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        May 2013

        Library of Chinese Classics:Shang Shu

        by Li Yage

        "Shang Shu", also known as "book", "Book of Songs", is a compilation of multi-genre literature, which is a very early history book in China. One of the five schools of Confucianism. Chinese-English, white control.

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        December 2020

        A study on the images of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

        by Wang Yi'e

        This book starts with the figures of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Buddhism in Ming and Qing dynasties. It uses images as the center to classify and research traditional Chinese figure paintings. It will provide an effective image reference and systematic arrangement in the research on the development and evolution of traditional Chinese painting. This book uses Buddhism (Buddhism), Taoist god system and Confucian gods and figures (including Confucius portraits, genealogical paintings, and other sages and sergeants images, etc.) as the basic system for classification. The origin, development, and era characteristics of these figures Carrying out image analysis to show the unique contemporary character and rich spiritual connotation of Chinese figure paintings in different eras. Through the vivid presentation of the figure paintings of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism in the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China, this book fully demonstrates the development context of traditional Chinese culture, has a good educational effect, and meets the increasing aesthetic needs of the public; interpreting traditional Chinese culture from an aesthetic perspective, it is The vivid expression of the Chinese spirit; through researching and sorting out the characters of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, it is of great significance for the inheritance and understanding of traditional Chinese culture, and the establishment of cultural self-confidence, which is of great significance to the prosperity and development of current Chinese culture, especially the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture and artistic spirit.

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        July 2017

        Confucian Gaint Wang Fuzhi

        by Wang Li Xin

        Qing fighters blood purged central land of China and Ming dynasty was crushed under the iron horse hoofs of Qing armored troopers. With this social background, Wang Fuzhi (assumed name Chuanshan ), an officer and great philosopher of Ming dynasty living under the Hengshan Mountain and holding the pain of national subjugation, wanted to stop Qing fighters’ massacre with his flimsy strength. How could he survive in a series of disasters catastrophes?What epic masterpieces he remained after suffering agonies of national and family toppling? This book makes a detailed introduction to Confucian giant Wang Fuzhi’s life.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        May 2017

        Commentary on Neo-Confucianist Zhou Dunyi's Works

        The Theory of Tai Ji Diagram and The Book of Tung

        by He Mingling

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2023

        Neoliberalism and neo-jihadism

        by Imogen Richards

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        July 2021

        Confucius' Family Words

        by Huang Dunbin

        This book records the thoughts and words of Confucius and his disciples, and much of its content concerns major historical and cultural events, such as Confucius' travels around the world, his questioning of Laozi, his replies to the ruler of his country, and his discussions on the rituals and music system and history and nature. The Confucius Family Sayings has long been questioned as an apocryphal book, but unearthed documents from the 20th century prove that the book is not apocryphal, although there are traces of later collation and reorganisation. In the study of Confucius' disciples and Confucian family studies, the book has more obvious advantages than the Historical Records; in presenting an overall image of early Confucianism and interpreting the history of the three generations, the book has irreplaceable value. Some scholars believe that the Confucian Family Sayings is of higher value than the Analects of Confucius and is the "first book of Confucianism".

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2020

        Master of the Three Ways

        by Hung Ying-ming

        It is a collection of quotations on cultivation, life, dealing with the world, and the way out of the world, and is a marvellous book that encompasses 5,000 years of Chinese wisdom. As a work rich in the ethical thinking of the Han people, it takes the essence of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, with Confucianism and Taoism as its core, and has the main paths of cultivating oneself, preparing one's family, ruling one's country and pacifying the world; it combines the philosophy of life, the art of living and aesthetic sensibility. It is a beautiful and profound book, but it is also a book to cultivate people's sentiments and refine their will.

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        XUN ZI

        by ZHANG WANLIN

        "Xunzi" is an important philosophical work written by the great Confucian Xun Kuang during the Warring States Period. There are currently thirty-two articles. It has had a profound influence on philosophy and political culture after the Qin and Han Dynasties. It is a must-read book for people to study and study Confucianism. .

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        December 2017

        Research on the Inheritance of Shangshu

        by Qian Zongwu

        The manuscript is composed of 20 papers. It mainly discusses the time when the book of Confucian Classics was written and the variation of the text in the process of inheritance. It was first proposed in the history of the Book of Confucius that the book was written in the late Eastern Han Dynasty or the early Western Jin Dynasty. Wang Suzhu of "Classic Interpretations" and "Yaodian" proposed that Wang Zhu had been artificially modified by the Tang and Song people, which eventually led to Wang Su's ancient script "Shangshu" being completely unrecognizable; the demonstration of Chinese culture from Han and Tang to Ming and Qing has been maintained Strong positive output situation, wide radiation area, great influence; emphasized the current value and modern significance of studying the literature of the Book of Learning, advocated the national strategy of serving the spread of Chinese culture outside the domain, and must use the literature of the Book of Learning outside the domain Ancient Chinese literature established the right to speak Chinese culture and found the correct way and effective method for the spread of Chinese culture outside the region. The manuscript also analyzes the types of foreign texts in Dunhuang's Shangshu and its characteristics.

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        Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

        by Yuan Liaofan

        It is the family instruction of Yuan Liaofan, a scholar of Ming Dynasty. The book is based on Confucianism, focusing on clarifying reforms, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and the learning of living in the world.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        December 2019 - December 2024

        Analects of Confucius

        by Confucius,Yang Bojun,Yang Fengbin

        The Analects of Confucius was written by Confucius's disciples and re disciples. It mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, and reflects Confucius'thoughts more centrally. It is one of the classical works of Confucianism.

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      • Trusted Partner
        December 2025

        The Book of Filial Piety

        by YU YUEHENG

        A collection of stories about filial piety from different perspectives, different environments, and different encounters by twenty-four filial sons in the past. Since most of the later prints were accompanied by pictures, it was also called "Twenty-Four Filial Piety", a popular reading material in ancient China to promote Confucianism and filial piety.

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        January 2020

        Liao-Fan's Four Lessons

        by Yuan Liaofan

        The book is based on Confucianism and focuses on reformation, loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and the study of life. The book is written in a simple, fresh and timeless manner and is highly readable. The author's extensive quotations and examples make this book a 'mini-encyclopaedia' of traditional Chinese culture. The Yuan Family Sermon is mainly a record of the daily teachings of Yuan's parents to their children, the contents of which can be cross-referenced with the Four Sermons of Yuan.

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        The Arts
        January 2019

        European Film Noir

        by Andrew Spicer

        European Film Noir is the first book to bring together specialist discussions of film noir in specific European national cinemas. Written by leading scholars, this groundbreaking study provides an authoritative understanding of an important aspect of European cinema and of film noir itself, for too long considered as a solely American form. The Introduction reviews the problems of defining film noir, its key characteristics and discusses its significance to the development of European film, the relationship of specific national films noirs to each other, to American noir and to historical and social change. Eight chapters then discuss film noir in France, Germany, Britain and Spain, analysing both earlier developments and the evolution of neo-noir through to the present. A further chapter explores film noir in Italian cinema where its presence is not so well defined. Each piece provides a critical overview of the most significant films in relation to their industrial and social contexts. European Film Noir is an important contribution to the study of European cinema that will have a broad appeal to undergraduates, cinéastes, film teachers and researchers.

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        April 2007

        Labour, the state, social movements and the challenge of neo-liberal globalisation

        by Andrew Gamble, Steven Fielding, Steve Ludlam, John Callaghan, Andrew Taylor, Steve Ludlam, Stephen Wood

        With the emergence of neo-liberalism in the 1980s as the dominant domestic and international political-economic orthodoxy, labour as both a social category and political movement tended to be written off or ignored by academics, politicians and commentators. However, at a time when the world's working class is growing faster than at any previous time in history and neo-liberalism is widely challenged, this orthodoxy is clearly inadequate. The spread of global production means that to ignore labour, its organisations, interests and politics, is to ignore one of the key components of that process. Labour organisations have not gone away and neither has the state: their relationship remains as significant as ever. The strategic relationship between trade unions and social movements, nationally and internationally, has also developed markedly, especially in the south. New patterns of resistance are emerging to challenge global capital and those who assert that globalisation is irresistible. ;

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