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      • Editora Jandaíra (Pólen Producao Editorial Ltda.)

        Jandaíra is an independent publisher of books by Brazilian authors who are thought-provoking and daring for children and adults.Originally Pólen Livros, it was born to explore new horizons, to establish partnerships, new ideas and to value voices. With a focus on women, contemplating the greatest diversity of feminine universes, she started her catalog with works written by and for women, to tell the feminine vision of stories, the world, society. And as a perspective for a new future, children came with themes to be discussed by people of all ages.In 2020, in partnership with the Sueli Carneiro seal, we achieved wide reach in bookstores throughout Brazil! With the seal coordinated by the philosopher and writer Djamila Ribeiro and with eight titles published initially; the diversity most present in our books, made us recognized as the publisher that embraces causes, from motherhood to self-knowledge, from feminism to anti-racism, from literature to non-fiction and children.

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      • AlFulk Translation and Publishing

        AlFulk Translation & Publishing: An independent publishing house, launched in October 2015 and based in Abu Dhabi. It specialisation is translating children and young adult literature from different languages into Arabic. AlFulk aims for:1. To enrich the Arabic library with diverse cultural collections, in order to aware the readers of the intercultural communication importance. 2. To establish a reading habits base for children from 0-4.3. To increase the level of YA books -both Fantasy, fiction and non-fiction- in terms of their content and illustrations.As the majority in the publishing industry, we have been affected by COVID-19 epidemic. However, we have decided to participate at Frankfurter Buchmesse this year to look at what is new in the industry and to expand our network. We seek long term partnerships.

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      • Trusted Partner
        July 2004


        Tag Nacht Gedanken

        by Johannes Jansen, Regen Wachsmuth

        Die Halbschlaf-Texte sind außerordentlich genaue, unbestechliche Selbstbeobachtungen und Weltbefragung zugleich. Mit immer neu Anlauf nehmender Neugier und mit fragilem Selbstbewußtsein, 'mit Angst und Zutrauen' trägt Jansen Gedankenpartikel zusammen, bis sie sich zu einem Bild fügen. Zu einem Bild allerdings, das nicht endgültige Antworten parat zu halten vorgibt, sondern neue Fragen und Denkmöglichkeiten eröffnet. Nicht auf dem Feld der Gewißheiten, sondern auf unsicherem Terrain, das erst erforscht werden will. Denn: 'Etwas muß fehlen, sonst geht die Sache nicht auf, und schon probiere ich einen Fehler aus.'

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2016

        How to Survive the First Years of School

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        With a pinch of humor, the authors tell the story of Julia, her husband Peter, and their little whirlwind Alexander, who is starting elementary school. How do the three of them deal with this new stage in Alexander’s life? What problems do they encounter and what do they find stressful? The book sets out to help parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents understand how children of elementary school age develop. Professionals who work with children of this age may also find it of interest. Petra Jansen and Stefanie Richter are both parents and psychologists. Through the fictional Julia they share their subjective experience as mothers, while also providing background information based on scientific studies. They demonstrate in a clear and entertaining way that some of the problems experienced by children of this age are not unexpected and are no cause for despair.     Target Group: Parents of children in their early years at school.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1995

        heimat ... abgang ... mehr geht nicht


        by Johannes Jansen, Norman Lindner

        Johannes Jansen ist 1966 in Ost-Berlin geboren und lebte in Freiburg, Leipzig und Pankow. Nach der Lehre als Graveur und der Absolvierung des Armeedienstes bei der NVA studierte er Graphik. Er lebt als freier Autor in Berlin. Norman Lindner, geboren 1969 in Halle, schloss nach einer Lehre zum Forstfachwirt ein Studium der Bildenden Kunst und Philosophie in Kassel bei Dorothee von Windheim, Alf Schuler, Harry Kramer und Hannes Böhringer ab. Früher arbeitete er als Grafikdesigner und Kunstkritiker für u.a. die taz.die tageszeitung und die Berliner Zeitung. Heute ist er als Autor, Künstler und Heilerziehungspfleger beschäftigt und lebt in Berlin-Lichtenberg.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences

        History of Ukraine from KGB Secret Files

        by Volodymyr Viatrovych

        The unknown and classified KGB history of the largest country in Europe - Ukraine is the history of people, events, documents and files. The files have answers to many questions. The most important of which - why did a war begin again in Europe? Why is it so important for Russia to conquer Ukraine? Why are Ukrainians putting up such a powerful resistance? Historian Volodymyr Viatrovych, who declassified the secret archives of the Soviet special services from the Cheka to the KGB, talks about the history of Ukraine, the USSR and Eastern Europe from 1918 to 1991. The reader, is offered, along with various heroes and traitors, those who thought they were in control of events, and those who thought they had no power over them, to recreate the nearly century-old chess game between the Ukrainian liberation movement and the creators of the "prison of nations." Described in reports and recreated by a historian, this work looks at the cunning “special operations”, deadly moves, information wars and complex games among several players that are all an attempt to find an answer to the question: what creates our destiny - human will or circumstances?

      • Trusted Partner

        Does Movement Really Make Us Smart?

        by Petra Jansen, Stefanie Richter

        Media reports often praise movement as a cure-all. But apart from its undisputed positive effect on health, does movement really make us smarter? Consider a national football team, for example – are these excessively sports-driven players automatically the smartest people? Should we simply replace all school subjects with sports? The authors provide a detailed summary of the latest scientific findings on the influence of movement on cognitive ability. They describe the effects of movement, on old age, embodiment, emotion, school as well as other factors that influence cognition. Target Group: teachers, lecturers, psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists, psychotherapists, movement therapists.

      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        October 2018

        Selected Poetry

        by Vasyl Stus

        Vasyl Stus was not only a poet of rare talent, publicist, translator and literary critic, but he is also a personification of "the voice of conscience in the world of shaky and blurred concepts of honour, truth, decency." He spent nearly half of his life in Soviet detention centres, solitary confinement cells, Mordovian and Kolyma camps and toiling at mines. The Soviet penal system deprived him of family visits, seized his poems, letters and manuscripts, physically abused him and tried to destroy him morally but it never managed to break his spirit.The poems in this collection are the best examples of Vasyl Stus's lyrics. In these lines, civic motives and the artist's pain for the fate of Ukraine are intertwined with a delicate lace of love lyrics and philosophical reflections on life and the purpose of man. Poems are full of hope and unyielding resolve.

      • Trusted Partner
        February 2021

        The Chinese Stories Reading Club

        by Pi Zhaohui

        There is a lot of fun in the "The Chinese Stories Reading Club." Pete, the Bread Wolf, wants to learn a lot from Chinese in the Chinese Story Reading Club. What surprised Pete is that the vast knowledge of Chinese can never be exhausted, such as the usage of punctuation marks, Chinese characters, the rules of writing, and the use of rhetoric... These knowledge simply make Pete feel overwhelmed. After feeling upset, Pete decicdes to work hard to catch up!

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2001

        Kopfäktschn. Im Club der einsamen Herzen

        Stücke und Materialien

        by Robert Wolf, Nurith Wagner-Strauss, Robert Wolf

        Kopfäktschn: Der Wissenschaftler Carlsson hat zur Rettung der Menschen vor dem Verlust der Sprache einen Kopf vom Rest des Körpers getrennt und versucht nun, ihn zu psychosozialisieren. Was aber sagt der Kopf dazu? Im Club der einsamen Herzen: Eine Frau erlebt die Nacht vor ihrer Hinrichtung in einem Club der einsamen Herzen. Ein Barkeeper und eine Schauspielerin sind ihr letztes Geleit. Ein wenig wünschen darf sie sich noch und ein wenig ausleben.

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Makers Club

        Starting Up!

        by Reimena Yee, Tintin Pantoja, Melanie Ujimori

        Childhood friends Aqilah and Yong Qiang have lost touch over the years. Whenthey are unexpectedly reunited in Pangolin Secondary School, they discover thatthings are very different and life seems a lot more uncertain than it once was. Willthey have the courage to start up a brand new school club and convince everyone,including themselves, that they’re ready for independence? Find out how the foundingmembers of The Makers Club forged a friendship that would change their lives forever.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2006

        Culture Club II

        Klassiker der Kulturtheorie

        by Martin Ludwig Hofmann, Tobias F. Korta, Sibylle Niekisch

        Was heißt »Kultur«? Kaum ein anderer Begriff durchzieht die theoretische Debatte der letzten Jahrzehnte mit solch einer Wucht.Kulturtheorie ist nicht nur zu einem interdisziplinären, sondern auch zu einem internationalen intellektuellen Abenteuer geworden.Auch der zweite Band des Culture Club bietet eine Orientierung in diesem schwer überschaubaren Feld, indem er einen überblick über das jeweilige Werk und Denken zentraler Kulturtheoretiker gibt.Vorgestellt werden Max Weber, Siegfried Kracauer, Martin Heidegger, Helmuth Plessner, Margaret Mead, Hannah Arendt, Marshall McLuhan, Richard Hoggart, Vilém Flusser, Raymond Williams, Paul Feyerabend, Jean-François Lyotard, Ivan Illich, Clifford Geertz, Jacques Derrida und Stuart Hall.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        January 2024

        Welcome to the club

        The life and lessons of a Black woman DJ

        by DJ Paulette

        In Welcome to the club, Manchester legend DJ Paulette shares the highs, lows and lessons of a thirty-year music career, with help from some famous friends. One of the Haçienda's first female DJs, Paulette has scaled the heights of the music industry, playing to crowds of thousands all around the world, and descended to the lows of being unceremoniously benched by COVID-19, with no chance of furlough and little support from the government. Here she tells her story, offering a remarkable view of the music industry from a Black woman's perspective. Behind the core values of peace, love, unity and respect, dance music is a world of exclusion, misogyny, racism and classism. But, as Paulette reveals, it is also a space bursting at the seams with powerful women. Part personal account, part call to arms, Welcome to the club exposes the exclusivity of the music industry while seeking to do justice to the often invisible women who keep the beat going.

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 2013

        Wer das liest, stirbt!

        Die geheimsten Einträge aus Teenager-Tagebüchern

        by Jansen, Stefan

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2015

        Forschung an Einwilligungsunfähigen.

        Insbesondere strafrechtliche und verfassungsrechtliche Aspekte der fremdnützigen Forschung.

        by Jansen, Scarlett

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1985

        Für einen anderen Umgang mit der Natur

        Wider männliche Beherrschung und Zerstörung der Natur

        by Jansen, Bettina

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2016

        Die Bürgschaft in der europäischen Rechtstradition.

        Eine historische Analyse des deutschen Bürgschaftsrechts und dessen Berücksichtigung im Draft Common Frame of Reference.

        by Jansen, Trygve

      • Trusted Partner

        Professoren und Politik

        Politisches Denken und Handeln der Heidelberger Hochschullehrer 1914-1935

        by Jansen, Christian

      • Trusted Partner

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