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      • Evernade Creative Circle

        An Alliance of Dream Weavers First comes the dreams. And then we take out our pens and notebooks and weave those dreams into medias that we can see, hear and even enjoy. The realities in our minds become realities in other people's too. Initiated by Andry Chang, author and creator of Everna Saga, Adilaga and Martial Worlds, we collaborate with illustrators, game developers and many creators in the intellectual property industry. And our orientation is always global. Our current intellectual property brands in developent are: - Everna Saga - Adilaga (part of Martial World) Everyone can be Evernade.Evernade is everyone,everywhere,everything.

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        Motherland Saga - Volume IV

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        Originally, The Motherland Saga ended in 1983, and what came thereafter was a brief epilogue. However, the past thirty-eight years have witnessed unimaginable changes in the fabric of the people, the culture, and the politics of Turkey. The emerging history of this great land compelled the writing of this fourth volume, THE FOOTSTEPS OF FOREVER. While the period from 2005 to 2020 has witnessed a sea change in the fortunes of this tortured nation and what appears to be a complete reversal in Turkey’s international alliances and its worldview, THE FOOTSTEPS OF FOREVER, Volume Four of the saga, concentrates on the period 1983-2005, which set the scene for what occurred thereafter. While it might be helpful to the reader to read LEGACY, EMERGENCE, and COMING OF AGE first, it is not really necessary, for you are traveling on a time train through the Twentieth and into the Twenty-First Century, and if you choose to get on the train in 1897 or today, your ultimate destination will be the same. Perhaps one day there will be a sequel … and another … and another. Published by Pangæa Publishing Group,2019 Volume Four - 328 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2020

        Neapolitanische Saga (4 Bände)

        by Elena Ferrante, Karin Krieger

        Die Geschichte der lebenslangen Freundschaft zwischen Lila und Elena begeisterte Millionen. Als Kinder begegnen sich die beiden zum ersten Mal im Neapel der 50er Jahre. Sehr bald gehen sie getrennte Wege. Jede für sich erlebt Liebe, Arbeit, Ehe, Mutterschaft, die Umwälzungen im Land, das Vergehen der Jahre, und doch bleiben sie zeit ihres Lebens unmissverständlich aufeinander bezogen. Bis die eine spurlos verschwindet und der anderen nichts bleibt, als dagegen anzuschreiben: Die Neapolitanische Saga beginnt. Vier Bände, ein literarisches Ereignis, jetzt im Schuber zum großartigen Preis.

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        October 2004

        Sweet Darusya

        by Maria Matios

        Sweet Darusya, Maria Matios’ best-known novel, has been rightly called "a tragedy matching the history of the 20th century", and Darusya herself is "an almost biblical figure". This “drama in three lives” has nothing unambiguous: neither characters nor circumstances nor resolution. There are no epoch-making people or events, heroes or villains, but, as one critic noted, "your heart breaks when you read this book." Sweet Darusya recreates the true spirit of the past through a family saga and touches upon topics that until now prevent a part of modern society from perceiving Ukrainian history without omissions, censorship and irritability. This unique view that Maria Matios offers in this novel, measures the essence of human urges, suffering, true love, and human nature in general. Authentic writing style, deep psychologism, and a complex plot that unfolds in reverse chronological order create a unique piece of prose.

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        The Museum of Abandoned Secrets

        by Oksana Zabuzhko

        This novel has been recognized by Ukrainian and foreign critics not only as the most outstanding work of Ukrainian literature since independence, but also as one of the most important in all Eastern European literature since the fall of communism. Awarded the Central European Literary Prize "Angelus" (2013), translated into English, German, Polish, Czech, Russian, repeatedly awarded as "Book of the Year" (in Ukraine, Germany, Switzerland, Poland), "Museum of Abandoned Secrets", Nobel novel class ”(Newsweek Polska); rightly became the calling card of new Ukrainian literature. This is a modern epos of contemporary Ukraine: a family saga of three generations, the events of which cover the period from the 1940s to the spring of 2004. Great literature and ugly truth about the power of the past over the future, about love, betrayal and death, about the original war of man for the right to be himself.

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        April 2022

        Fritz, the Gorilla

        Biography of a Fascinating Ape

        by Jenny von Sperber

        When Jenny von Sperber first met Fritz, the gorilla didn’t let her out of his sight. He was already over 50 years old then, but he was still extremely charismatic. One thing matters for the journalist: she wants to find out everything about Fritz’s life. Born in 1963, he was captured in the wild and came from Cameroon to Germany in 1966. At that time, apes were still regarded as a curiosity in zoos. When a ban was declared on the wild gorilla trade, Fritz was already a father of many youngsters. This fascinating gorilla-family saga not only recounts the eventful life of Fritz, but also shows the development in European zoos in handling wild animals. Nowadays, things have certainly improved. But there are still questions, for example, what does it do to us when we marvel at our closest relatives behind glass? And is it even still current to confine apes ... was it ever?

      • Trusted Partner
        January 1989

        Cornwell Saga

        Roman einer Landschaft

        by DuMaurier, Daphne

      • Trusted Partner
        January 2022

        Fate – The Winx Saga

        Blooms Bestimmung (Band 1)

        by Ava Corrigan

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2012

        Die Porsche-Saga

        Eine Familiengeschichte des Automobils

        by Ammann, Thomas; Aust, Stefan

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1996

        Die Marx-Saga

        Roman. Aus dem Spanischen von Thomas Brovot

        by Juan Goytisolo, Thomas Brovot

      • Trusted Partner
        July 2011

        Die schönsten isländischen Sagas

        by Rolf Heller, Arthúr Björgvin Bollason

        Wikinger, Abenteurer, tapfere Helden, Ausgestoßene und Geächtete – vielfältig sind die Gestalten, deren Geschichten und Schicksale in den berühmten Isländersagas erzählt werden. Die unterhaltsamen Geschichten aus dem alten Island erzählen von starken, mutigen und waghalsigen Männern und Frauen, die sich vor über tausend Jahren dort niederließen. Sie hatten Fehden und Konflikte zu bestehen und ehrenhafte Heldentaten zu begehen. Und mußten nicht nur gegen Wind, Wetter und die rauhe Natur, sondern auch gegen verfeindete Wikinger und Gesetzeslose ankämpfen … Dieser Band versammelt die berühmtesten und schönsten Isländersagas – unvergleichliche literarische Zeugnisse eines fernen Landes in einer fernen Zeit.

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      • Trusted Partner

        Die Levi-Strauss-Saga

        Die märchenhafte Geschichte des Mannes, der die Jeans erfand

        by Masson, Irmalotte; Wiese, Ursula von

      • Trusted Partner

        The Motherland Saga Volume III

        VOLUME THREE, COMING OF AGE: 1939 – 1983

        by Hugo N. Gerstl

        Nowhere in modern literature has any story exceeded COMING OF AGE in the drama that symbolizes, no matter how large or small a role one plays, how important each human being is in the web of history. The never-ending fight to bring freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and freedom to simply live a life where one can attain peace, without fear of tomorrow, lies at the very core of this monumental tour de force, a gargantuan buffet for those who gorge on historical fiction. Here, the reader endures the agony of shattering defeats, the depths of tragically lost love, and the lowest level to which human depravity can descend, yet ultimately celebrates the triumph of the human spirit as the three protagonists of this epic fight to bring about tikkun olam, the repair of a world in chaos. Above all, this is a COMING OF AGE story: the coming of age of Modern Turkey. If humankind does not learn from the lessons of the past, we are doomed to repeat them over and over, into eternity. This tale is as ancient as our history, yet as immediate as tomorrow. Like Fiddler on the Roof, its universality crosses every border and is common to every culture. And as you come to the end of this mammoth tale, you find yourself reading slower and slower, hoping it does not come to an end, hoping there will be more to this story. Published By Pangæa Publishing Group,2019. Volume Three - 284 pages – 23 cm x 15 cm

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