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      • Pampia Grupo Editor

        "I don't consider myself fundamentally as a professional. I'm basically an adventurer." (Orson Welles) My company is me, my friends, who give their opinion about my work, the authors who discuss about which cover to use for their work, and my dear ghost writers who have always accompanied me. Together with this group of people, I have achieved a catalog of titles of constant sale, that do not age, ranging from local and Latin American literature to personal improvement books; these are "longsellers" I never stop reprinting them. I like books and I venture into it.

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      • Trusted Partner
        February 2002


        by Ball, Pamela

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Wanderlust mit Mister Parkinson

        Meine Reisen in die Ferne und zu mir selbst

        by Spitz, Pamela

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      • Trusted Partner
        April 2013

        Flexible Arbeitskräfte

        Eine Situationsanalyse am Beispiel der Elektroindustrie im Perlflussdelta, China

        by Hartmann, Pamela

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2006

        Die Herzogin


        by Kaufman, Pamela

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2012

        Die Sprache des Feuers


        by Don Winslow, Chris Hirte

        Jack Wade war der Star der Abteilung für Brandstiftung des Orange County Sheriff Departments (Kalifornien), bis ihn eine angebliche Falschaussage die Karriere kostete. Dass sein Kollege Bentley die Finger im Spiel hatte, ist eine andere Geschichte. Für seinen neuen Arbeitgeber, die „California Fire & Life“, ermittelt er in einem Versicherungsfall: Das Anwesen des Immobilienmoguls Nicky Vale ist bis auf die Grundmauern abgebrannt – mitsamt seiner jungen Frau Pamela. Auch Bentley war schon am Brandort. Er tippt auf zu viel Wodka und eine brennende Zigarette. Aber Jack Wade kennt die Sprache des Feuers. Und macht sich auf Spurensuche. Bis er herausfindet, dass Nicky Vale mitnichten der unbescholtene amerikanische Bürger ist, als der er sich ausgibt, wird die Sache so heiß, daß Jack Gefahr läuft, sich die Finger zu verbrennen. Russische Erpresser und abtrünnige KBG-Agenten, Antiquitätenhändler und Versicherungsbetrüger, vietnamesische Gangs und abgelegte Liebschaften – Jack Wade verstrickt sich in einem Dickicht aus Verschwörung, Korruption und Betrug, so sehr, dass er am Ende beschließt, Feuer mit Feuer zu bekämpfen.

      • Trusted Partner
        June 2002

        Die Welt von Bloomsbury

        Auf den Spuren von Virginia Woolf und ihren Freunden

        by Todd, Pamela

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        November 2019

        Mental Health and Well-being in Animals

        by Franklin D. McMillan

        Since publication of the first edition of this book, public concern for the well-being of animals has continued to increase throughout the world. In addition, advances in research over the past decade have yielded an enormous amount of knowledge about animal mental health and wellbeing. Studies on animal stress, distress, emotions, psychological trauma, and mental disorders have brought to light insights on how to care for and treat the animal mind. The second edition is:Fully revised, expanded, and comprehensively updated with the most current knowledge about the full array of mental health issues seen in animals.Written by key opinion leaders, internationally-recognized experts and specialists.Comprehensive in its coverage, from the basic principles of mental wellness, emotional distress, suffering and mental illness, through to measurement and treatment.Packed with even more practical information, wisdom and clinical tips.This book remains invaluable to veterinary professionals, animal welfare researchers and advocates, and other animal caregivers. Part 1: Foundational Issues of Animal Mental Health and Well-being 1: Mental Health in Animals: A Veterinary Behaviorist’s View — Debra F. Horwitz 2: The Problems with Well-Being Terminology — Franklin D. McMillan, James W. Yeates 3: The Philosophical and Biological Evolution of Feelings in Well-being — Ian J.H. Duncan 4: The Relationship Between Mental and Physical Health — Melissa Bain, C. A. Tony Buffington Part 2: The Pleasant Experiences: Mental Wellness 5: Moving Beyond a Problem-based Focus on Poor Animal Welfare Towards Creating Opportunities to Have Positive Welfare Experiences — David J. Mellor, Ngaio J. Beausoleil 6: The Mental Health and Well-being Benefits of Personal Control in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan 7: Quality of Life of Animals in Veterinary Medical Practice — James W. Yeates 8: The Mental Health and Well-Being Benefits of Social Contact and Social Support in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan 9: Subjective Well-being, Happiness, and Personality in Animals — Alexander Weiss, Lauren M. Robinson 10: Fostering Mental and Behavioral Wellness During Upbringing and Throughout Life — Daniel Q. Estep, Suzanne Hetts Part 3: The Unpleasant Experiences: Distress, Suffering, and Mental Illness 11: What Is Distress? A Complex Answer to a Simple Question — Franklin D. McMillan 12: Suffering, Agency, and the Bayesian Mind — Daniel M. Weary 13: Mental Illness in Animals: Diagnostic Considerations Using Selected Mental Disorders — Karen L. Overall 14: Psychological Trauma and Posttraumatic Psychopathology in Animals — Franklin D. McMillan Part 4: Mental Health Issues in Special Populations 15: Cognitive and Emotional Disorders in the Aging Pet — Jacqueline Wilhelmy, Gary Landsberg 16: Mental Health Issues in Farm Animals: A Music Mixing Board Model of Behavioral Characteristics Using The Panksepp Emotional System — Temple Grandin 17: Mental Health Issues in the Horse — Daniel S. Mills, Claire Ricci-Bonot, Sophie S. Hall 18: Mental Health Issues in Shelter Animals — Victoria Cussen, Pamela J. Reid 19: The Mental Health of Laboratory Animals — Carine Elkhoraibi, Amy Robinson-Junker, Gina Alvino, Larry Carbone 20: Mental Health Issues in Captive Birds — Lynne M. Seibert 21: Psychological Well-Being in Zoo Animals — David Shepherdson, Kathy Carlstead 22: Mental Health Issues in Captive Cetaceans — Lori Marino Part 5: Assessment and Management of Emotional Distress and Disorders 23: Assessing Affective States in Animals — Michael Mendl, Elizabeth S. Paul 24: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Non-Pharmacologic Methods — Pamela J. Reid 25: Treatment of Emotional Distress and Disorders – Pharmacologic Methods — Sharon Crowell-Davis

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        March 2000

        Die Zukunft der Frauen

        Szenarien für das 21. Jahrhundert

        by McCorduck, Pamela; Ramsey, Nancy

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        August 2017

        The state as master

        by Maria Ågren, Pamela Sharpe

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