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      • Food & Drink
        September 2021

        50 Shades of Coffee

        All the Secrets Behind the Most Loved Beverage in the World

        by Silvia Casini, Francesca Fenoglio, Raffaele Pasqua

        As the ultimate guide to this iconic drink, 50 Shades of Coffee is the book to keep in your kitchen: you can read it in the morning while you drink your first cup or find inspiration for a special recipe during the day. 50 fun facts, 50 ways to order it, 50 quotes, 50 unexpected secrets... add infographics, interviews and its pop tone and illustrations, and you get the perfect blend. The book features 50 «moods» that combine a recipe with coffee (savory too!) with a song and a movie, to enjoy the experience with all senses. Infographics gather and convey data about different aspects of coffee in a fun, colorful way. The format of the book, elegant but pop, and the variety of topics covered make it the perfect gift for yourself or a loved one.

      • February 2015

        Via della croce via dell'amore

        Via Crucis con le icone

        by Alessio Toniolo

        L'icona è un dipinto fatto in un clima di preghiera. I volti vengono realizzati offrendo piccole rinunce. Ogni fedele che la contempla può trovare nuovi particolari che lo conducono avanti nella vita spirituale. Il pittore è solo la mano guidata dallo Spirito Santo. Meditare le icone di questa raccolta è un'occasione unica di crescita interiore perché molti dei quadri sono stati studiati per proporre un percorso più vicino ai testi evangelici e sottolineare elementi assenti o disposti diversamente nelle altre Via Crucis. **Se la croce viene accolta, essa genera salvezza e produce serenità. Senza Dio la croce schiaccia, con Dio essa redime e salva. _Giovanni Paolo II_**

      • January 2019

        Via Crucis

        Il cammino dell'uomo verso la Luce

        by Mario Luzi

        A vent'anni dalla celebrazione liturgica al Colosseo della «Passione di Cristo» di Mario Luzi (1999-2019), l'Associazione Centro Culturale Cassiodoro ripropone il testo poetico dello scrittore, illustrato dal maestro Alberto Schiavi. È un omaggio a questi due grandissimi artisti italiani e anche un invito a meditare e rivivere il martirio del Figlio di Dio, che prima di riconfermarsi nella gloria ha voluto scendere (per il nostro riscatto) nell'abisso del dolore sfidando e vincendo la morte.

      • January 2008

        Vivo fino alla morte

        seguito da Frammenti

        by Paul Ricoeur

        In questa bellissima meditazione, un filosofo dibatte con se stesso quanto alla speranza di sopravvivere, trovandosi nell’impossibilità intellettuale e spirituale di acconsentire a qualsiasi visione ingenua di un altro mondo che dovrebbe essere un doppio, o la copia, di questo mondo. È necessario elaborare il lutto di qualsiasi immagine, di qualsiasi rappresentazione. Nel 1996 Ricoeur pone la questione: «Che cosa posso dire della mia morte?». Come «elaborare il lutto di un voler-esistere dopo la morte»? Questa lunga riflessione sul morire, sul moribondo e il suo rapporto con la morte, e ugualmente sul dopo-la-vita (la resurrezione), passa attraverso due mediazioni: testi di sopravvissuti ai campi di sterminio (Semprún, Levi) e un confronto con un libro del grande esegeta Xavier Léon-Dufour sulla resurrezione. La seconda parte del libro è composta di testi scritti nel 2004 e nel 2005, che il filosofo stesso ha chiamato «Frammenti» (sul «tempo dell’opera» e il «tempo della vita», sul caso di essere nato cristiano, sull’imputazione di essere un filosofo cristiano, sulla controversia, su Derrida, sul Padre nostro...). Testi brevi, redatti talvolta con mano tremante, mentre è già molto affaticato. L’ultimo, della Pasqua 2005, è stato scritto un mese prima della sua morte. Paul Ricoeur, grande filosofo del XX secolo, è deceduto il 20 maggio 2005.

      • Children's & YA

        Amazing Places

        by Miralda Colombo

        A series dedicated to the wonders of the world, to be discovered through precious and peculiar books, filled with sensational illustrations. Not only for the contents, these books are “wonderful” also in their binding, with surprising elements on the cover andfor their evocative illustrations.A journey in discovery of the 15 most amazing places of the world created by humankind, which will enchant children and grown-ups: Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, Cheope’s Pyramid and many others. For each place, there will bea suggested itinerary for a guided tour, a legend, the story of the construction and many more curiosities.

      • Fiction
        February 2020

        Two Women

        by Montse Sanjuan

        Quan la Genoveva s’assabenta que el seu fill Jordi és a la presó de Lleida, viatja a la capital amb l’esperança d’abraçarlo. Allà hi viu la Natàlia que compta els dies amb la por que es compleixi la sentència de mort a què ha estat condemnat el seu fill gran, l’Emili. La Genoveva i la Natàlia es veuran arrossegades pels durs temps de la postguerra que els ha tocat viure. Dues dones amb coratge que van haver de seguir endavant mentre la realitat que havien conegut es desplomava al seu voltant. Montse Sanjuan, autora de les novel·les policíaques de l’Anna Grimm, ens presenta en aquesta ocasió una història commovedora, plena de força i que ens descriu els límits de la condició humana.

      • Children's & YA

        Look and Find. Barcelona's Museums

        by Robert García

        1 city, 11 museums, and more than 150 objects to find! Hours of fun for all ages on an amazing visit to the most outstanding museums in Barcelona. From Museu Blau to CosmoCaixa, going through Museu del Disseny, Museu Egipci, La Casa dels Entremesos, MACBA, Museu Marítim, Fundació Joan Miró, Museu de la Música, Fundació Antoni Tàpies or Museu de la Xocolata. Illustrated by Robert Garcia, Gaur Estudio.

      • Biography & True Stories
        March 2018 - May 2018

        Cellini-Freedom Fighter

        This is his true story.

        by Vito "Tutuc" Cellini and Mick J. Prodger

        Born in New York and raised in Italy, Vito “Tutuc” Cellini went from street gangster to soldier to resistance fighter to secret agent – all before he was twenty-one years of age. Drafted into the fascist Italian army against his will and sent to the front line, he deserted and joined Tito’s Yugoslavian Partisans fighting the Nazis, returning to Italy to join the Allies amid one of the biggest cover-ups of the European war. He ended the war working covertly with the American OSS (forerunner of the CIA) hunting down criminals and undesirables. Sailing home to New York in 1948 with a forged Italian passport and just 12 cents in his pocket, he was arrested at Ellis Island. Since then, Cellini’s inventiveness, reputation and irrepressible sense of adventure have taken him all over the world, often putting his life in great peril. Respected by the New York Mafia, Cellini later negotiated with some of the most feared organized crime syndicates in Italy. Nicaragua’s President Somoza sought his advice on guerilla warfare and weapons tactics, and while in Nicaragua he was embroiled in the assassination of a high profile journalist and had to flee for his life. Cellini has kept Federal Agents informed of credible plots to assassinate known enemies of the United States. He even served for a short time, albeit inadvertently, as bodyguard for a notorious drug lord in Mexico. He has never been afraid of taking the law into his own hands because, he says, sometimes that is the only way to survive. His inventions, including the Cellini muzzle brake, have earned him 19 patents and the undying respect and gratitude of members of the U.S. Special Forces and Law Enforcement. He has been privileged to count some of America’s most revered and decorated military heroes among his closest friends. Cellini is, more than anything, a patriot; a man who puts honor above all. And while some of his adventures make fictional spies and secret agents pale by comparison, unlike his fictitious counterparts, Cellini always remained faithful to one woman. Now in his 90s, he finally feels comfortable talking about his life, and he isn’t pulling any punches. The good. The bad. The ugly. The truth. Includes more than 75 photographs.


        by LODOVICA CIMA

        e Creation, Adam and Eve, Noah and the Ark, Moses and thht from Egypt, David and Goliath, the wisdom of Solomon, the birth of Jesus, the parables and miracles of the Gospels, the Lord’s Prayer... an accurate and masterfully narrated selection of 60 among the most beautiful stories of the Old and New Testaments, signed by Lodovica Cima.

      • Fiction
        September 2020


        by Sacha Naspini

        Cillerai’s widow can’t seem to be able to shed a tear for her husband’s death. She hasn’t cried when she found his body, she hasn’t cried at his funeral. When her daughter goes back home in France, Nives is left alone in her estate, with her animals and her little home. Nights are the toughest. She can’t sleep – her body feels numb and completely awake; one day she decides to take her favourite chicken, Giacomina, from the henhouse and keep her with her in the bedroom. Her anxiety immediately evaporates. She feels relieved and guilty: how could she replace her dead husband with a chicken?   She sleeps safe and sound now, silence and loneliness don’t scare her anymore. She even starts feeling inexplicably happy… Then one day, Giacomina ends up paralyzed in front of the tv, hypnotized by a detergent ad. Nives tries everything to wake her, but the chicken seems to be completely frozen. The only choice she is left with is to call the vet, Loriano Bottai.   Follows a phone call that seems to last a lifetime. Soon the conversation slips from the chicken to the past – the tension on the line changes, it becomes something else. Something that echoes regrets, rage and unforgivable memories – lost loves and bitterness.   Beyond Our Souls at Night, Nives is the stories we tell ourselves at night, when we can’t sleep. Stories of unspoken passions, of abandonment, of silent, heart-breaking nostalgia. We go back and forth in time with Nives, and we feel her anger, her loneliness, her desperate generosity in giving all of herself to Loriano and to the reader. With rage and infinite dignity, she breaks down and slowly takes the pieces of her life, of a life she told herself was hers, back together in one phone call – oftentimes it seems she is not even listening to the other side, but more speaking to her past self. She wants to fill the void that has haunted her for thirty years. What to do of that past, of all the roads we wanted to take we never had the guts to follow? What to do with all the years spent living lies? But ultimately – is life ever a lie, or is it just what it is? Are the sliding doors just stories we tell ourselves when we are not able to accept who we truly are?   With this new, ground-breaking novel, Naspini explores the core of who we are with such delicateness, such humanity, that it is impossible not to recognize yourself in the flawed, sad, messy, beautiful lives these characters have built for themselves. Nives’ story, her inner world, her courage in finally embracing the truth of her life, makes her story universal and necessary – she is honest, raw, clean, incorruptible. A fierce new heroine of Italian contemporary literature, one that is finally not afraid to look at herself in the mirror.

      • Food & Drink
        October 2022

        The Heart of Cocoa

        500 Years of Chocolate History

        by Napoleone Neri

        The temptation par excellence, that craving that suddenly arises and we cannot fight it unless we satisfy it: the desire for chocolate. Perhaps it is because of this power that it is called the most loved food on the planet. Or perhaps it is because its cultivation, production and consumption - which has been growing strongly in the last 10 years - are spread across all continents. Napoleon Neri tells its story, starting with the plant and its fruit, from the pioneers of chocolate, to the birth of confectionery factories in the 19th century and then the great modern industries. He describes in detail the processing and transformation of cocoa beans, their beneficial properties, the sensory characteristics of the finished product, and spices everything up with a thousand anecdotes and curiosities that only those who have lived and worked in this world for so long can know.

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