ASAIO Journal
A Peer Reviewed Journal of the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
Edited by Mark S Slaughter M.D.
Bimonthly - 2013 Volume(s) - 57
ASAIO Journal is the primary source for timely and authoritative updates in the field of bionic technologies research and development. In the forefront of the field, ASAIO Journal highlights state-of-the-art investigations in biological, tissue, and genetic engineering and other biometric substitutes, laboratory and clinical trials, as well as discussion and opinions from experts around the world. Cardiovascular surgeons, transplant physicians, nephrologists, and biomedical engineers look to the ASAIO Journal for the very latest research and upcoming developments in the field.
Published Bimonthly
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Bibliographic Information
- Imprint Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (Wolters Kluwer)
- Publication Date 1955
- Original Language English
- ISBN/Identifier 10582916
- Publication Country or regionUSA / United States of America
- Primary Price $47
- ReadershipProfessional and Scholarly
- Publish StatusPublished
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