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      • Red Hen Press

        Red Hen Press seeks to discover and publish works of literary excellence, support diversity in a creative industry, promote literacy in our local schools, and serve as a hub for literary events and enrichment. We are a community of readers and writers who are actively engaged in the essential human practice known as literature.

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      • E.A. Seemann Henschel GmbH & Co. KG

        E. A. Seemann Henschel, Leipzig   The German publisher for the visual and performing arts – for readers of all ages Leipzig is the city of Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelssohn and the Schumanns. Here, in the 15th century, the German publishing production came into being, which in the following centuries produced publishers such as Brockhaus, Reclam and E. A. Seemann. Today, the city is a vibrant metropolis in the heart of Europe that attracts artists and creative people for both education and work. Here the publishing group E. A. Seemann Henschel publishes carefully edited and attractively designed books on the visual and performing arts. The Imprint E. A. Seemann publishes elaborately produced illustrated books about the Bauhaus, Classical Modern Art, and reference books for teaching artistic techniques. The Imprint Henschel stands for illustrated text books, biographies and educational guides on dance, drama, and music. In our children's art programme BILDERBANDE (freely translated: art gang), individually illustrated books are published which impart with inspiring energy and beautiful details the colorful world of the arts to children.

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      • Trusted Partner
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        July 2018

        Vertraute Dinge, fremde Dinge


        by Teju Cole, Uda Strätling

        Teju Cole betrachtet Kunst, wie er die Welt betrachtet: mit dem Blick eines unsystematischen Historikers, der zunächst beobachtet, beschreibt, das Offensichtliche in den Blick nimmt, um zu dem weniger Sichtbaren vorzudringen, das darunterliegt. Seine Essays handeln von der Erfahrung des Unterwegsseins und von politischer Moral, von Rassismus und davon, warum auch ein Präsident, der die »richtigen« Bücher liest, in seinem Amt Menschen tötet. Und er schreibt über das, was ihn geistig nährt: über Baldwin, Sebald und Tranströmer; über Brasilien, Italien, Palästina; über die Ästhetik westafrikanischer Auftragsfotografie und über Instagram. In bereichernden, betörenden und originellen Essays offenbart Teju Cole den Reichtum seiner Interessen. Immer wieder zieht er erhellende Verbindungen, von der konkreten Gegenwart zur Dichtung, von der Geschichte zur Kunst. Vertraute Dinge, fremde Dinge wird zu einer Schule des Sehens.

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        Business, Economics & Law
        July 2018

        Gender Equality and Tourism

        Beyond Empowerment

        by Stroma Cole, Lucy Ferguson, Daniela Moreno Alarcón, Carlos Costa, Marília Durão, Zélia Breda, Fiona Eva Bakas, Paola Vizcaino Suárez, Belén Martínez Caparrós, Meghan Muldoon, Wendy Hillman, Kylie Radel, Heather Jeffrey, Isis Arlene Díaz-Carrión, Hazel Tucker, Inês Carvalho

        Does tourism empower women working in and producing tourism? How are women using the transformations tourism brings to their advantage? How do women, despite prejudice and stereotypes, break free, resist and renegotiate gender norms at the personal and societal levels? When does tourism increase women's autonomy, agency and authority? The first of its kind this book delivers: A critical approach to gender and tourism development from different stakeholder perspectives, from INGOs, national governments, and managers as well as workers in a variety of fields producing tourism. Stories of individual women working across the world in many aspects of tourism. A foreword by Margaret Bryne Swain and contributions from academics and practitions from across the globe. A lively and accessible style of writing that links academic debates with lived realities while offering hope and practical suggestions for improving gender equality in tourism. Gender Equality and Tourism: Beyond Empowerment, a critical gendered analysis that questions the extent to which tourism brings women empowerment, is an engaging and thought-provoking read for students, researchers and practitioners in the areas of tourism, gender studies, development and anthropology. To access a presentation delivered by Stroma Cole as well as an interview with her, please visit

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        May 2000

        Henry V

        by James Loehlin

        This study examines the profound changes that twentieth-century performance has wrought on Shakespeare's complex drama of war and politics. What was accepted at the turn of the century as a patriotic celebration of a national hero has emerged in the modern theatre as a dark and troubling analysis of the causes and costs of war. The book details the theatrical innovations and political insights that have turned one of Shakespeare's most traditional-bound plays into one of his most popular and provocative. Henry V gives details analyses of several important modern productions. Beginning with a consideration of the play's political significance in Elizabethan London, the book goes on the reveal its subsequent reinvention, both as patriotic pageant and anti-war manifesto. Individual chapters consider important productions by the Royal Shakespeare Company, and other British and North American companies, as well as the landmark film versions. A compelling account of the theatrical revolution that has transformed one of Shakespeare's most challenging plays. ;

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        October 2023

        Vegetable Brassicas and Related Crucifers

        by Geoffrey R Dixon, Rachel Wells

        The Brassica genus contains diverse and economically important species and crops, for example, Brassica oleracea including cauliflower to kohlrabi, B.rapa including pak choi to mizuna, and aquatic crucifers such as watercress. These provide humankind with huge diversities of foods, promoting health and well-being. This substantially expanded second edition reflects the significant advances in knowledge of plant breeding and crop production which have occurred since publication of the original book in 2006. Embracing new Brassicaceae research and concepts of sustainable and automated crop production, topics include: Brassica evolution and transcontinental spread as the basis for crop breeding Gene-editing, rapid sequencing, genetic markers and linkage mapping to enable efficient plant breeding Seed development, F1 cultivars and rapid maturing crops for profitable cropping Environmental impacts on pests, pathogens, crop reliability and quality Soil health and fertility as agronomic principles Environmental sustainability, biocontrol and integrated pest management Vegetable brassicas as nutrient-rich foods for optimal health benefits An invaluable resource for all those involved in Brassica production, this is essential reading for researchers and students in horticulture and plant science, growers, producers, consultants and industry advisors.

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2001

        Daisy Miller

        Eine Erzählung

        by Henry James, Gottfried Röckelein

        Im Mittelpunkt des umfangreichen Prosawerks von Henry James (1843-1916) steht der Gegensatz von „alter“ und „neuer Welt“, so auch in Daisy Miller. Die Amerikanerin ist eine Frau, die weiß, was sie will, und sich nicht geniert,es auch zu tun ...

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        December 2022


        Ewige Versuchung

        by Kresley Cole

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2019

        Leuchtende Tage

        Geschichten und Gedichte über das große und kleine Glück

        by Clara Paul

        Es gibt Tage, da spürt man schon beim Aufwachen, dass gleich etwas ganz Neues und ganz Wunderbares geschehen wird und man beschenkt wird mit einem unerwarteten Glück. Über diese viel zu seltenen, unvergesslichen Tage, in denen man mit der Welt im Einklang ist und sich wie von einer inneren Sonne durchstrahlt fühlt, über diese Tage, die für immer aus der Erinnerung herausleuchten, erzählen Paul Auster, Lily Brett, Teju Cole, Roald Dahl, Peter Handke, Wolfgang Herrndorf, Hermann Hesse, Erich Kästner, Robert Menasse, Amos Oz, Marcel Proust, Rainer Maria Rilke, Joachim Ringelnatz, Andrzej Stasiuk, Kurt Tucholsky, Robert Walser u. v. a.

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        Science & Mathematics
        November 2017

        Henry Dresser and Victorian ornithology

        by Henry A. McGhie

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2007

        Famous victories of Henry the fifth

        by Chiaki Hanabusa

        The Famous Victories of Henry the Fifth" was first published in 1598, and the play is widely held to have influenced Shakespeare's "Henry IV", Parts 1 and 2, and "Henry V". Only two copies of the 1598 quarto are known to exist, and this edition will reproduce the copy held at the Huntington Library. The introduction offers a detailed account of the text of the play and considers its authorship, dating and performance. ;

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