wife and their kids. Ben is an English teacher who doesn't care enough about grammar to judge yours and teaches for the Department of Juvenile Corrections. He is an avid tabletop gamer and storyteller and has had a love of fantasy and adventure for as long as he can remember. He is always more than happy to share this passion with as many people as are willing to endure his ramblings.
Winged Hussar Publishing, LLC
Winged Hussar Publishing, LLC (WHP) was formed in 2012 by Vincent Rospond. With over twenty-five years’ experience in publishing WHP has focused on military history with an Eastern European bent. In 2016 WHP acquired the rights to The Nafziger Collection a refined series of military history titles. Through its Zmok Books imprint, WHP publishes science fiction and fantasy, adventure and horror for original and genre books. Winged Hussar Publishing produces history with a focus on Eastern Europe. Winged Hussar Books produced books in several standard formats. Zmok Books is an imprint of WHP that produces original stories of SF, Fantasy, Adventure and Horror. They are the official licensee of several game based properties that include Mantic Games, The Gates of Antares, Anzil 8, and Infinity
View all titlesBibliographic Information
- Publisher/Imprint Winged Hussar Publishing, LLC / Zmok Books
- Publication Date October 2020
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9781945430596 / 1945430990
- Publication Country or regionUnited States
- FormatPaperback
- Primary Price 18 USD
- Pages320
- ReadershipGeneral
- Publish StatusPublished
- Original Language TitleEnglish
- Original Language AuthorsEnglish
- Copyright Year2020
- Page size6 x 9 (6 x 9) inches
- SeriesPannithor
- Series Part3
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