Discover, Connect, Exchange

Frankfurt Rights is the leading online platform for buying and selling permissions and rights internationally

Frankfurt Rights is Frankfurter Buchmesse’s platform for the international rights and licence trade. Anyone interested in buying rights can sign up to Frankfurt Rights, browse the platform, contact sellers, and initiate business. Rights Sellers can set up an online presence of their company and content as well as facilitate transactions by using Frankfurt Rights' productivity tools.

Frankfurt Rights is designed to support rights professionals and editors on a daily and weekly basis as they make acquisition decisions. This platform brings together buyers, sellers, and relevant rights information on a single, easy-to-use platform— there is no more searching through multiple websites, PDFs, and emails to find the information and contacts you need. Our digital communication and presentation tools keep your rights business run smoothly, no matter where you work from. As a buyer you can always use Frankfurt Rights for free — there is no subscription required.
  • Trusted Partner

    Frankfurt Invitation Programme Alumni

    The Invitation Programme offers publishers from Africa, the Arab world, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean the chance to participate inthe Frankfurter Buchmesse.

  • Trusted Partner

    CABI (CAB International)

    CABI (CAB International) is an international, non-profit body improving lives by providing information & scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture & the environment.

  • Trusted Partner

    Rowohlt Verlag GmbH

    Rowohlt Verlag GmbH with the imprints Rowohlt BERLIN, rowohlt HUNDERT AUGEN, rowohlt POLARIS, WUNDERLICH, KINDLER, rororo, rowohlt rotfuchs, rowohlt e-Book, rowohlt repertoire, rowohlt rotation

  • Trusted Partner

    Thieme Group

    Thieme is an award-winning international medical and science publisher serving health professionals and students for more than 125 years.

What our members can expect:

  • A custom publisher portal, including profile, key titles and branding 
  • Instant Permissions — automate or partially automate your permissions requests
  • Instant Offer — automate or partially automate your rights requests
  • Instant Rights Guide — quickly created and exported rights catalogues
  • Include your content in our weekly recommendations 
  • Advanced messaging functionality between buyers and sellers
  • Comprehensive search and browsing features
  • A 24-hour global market

Join the Frankfrights community to gain access to these fantastic features and more. We offer a variety of packages, and signing up is both free and easy.