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        March 2020

        Monitor Lu Zhisheng

        by Qin Wenjun

        This book focuses on the joy and trouble, frustration and success of Lu Zhisheng, a clever boy who is in the same class as Jia Li, on their second year of Junior High. Lu Zhisheng, the class monitor, became the head of the class, secretly collected the students' opinions on their parents, and bombarded the parents with "bombs" at the parents’ meeting. The novel emphasizes the psychological course of a teenager, inheriting the humorous style of “Boy Jia Li”. But try to expand the diverse social aspects, enhance creativity, strengthen the power of morality, the power of faith, and reflect the state of life as a single child who faces the unique rapidly changing modern society.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        September 2019

        A theory of the super soldier

        by Jean-François Caron

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        September 2021

        Education Administration Research in Republic of China

        by XIONG Xianjun

        The book is pointed to education and administrative theory, based on the historical material of the national education, systematically combing, analyzes the history of education administrative development evolution during the Republic of my country, organizational functions, personnel administration, administrative supervision, funding integration, and special committee settings, The situation and effectiveness of administrative reform attempts. This book first reviews the development environment, research value, characteristics and period division of the Republic of China. Presenting the Outstanding Officer of the Republic of China, cut into the field of educational history of the Republic of China, then evolving from education administration, education administrative organization and functions Educational personnel administration, education administrative supervision, education funds, university categories and university-level reforms, and control the entire world of the Republic of China. Finally, in the form of a conclusion, the revelation of the Republic of China education is revealed and cracked. What role played in the development of the Republic of China, what role is played, and it is more comprehensive and objectively displaying the concept and characteristics of the Republic of China Education Administration.

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        Super Project

        by Ningmeng Kuake

        This set of 3 books, "Super Project", "High Scientific", "The Technology of the Nation", selects outstanding science and technology projects reflecting the level of scientific research, technological innovation and development of engineering equipment in China, such as manned spaceflight, lunar exploration project, Beidou Navigation, China High Speed Rail, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, quantum communication, Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescopeetc, demonstrating the great Chinese wisdom and creative ability; allowing children to learn scientific and technological knowledge, and enrich their experiences at the same time, children can explore the mystery of China's technological innovation and experience the pride and technological self-confidence brought to the nation by China's intellectual production.

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        December 2018

        Super Space Battleship

        by Yang Peng

        Yang Peng's alien series original science fiction works. The book continues Yang Peng's consistent style of creation—incredible imagination, extraordinary exaggeration, unrepeatable comedy, bizarre plots, sci-fi elements, relaxing, humorous, and thrilling fun. At the same time, courage, integrity, kindness, unity, patriotism, and environmental protection are integrated into the delightful storytelling. The theme is positive, setting a good example for the children. The "Dragon" super space warship crossed the universe wormhole. It took only a few minutes to reach the distant space of 1400 light years from the earth. A series of challenges are waiting for the "Dragon" teenagers, steel planet, cosmic disease, cosmic whales, elf kingdom, thunder kingdom, lightning country, illusion planet, nebula storm... Can they pass over all these challenges one after the one other?

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        Children's & young adult fiction & true stories

        Super Agent 000. The Mystery of the Golden Kangaroo

        by Lesia Voronyna

        As any superhero, the invincible Super Agent 000 untangles the most mysterious crimes, defeats the most cunning enemies and saves the world from the otherwise inevitable destruction. The ironic detective story by the modern Ukrainian writer Lesya Voronyna has gone legendary. Full of jokes, irony and funny clues, the adventures of Hryts Mamay will be appealing to not only children and teenagers, but also their parents, if they happened to miss the first, now rare, editions of the book.

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        May 2021

        Research on the Perspective of the Republic of China

        by WANG Jianjun

        This book complies with historical research paradigm, and the research framework is mainly from two aspects. On the one hand, from the trajectory of the development of the national education, the background and significance of its visualization system, the supervision system, the demonstration system are disclosed, revealing the law of the Republic of China from inheriting to explore, and then goes to the change law of innovation. On the other hand, it will start from the activities of the civil education visualholders, explore the rights and obligations given to the National Education Tight Handling System, and their efforts to make the demonstration system truly "sink", Revealing the emotional pursuit of dedication of the people in education.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2019

        Voll super, Helden (1). Einer muss den Job ja machen

        by Bertram, Rüdiger

        Auch Superhelden brauchen mal Urlaub - aber wer rettet dann die Welt? Comic-Experte Juli soll die Sommerferien bei seinem Onkel verbringen, dem ein Hotel an der Nordsee gehört. Sechs Wochen Luxus pur - hört sich cool an, klar. Doch es kommt noch besser: Juli stellt nämlich fest, dass die Gäste, die dort schlaff am Hotel-Pool seines Onkels rumhängen, den Superhelden aus seinem Comics erstaunlich ähnlich sehen ... Juli ist auf alles gefasst, als er im Zug gen Norden sitzt - den Koffer prall gefüllt mit Comic-Lesestoff (gegen Langeweile und für alle Fälle). Dass er die Sommerferien im Luxushotel seines Onkels jedoch nicht alleine, sondern mit seiner Nervziegen-Cousine Jenny verbringen muss, ist erst der Anfang des unglaublichsten Ferienabenteuers aller Zeiten: Denn dort am Pool lümmeln sich Juli seltsam bekannt vorkommende Gestalten. Ist das dort drüben etwa Rocketman aus seinem Lieblingscomic? Kaum zu glauben! Doch bevor Juli und seine Cousine Jenny herausfinden können, was es mit den coolen Hotelgästen genau auf sich hat, stellt plötzlich ein viel größeres Problem alles in den Schatten: der fiese Schurke Kästle möchte alle Schokoladenvorräte der Welt vernichten! Jemand muss ihn aufhalten. Und plötzlich finden sich Comic-Experte Juli und seine nervige Cousine Jenny mitten im südamerikanischen Dschungel und im größten Abenteuer ihres Lebens wieder - denn einer muss den Job ja machen! Eins ist sicher: Diese Sommerferien werden die beiden nie vergessen! Voll super, Helden - Einer muss den Job ja machen ist der Auftakt zu einer neuen witzigen Abenteuerreihe von Erfolgsautor Rüdiger Bertram. Humor, Action und jede Menge Superheldenpower machen diese Reihe zum idealen Lesespaß für Jungs und Mädchen ab 8 Jahren. Mit witzigen Comic-Illustrationen von Heribert Schulmeyer. Der Titel ist auf gelistet. Weitere Bände sind in Vorbereitung.

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2018

        Onboarding – Integrating New Employees

        by Moser, Klaus; Souček, Roman; Galais, Nathalie; Roth, Colin

        Introducing and integrating new employees successfully, also known as “onboarding”, is of central importance for every company and a core task of Human Resource management / personnel work. Successful onboarding not only avoids mistakes, accidents, and stress, but also initiates learning processes, the development of commitment and promotes team spirit among employees. This book makes it clear that onboarding starts with recruitment and that different priorities have to be set depending on the target group. Key measures that can contribute to the successful integration of new employees are described: realistic job previews, the use of informal recruitment methods, integration by supervisors and colleagues, training and orientation programs, sponsorship and mentoring systems, coaching and supervision, trainee programs, team development, the use of social media and financial incentives. Basic principles, mechanisms of action, evaluation results and case studies are presented. For:• managers, personnel managers• personnel and organizational developers• trainers, consultants, supervisors• personnel psychologists, students and lecturers ofindustrial, business and organizational psychologyas well as business administration

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      • Trusted Partner
        March 1998


        Von der Subversion zur Institutionsanalyse

        by Pühl, Harald

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        Supervision und Organisationsberatung

        Institutionen bewahren durch Veränderung

        by Herausgegeben von Giernalczyk, Thomas

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      • Trusted Partner
        January 1996

        Supervision in Institutionen

        Eine Bestandsaufnahme

        by Übersetzt von Pühl, Harald

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