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        February 2006

        Die Traummannschaft


        by Sergio Olguín, Matthias Strobel

        Argentinien im Hochsommer: Dem 14jährigen Ariel, der am liebsten Fußball spielt und neben der Schule im Laden seines Onkels jobbt, stehen heiße Tage bevor, denn er ist unsterblich verliebt. Die Angebetete, Patricia, kommt aus einem ärmlichen Stadtviertel, das Ariel bisher ängstlich gemieden hat. Sein Mut ist jedoch gefordert, als das Ungeheuerliche geschieht: Eine Bande Krimineller klaut den größten Schatz, den Patricias Vater besitzt: Diego Maradonas ersten Fußball. Ariel und seine Freunde beschließen, den Ball zurückzuholen – zum ersten Mal verlassen sie ihre behütete Welt und stürzen sich in ein lebensbedrohliches Abenteuer. Mit tiefgründigem Witz und charmanter Leichtigkeit erzählt Sergio Olguín vom Zauber der ersten Liebe, von Freundschaft in allen Lebenslagen und von Fußballtoren, die besser nicht geschossen worden wären.

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        January 1989

        Beobachtende Vernunft

        Philosophie und Anthropologie in der Aufklärung

        by Moravia, Sergio / Italienisch Piras, Elisabeth

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        by Ninot Aziz, Rita Angelelli, Renato Ghezzi, The Journey Man Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili, Helmut Kunkel, Samuel Peralta Imam Qalyubi, Arian Tejano, Teoh Choon Ean, Can Yiğit Tunçman Minah Sintian, Cora Wang Siyao, Ruby Yusuf

        24 LEGENDS. 14 STORYTELLERS. 10 COUNTRIES. 1 MASTERPIECE.   Dragons, or 'Naga' as they are known in Southeast Asia, continue to exist in our legends long after we have embraced modern ideas and technology. They are beings that are both mystical and all-knowing. Until today, dragons still take on our emotions; our deepest joy and darkest fears, true love, and fleeting desires.    DRAGONLORE, conceptualised by Ninot in 2012,  features stories from many regions of the world of Southeast Asia, Australia, the Far East, Europe, ancient worlds, and mythology. Edited by Ninot and Johnny Gillett, award-winning writers Samuel Peralta (Canada), Cora Wang (China), Helmut Kunkel (Germany), Anna Kordzaia-Samadashvili (Georgia) Imam Qalyubi (Indonesia), Renato Ghezzi (Italy), Rita Angelelli (Italy),  Arian Tejano (Philippines), Minah Sintian (Malaysian) Teoh Choon Ean (Malaysia), Can Yigit Tuncmann (Turkiye), Ruby Yusuf ( Malaysia) , The Journey Man (UK) join Ninot Aziz in this amazing journey chasing dragons around the globe.    With Malaysian and Southeast Asian legends,  the gorgeous retelling of the Inuit legend of Palraijug to the delightful folktale of the Filipino, Bakunawa enchant readers. The twist in the tale of the Lyminster Knucker to the mystical dragon painter from China. We join Ajetis as he battles evil hidden in the Bosphorus Sea.     Twenty-four in all, each story is unique, bringing us to a different part of the world, and meeting wonderful characters along the way.   The significance of legends and folklore in imparting important lessons is more evident than ever. The lessons conveyed through these stories often resonate deeply with the present era, offering invaluable insights into our challenges.    From the Malay Archipelago to the Far East, the Arctic Circle to Down-under Australia, Europe, and beyond, legends and folklore possess a remarkable ability to capture the essence of our collective consciousness. By delving into these ancient narratives, we gain a broader perspective on the challenges that have plagued humanity throughout history. In the context of today's world, which grapples with urgent environmental concerns, stories from the past offer unyielding wisdom on sustainable living and the consequences of neglecting our planet.   These narratives serve as a bridge between the past and the present, weaving together timeless wisdom and modern challenges into a cohesive narrative that resonates with a wide audience and ensures the continuity and survival of such legends.

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        June 2000


        Der Aufbaukurs. Mit CD-ROM

        by Eckes, Jutta J; Concialdi, Daniela

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        Tod im Olivenfass

        Ein Gardaseekrimi

        by Pozzi, Renato

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        March 2024

        Der Tote im Weinhang

        Ein Gardaseekrimi

        by Pozzi, Renato

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 1996

        Colonial discourse / postcolonial theory

        by Francis Barker, Peter Hulme, Margaret Iverson

        The issues of colonialism and imperialism have recently come to the forefront of thinking in the humanities. Disciplines such as history, literature and anthropology are taking stock of their extensive and usually unacknowledged legacy of Empire. At the same time, contemporary cultural theory has had to respond to post-colonial pressure, with its different registers and agendas. This volume ranges, geographically, from Brazil to India and South Africa, from the Andes to the Caribbean and the USA. This range is matched by a breadth of historical perspectives. Central to the whole volume is a critique of the very idea of the "postcolonial" itself. Contributors include Annie Coombes, Simon During, Peter Hulme, Neil Lazarus, David Lloyd, Anne McClintock, Zita Nunes, Benita Parry, Graham Pechey, Mary Louise Pratt, Renato Rosaldo and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. ;

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2017

        European Gothic

        by Avril Horner

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        Biography & True Stories
        March 2024

        Barbara Comyns

        A savage innocence

        by Avril Horner

        The extraordinary twentieth-century writer Barbara Comyns led a life as captivating as the narratives she spun. This pioneering biography reveals the journey of a woman who experienced hardship and single-motherhood before the age of thirty but went on to publish a sequence of novels that are unique in the English language. Comyns turned her hand to many jobs in order to survive, from artist's model to restoring pianos. Hundreds of unpublished letters reveal an occasionally desperate but resourceful and witty woman whose complicated life ranged from enduring poverty when young to mixing with spivs, spies and high society. While working as a housekeeper in her mid-thirties, Comyns began transforming the bleak episodes of her life into compelling fictions streaked with surrealism and deadpan humour. The Vet's Daughter (1959), championed by Graham Greene, brought her fame, although her use of the gothic and macabre divided readers and reviewers. This biography not only excavates Comyns's life but also reclaims her fiction, providing a timely reassessment of her literary contribution. It sheds new light on a remarkable author who deftly captured the complexities of human life.

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        Children's & YA
        March 2022

        Der Wunderstürmer - Falsches Spiel beim großen Turnier (Band 7)

        by Ocke Bandixen

        The Ace Striker (Vol. 7) - Wrong Game at the Big Tournament Tim and his friends are going to the European Championship in France in their motor home. The Ace Striker has also traveled there with the Italian national team. In his luggage, Sergio Mavalli has his lucky charm Toto, a cheese made of cloth. Without him, Sergio can't score goals at tournaments. When Toto and the mascots of other players are suddenly stolen, the whole tournament is in danger! No one is lucky anymore... Tim's concentrated coaching knowledge is needed! He must give the star players self-confidence and at the same time chase after the thieves. The thieves turn out to be Sergio's old kicker cronies: they wanted to use the thefts to annoy the professional soccer players, who only seem to care about money. Due to Tim’s tracings, the situation is being resolved. Everyone gets their mascots back, the tournament can continue! World Champion Football Series for Kids - to be continued, and with different Spin-offs!

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        January 1999

        Italienische Reise

        by Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Christoph Michel, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Christoph Michel

        Johann Wolfgang Goethe, am 28. August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main geboren, absolvierte ein Jurastudium und trat dann in den Regierungsdienst am Hof von Weimar ein. 1773 veröffentlichte er Götz von Berlichingen (anonym) und 1774 Die Leiden des jungen Werthers. Es folgte eine Vielzahl weiterer Veröffentlichungen, zu den berühmtesten zählen Italienische Reise (1816/1817), Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (1798) und Faust (1808). Johann Wolfgang Goethe starb am 22. März 1832 in Weimar. Johann Wolfgang Goethe, am 28. August 1749 in Frankfurt am Main geboren, absolvierte ein Jurastudium und trat dann in den Regierungsdienst am Hof von Weimar ein. 1773 veröffentlichte er Götz von Berlichingen (anonym) und 1774 Die Leiden des jungen Werthers. Es folgte eine Vielzahl weiterer Veröffentlichungen, zu den berühmtesten zählen Italienische Reise (1816/1817), Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre (1798) und Faust (1808). Johann Wolfgang Goethe starb am 22. März 1832 in Weimar.

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