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        March 2021

        Bonbon and Blanket

        by Emily House

        A new children's picture book by author Emily House (of Earth Takes a Break) brings us the heartwarming tale of Bonbon and Blanket and the lengths we'll go to hold onto those we love. A great pick for a kids' bedtime storybook! Bonbon and Blanket’s friendship is full of fun and adventure, but the pair very soon discover that not every adventure is of their own choosing!

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        The Power of Knowledge

        The Israeli Science Corps

        by Uriel Bachrach

        Uriel Bachrach was born in Germany in 1926 and immigrated to Palestine in 1933. In 1945 he began studying chemistry at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. At the end of 1947, future Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion realized that once British forces left Palestine in May 1948, seven Arab countries would attack the newly formed Jewish state that at that time was home to only 600,000 people—including women, children, and the elderly, many of them Holocaust survivors. The State had only 10,000 rifles and 3,800 pistols, no anti-tank weapons, and no artillery. Weapons could not be purchased from other countries due to an embargo, so Ben-Gurion decided to produce weapons locally. On February 2, 1948, Bachrach was summoned to a secret meeting where he and twenty chemistry and physics students were told to save the nation. For three weeks they studied the secrets of explosives, incendiaries, gas, and smoke. Gradually more young scientists joined the group and on March 17, 1948, an IDF Science Corps named HEMED was formed. In 1949, Bachrach returned to The Hebrew University and became the chairman of the Department of Molecular Biology. He has been a visiting professor at various American and European universities and was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Bologna in Italy. The Hebrew version of this book was published in 2009 and the author received a special prize for the State of Israel from President Shimon Peres. Uriel Bachrach continues to lecture in various forums about this unique chapter in Israel's history. An English-language eBook edition was published in early 2016 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 256 pages, 15X22.5 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        Energy Future

        Fosils and Beyond

        by Moty Kuperberg

        We cannot survive in a world where oil is $200 per barrel and where prices are dictated by a cartel and influenced by Wall Street. The free industrialized world, the glorious oil industry, and developed and developing countries have all fallen victim to greedy oil price crises. The worst year was 2008; our energy security, which the IEA defines as the “uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price,” was harmed. Yet the average price of crude oil in 2010–2014 was over $100 per barrel, only to sharply decline to $56 by the end of 2014, followed by a struggle to reach $50—a price which is considered "acceptable" by the industry. Energy Future puts the oil and gas industry’s past and present in context in order to introduce an alternative future. This future is based on three main pillars defined by the author as ENERGY GPS: geopolitics = accessible, prices = affordable, and supply = available.   Moty Kuperberg is a graduate of the department of Middle Eastern history at the University of Haifa (1984), and he holds a postgraduate degree in business administration and shipping from the City of London Polytechnic (1988). He has over twenty years of experience in shipping and energy, and during the last five years he has focused on his Independent Energy Security Agency ( as a platform for improved global security of supply. An English-language eBook edition has been scheduled for fall  2017 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc.,CA.

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        Children's & YA

        Day and Night of the Little Wooden House

        An Invitation Letter from Nature

        by Xue Tao

        An Invitation Letter from Nature series is Xue Tao's first set of nature-themed picture books. Since childhood, Xue Tao has enjoyed getting along with the plants and animals in nature and felt the rise and fall of all beings with a sensitive heart. This set of picture books for nature and ecology education just pays tribute to nature, as well as to a vibrant childhood.   An Invitation Letter from Nature series focuses on the theme of nature in the form of transitions through the four seasons. It currently has five books: Epic of Mountain Forests, Day and Night of the Little Wooden House, One Year of Me and Tree, Missing Bugs and Grass, Birds and Little Beasts as Companions. Each book has its own theme, just like five different landscape paintings, presenting different life experiences.   The book Day and Night of the Little Wooden House depicts the construction of a little wooden house, the changes around it from day to night and from spring to winter, and the days the little boy spends with various insects and beasts, all together creating a beautiful fairy tale.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2019

        Which House do You Like?

        by Xiao Aozi

        Down-to-earth--this positive word implies a stable energy. So is it for "home". In the Chinese spiritual world, home represents a sense of belonging. The so-called "home house tranquility" states the important of "house" in ancient times. "Which House Do You Like?" describes the Chinese people's understanding of home. It describes various houses in China and in the world.

      • Trusted Partner

        Shattered Crystal

        by Baruch Cohen

        A riveting historical novel about a Berlin family during World War II, whose members struggle to come to terms with conflicting parts of their identities. Widower Franz Kerner and his three grown children live their lives as loyal German citizens. With the Third Reich’s rise to power and subsequent war, they do their best for their beloved country, during those tumultuous times. Karl, the eldest, enlists in the Luftwaffe and becomes a pilot; Elsa, the middle child, works at a government office; and Helmut, the youngest, joins the infantry. But Franz harbors a deep secret, one that defines the Kerners’ identity. When he finally reveals the secret, their worlds are deeply shaken. Illustrating the characters’ inner struggles against the backdrop of the raging war, the author vividly recounts this intricate tale. The historical aspects in the novel are based on largescale, comprehensive research, and serve to shed light on major global events from a more intimate point of view, one that illustrates the repercussions of war for all of mankind. Baruch (Bobby) Cohen was born in Romania (1927) and, after previous unsuccessful attempts, immigrated to Israel in 1948 upon its establishment. The author served in the Israeli Navy, and later worked at the State Comptroller’s Office until his retirement as deputy director of inspection of Israel’s security forces. For his activities in helping the Romanian Jews between 1945-1947, Cohen was awarded the Decoration of State Warriors by the Israel Ministry of Defense. Shattered Crystal is Cohen’s second book. His first, The Decade of Tears, recounts the story of three young Jews in the newly-born State of Israel in the decade following WWII. An English-language North-American edition was published in early 2021 by Samuel Wachtman's Sons, Inc., CA. 242 Pages, 15X22.5 cm

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        Business, Economics & Law
        June 2019

        China-Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation:

        Case Studies and Plans

        by Secretariat of the First China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo Organizing Committee

        China-Africa Economics and Trade Cooperation: Case Studies and Plans comes in 3 languages: Chinese(2 volumes), English(2 volumes), and French(2 volumes). This book series include 101 excellent case studies , which related to 21 Chinese provinces and cities and 31 countries in Africa, containing agriculture, manufacturing, commerce and trade, infrastructure, industrial parks, energy and mining, financing and other fields in China-Africa economic and trade cooperation. This set of books is practical and useful for all readers. In addition, the book gives the vivid interpretation on the concept of common prosperity, win-win cooperation, mutual negotiation and construction, shared innovation and progression of Belt and Road Initiative.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        April 2016

        A House that Holds Us All

        by Tang Sulan

        A moment ago, sun was smiling in the sky. Why rain all of the sudden? Snail was not afraid of rain, because he had his own little house. An ant, a bunny and a little boy was running close one by one. They asked a same question, "Can I get in your house to get out of the rain?"

      • Trusted Partner

        Shattered Crystal: Ein historischer Roman

        by Baruch Cohen

        Ein spannender historischer Roman über eine Berliner Familie während des Zweiten Weltkriegs, deren Mitglieder sich mit widersprüchlichen Teilen ihrer Identität auseinandersetzen müssen.   Witwer Franz Kerner und seine drei erwachsenen Kinder leben ihr Leben als treue deutsche Staatsbürger. Mit der Machtergreifung des Dritten Reiches und dem anschließenden Krieg geben sie in diesen bewegten Zeiten ihr Bestes für ihr geliebtes Land. Karl, der Älteste, tritt in die Luftwaffe ein und wird Pilot. Elsa, das mittlere Kind, arbeitet in einem Regierungsbüro, und Helmut, der jüngste, schließt sich der Infanterie an.   Aber Franz birgt ein tiefes Geheimnis, das die Identität der Kerners definiert. Als er endlich das Geheimnis preisgibt, sind ihre Welten tief erschüttert.   Der Autor illustriert die inneren Kämpfe der Charaktere vor dem Hintergrund des tobenden Krieges und erzählt anschaulich diese komplizierte Geschichte. Die historischen Aspekte des Romans basieren auf umfangreichen Recherchen und dienen dazu, wichtige globale Ereignisse aus einer intimeren Perspektive zu beleuchten. So werden die Auswirkungen des Krieges auf die gesamte Menschheit veranschaulicht.   Baruch (Bobby) Cohen wurde in Rumänien (1927) geboren und wanderte nach früheren erfolglosen Versuchen nach seiner Gründung 1948 nach Israel aus.   Der Autor diente in der israelischen Marine und arbeitete später bis zu seiner Pensionierung als stellvertretender Inspektionsdirektor der israelischen Sicherheitskräfte im Büro des State Comptroller.   Für seine Aktivitäten zur Unterstützung der rumänischen Juden zwischen 1945 und 1947 wurde Baruch Cohen vom israelischen Verteidigungsministerium mit der Auszeichnung als Staatskrieger ausgezeichnet.   Shattered Crystal ist Cohens zweites Buch. Sein erstes, Das Jahrzehnt der Tränen, erzählt die Geschichte von drei jungen Juden im neugeborenen Staat Israel im Jahrzehnt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg.

      • Trusted Partner

        KRAV MAGA

        How to Defend Yourself against Armed Assault

        by Imi Sde-Or and Eyal Yanilov

        A practical self-defense guide based on Krav Maga, the renowned Israeli system of unarmed combat. Though once a secret method strictly confined to security agents and members of elite IDF units, Krav Maga is rapidly gaining in popularity and earning recognition by experts the world over. In the US and several European countries, this unique self-defense method has already been taught to and used by official law enforcement agencies, as well as many ordinary citizens. An English-language edition of How to Defend Yourself against Armed Assault was first published in summer 2001 and has already been reprinted ten times. It was shortly followed by a Japanese edition, as well as Mexican-Spanish and Dutch-language editions (2002). German and European-Spanish editions were published in 2003, and a Czech edition appeared in 2004. French and Hungarian-language editions were published in mid-2006, and a Polish edition was published in fall 2008. A Korean edition was published in summer 2014, And an Italian  edition was published in spring 2015. A Chinese edition was published in late 2020 and already reprinted several times.

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        by Prof. H. Granot and Dr. J. Levinson

        In this innovative and highly relevant work, the authors stress ways in which local agencies can respond to and mitigate the effects of the worst acts of terror faced by urban authorities. The authors combine theory and practice, citing incidents around the world (including the devastating 9/11 attacks on the WTC in NYC and the Pentagon), while emphasizing Israel’s special experience in this field. In light of the increasing threat of terrorist acts and the rising interest in emergency management, Terror Bombing provides a solid background for officials and emergency response personnel who are seeking to understand one of the most dangerous threats to modern life. A Japanese-language edition of this title has been published in late 2005 by Namiki Shobo. An English-language North-American edition was co-published in April 2009 by Dekel with THE KEY Publishing House Inc., Toronto, Canada, followed by an E-book edition in 2010. 194 pages, 17X24 cm

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        by Prof. H. Granot

        Latest findings on population reaction to natural or man-made disasters the world over, enhanced by Israeli experience. The book shows that, contrary to popular belief, people can deal with pressures derived from the most difficult emergency situations such as floods, fires, earthquakes, and more. Prof. Granot, a leading Israeli authority with recognized international standing in this area, has extensive background in civil defense practice. In The True Golden Hour, he combines comprehensive knowledge of worldwide research on human behavior under extreme circumstances with his own practical experience during the Gulf War. An English-language North-American edition was co-published in April 2009 by Dekel with THE KEY Publishing House Inc., Toronto, Canada, followed by a digital Kindle edition in  spring 2010. An updated Hebrew-Language edition was published in August 2011. 160 pages, 17X24 cm

      • Trusted Partner

        The House in Baiting Hollow

        by Vasyl Makhno

        Events, described by Vasyl Makhno in a debut collection of short prose, are happening at different times and in different places, and no matter who the storyteller is – a man over fifty, a grey-headed widow or a little boy – you believe them; because there are no author’s generalizations, conclusions or guidelines. These impartial stories tell us about fates of completely different people, honestly and without pathos. It is honesty and simplicity that make this prose so different; common and simple details, at first sight, add mystery and hold the reader in suspense throughout the entire book.

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        Picture storybooks

        What a Wonderful World This Can Be

        by Mary-An

        What a Wonderful World This Can Be is a ground-breaking picture book about how small acts can have big consequences. Author Mary-An tackles large topics like sustainability, bullying, and poverty, as well as incredibly heart-melting themes of kindness, bravery, and persistence. In this book, a little girl wonders at the wonderful world that is all around her. Although, she is slightly put out when she sees someone begging for food, or oil in the ocean, or even a bully at school—what can she do? One thing at a time! "One piece of trash picked out of the sea, one word of kindness to someone in need, one word to a bully, one hug to a friend, a thing one by one, though the things never end."

      • Trusted Partner

        Krav Maga - Combat Mindset & Fighting Stress

        How to Perform under Alarming and Stressful conditions

        by Eyal Yanilov and Ole Boe

        Krav Maga emerged from the Israel Defense Forces. It was then transformed into an integrated system of self-defense, fighting tactics, and VIP protection that meets the needs of government units as well as civilians, including men and women of all ages. This inventive new Krav Maga title, covering the yet-unknown inner work of the system, has been discreetly prepared over the last few years and relates to our classic bestselling Krav Maga book, How to Defend Yourself against Armed Assault, which has so far been published in twelve languages, including Japanese and Korean. As George S. Patton, the celebrated US Army general, said, “Now if you are going to win any battle you have to make the mind run the body.... When you were younger the mind could make you dance all night, and the body was never tired.... You've always got to make the mind take over...and keep going.” This innovative Krav Maga book depicts cutting-edge techniques and training methods for martial artists, and was tailored for law-enforcement and military personnel. It covers the most sensitive core topics that have proved to be highly applicable in professional and personal situations alike. Combat Mindset & Fighting Stress was prepared by Master Eyal Yanilov, who is the most distinguished successor of Krav Maga’s founder, Imi Sde-Or, and wrote the first Krav Maga book with him. Yanilov coauthored this latest work with his prominent disciple, Dr. Ole Boe, a Norwegian special forces fighter and psychologist. The book’s editor and publisher, Zvi D. Morik—the official publisher of the original Krav Maga series, and a direct student, assistant, and friend of Grandmaster Imi Sde-Or for over thirty years—considers it to be the most pioneering and revolutionary work among current Krav Maga literature. An English-language edition was co-published in spring 2020 with Meyer & Meyer Sport UK. A Chinese edition has been scheduled for publication in Fall 2024.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2018

        Temperament of Public Opinion

        by Zhao Qiang

        What is public opinion? What does public opinion do with you? Does public opinion have a temper? The author joined hands with "public opinion" for more than two decades, and integrated many years of observation experience into the hotspots of public opinion, and wrote "How much is a catty for" false public opinion "," Who sacrificed for public opinion "," You liar "," Wu Hezhong ", etc. Twenty notes, using smooth texts to tell people: Public opinion is everywhere, no one can hide. These twenty notes are both academic and readable, and strive to be targeted and systematic. They will comment on public opinion events, popular science phenomena, analyze public opinion strategies, and discuss public opinion safety in as easy-to-understand manner as possible. These 20 notes, from shallow to deep, from the surface to the inside, can be ordinary readers to understand the phenomenon of public opinion, can also be used by public opinion workers to take stock of public opinion work, or experts and scholars to discuss the safety of public information.

      • Trusted Partner


        A Popular Health Guide

        by Ronni Wolf, M.D.

        A popular health guide explaining the effects of cosmetics on the skin, from both the consumer and the medical approach, this manual is relevant to almost everyone. The author is one of Israel’s leading dermatologists, a member of the American Board of Dermatology and the US Academy of Aesthetics & Restorative Surgery, and thus well versed in international dermatology. Dr. Wolf’s book was a resounding success in Israel, and its 3rd updated Hebrew-language edition was recently published.

      • Trusted Partner
        Health & Personal Development
        March 2019

        Find the better self

        by Wen Liyang

        This book is a readme for a post-80s lady entrepreneur.Born in 1985, she became a part-time migrant worker after joining secondary school. At work, she pays attention and looks for opportunities; in life, she constantly learns and improves herself. Worked as a clerk, a car salesperson, a tour guide, a dance teacher, and an advertising sales director in an IT company. At the age of 28, he entered the field of e-commerce and decided to start a business. The first year of his business made a profit of 2 million yuan.This book tells how the author grew up step by step, becoming an independent and self-strengthening woman from eight aspects: independent thinking, economic independence, health management, image management, family education, family friends, taste pursuits, and husband and wife relationships. And get the life you want.The story in this book is sincere and touching, and the writing is fluent. It is a inspirational book for young women, which has certain guiding significance for ordinary young girls to find themselves.

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