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      • Rights Expert

        Rights Expert Literary and Licensing Agency is representing in Romania, directly or through other agents, more than 45 publishing houses and imprints (mainly from UK and USA). Part of the publishers represented in Romania agreed to give us the international representation for other CEE territories: Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria. Rights Expert Literary and Licensing Agency is having a portfolio of creative, independent and flexible publishers from domains like: Children and Young Adult books (non-fiction): activity books, color and stickers books. Children and Young Adult books (fiction): picture books (trendy in all the markets); story books; novels; comic magazines and books. Adult non-fiction: Self-help, Health, Body, Mind & Spirit etc. Adult fiction

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        Indie Experts Publishing and Author Services

        Publishing 3.0 and Author services for non-fiction specialists who care about influencing with high quality content.

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        Food & Drink

        Good Aroma Tea worth Making and Tasting

        by Li Tao

        Dense tea aroma is written in this book by author compared with these books do not involve in too much knowledge on tea tasting but taking “tea tasting” as the title. The author gives new meaning and association on beautiful tea drinking and describes the true aroma, meaning of tea and experience of tea tasting with ink with spiritual technique of writing to bring you feel the secret of tea and enjoy the goodness of life all the time. You can learn the first hand of knowledge of distinguishing and making of tea except enjoy reading of clear picture for distinguishing and detail of tea making procedures. With detail of making procedures and illustrations, simple explanation, let you grasp the secret to make an aromatic tea fast. Even if you are a beginner, you grasp it fast.

      • Trusted Partner
        Historical fiction

        HERON’S WAY

        by Do Taij Mogul

        The hero’s story is told in an ancient, secret chronicle... A white falcon flew across the Eternal Blue Sky. His flight was long and beautiful, binding together the patchwork of lands; his life was full of victories and defeats. Soaring high, then falling like a stone, the falcon darted from place to place. He threaded his way from the colored Jin Empire to that of the daring Naimans; from the lands of the Karakitai Khanate to the territories of the rebellious Tangut; from the highlands of the warlike Taichuds to the floodplains of the unruly Tatars.... From north to south, from east to west, no man or beast in the world knew what the falcon was really like: how his heart ached; how fears clutched his chest; what nightmares visited his sleep; what treacherous winds lurked at every takeoff of his daily journey—a journey from nothing to everything. But as he flew, paying for his power over the world with his loneliness, the world was falling to pieces. When the falcon ceased flying, the Great Destruction came, and only the memory of the people for him kept the Mongol flame burning across the centuries—all while people went about their daily routines, and did all the unbearable and great things that give man his destiny...

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2011

        The Honest Man's Fortune

        by Grace Ioppolo

        This edition of The Honest Man's Fortune, a play co-written by John Fletcher, Nathan Field, and Philip Massinger for the Lady Elizabeth's Men in 1613 and revived for the King's Men in 1625, is the first diplomatic edition of one of the most remarkable dramatic manuscripts of the early modern period. Almost uniquely, the fair-copy manuscript records the entire process of the circular transmission of the text from authors to censor to bookkeeper to actors to playhouse, as well as the types of revision each required. In the hand of Edward Knight, the King's Men's book-keeper, this manuscript's title-page notes that it was '/Plaide In the yeare 1613/' and contains one of the few surviving complete licences by Master of the Revels Sir Henry Herbert who states, 'This Play. Being an olde One and the Originall Lost was reallowd by mee. This: 8 febru. 1624 [i.e., 1625]'. In fact, Herbert accepted as payment for the new licence a printed edition of Sir Philip Sidney's /Arcadia/. More excitingly, the many cuts, deletions, and marginal and interlinear additions and revisions as well as the names of three actors in its stage directions show us two transmissions of this text: the first in 1613, when it was composed and licensed and then adjusted by the authors, and the second in 1625, when it went through almost the same process for revival. With a full discussion of the manuscript's material properties, provenance, transcription history, and the play's composition and performance history, this new edition of /The Honest Man's Fortune/ puts the play where it belongs: at the centre of the canon of Jacobean drama. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2020

        Every family can have a good doctor-100 health tips for keeping in good health at home

        by Chen Qihua

        This book is a scientific and universally popular science and health reading book. It is compiled by popular science and health experts. It mainly introduces the prevention and self-treatment of common diseases; the methods of health maintenance for people of different age levels and different physical fitness categories; Four Seasons Health maintenance knowledge and introduction to health maintenance methods such as diet, emotions, exercise, and daily life. The book is divided into children's, adults, seniors, and other chapters. It is presented in the form of text and pictures, with pictures and texts, and easy to understand.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2016

        1000 cases of Hunan cuisine

        by Hunan Science& Technology Press

        This book selects more than 200 kinds of common food materials in daily life, and introduces in detail 1000 Hunan dishes made with these food materials, which are widely spread and suitable for family production, including both traditional dishes and innovative dishes, including both meat and vegetables, and various methods.

      • Trusted Partner

        Children's Art Manual Game Book

        by Green Book

        Basics of Interesting Paper-cut: Basics of Interesting Paper-cut is a book for guiding children to have fun origami. The strength of DIY ability directly reflects the flexibility of the brain, so improving children's DIY ability is an important way to promote intellectual development, while hand craft is a good way to fully develop children's intelligence.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2020

        The Guys from Mandalay , 1950

        by Khet Zaw

        The Guys of Manday ,1950s is based in the years just after independence . After Myanmar became independent from English , there were several armed conflicts in Ethnic Areas all over the world. Sein Da Myone ( Golden Dagger) was a leader of a robber gang base in Mandalay ,upper Myanmar . Nobody knows the real life of Mr Golden Dagger and he lived under the face of a gentleman . This book is related to The Guys of Rangoon 1930 as well and they have some links in stories.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2020

        The Guys of Rangoon 1930

        by Khet Zaw

        The Guys of Rangoon , 1930 is a record breaking bestseller book from Myanmar . It sold 16000 copies within one day during the pre order period. More than one hundred thousand copies have been sold so far. Film rights, several merchandise rights, comic rights already sold.It was based in Yangon , Myanmar during the colonial period. The main character is Pho Thoke who was a gangster and managed a lot of business by himself and his gang. He is very close with politicians as well and he is involved in several dirty political movements in Myanmar . This story is based on real characters and events.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        November 1904

        Common Sense

        Addressed to The Inhabitants of America

        by Thomas Paine

        Published anonymously in 1776, six months before the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Paine’s Common Sense was a radical and impassioned call for America to free itself from British rule and set up an independent republican government. Savagely attacking hereditary kingship and aristocratic institutions, Paine urged a new beginning for his adopted country in which personal freedom and social equality would be upheld and economic and cultural progress encouraged.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2018

        What is “Good” Dementia Care?

        by Christoph Held

        People with dementia experience their condition as a big change in which, for example, new events are not linked to existing experiences and wishes, thoughts, and actions can no longer be connected to each other. This kind of experience of the self, due to the intergative function of the brainbeing temporarily or permanently lost, is called dissociative self-experience. Based on this understanding of dementia, the author develops an approach to effectively understand and support people with dementia in everyday activities. Typical everyday situations and behaviours are presented and reflected on in a practical context.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        March 1905

        The First Book of Farming

        by Charles L. Goodrich

        This book is a result of the author's search for these facts and truths as a student and farmer and his endeavor as a teacher to present them in a simple manner to others. The object in presenting the book to the general public is the hope that it may be of assistance to farmers, students and teachers, in their search for the fundamental truths and principles of farming.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        Robot practices and skills in primary and secondary schools

        by Dai Shengjun

        The robot skills and skills in primary and secondary schools / Youth Science and technology innovation series, edited by Dai Shengjun, is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is the basis of robot hardware, including mathematical laws and structure building, physical principles and structure building, etc. The second chapter is the basis of C language program, including variables and functions, robot program editing skills and so on. The third chapter is the selection and application of the motor, including the basic requirements of the robot snatch, the task analysis of the robot handling competition, etc. The fourth chapter is sensor and data acquisition, including digital and analog sensors, robot obstacle avoidance and positioning, robot fire-fighting, etc. The fifth chapter is the complex program training board, including array and LED lights, tricolor lights control, etc.

      • Trusted Partner

        24 pattern Tai Chi picture book

        by Qiu Huifang

        Mainly presented by pictures and few words by the champion of Wushu championships Qiu Huifang. All the movement are clear which can make sure to show the correct motion. In addition, there is a free light disk that includes the whole manoeuvre with explanation. It makes the study easier.   内容简介 图大、字少,由世界武术锦标赛太极拳冠军邱慧芳亲自指导,动作连贯,手部、脚步移动方位清晰明了,保证了动作的准确性;另外,本书赠送了画面清晰的光盘,不仅有整套拳法的演练,还有分解动作的点评,易错动作的规避,易学易懂。

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2020

        Medicine Dao Fax——Liu Shaogui, a famous veteran pharmacist, talks about keeping in good health with traditional Chinese medicine

        by Liu Shaogui

        According to the identification and application of traditional Chinese medicine, the rational use of traditional Chinese medicine and patent medicine, the traditional Chinese medicine in the kitchen, the method of decoction and administration of traditional Chinese medicine, medicinal wine and medicinal tea, chronic disease recuperation, comments on the secret recipes of the family, teaching you to buy Chinese patent medicine, health maintenance essentials and seasonal health preservation, etc. The category is arranged and it is very convenient to find. The content involves the correct selection of commonly used medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines, the introduction of Chinese medicines for both medicinal and food use and medicated dietary treatments, as well as the main points of health preservation for four o'clock and eight festivals and 24 solar terms. In the drug introduction, it not only explained the identification of the good and the bad, but also briefly described the common sense of reasonable application, and at the same time, clarified some misunderstandings or misleading in view of the current disadvantages.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book: Looking for the Biggest Dinosaur

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book

        by Song Xian, He Xin

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly tells the knowledge of dinosaur archaeology and fossil research. The story starts with the protagonist Mia who wants to know where the largest thigh bone is in the world. It introduces the classification of dinosaurs, the environment in which dinosaurs live, how different types of dinosaurs evolved, and two famous paleontologists, Science and Marsh. Knowledge of fossil wars between the two.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book: lovely big friend

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book:

        by Song Xian, Liu Zhe, He Ya

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly tells the story about elephant protection. While traveling to Xishuangbanna, the protagonist Mia ran into a baby elephant who accidentally broke into the farmland. Later, she followed the baby elephant into the territory of Asian elephants and learned about the living habits of elephants. Later, during a visit to the zoo, Mia learned the difference between Asian elephants and African elephants, and experienced the poaching of elephants in Africa. In the end, Mia became a volunteer for elephant conservation.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book: Little monkey finds mother

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book:

        by Song Xian, Shen Yan

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly describes the development of primates and cloning technology. The story is introduced from the protagonist Mia and introduces various primates, including their relationship with us. In addition, the somatic cell clone monkey project led by Chinese scientists was also introduced, which was the first breakthrough in this biological frontier problem in the world.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        "Academician takes you to explore" popular science picture book: a magical deep-sea oasis

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" Popular Science Picture Book

        by Song Xian, Zhu Wenwen, Jiang Zhenying

        "Academician Takes You to Explore" is a set of popular science picture books for children aged 6-12. The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum and the Beauty Science Team jointly planned this series of books. Relying on the content, through vivid stories and exquisite paintings, the scientists’ live lectures are adapted into interesting science picture books, so that young readers can appreciate the progress of cutting-edge scientific research in novel stories and pictures. This book mainly talks about deep sea exploration and submarine cold springs. The story begins with the protagonist Mia reading "Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea" and introduces the protagonist Alonas. It introduces today's deep diving technology, especially my country's "Jiaolong" and "Deep Sea Warrior". It also introduces the underwater world. Various creatures, oasis cold springs on the seabed, and iron-manganese nodules in the ocean’s treasures.

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