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      • Naufal Hachette Antoine

        In 2009, Hachette Livre (# 3 publishing group worldwide) and Librairie Antoine (one of the most renowned Lebanese bookseller groups) joined their strengths to set up Hachette Antoine, a joint-venture based in Beirut, Lebanon. The aim of the JV between Hachette Livre and Librairie Antoine was to create a leading trade publisher in the Arabic speaking world, covering the Middle East (Levant and GCC) and North-Africa regions, with a business focus on high potential markets. Our strength: • Large-scale distribution channels in the MENA region with warehouses in Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt. • Strong PR and Media connections throughout the region with efficient online and offline marketing tools. • The only Arab publishing house to provide professional and exhaustive editing on both translated and original Arabic books. • Full financial transparency: All audit assertions and financial statements are served by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Our imprints Naufal: is dedicated to fiction and non-fiction. Our list includes well established classical and contemporary authors from the Arab world among which the best-selling/phenomenon Algerian author, Ahlem Mosteghanemi, Syrian novelist Khaled Khalifa, and Lebanese journalist and women’s rights activist, Joumana Haddad. Fiction/translated: In translated fiction, our strategy consists of publishing authors from Arab origins who write in languages other than Arabic, alongside international best-selling authors. We also leave room for a few “coups de cœur” by debut authors. Thrillers and suspense: Include names such as J.K. Rowling aka Robert Galbraith, Mary Higgins Clark, Harlan Coben, Anthony Horowitz and others, and providing quality translations. Non-Fiction: Biographies and Memoirs: Becoming, A promised land. HA Kids: Licenses: Hachette Antoine is the official licensee of Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Nickelodeon, Ferrari... in the MENA region, with more brands to come. History and Topical books, Illustrated, Inspirational stories, HA Lifestyle, HA Education, HA Reference

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        Insel Verlag Anton Kippenberg GmbH & Co. KG

        Herzlich willkommen bei der Suhrkamp Verlagsgruppe. Zu dieser gehören u. a. der Suhrkamp Verlag, der Insel Verlag mit dem Verlag der Weltreligionen, sowie der Jüdische Verlag.

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        August 2012

        Léonard, der Coiffeur der Königin

        Galantes, Frivoles und Extravagantes vom Hofe der Marie Antoinette

        by Léonard Autié, Carolin Fischer, Annette Lallemand

        Mit verrückten, genialen Frisuren, geschmückt von Schlachtschiffen, Vogelkäfigen und Gemüsearrangements, gewinnt der legendäre Coiffeur Léonard nicht nur die Gunst der Hofdamen, sondern verzückt auch Königin Marie Antoinette. Schnell steigt er zum Starfriseur des Hofes auf und verkehrt in den innersten Kreisen. Mit seinem Blick durchs Schlüsselloch offenbart er intime Einblicke in eine Epoche, die zwischen politischen Ränkespielen und höfischen Intrigen dem Sittenverfall und der Maßlosigkeit frönt und mit allem Pomp und Gloria dem Untergang geweiht ist.

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        November 2018

        Der schwarze Mönch in Varennes. Nostradamische Posse und Divertissement über die letzten Worte des Sokrates

        by Georges Dumézil, Eva Moldenhauer

        Ludwig XVI. und Marie Antoinette wurden 1791 auf ihrer Flucht in Varennes verhaftet. Mehr als 200 Jahre zuvor hatte Nostradamus einen Vierzeiler niedergeschrieben, der bis ins kleinste Detail voraussagt, was dem königlichen Paar zustieß. Georges Dumézil (1898 bis 1986), der sich sein Leben lang mit fernen Sprachen und Kulturen beschäftigt hat, kam auf die wunderbare Idee, das Rätsel dieser merkwürdigen Übereinstimmung in einer Art Kriminalgeschichte anzugehen, in der Sherlock Holmes ganz offensichtlich von Dumézil selber gespielt wird.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2020

        Death and the crown

        Ritual and politics in France before the Revolution

        by Anne Byrne

        Looking at royal ritual in pre-revolutionary France, Death and the crown examines the deathbed and funeral of Louis XV in 1774, the lit de justice of November 1774, and the coronation of Louis XVI, including the ceremony of the royal healing touch for scrofula. It reviews the state of the field in ritual studies and appraises the status of the monarchy in the 1770s, including the recall of the parlements and the many ways people engaged with royal ritual. It answers questions such as whether Louis XV died in fear of damnation, why Marie Antoinette was not crowned in 1775 and why Louis XVI's coronation was not held in Paris. This lively, accessible text is a useful tool for under- and post-graduate teaching which will also be of interest to specialists on this under-researched period.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        July 2010

        Race, nation and empire

        Making histories, 1750 to the present

        by Catherine Hall, Keith McClelland, Julian Hoppit

        The essays in this collection show how histories written in the past, in different political times, dealt with, considered, or avoided and disavowed Britain's imperial role and issues of difference. Ranging from enlightenment historians to the present, these essays consider both individual historians, including such key figures as E. A. Freeman, G. M. Trevelyan and Keith Hancock, and also broader themes such as the relationship between liberalism, race and historiography and how we might re-think British history in the light of trans-national, trans-imperial and cross-cultural analysis. 'Britishness' and what 'British' history is have become major cultural and political issues in our time. But as these essays demonstrate, there is no single national story: race, empire and difference have pulsed through the writing of British history. The contributors include some of the most distinguished historians writing today: C. A. Bayly, Antoinette Burton, Saul Dubow, Geoff Eley, Theodore Koditschek, Marilyn Lake, John M. MacKenzie, Karen O'Brien, Sonya O. Rose, Bill Schwarz, Kathleen Wilson. ;

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        April 2011


        Veränderungen wagen und dadurch gewinnen!

        by Heath, Chip; Heath, Dan / Englisch Gittinger, Antoinette

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