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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2005

        Familienbetreuung schizophrener Patienten

        Ein verhaltenstherapeutischer Ansatz zur Rückfallprophylaxe

        by Hahlweg, Kurt; Dürr, Heijo; Dose, Matthias; Müller, Ursula

      • Trusted Partner


        by Taisen Deshimaru

        A story of bravery and false starts, Autobiography of a Zen Monk candidly recounts the author’s development from a highly mischievous Japanese boy into a world-renowned Sensei (Teacher) of Zen. While countless memoirs exist written by Zen students and teachers, few are as engaging and as tantalizing as Taisen Deshimaru’s. Looking back at his early life, growing up in Japan, from the viewpoint of his status as a Zen teacher in Paris, the author reflects on his earliest misadventures—from defacing a valuable painting of Bodhidharma as a child, to turning the “Zen stick” on a young monk during a retreat. Adventures abound with stories about alcohol and women, during his student years, and his activities during World War II in working for the arms industry in Malaysia, where he was sympathetic to the underground freedom movement. This first English-language translation of Taisen Deshimaru’s autobiography will be prized for its clear and honest documentation of this great master’s life. Many people all over the world have been influenced by Deshimaru’s Zen teachings, especially his book on Zen and the martial arts. This memoir fills an important gap in our knowledge of his teacher, Kodo Sawaki’s influence on the world of Zen. The story of how Deshimaru met Sawaki as a boy, even slept in the same room with him, and later received monastic ordination is the story of a lifelong friendship of two extraordinary characters in the history of modern Zen. Deshimaru’s influence extends beyond Zen practitioners, though, especially in those interested in the martial arts, as he touches on his martial arts experience as a young man and offers a look into the master’s early training. Additional interest extends to historians who recount the supposed “scandals” of Zen masters’ participation in the war effort. Although Deshimaru’s viewpoint is decidedly subjective, he was intimately acquainted with priests and generals alike, and approaches the difficult subject with a refreshing lack of judgmental disdain which counterbalances many other more lopsided works. Translator, Richard Collins, a longtime Zen practitioner, and currently the Abbot of the New Orleans Zen Temple, is a literature scholar and author of several books including No Fear Zen, Hohm Press, 2014. His knowledge of the subject matter and his finesse with language combine to make this book a delightful read for those who appreciate wellwritten memoir.

      • Trusted Partner

        Micronutrient Depleters: Acid Blockers

        Things to know about medicines and micronutrients

        by Uwe Gröber and Prof. Dr. Klaus Kisters

        This guide provides patients with important medical information about interactions of their drug products with vitamins and minerals. These interactions are not always listed in the accompanying package inserts. Those who take acid blockers such as omeprazole or pantoprazole may not only develop disorders relating to calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and bone metabolism in the long term, but above all become deficient in vitamin B12. This way, patients can improve their treatment, reduce the side effects of their medication and increase their quality of life!

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      • Trusted Partner

        Paediatric Dose Tables

        The dosage of drugs prescribed by paediatricians

        by Linda Jaffan-Kolb and Harald Erdmann. Founded by Gustaf-Adolf von Harnack and Folker Janssen

        The selection of a drug as well as the determination of the appropriate dosage form and the correct dosage, are two of the difficult tasks faced by a physician. This is particularly the case in paediatrics, where drugs are very often used outside of their licensed indications and hence no dosage recommendations are available. This standard work provides the reliable information that is needed: - Dosages of more than 300 medicines - Differentiation according to age and weight - Details of paediatric licensing - Off-label dosages according to the literature and experience - Contraindications and frequency of undesirable effects. Numerous active substances have been newly included in this 16th edition. Essential for physicians and also indispensable for pharmacists when checking prescriptions for plausibility.

      • Trusted Partner
        Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        August 2020

        Climate Change and Infectious Fish Diseases

        by Patrick T K Woo, Jo-Ann Leong, Kurt Buchmann

        This definitive reference work explores the effects of current and expected climate change, taking place throughout the world, on selected bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infectious fish diseases of economically important fish in tropical and temperate waters.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1964


        Aussprüche und Verse der Zen-Meister

        by Peter Weber-Schäfer, Peter Weber-Schäfer

        Was ist Zen? Die Lehre des Zen selbst widersetzt sich jeder Aussage über ihren tiefsten Inhalt. Es geht allein um das persönliche Erleben einer Antwort auf die Grundfragen menschlicher Existenz. Mystische Versenkung und intuitive Erleuchtung des Geistes sind mit dem Begriff des Zen verbunden, der, wörtlich genommen, Kontemplation, Selbstversenkung bedeutet.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2008

        Vom Geist des Zen

        by Alan Watts, Julius Schwabe

        Zen ist keine theoretische Belehrung, es ist kein Studium von Schriften. Zen gründet sich vielmehr auf Praxis und auf persönliches Erleben der Wirklichkeit. Es bedeutet den unmittelbaren Kontakt mit dem Leben mit dem Ziel, eine nahtlose Verbindung zwischen Ich und Leben zu schaffen. Der große amerikanische Religionsphilosoph Alan Watts (1915-1973) hat diese Einführung in den Geist des Zen und den Zen-Buddhismus eigens für westliche Leser verfaßt und zeigt ihnen Wege auf, wie sie sich dem Denken des Zen nähern können. Das Buch wurde zum Klassiker.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1972

        Zen-Buddhismus und Psychoanalyse

        by Erich Fromm, Richard Martino, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Marion Steipe, Erich Fromm

        Der Band gibt eine zusammenfassende Darstellung der Wesenszüge des Zen-Buddhismus und macht den Versuch, die Brücke zwischen östlicher Religiosität und westlicher Wissenschaft zu schlagen und die Frage zu beantworten, welchen Wert die Begegnung von Zen-Buddhismus und Psychoanalyse haben könnte.

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        Picture books, activity books & early learning material

        Atlas of the world "Let's travel to the wonderland"

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        Let's travel to the Wonderland! Geographical atlas for the youngest. An interesting and unusual journey awaits the little reader in this book. Together with the fairy-tale boy Telesyk and Goosenya, he will go on a space journey, where he will get to know the stars and planets. And when he returns to the Earth, he will be able to look into all its corners, find out how many countries there are on it, what their flags are and how the inhabitants of these countries dress. And then you will get to know the various plants and animals characteristic of each region of the world, find out where such familiar plants come from, and who was the first to domesticate domestic animals. Telesyk with Geese will help the baby to get to know his native Ukraine better, its nature, to look at the bright colored maps that are produced and grown on its lands, which are crafts and crafts in Ukraine. And then everyone together will return to the world of fairy tales of Europe and America, Africa and Asia, Australia and Ukraine. The book is beautifully illustrated. The cartographic material is aimed at the reading level of the youngest schoolboy. The publication is a laureate of the national competition "Book Art of Ukraine", awarded with diplomas of the Forum of Publishers in Lviv and the Committee of Radio and Television of Ukraine.

      • Trusted Partner
        November 2024

        The Handbook of Zoonotic Diseases of Goats

        by Tanmoy Rana, Oluwawemimo Adebowale, Akanksha Agnihotri, Isha Agrawal, Vivek Agrawal, Anuja, M. Bhavya Sree, Shruti Bhatt, Suman Biswass, M.N. Brahmbhatt, Alok Kumar Chaudhary, J.H. Chaudhary, Shubhamitra Chaudhuri, Nidhi S. Choudhary, Pooja Dawar, Gaurav Charaya, Manaswini Dehuri, Anuj Kumar Dixit, Phelipe Magalhães Duarte, Z.B. Dubal, Nourhan Eissa, Negin Esfandiari, Meena Goswami, Pouneh Hajipour, Abbas Rabiu Ishaq, Saiful Islam, Supnesh Jain, Nirmala Jamra, G.P. Jatav, Ranbir Singh Jatav, J. Jayalakshmi, A.K. Jayraw, J. Jyothi, Jaysukh B. Kathiriya, Jasleen Kaur, Jitendra Kumar, Pradeep Kumar, K. Lahari Teja, Mahmuda Malik, Jinu Manoj, Hakim Manzer, Apoorva Mishra, Dwarikanath Mohanty, M. Reza Najafi, Simant Kumar Nanda, J.B. Nayak, Sumit Kumar Patel, Nishant Patel, Aditya Pratap, Indu Panchal, Salil Pathak, Shashi Pradhan, Natalia Pshenichnaya, Md. Tanvir Rahman, Saindla Rakesh, P. Ramadevi, Yudhbir Rana, Hafiz Muhammad Rizwan, Kabita Roy, Rajesh Kumar Sahu, Sonali Thakur, Manoj K

        Goats are the predominant domestic livestock, and certainly the predominant small ruminant, in most of Asia, Africa and the warmer parts of Europe. Important for meat, milk, fibre and leather production, their widescale production and husbandry allows many opportunities for the spread of disease between livestock and their keepers. Taking a One Health approach to the issue, this book provides clear, accurate and comprehensive coverage of the zoonotic diseases of goats. Including information on aetiology, the epidemiology and transmission cycle, clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention and control strategies, the book: - Helps readers quickly locate information about the disease's severity, mode of spread, treatment, and safety precautions; - Discusses the importance of educating animal owners about the public health implications of zoonotic diseases; - Reviews bacterial, viral, parasitic, rickettsial, and fungal diseases. An invaluable resource for veterinary practitioners and public health experts around the world, this book also provides a useful reference for researchers and students of animal disease and human health.

      • Trusted Partner

        Geographical atlas of the world

        by SSPE "Kartographia"

        The Geographical Atlas of the World is a modern reference cartographic publication containing up to 100 political and physical maps of the world and political maps of individual countries and groups of countries. Political and administrative maps of the regions of Ukraine are presented separately. At the end of each separate section, a reference block with flags and a selection of modern, necessary information about the countries is provided from the "Political and political-geographical maps" section. In the second part of "Physical Maps", each map is supplemented with thematic illustrations, reference data, and interesting facts inherent in the corresponding region of our planet. The index of geographical names, which includes more than 16 thousand proper names of geographical objects in its list, will help you quickly find them on pages of the atlas. Modern design and printing capabilities were used to create the atlas.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner


        Guidelines for pharmacists

        by Dr. Carmen Escuriola Ettingshausen and Nico Kraft

        With the introduction of emicizumab (Hemlibra®) onto the market in February 2018, the advising of patients with blood clotting disorders entered the realm of the pharmacy. After the German law for greater safety in the supply of medicines (GSAV) came into force in August 2020, all drugs for the specific treatment of blood clotting disorders associated with haemophilia – i.e., also products containing clotting factors – are distributed through pharmacies. This change in the law represents an opportunity and at the same time a challenge for pharmacies. A physician and a pharmacist answer questions about the fundamentals of the disease and how to handle its treatment: ■ What causes haemophilia and how is it manifested in patients? ■ Which drugs are used and how is treatment given? ■ What needs to be observed when supplying patients via the pharmacy? Patient, Haemophilia Centre, Pharmacy – seize the opportunity as a pharmacy and establish your position as a competent and reliable partner in this relationship.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        October 1992


        Ein deutscher Monolog

        by Kurt Drawert

        Spiegelland. Ein deutscher Monolog ist ein essayistischer Roman und das erste Prosabuch des in Leipzig lebenden Autors Kurt Drawert, der sich als Lyriker mit dem Gedichtband Privateigentum einen Namen machte. Spiegelland. Ein deutscher Monolog gründet auf den Erfahrungen eines Lebens in der untergegangenen DDR. In diesen Monologen der Selbstvergewisserung, geschrieben im Zeitraum von fünfzehn Monaten zwischen 1990 und 1991 in Schleswig-Holstein, setzt sich Kurt Drawert in kunstvoll gefügten Sprachbewegungen der Erinnerung und der ›Wiederholung‹, erzählend und reflektierend, mit der eigenen Biographie und der Geschichte des Herkunftslandes auseinander - um das eigene biographische »Niemandsland« besser zu verstehen. »Denn der Gegenstand des Denkens ist die Welt der Väter gewesen, von ihr sollte berichtet werden, und wie verloren sie machte und wie verloren sie war - als herrschende Ordnung, als Sprache, als beschädigtes Leben.«

      • Trusted Partner

        The Cancer Patient in the Pharmacy

        Advisory knowledge for pharmacy practice

        by Edited by Dr. Dorothee Dartsch

        The decision for cancer treatment has been taken and now a difficult time begins for the cancer patient: complex treatment regimens, side effects, fear. As a trusted confidant and competent point of contact in primary care, the pharmacist is called upon to play a key role. This collection of up-to-date articles provides support in the management of side effects from nausea to cardiotoxicity, gives assistance in interpreting warning signs of complications and highlights particular groups of patients such as pregnant women, geriatric, cachectic or palliative patients.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1997



        by Kurt Aebli

        So klassisch wie das Thema, so unverwechselbar ist diese Prosa. Kurt Aebli berichtet von einer Person, die verschwindet. Prosaminiaturen von traurig-komischer Aura haben diesen Erzähler bekannt gemacht, seine Wahrnehmungsschärfe, seine treffsicheren Provokationen durch das Unspektakuläre wurden als „Aeblifizierungen des Alltags“ beschrieben. Und seine hohe Kunst der Tarnung und Täuschung führt Kurt Aebli auch in seiner Erzählung Frederik verstörend vor. Wer ist Frederik? Was ist uns eine Person, wenn sie plötzlich nicht mehr da ist? In drei Kapiteln wirft Kurt Aebli drei Blicke auf seine rätselhafte Figur Frederik, um nach und nach die Blende dieser Prosa der Ausdeutung schärfer stellen zu können. Zunächst reist Frederiks Freundin Yvette von Zürich nach New York, trifft dort nur Paul, den Freund von Frederik, und irrt zunehmend verlorener durch die Riesenstadt. Schließlich begegnen wir Paul in Zürich und dann Frederik flanierend in Berlin. In ständiger und raffinierter Verschiebung von Blick, Zeit und Ort und in einer Sprache, die zwischen Ironie und Witz, kühler Beobachtung und philosophierender Selbstbespiegelung sich spielerisch zu bewegen weiß, können wir Leser bemerken: Das Verschwinden kann schwierig sein.

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