Bridge Between Music, Art & Architecture: Boxed Set
by Owen Waldschlagel
Book, 2 Pyramid Books & 2 CDs.The nature of beginning is to connect. The result of connecting intellectually or physically is some form of development. This publication describes a life of connections involving the natural physical world with music and art. The stimulations of the progressive effects among the three brought forth the logical steps of architecture and self sustaining vocation. It begins with a young boy exploring and interacting with nature. His family and society allow his abilities and imagination to develop and flourish. The freedom of seizing opportunities and fates adventures allow his various talents to expand. Geography and the ocean become an integral part of his existence as he becomes a man. He often believes as he travels in solitude over land and sea toward his destiny that he exists in another time, perhaps hundreds of years earlier. As a young adult he reconstructs a sailing vessel that he found under the Brooklyn Bridge, in NYC. The sailboat is capable of ocean voyages. He sails and discovers interesting attributes combining the muses of natural science with those of music and philosophy. His interactions with people within and without his life bring him an awareness of the human condition. He is a song writer turning his thoughts into lyrics and music. He returns home to NY and discovers the high attributes of applying knowledge and logic to problems to create solutions. Involved in the everyday possibilities of hopes and dreams either through creating music, producing artwork or constructing dwellings he aspires to elevate destinies. A central theme of this book is the affability of the relationships between the different talented personalities and their abilities to share a logical or artistic quest as their paths crossed. Often the group would be thinking or creating in tandem or as one. The end results connect the reader to the sources of creativity that produce a bridge between Music, Art and Architecture. All inspired with creative communication being the only impetus. This tome describes how they developed a philosophical approach to solve some problems of the human condition through innovative architecture and vocation. The CDs feature 18 songs. Also includes two Pyramid Books -- "Sol-Ra" and "Returning Origin".
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"This kind of reading experience that is one that is as thoughtful and thought-provoking as it is solidly entertaining. Very highly recommended for personal collections, "Bridge Between Music, Art & Architecture: Boxed Set" includes a paperback edition of the book, 2 Pyramid Books ('Sol-Ra' and 'Returning Origin') & 2 CD (featuring 18 songs).
Julie Summers
Bibliographic Information
- Imprint E.L.Foster Publishing Inc (US)
- Orginal LanguageEnglish
- ISBN/Identifier 9780982760611 / 0982760612
- Pages112
- ReadershipGeneral - Trade
- Publish StatusPublished
- Responsibilityby Owen Waldschlagel ; illustrated by Hye Jeong Park.
- Page size23
- Illustrationcolour illus
- Biblio NotesMixed media:.
- Reference CodeBDZ0012885887
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