Humanities & Social Sciences

A Review of Textbook History: 1978-2018

by SHI Ou


In 1978, with bringing order out of chaos, textbooks for primary and secondary schools were rewritten in China, and have been rewritten for six times by now. The history of textbooks is a reflection of the spirit of the times that changes in the spirit of the times have profoundly affected the writing of textbooks, and the textbooks, in return, have also shaped the spiritual outlook of Chinese people of different times. The evolution of textbooks in the past 40 years reflects the course of China's stepping towards an opening and modern nation in the same period.

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Bibliographic Information

  • Publication Date April 2019
  • Orginal LanguageChinese simplified
  • ReadershipGeneral
  • Publish StatusPublished
  • Copyright Year2019

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