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        Center for Literary and Art Studies (1995). Independent boutique publisher. Spanish and Portuguese authors. Narrative, essay, company, children, poetry, travel. Catalogs. Editions and printing. 450 titles in its catalog.

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2021

        Good mother is not anxious - 6 super practical tools in frontal management

        by LIU Yonghe

        This book passes through thousands of mother's prenatal questionnaires, standing in every mother's perspective, summing up the role of the family in the family, summing up the 6 kinds of life anxiety in the current life, including: parent-child childhood Anxiety, marriage and family (couple relationship) anxiety, separation education anxiety, workplace anxiety, interpersonal anxiety and counseling anxiety. I hope to pass this book, some targeted, the disease, the mother, to provide mothers, scientific treatment methods, alleviate the anxiety of life in the real life of mothers, helping mothers easier and more reasonable.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 1994


        Überlegungen zu einer Theorie des »sympathischen« und »natürlichen« Meinens und Verstehens

        by Helmuth Feilke

        Wie ist das fast »selbstverständliche« Funktionieren menschlicher Kommunikation möglich angesichts bzw. trotz der enormen Kontingenz, die erstens die individuelle Konstruktivität menschlicher Wahrnehmung und Kognition, zweitens die Generativität der grammatischen Kompetenz und drittens die Komplexität hochvariabler Kontexte für das Meinen und Verstehen eröffnen? Wie kommt angesichts dieser Spielräume eine hinreichend gleichsinnige Koonentierung der sozialen Akteure in der Kommunikation zustande? Inwiefern ist unsere sprachliche Kompetenz genau dieser Problematik angepaßt und durch sie bestimmt? Die Common sense-Kompetenz ist der Versuch, auf diese Fragen eine sprachwissenschaftliche Antwort zu geben. Zugleich wird damit der Anspruch erhoben, im Blick auf die Fragen des Zusammenhangs von Kommunikation, Kognition und Kompetenz die Sprachtheorie in ihr Recht zu setzen.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2015

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth

        by Can Xue

        Gift of the Dark Mother Earth, the latest novel by Can Xue, is a profound metaphor of her hometown. It follows her usual magical style in the sense that it vividly unfolds the complex and delicate inner world of the characters. The story takes place in the remote Wuliqu School, with such distinctive characters as Teacher Meiyong, Zhang Danzhi, Yutian, Xiao Man, Uncle Yun and Sha Men presented one after another. The personality and human nature exposed through unique dialogues enable the readers to feel a return to simplicity so that they want to explore human soul and nature and start in-depth reading and thinking. The book depicts petty matters in a great age. The author’s ambition is to create a feeling for the pattern of the whole universe through the structure of an ordinary tree leaf, and to unify the arbitrarily split world through the narration of various folk sundries so that different characters can all become the center of this unity and their performance can have a universality. As the only Chinese writer who has won the Best Translated Book Award in the United States, Can Xue was nominated for the foreign novel prize of The Independent of the UK and shortlisted in the Neustadt International Prize for Literature of the US. As the Chinese woman writer, whose works have been translated and published the most abroad, Can Xue has been called the most creative Chinese writer by overseas critics.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        April 2018

        Looking up at the stars in the abyss: the humbleness and pride of celebrities in Wei and Jin Dynasty

        by Bei Mingyu

        This book is a celebrity biography of Wei Jin Dynasties. The stories are authentic, which take us to review the Wei Jin Dynasties, and appreciate those interesting stories and souls

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2021

        Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”

        by Zhangjiajie•“Me and My Motherland”Editorial Board

        Zhangjiajie• is a book organized and edited by the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. At the beginning of 2019, the Propaganda Department of the Zhangjiajie Municipal Party Committee learned about the news of Zhangjiajie, the birthplace of "My Motherland and Me", and then began a long period of time. Argumentation and planning, the book is composed of 4 chapters: "Birth", "Anthem", "Story" and "The Square". The work uses a large number of little-known song creation details, interesting stories and praises to the landscape and humanities of Zhangjiajie. It restores the creation process of the song "Me and My Motherland" for readers. At the same time, through a large number of incisive essays, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective presented Zhangjiajie people's praise of the motherland in all aspects.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2013

        Decadent daughters and monstrous mothers

        by Rebecca Munford

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2024

        Celebrities, heroes and champions

        by Simon James Morgan

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        What to eat in pregnancy and confinement

        by Li Ning

        This book provides a scientific and reasonable diet plan for pregnant mothers and new mothers and provides nutrition guidance throughout pregnancy and childbirth. It reminds pregnant mothers and new mothers to take nutrition timely, comprehensively and evenly according to their own physiological changes and baby's growth needs. It also lists one-day reference diet and a variety of delicious and delicious nutritious and delicious recipes to help pregnant mothers and new mothers to help their babies The smooth birth and healthy growth of a nutrition reserve. In addition, there is also a corresponding diet therapy plan for some uncomfortable symptoms that are easy to appear during pregnancy and childbirth, such as vomiting, constipation, edema, stretch marks and weakness after childbirth.

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2020

        Stanford Mother's Enlightenment of Multiple Thinking

        by Stanford Mother

        For parents, cultivating children's ability to face the future is a very important thing. This book provides parents with a new set of scientific thinking mode to build children's low-level abilities during the critical period of their children's preschool growth. The book consists of six chapters, including: independent learning ability, multi-dimensional thinking ability, continuous action ability, common imagination, deep influence, and life design ability. By reading this book, parents can practice 32 specific scientific thinking methods summarized by Stanford mothers with their children, and cultivate their children's 6 core abilities for the future. On the basis of helping children improve their thinking ability, they also help parents to improve themselves and guide the positive development of the whole family.

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        Children's & YA
        April 2021

        Aai and I

        by Mamta Nainy and Sanket Pethkar

        Aadya looks just like her mother (Aai)—same little nose, same delicate ears, same big eyes, and identical thick, long hair. But one day, Aai goes away to a big hospital with a promise to return before Aadya learns her next Math lesson. The long-awaited return shocks Aadya because now her mother looks completely unlike her. She wonders if Aai will ever greet her with her usual, cheery, ‘Hello! Mini-me.’ Or will Aadya have to take matters into her own hands just to hear that again?With lyrical prose and a tender touch, Aai and I is an empowering story of the bond between a mother and a daughter, and of the little one finding her own identity as she finds herself no longer 'looking' the same as her mother. Mamta Nainy captures with elan Aadya’s innocence, impatience, and dilemma, and Sanket Pethkar’s vibrant, gorgeous artwork brings to life a typical Indian household in the state of Maharashtra.

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        Early learning: first experiences
        July 2018


        by Jorge Alderete

        No, Lautaro, don’t do that. No, don’t do that either. Please don’t, especially not that! This amazing book is about Lautario’s brief compendium before turning 5. It is written by his father, the world famous illustrator Dr. Alderete. This is a great opportunity to establish the limits of authority from a hilarious perspective.

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        40 weeks of happy pregnancy

        by Wang Shanmi

        What happens to the pregnant mother's body during 40 weeks of pregnancy? How does the baby grow up? This book will introduce in detail, and propose a comprehensive and practical life guidance program for pregnant women in view of these changes, remind pregnant mothers of the details of life that should be paid attention to, and guide pregnant mothers to eat scientifically and eat healthily. The book also provides a safe and effective pregnancy sports program and a feasible perfect prenatal education program, to help pregnant mothers spend 40 weeks of pregnancy smoothly and happily. In particular, it increases the things that need to be paid attention to when the elderly and the second child are pregnant.

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      • Trusted Partner
        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2010

        Celebrating Mutabilitie

        Essays on Edmund Spenser's Mutabilitie Cantos

        by J. B. Lethbridge, Jane Grogan

        This is the first collection of essays devoted to Edmund Spenser's Mutabilitie Cantos (1609), and it celebrates the 400th anniversary of the first publication of that intriguing, posthumously-published fragment of his unfinished epic, The Faerie Queene (1590-96). It brings together leading and emerging Spenser scholars from the US, UK, Ireland and India to asses and assert the significance of the Mutabilitie Cantos to Spenser's work ad thought. All eleven essays are origional and specially commissioning for this substantial volume with contributions from James Nohrnberg, Gordon Teskey and Judith Anderson. Although broadly historical, in keeping the principles with The Manchester Spenser series, the collections encompasses an impressive variety of approaches and interests, ranging from historical allegory and material, political, philosophical and literary contexts of the Mutabilitie Cantos, as well as their commanding place in early modern English and Irish literature and history. The collection also includes a full bibliography of scholarly criticism of the Mutabilitie Cantos. This collection will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students, to scholars of Spenser and scholars of renaissance studies ;

      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA
        January 2023

        Dad and I are going to space

        by Jacques Jabié (Author), Marysya Rudska (Illustrator)

        Mars mission is off.Starteam selection is over.My father and I are the candidates.In fact, Father is ready for space after his work,Still I am free at any time till the beginning of school.We should hurry up!   From 3 to 6 years, 587 words. Rightsholders:

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        January 2018

        The politics of identity

        by Christine Agius, Dean Keep

      • Trusted Partner
        December 2018

        280 days of perfect prenatal education

        by Wang Shanmi

        According to the changes and needs of pregnant mothers and babies in different periods, this book provides rich and diverse prenatal education materials such as poems, essays, stories, music, art works, hands-on brain games, etc., which can be easily used when you open the book. It also introduces sports prenatal education and nutrition prenatal education, to help pregnant mothers relieve the discomfort during pregnancy, supplement the needed nutrition, and make babies healthier and stronger. *With close professional care and all-round expert guidance, we will spend the perfect 280 days together with the pregnant mother and the baby.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2008

        Father Browns Weisheit


        by Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Hanswilhelm Haefs

        Man kennt ihn aus vielen Verfilmungen, den kleinen, rundlichen und sanftmütigen Priester: Father Brown. Aber kennen Sie auch die packenden Erzählungen, die den Filmen als Grundlagen dienten? Hier sind sie! Father Brown löst seine Fälle mit Menschenkenntnis und Empathie: Vorurteilslosigkeit, Toleranz, Beobachtungsgabe und Intuition sind seine Hilfsmittel. Der sympathische Ermittler im Dienste des Herrn erobert seine Leserinnen und Leser mit Charme und Witz. Gilbert Keith Chesterton, 1874 geboren, starb 1936. Er war Romancier, Historiker und Essayist und hat ein umfangreiches Werk hinterlassen. Die hinreißenden Father-Brown-Geschichten erscheinen hier in der kongenialen Übersetzung von Hanswilhelm Haefs.

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