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      • Martini Maria Cristina | MMC Edizioni

        MMC EDIZIONI is a publishing house based in Rome.Born in 2001 as a generalist, along the time it has specialized almost exclusively in non-fiction, dedicated in particular (but not only) to the city of Rome.The main series, called "A walk with history" offers an alternative vision of the city through the historical reconnaissance and analysis of some of its urban furnishings that are not taken into consideration such as small fountains, clocks, inscriptions, sacred shrines, plaques. This series stands out for a particular graphic style and for the abundance of photographs, specially made for these books.Other series on Rome are instead dedicated to in-depth studies on specific historical and customs themes, or on the mysterious aspects of the city that also reveal its dark side.In the MMC catalogue are other non-fiction books on topics such as Music, Interculture, Anthropology and a series of stories for children encouraging solidarity, non-violence and respect for the environment

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      • Ana Bilic

        Ana Bilic is a literary author, screenwriter and

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 2021

        Practical R for Biologists

        An Introduction

        by Donald Quicke, Buntika A Butcher, Rachel Kruft Welton

        R is a freely available, open-source statistical programming environment which provides powerful statistical analysis tools and graphics outputs. R is now used by a very wide range of people; biologists (the primary audience of this book), but also all other scientists and engineers, economists, market researchers and medical professionals. R users with expertise are constantly adding new associated packages, and the range already available is immense.This text works through a set of studies that collectively represent almost all the R operations that biology students need in order to analyse their own data. The material is designed to serve students from first year undergraduates through to those beginning post graduate levels. Chapters are organized around topics such as graphing, classical statistical tests, statistical modelling, mapping, and text parsing. Examples are based on real scientific studies, and each one covers the use of more R functions than those simply necessary to get a p-value or plot.The book walks the reader through the data analysis process, starting with very simple plots, and continuing through more complex analyses and programming. It shows how to deal with issues such as error messages that can be confronting for beginners, in order to set students up for a successful scientific career using R.Collectively the authors have a vast amount of teaching experience which they apply here to make the passage into R programming as gentle and easy as possible, whilst guiding the reader to tackle quite complicated programming. Table of contents 1: How to Use this Book 2: Installing and Running R 3: Very Basic R Syntax 4: First Simple Programs and Graphics 5: The Dataframe Concept 6: Plotting Biological Data in Various Ways 7: The Grammar of Graphics Family of Packages 8: Sets and Venn diagrams 9: Statistics: Choosing the Right Test 10: Commonly Used Measures and Statistical Tests 11: Regression and Correlation Analyses 12: Count Data as Response Variable 13: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) 14: Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) 15: More Generalised Linear Modelling 16: Monte Carlo Tests and Randomisation 17: Principal Components Analysis 18: Species Abundance, Accumulation and Diversity Data 19: Survivorship 20: Dates and Julian Dates 21: Mapping and Parsing Text Input for Data 22: More on Manipulating Text 23: Phylogenies and Trees 24: Working with DNA Sequences and other character data 25: Spacing in Two Dimensions 26: Population Modelling Including Spatially Explicit Models 27: More on “apply” Family of Functions – Avoid Loops to get More Speed 28: Food webs and simple graphics 29: Adding Photographs 30: Standard Distributions in R 31: Reading and Writing Data to and from Files

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        November 2021

        Poster Clemens J. Setz (A1)

        plano, nicht gefaltet | Für Fans der Setz’schen Werke und seiner Person

        by Clemens J. Setz

        »Wer den Chor der Mäuse nicht hört, braucht nicht mit mir befreundet zu sein.« Clemens J. Setz ist der Autor bahnbrechender Romane wie Die Stunde zwischen Frau und Gitarre, aufregender Erzählungsbände wie Der Trost runder Dinge, von Gedichten, Theaterstücken, Drehbüchern, Nacherzählungen und Essays. Er ist Übersetzer, ein Freund der Plansprachen, des Obertongesanges, der Ziegen und der Hasen. Er ist Träger des Georg-Büchner-Preises, des Kleist-Preises, des Berliner Literaturpreises. Außerdem ist er ein Poet der Kurznachrichtendienste und noch einiges mehr. In seiner radikalen Vielfältigkeit und vielfältigen Radikalität ist er eine herausragende Figur der Gegenwartsliteratur. Für Fans der Setz’schen Werke und seiner Person ist dieses hochwertige Plakat mit einem Porträt des Dichters gedacht, aufgenommen vom Berliner Fotografen Max Zerrahn. Poster auf stabilem GalaxyArt-Papier im DIN-A1-Format

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        Agriculture & related industries
        November 2007

        Community-Based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing Countries

        by B van Koppen, Mark Giordano. Edited by J Butterworth.

        The lack of sufficient access to clean water is a common problem faced by communities, efforts to alleviate poverty and gender inequality and improve economic growth in developing countries. While reforms have been implemented to manage water resources, these have taken little notice of how people use and manage their water and have had limited effect at the ground level. On the other hand, regulations developed within communities are livelihood-oriented and provide incentives for collective action but they can also be hierarchal, enforcing power and gender inequalities. This book shows how bringing together the strengths of community-based laws rooted in user participation and the formalized legal systems of the public sector, water management regimes will be more able to reach their goals.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Mark Twains Abenteuer in fünf Bänden

        Band 5: Bummel durch Europa

        by Mark Twain, Norbert Kohl, B. Day, W. Fr. Brown, True W. Williams, Gustav Adolf Himmel, Norbert Kohl

        Die fünfbändige Ausgabe Mark Twains Abenteuer präsentiert den großen amerikanischen Erzähler mit seinen Abenteuerromanen Tom Sawyers Abenteuer, Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus ebenso wie den Reiseschriftsteller, der aus der Perspektive des Arglosen im Ausland auch einen Bummel durch Europa unternommen hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        Agriculture & related industries
        December 1996

        Quarantine Pests for Europe

        by Mark Holderness, Edited by D G McNamara, I M Smith, Peter R Scott.

        Data sheets on quarantine pests for the European Union and for the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization. This book is the result of collaboration between EPPO and CAB INTERNATIONAL, sponsored by the Commission of the European Union, to prepare data sheets on pests of plants of quarantine significance for Europe and the Mediterranean region. Coverage extends to insects, mites, fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes and parasitic plants. It includes organisms that are found outside Europe and the Mediterranean that present a risk to this region, as well as those that are present but have restricted distribution and are subject to phytosanitary controls. The format of the FAO model data sheet is followed, using standard headings: identity, hosts, geographical distribution, biology, detection and identification, means of movement and dispersal, pest significance (including economic impact, control and phytosanitary risk), phytosanitary measures, and bibliography. The first edition of this book was published in December 1992 and consisted of 188 data sheets, some covering groups of similar organisms. During the intervening four years pests have been added to the EU and EPPO lists and changes have occurred in host range, geographical distribution, taxonomy and pest status of many of the organisms described. All data sheets have therefore been revised, some data sheets covering groups of similar organisms have been split up and 56 new sheets added, resulting in a total of 300 data sheets. The second edition will continue therefore to represent a definitive reference source, not only for those with specific interests in plant quarantine, but also for all concerned with pest management.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Mark Twains Abenteuer in fünf Bänden

        Band 3: Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus

        by Mark Twain, Norbert Kohl, Daniel C. Beard, Maja Ueberle, Norbert Kohl

        Die fünfbändige Ausgabe Mark Twains Abenteuer präsentiert den großen amerikanischen Erzähler mit seinen Abenteuerromanen Tom Sawyers Abenteuer, Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus ebenso wie den Reiseschriftsteller, der aus der Perspektive des Arglosen im Ausland auch einen Bummel durch Europa unternommen hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 1996

        Mark Twains Abenteuer in fünf Bänden

        Band 1: Tom Sawyers Abenteuer

        by Mark Twain, Norbert Kohl, True W. Williams, Angelika Beck

        Die fünfbändige Ausgabe Mark Twains Abenteuer präsentiert den großen amerikanischen Erzähler mit seinen Abenteuerromanen Tom Sawyers Abenteuer, Huckleberry Finns Abenteuer und Ein Yankee am Hofe des Königs Artus ebenso wie den Reiseschriftsteller, der aus der Perspektive des Arglosen im Ausland auch einen Bummel durch Europa unternommen hat.

      • Trusted Partner
        Medical parasitology
        June 2006

        Parasitic Flatworms

        Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Immunology and Physiology

        by Edited by Aaron G Maule, Nikki J Marks

        Parasitic flatworms include Cestodes (tapeworms) and trematodes (flukes, schistosomes, etc) and are the cause of a number of major diseases of medical and veterinary significance. Much recent research has focused on molecular biology and genomics. this book aims to review advances in our understanding of these and related topics such as flatworm biochemistry, immunology and physiology. Where appropriate, comparisons are made between different parasitic flatworms and between parasitic and free-living species. Contributors to the book include leading authorities from Europe, North and South America, and Australia.

      • Trusted Partner
        Science & Mathematics
        October 2017

        UV-B Radiation and Plant Life

        Molecular Biology to Ecology

        by Brian R Jordan, Pedro J. Aphalo, Amy T. Austin, Carlos L. Ballaré, Paul W. Barnes, Susanne Baldermann, Melanie Binkert, Janet F. Bornman, Isabelle N. Bottger, Stephan D. Flint, Franziska S. Hanschen, Éva Hideg, Marcel A K Jansen, Gareth I. Jenkins, Karel Klem, Susanne Neugart, Monika Schreiner, Åke Strid, Mark A. Tobler, Roman Ulm, Otmar Urban, Jason Wargent, Melanie Wiesner

        Ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B) has profound effects on plant growth and development, and exposure varies with ozone depletion and across geographic regions, with ecosystem and agricultural consequences. This book deals with large-scale impacts but also how UV-B affects plants at the molecular level is also fascinating, and the UV-B photoreceptor has only recently been characterised. While UV-B radiation can be damaging, it also has a more positive role in plant photomorphogenesis. Consequently UV-B treatments are being developed as innovative approaches to improve horticulture. This book is a timely synthesis of what we know and need to know about UV-B radiation and plants.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Forestry & related industries
        December 1998

        Forest Policy

        International Case Studies

        by Edited by Bill Wilson, G C van Kooten, Ian Vertinsky, Louise Arthur

        Forest policy involves a complex balance of governmental, social and industrial objectives in an environment where the forests and the institutions are also constantly changing. Across the various forestry jurisdictions there is a wide variety of policy models that have evolved in response to specific societal demands, institutional structures and forest environments. This book is an examination of forest policy in a selection of major forestry jurisdictions, primarily the major competitors in world softwood markets. These include the United States, British Columbia, Alberta, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, Chile and Russia. These regions represent systems operating with natural forests, plantation forests, initial forest endowments, second/third generation forests, public forestland ownership, private forestland ownership, open markets, highly structured markets, and various responses to sustainability. For each jurisdiction a brief overview to the economy, the contribution of forestry, the resource base, the composition of the forest industry and the major stakeholders is provided. The policy discussions include forest management, timber pricing and export policy, environmental standards, land ownership and use, and the institutional setting relating to government agencies, taxation, labour and capital. Comment is provided on the evolution of the existing policy structure and the chapters finish with an evaluation and prognosis for the jurisdiction. This book is a valuable reference source for forest policy practitioners, students of forestry and political economy and industrial decision-makers seeking to position their business in global forestry.

      • Trusted Partner
        Trade unions
        April 2009

        Trade unions and democracy

        Strategies and perspectives

        by Edited by Mark Harcourt and Geoffrey Wood

        Available for the first time in paperback, this book explores the role of trade unions as products of, and agents for, democracy. The crisis facing established democratic institutions in the advanced societies has been widely noted. In response, there has been increasing interest in the role of civil society actors, ranging from established socio-political collectives to new grassroots organisations. On the one hand, conventional wisdom holds that organised labour in the advanced societies has remained locked in a cycle of political marginalisation and decline. On the other hand, unions continue to represent a significant component of society within most industrialised countries. Indeed, in many cases, they have demonstrated a capacity for effective renewal and for co-ordinating their efforts with other civil society actors as part and parcel of the current groudswell of public opinion against the neo-liberal orthodoxy. The book brings together a distinguished panel of leading and emerging scholars in the field, and provides a critical assessment of the current role of unions in society, their capacity to impact on state policies in such a manner as to ensure greater accountability and fairness, and the nature and extent of internal representative democracy within the labour movement. This volume will be of interest to students and academics in the fields of industrial relations, critical management studies, political studies and sociology, as well as trade union and community activists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Limnology (freshwater)
        February 2005

        Irrigation and River Basin Management

        Options for Governance and Institutions

        by Edited by Mark Svendsen

        With increasing water scarcity, pressure to re-allocate water from agriculture to other uses mounts, along with a need to put in place institutional arrangements to promote 'higher value' uses of water. Many developing countries are now experimenting with establishing new institutional arrangements for managing water at the river basin level.This book, based on research by IWMI and others, reviews basin management in six developed and developing countries. It describes and applies a functional theory of river basin management, based on the idea that there is a minimum set of functions required to manage basins effectively and a set of basic conditions that enable effective management institutions to emerge. The book examines the experiences of both developed and developing countries in order to see what lessons can be learned and to identify what constitutes the core of a 'theory of river basin management'. It concludes that although it is difficult for developing countries to adopt approaches and institutional designs directly from developed countries, basic principles and lessons are transferable.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        September 2014

        A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge

        This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Teaching, Language & Reference
        February 2013

        Ramon J. Sender's 'Cronica del alba'

        by Catherine Davies, Anthony Trippett

        Crónica del alba is a novel by Sender with a Civil War background, like the popular Réquiem por un campesino español, also in this series. The author evokes his childhood in rural Aragón at the beginning of the twentieth century in a book which has a charm and something of the character of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The young Pepe fights to believe in himself as a hero in the face of a world, and a father bent on putting him down. He is supported by his girlfriend, Valentina, who believes in him implicitly and often ends up in as much trouble as him. But there is something more here than scrapes and mischief-making. It is written by an older and disillusioned Pepe who has known real heroism and is now detained in a prison camp for Spanish Civil War refugees in southern France. The novel raises challenging questions about the loss of hope, how people cope with disillusionment, and the place of writing in that process. Moreover, since the novel reflects Sender's own childhood it sheds light on the complex relationship of fact and fiction in autobiographical novels. ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Political ideologies
        May 2017

        Neoliberal power and public management reforms

        by Professor Peter Triantafillou. Series edited by Mark Haugaard

        This book examines the links between major contemporary public sector reforms and neoliberal thinking. The key contribution of the book is to enhance our understanding of contemporary neoliberalism as it plays out in the public administration and to provide a critical analysis of generally overlooked aspects of administrative power. The book examines the quest for accountability, credibility and evidence in the public sector. It asks whether this quest may be understood in terms of neoliberal thinking and, if so, how? The book makes the argument that while current administrative reforms are informed by several distinct political rationalities, they evolve above all around a particular form of neoliberalism: constructivist neoliberalism. The book analyses the dangers of the kinds of administrative power seeking to invoke the self-steering capacities of society and administration itself.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        January 2021

        A concordance to the rhymes of The Faerie Queene

        by Richard Danson Brown, J. B. Lethbridge, J. B. Lethbridge

        This book is the first ever concordance to the rhymes of Spenser's epic. It gives the reader unparalleled access to the formal nuts and bolts of this massive poem: the rhymes which he used to structure its intricate stanzas. As well as the main concordance to the rhymes, the volume features a wealth of ancillary materials, which will be of value to both professional Spenserians and students, including distribution lists and an alphabetical listing of all the words in The Faerie Queene. The volume breaks new ground by including two studies by Richard Danson Brown and J. B. Lethbridge, so that the reader is given provocative analyses alongside the raw data about Spenser as a rhymer. Brown considers the reception of rhyme, theoretical models and how Spenser's rhymes may be reading for meaning. Lethbridge in contrast discusses the formulaic and rhetorical character of the rhymes.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 1997

        Gene-for-Gene Relationship in Plant-Parasite Interactions

        by Edited by Ian R Crute, Eric B Holub, Jeremy J Burdon

        Genetics has transformed plant pathology on two occasions: first when Mendelian genetics enabled the discovery that disease resistance was a heritable trait in plants, and secondly when Flor proposed the “gene-for-gene” hypothesis to explain his observations of plant-parasite interactions, based on his work on flax rust in North Dakota starting in the 1930s. Our knowledge of the genetics of disease resistance and host-pathogen coevolution is now entering a new phase as a result of the cloning of the first resistance genes. This book provides a broad review of recent developments in this important and expanding subject. Both agricultural and natural host-pathogen situations are addressed. While most of the book focuses on plant pathology, in the usual sense of the term embracing fungal, bacterial and viral pathogens, there is also consideration of parasitic plants and a chapter demonstrating lessons to be learnt from the mammalian immune system. Three overall themes are addressed: genetic analyses and utilization of resistance; population genetics; and cell biology and molecular genetics. Chapters are based on papers presented at the British Society for Plant Pathology Presidential meeting held in December 1995, but all have been revised and updated to mid-1996. Written by leading authorities from North America, Europe and Australia, the book represents an essential update for workers in plant genetics, breeding, biotechnology and pathology.

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