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        October 2007

        Bargfelder Ausgabe. Briefe von und an Arno Schmidt

        Band 5: Briefwechsel mit Kollegen

        by Arno Schmidt, Gregor Strick

        Arno Schmidt bemerkte einmal, er sei ein "fauler" Briefschreiber: "meine näheren Bekannten – denn ich habe deren tatsächlich – wissen das, & harren in Geduld. (Und der schönste ‹Brief›, den ein Autor versenden kann, ist & bleibt ja doch wohl das ‹Neue Buch›. –)" Diese Selbsteinschätzung paßt zwar zu dem öffentlichen Vorurteil über den "Solipsist in der Heide", ist aber nur die halbe Wahrheit, wie der vierte Band der Arno-Schmidt-Briefausgabe beweist. Die komplett dargebotenen Korrespondenzen Schmidts mit Böll, Deschner, Döblin, Edschmid, Hesse, Jahnn, Kreuder, Rühmkorf, Stefl, Steinberg und Martin Walser (nebst einer Fülle von Einzelbriefen) zeigen Schmidt als einen Autor, der aus einer selbstgewählten Randposition sehr wohl die Mechanismen des Literaturbetriebs auf seine Weise zu bedienen wußte. Der ausführliche Kommentar des Kölner Literaturwissenschaftlers Gregor Strick macht den Band zu einem Kompendium bundesrepublikanischer Literaturgeschichte, das weit über den Kreis der Schmidt-Leser hinaus Beachtung finden wird.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2015

        Was wird er damit machen?

        Nachrichten aus dem Leben eines Lords

        by Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Bernd Rauschenbach, Arno Schmidt

        Das Buch, mit dem Arno Schmidt sich von ›Zettel’s Traum‹ erholte Finstermänner aus Londons Unterwelt, verlorene Söhne und verzeihende Väter, halbgelehrte Handwerker, stotternde Prediger, Wanderschauspieler und fahrendes Volk, zarte Kindsbräute und verliebte Ladys, die Frau in Eisengrau, Lady Frost und Pudel Toby: Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Zeitgenosse und Freund von Charles Dickens, entfaltet in diesem umfangreichen Roman das bunte Panorama der viktorianischen Gesellschaft. Der vermögende Lord Darrell und die von ihm geliebte Lady Montfort werden ebenso Opfer hinterhältiger Intrigen wie die arme Schauspielerin Sophie und ihr Anbeter Lionel Haughton: Jasper Losely heißt der gewissenlose Dieb und Erpresser, der dafür sorgt, dass sie alle immer wieder aneinander irre werden. Voller Ränke und Volten steckt Edward Bulwer-Lyttons Porträt der Londoner Gesellschaft um 1850. Hinter der rasanten Handlung steht für den zeitlebens politisch engagierten Autor die Frage, welche Handlungsmöglichkeiten den Menschen im gesellschaftlichen Gefüge des 19. Jahrhunderts überhaupt bleiben. Die Armen, die Reichen, die Findigen und die Demütigen – was werden sie aus ihrem Leben machen? Arno Schmidts Übersetzung verleiht den Figuren ihre je eigene Sprache – eine Meisterleistung, die beim ersten Erscheinen 1971 dem Roman zu Kultstatus verholfen hat.

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        Children's & YA

        Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers, Book I

        A Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers

        by Liu Xingshi

        The Classic of Mountains and Rivers, also known as Shan Hai Jing, has been regarded as a "strange book" since its appearance in China pre-Qin Dynasty. On the basis of its title, most people would assume that it is a survey record of ancient geography, but its descriptions of the "mountains and rivers" include encyclopedic entries—such as animals, plants, minerals, religion, history, medicine, customs, and ethnic groups. Also, it gives accounts of many folk legends of mythic geography, monsters, and witchcraft. No matter labeled as a book of geography, a book of history, or a book of strange stories, it is a Chinese ancient classic that deserves to be read over and over again.   But as a book compiled about 2,500 to 3,000 years ago, its context and words are difficult to understand for modern readers. The Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series is just designed to make this classic more understandable and readable. It illustrates the most essential parts of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers with simple words, animated illustrations, and interdisciplinary approaches, and introduces young readers to the understandings of Chinese ancestors on land and nature. Not only is it a book series for teenagers, but also an encyclopedia of traditional Chinese geography and culture for adults.   The series contains three books, and A Thousand Miles of Mountains and Rivers is the first one. It briefly introduces the creation process and main contributors of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers, and tells stories about geography in ancient China including mountains, rivers, creatures, and minerals as well as the plain but vital spirit for scientific discovery of Chinese ancestors.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1994

        Leviathan oder Die beste der Welten

        Vierfarb-Faksimile der Handschrift mit einer Transkription, einer Lesefassung und einem editorischen Nachwort

        by Arno Schmidt, Susanne Fischer

        Seine erste Nachkriegserzählung notierte Arno Schmidt in den papierarmen Zeiten auf einem Block mit Telegrammformularen, den ihm ein englischer Offizier geschenkt hatte. Später fing er an, Zigarrenkistchen zu sammeln, Schubfächer zusammenzuleimen aus Holzplättchen und Pappscheibchen, ausstaffiert mit bunten Reitern: Arno Schmidts berühmt gewordene Zettelkästen. Manch einer möchte bis heute hinter den Tausenden von Notizzetteln mit Redewendungen, Metaphern, Zitaten und Beschreibungsfetzen den letzten Schlüssel vermuten zur Entstehungsgeschichte seiner Werke, letztlich zum Geheimnis seiner Kreativität. Auch wenn das Nebeneinander aller Zettel eines Kastens keineswegs das zugehörige Buch ergibt, lassen erhaltene Themen- und Szenenkonvolute etwas von der Arbeitsweise des »Wortweltenerbauers« (so Schmidts Selbstcharakterisierung) ahnen. Der vierfarbige Faksimile-Druck präsentiert das früheste erhaltene Manuskript nach 1945, die Erzählung Leviathan. Auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten werden die Handschrift und deren diplomatische Umschrift gezeigt, eine Umschrift also, die alle Details auch der Tilgungen und überschreibungen sichtbar macht. Auf den Seiten des Telegrammblocks werden noch die Rostrückstände der Briefklammer sichtbar, mit denen die Formularblätter zusammengehalten wurden. Zusätzlich enthält der Band in einer zweiten Transkription eine Lesefassung des Manuskripts.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2013

        Tina oder über die Unsterblichkeit

        by Arno Schmidt, Eberhard Schlotter, Eberhard Schlotter

        Nicht nur Homer kannte sich aus mit der Unterwelt. Auch Arno Schmidt, knapp 3000 Jahre später, hat seinen Lesern zu einem Blick ins Jenseitige verholfen. Sein Elysium liegt geradewegs unter Darmstadt, und wie bei Homer im Hades wollen auch die Seelen in Schmidts Erzählung, allesamt mehr oder weniger bekannte Dichter, nichts wie weg. Leider steht dieser Sehnsucht der im Diesseits so hartnäckig angestrebte Ruhm im Weg. Denn es gilt die Regel: »Jeder ist so lange zum Leben hier unten verdammt, wie sein Name noch akustisch oder optisch auf Erden oben erscheint.« Der Maler und Graphiker Eberhard Schlotter hat die so witzige wie bitterböse Satire auf den Dichtertraum von der Unsterblichkeit mit 25 Radierungen illustriert. Und Text wie Bild lassen keinen Zweifel: Nicht die Unsterblichkeit kann das Ziel sein, sondern das gnädige Vergessen: »endlich in Ruhe tot sein«!

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2002

        Weltstaat oder Staatenwelt?

        Für und wider die Idee einer Weltrepublik

        by James Bohman, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann, James Bohman, Matthias Lutz-Bachmann

        Die weltweite Verbreitung der liberalen Marktwirtschaft hat in Verbindung mit einer Globalisierung von Technik, Kommunikationsmitteln und Verkehr den Handlungsraum für einzelstaatliche Politik dramatisch verändert - sowohl im Inneren der Staaten als auch in ihrer Außenpolitik. Diese Entwicklungen, aber auch die zunehmenden Proteste gegen die Folgen der Globalisierung und die sich abzeichnenden weltweiten Konflikte haben die Diskussion über neue Strukturen der internationalen Politik belebt. Der Streit wird über die Frage geführt, ob die Struktur der überlieferten Staatenwelt geeignet ist, die Herausforderungen politisch und friedlich zu bewältigen, die sich aus der Globalisierung von ökonomie und Technik ergeben. Oder sollen neue, demokratische Strukturen für die internationale Politik geschaffen werden, die die Mechanismen der bisherigen Außenpolitik ersetzen? Der von den politischen Philosophen Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (Frankfurt am Main) und James Bohman (St. Louis, USA) vorgelegte Band versammelt Beiträge von Philosophen, Juristen, Politikwissenschaftlern und ökonomen zur Diskussion der aktuellen politischen Streitfrage: »Weltstaat oder Staatenwelt? Für und wider die Idee einer Weltrepublik«. Im Suhrkamp Verlag ist außerdem erschienen: Matthias Lutz-Bachmann/ James Bohman (Hg.): Frieden durch Recht. Kants Friedensidee und das Problem einer neuen Weltordnung (stw 1269).

      • Trusted Partner

        Chang Yu figure painting

        by Chang Yu

        In the modern Chinese painting circle, Chang Yu is a leader, once alternately refreshing the Chinese oil painting auction record. Painter Chang Yu has had ups and downs throughout her life, and insists on going her own way in art. He is recognized in the West as a world-class painter, a Chinese Modigliani, a painter who creates freely for his artistic beliefs and makes remarkable achievements. Chang Yu turned from the most familiar Chinese art to another brand new western art field, and constantly explored and pursued on the basis of Chinese painting, finally achieving Chang Yu's special painting style of simplicity and fluency. Chang Yu is an indelible Oriental pearl. Few books of Chang Yu are published in China. We popularize such art and publicize Chang Yu's achievements in the history of Chinese art in the 20th century.The series consists of 3 books. This book is a collection of Chang Yu's figure painting works, which contains more than 60 of his important and iconic figure works. Chang Yu's female body works are different from the expression Angle of nude paintings, and he uses the whole body outline of a naked woman to express the scenery in his mind. There are not many slim naked women in Chang Yu's works, but mostly plump and fat women. Quite the author "do not talk to people, alone in the dark" self-pity mode.

      • Trusted Partner

        Chang Yu animal painting

        by Chang Yu

        In the modern Chinese painting circle, Chang Yu is a leader, once alternately refreshing the Chinese oil painting auction record. Painter Chang Yu has had ups and downs throughout her life, and insists on going her own way in art. He is recognized in the West as a world-class painter, a Chinese Modigliani, a painter who creates freely for his artistic beliefs and makes remarkable achievements. Chang Yu turned from the most familiar Chinese art to another brand new western art field, and constantly explored and pursued on the basis of Chinese painting, finally achieving Chang Yu's special painting style of simplicity and fluency. Chang Yu is an indelible Oriental pearl. Few books of Chang Yu are published in China. We popularize such art and publicize Chang Yu's achievements in the history of Chinese art in the 20th century.The series consists of 3 books. This book is a collection of Chang Yu's animal paintings, which contains more than 60 of her important and iconic animal works. Chang Yu's animal works mostly show the vast land, the ancient roads, or the yellow sand road, and the desolate situation of people. In the painting, there is only a small animal like a drop in the ocean in the boundless empty sky. All the viewers can feel the loneliness and sorrow of this stranger in his old age.

      • Trusted Partner

        Chang Yu still life painting

        by Chang Yu

        In the modern Chinese painting circle, Chang Yu is a leader, once alternately refreshing the Chinese oil painting auction record. Painter Chang Yu has had ups and downs throughout her life, and insists on going her own way in art. He is recognized in the West as a world-class painter, a Chinese Modigliani, a painter who creates freely for his artistic beliefs and makes remarkable achievements. Chang Yu turned from the most familiar Chinese art to another brand new western art field, and constantly explored and pursued on the basis of Chinese painting, finally achieving Chang Yu's special painting style of simplicity and fluency. Chang Yu is an indelible Oriental pearl. Few books of Chang Yu are published in China. We popularize such art and publicize Chang Yu's achievements in the history of Chinese art in the 20th century.The series consists of 3 books. This book is Chang Yu's collection of still life flower paintings, which contains more than 60 of his important and iconic vase flower works. Chang Yu's still life works are a mirror of his inner world. "The feeling of desolation.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2001

        Die Formen des Religiösen in der Gegenwart

        by Charles Taylor, Karin Wördemann, Charles Taylor

        Ausgehend von William James' 1902 erschienener Untersuchung "Die Vielfalt religiöser Erfahrung" verfolgt Charles Taylor die Verschiebungen im Verhältnis von Religion, Individuum und Gesellschaft, von Spirituellem und Politischem bis in die Gegenwart. Der Rückzug des religiösen aus der öffentlichen Sphäre hat die Religion nicht ins Private eingeschlossen; vielmehr verbirgt sich hinter diesem Prozeß eine Kulturrevolution: Der moderne »expressive« Individualismus hat eine Vielfalt neuer Religionsformen und -gemeinschaften hervorgebracht, die auf die traditionellen Formen zurückwirkt und die Gesellschaft verändert. Der Ort der Religion muß neu bestimmt werden.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2019

        Rivers, Revised Edition

        by Laurie Burnham

        From Earth's two longest rivers, which flow through African deserts and Amazon jungles, to Siberia's great Yenisei-Angara river system, which drains into the Arctic Ocean, this appealing eBook vividly brings the world's great waterways into focus. Students will discover how these rivers came to exist, their place in history, what makes each unusual, and current environmental challenges.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers, Book II

        Strange Stories of the Vast Universe

        by Liu Xingshi

        The Classic of Mountains and Rivers, also known as Shan Hai Jing, has been regarded as a "strange book" since its appearance in China pre-Qin Dynasty. On the basis of its title, most people would assume that it is a survey record of ancient geography, but its descriptions of the "mountains and rivers" include encyclopedic entries—such as animals, plants, minerals, religion, history, medicine, customs, and ethnic groups. Also, it gives accounts of many folk legends of mythic geography, monsters, and witchcraft. No matter labeled as a book of geography, a book of history, or a book of strange stories, it is a Chinese ancient classic that deserves to be read over and over again.   But as a book compiled about 2,500 to 3,000 years ago, its context and words are difficult to understand for modern readers. The Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series is just designed to make this classic more understandable and readable. It illustrates the most essential parts of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers with simple words, animated illustrations, and interdisciplinary approaches, and introduces young readers to the understandings of Chinese ancestors on land and nature. Not only is it a book series for teenagers, but also an encyclopedia of traditional Chinese geography and culture for adults.   Strange Stories of the Vast Universe is the second book of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series. It tells strange stories that happened in the Earth, the Sea, and the Vast Universe. The world in Classic of Mountains and Rivers is presented in the order of South, West, North and East, where lived many fantastic tribes and incredible animals. Reading it will not only provide readers with features of these existences but also the stories of how they were created and the myths and geography about them.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers, Book III

        Gorgeous Stories and Myths

        by Liu Xingshi

        The Classic of Mountains and Rivers, also known as Shan Hai Jing, has been regarded as a "strange book" since its appearance in China pre-Qin Dynasty. On the basis of its title, most people would assume that it is a survey record of ancient geography, but its descriptions of the "mountains and rivers" include encyclopedic entries—such as animals, plants, minerals, religion, history, medicine, customs, and ethnic groups. Also, it gives accounts of many folk legends of mythic geography, monsters, and witchcraft. No matter labeled as a book of geography, a book of history, or a book of strange stories, it is a Chinese ancient classic that deserves to be read over and over again.   But as a book compiled about 2,500 to 3,000 years ago, its context and words are difficult to understand for modern readers. The Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series is just designed to make this classic more understandable and readable. It illustrates the most essential parts of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers with simple words, animated illustrations, and interdisciplinary approaches, and introduces young readers to the understandings of Chinese ancestors on land and nature. Not only is it a book series for teenagers, but also an encyclopedia of traditional Chinese geography and culture for adults.   Gorgeous Stories and Myths is the third book of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers for Teenagers series. It presents the extracts of myths in the Classic of Mountains and Rivers and the stories related to them, including "The Mythical Bird Jingwei Trying to Fill Up the Sea with Pebbles", "Houyi Shooting Down Nine Suns", and "Kuafu Racing with the Sun". In order to find what is behind the myths, the author probes into the history, nature, geography and culture of ancient China. It inspires the young readers, opens up their views and encourages them to explore the origin of China's myths and how they had grown.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        Yellow River

        Image Files of the Natural and Humanistic Heritages of China’s River Sources, III

        by Ge Jianxiong, Zheng Yunfeng

        In Chinese history, the Yellow River is much more than a river; it stands for the origins of Chinese civilization and is often referred to as "The Mother River". Image Files of the Natural and Humanistic Heritages of China's River Sources: Yellow River systematically records the nature, history, and humanity in the Yellow River Basin from the perspective of "visual anthropology". It contains a large number of precious photos taken in the 1980s, not only showing the originality, diversity, and uniqueness of the Yellow River culture but also strengthening the environmental protection awareness, which is considered of high cultural and historical value.   The series has three volumes: Memories of Mountains and Rivers, Memories of Old Days, and Memories of Ours. Memories of Mountains and Rivers records in images the geological features of the Yellow River from the source towards the sea and reveals the natural magnificence of the Yellow River. Memories of Old Days tells the rise and fall of Chinese history in the Yellow River Basin throughout thousands of years, from the primitive society to the feudal dynasties, from cultural relics underground to above-ground. Memories of Ours records the residence, grazing, farming, clothing, and sacrifice of the Chinese nation in the Yellow River Basin and reveals the cultural prosperity of the Yellow River Civilization.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        Anne Elliot oder die Kraft der Überredung

        by Austen, Jane; Roth, Sabine

        Bitte überprüfen Sie bei Ihrer Anfrage, ob die gewählte Übersetzung von dem/der hier genannten Übersetzer/in erstellt worden ist.

      • Trusted Partner

        Stone Blossoms

        by Luo Changjiang

        The full-length reportage "Stone Blossom" closely focuses on the main line of poverty alleviation by tourism, focusing on the spirit of struggle of the people in Wulingyuan to fight poverty and the vivid stories, reflecting the scenes of rearranging mountains and rivers to change their destiny. “Tourism feeds back agriculture and poverty alleviation connects tourism” to continuously influence, impact and refresh the vivid process of people's ideas, behaviors and thinking models. At the same time, the work takes poverty and anti-poverty worldwide as the coordinates, and carries out reflections and discussions on topics such as rural tourism, multidimensional poverty, educating the masses and cadres, human capital, rural revitalization and rural construction, and urban-rural integration. Documentary and speculation go hand in hand, poetry and reason echo each other, forming the basic pattern of the polyphonic concerto of this work. You can hear the concertos of history and reality, the concerts of the countryside and the city, the concerts of glory and dreams, the concert of the terroir culture with the sandstone Dafenglin as the main symbol and the regional cultural character of Wulingyuan people.

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