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      • Trusted Partner
        October 2021

        Booklover Journal

        Für alle, die das Lesen lieben

        by Fischer, Tami

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2021


        by Gustave Flaubert, Burkhard Neie, Erwin Rieger, Barbara Vinken

        Der Buchhändler und Antiquar Giacomo lebt zurückgezogen in einer stillen Gasse in Barcelona. Seine Liebe gilt allein den Büchern. Er berauscht sich am Geruch ihres Papiers, dem Einband, der Vergoldung der Lettern und der Druckerschwärze. Sein Traum: der Aufbau einer eigenen Bibliothek. Bei dem Erwerb bibliophiler Schätze steht ihm allerdings sein Rivale Baptisto im Weg, der Buchhändler vom Königsplatz. Allmählich steigert sich Giacomos Leidenschaft zum verbrecherischen Wahn ...

      • Trusted Partner
        September 1999

        Von A bis Zweitausend

        Graphische Neujahrsgrüße von 1976 bis 2000

        by Herbert Kästner

        Kästner, Herbert (* 1936), Mathematiker. Nach Abschluß des Studiums von 1958 bis 2001 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Mathematischen Institut der Universität Leipzig mit Lehr- und Forschungsaufgaben auf den Gebieten Algebra und Zahlentheorie. Herausgeber und Autor bei den Verlagen Enzyklopädie Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut und B.G. Teubner. 1966 Nationalpreis für Wissenschaft und Technik. Als Bibliophile im Vorstand des Leipziger Bibliophilen-Abends (seit 1988 Vorsitzender) und Herausgeber der bibliophilen Drucke der Vereinigung.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2003

        Das Mädchen mit den Goldaugen

        by Honoré Balzac, Ernst Hardt, Ernst Hardt, Marcus Behmer

        In den Jahren 1908 bis 1911 hat der Insel Verlag die erste deutsche Ausgabe von Balzacs Comédie Humaine veröffentlicht, und Balzac ist bis heute in vielen Ausgaben bei der Insel präsent.Das französische Original des Romans Das Mädchen mit den Goldaugen erschien 1835 in Paris; Ernst Hardt übertrug ihn erstmals ins Deutsche. Diese Ausgabe erschien 1904 im Insel Verlag. Sie wurde von Marcus Behmer ausgestattet und mit Zeichnungen, Vorsatz, Titelrahmen, Vignetten, Kopfleisten und Initialen versehen. Im Herbst 2003 erschien der bibliophile Nachdruck im Rahmen der »Jubiläums-Editionen« des Insel Verlags in einer limitierten Auflage von 1000 Exemplaren.

      • Trusted Partner
        May 2000

        Werke. Tübinger Ausgabe

        Atemwende. Vorstufen – Textgenese – Endfassung

        by Paul Celan, Jürgen Wertheimer, Christiane Wittkop, Heino Schmull

        Die Gedichte von „Atemwende“ sind zwischen September 1963 und September 1965 entstanden. Der Gedichtband mit 80 Gedichten erschien, in einer Anordnung von sechs Binnenzyklen, erstmals 1967 beim Suhrkamp Verlag in Frankfurt am Main. Der erste Zyklus mit 21 Gedichten war bereits im Herbst 1965 mit acht Radierungen von Gisèle Celan-Lestrange als bibliophiler Druck bei Brunidor in Paris erschienen. Die Rezeption dieses Gedichtbandes gestaltete sich zwar außerordentlich rege, blieb ihm gegenüber aber, in Verkennung seines Reichtums an erheblichen realistischen, zeithistorischen und auch politischen Bezügen, zu großen Teilen fremd. Die Tübinger Ausgabe enthält die Endfassung, ergänzt um ausgewählte Zeugnisse früherer Arbeitsstadien.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1987

        Von dem Fischer un syner Fru

        by Philipp Otto Runge, Uwe Johnson, Marcus Behmer, Beate Jahn

        Dieses Buch hat eine vielfache Geschichte: Zum einen enthält es das Märchen, das der Hamburger Maler Philipp Otto Runge nach der Volksüberlieferung aufgeschrieben hat und das später von den Brüdern Grimm in deren Märchensammlung übernommen wurde. Zum anderen enthält es die 1913 von Marcus Behmer geschaffenen Illustrationen. Erstmals erschien dieses kleine Buch 1920 und gehört zu jenen Veröffentlichungen, die das bibliophile Anliegen des Insel Verlages auf das Beste bezeugen. In bewußter Wahl von Papier, Schrift, Satz, Format und Illustration war eine Ausgabe entstanden, die wohl zu Recht von Buchliebhabern und Fachleuten – wie Hans A. Halbey schrieb – als »eines der vollkommensten Buchkunstwerke des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts« geschätzt wird.Nun wird eine dritte – festtägliche – Fassung vorgelegt: mit farbigen Bildern, deren Reproduktion ein von Marcus Behmer koloriertes Exemplar der Ausgabe von 1920 zugrunde liegt; und einem zusätzlichen, sich dem Künstler widmenden Nachwort.

      • Trusted Partner
        March 2003

        Insel-Bücherei. Mitteilungen für Freunde

        Nummer 23

        by Heinz Sarkowski, Herbert Kästner, Paul Celan, Frieder Schmidt

        Kästner, Herbert (* 1936), Mathematiker. Nach Abschluß des Studiums von 1958 bis 2001 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Mathematischen Institut der Universität Leipzig mit Lehr- und Forschungsaufgaben auf den Gebieten Algebra und Zahlentheorie. Herausgeber und Autor bei den Verlagen Enzyklopädie Leipzig, Bibliographisches Institut und B.G. Teubner. 1966 Nationalpreis für Wissenschaft und Technik. Als Bibliophile im Vorstand des Leipziger Bibliophilen-Abends (seit 1988 Vorsitzender) und Herausgeber der bibliophilen Drucke der Vereinigung. Paul Celan wurde am 23. November 1920 als Paul Antschel als einziger Sohn deutschsprachiger, jüdischer Eltern im damals rumänischen Czernowitz geboren. Nach dem Abitur 1938 begann er ein Medizinstudium in Tours/Frankreich, kehrte jedoch ein Jahr später nach Rumänien, zurück, um dort Romanistik zu studieren. 1942 wurden Celans Eltern deportiert. Im Herbst desselben Jahres starb sein Vater in einem Lager an Typhus, seine Mutter wurde erschossen. Von 1942 bis 1944 musste Celan in verschiedenen rumänischen Arbeitslagern Zwangsarbeit leisten. Von 1945 bis 1947 arbeitete er als Lektor und Übersetzer in Bukarest, erste Gedichte wurden publiziert. Im Juli 1948 zog er nach Paris, wo er bis zum seinem Tod lebte. Im selben Jahr begegnete Celan Ingeborg Bachmann. Dass Ingeborg Bachmann und Paul Celan Ende der vierziger Jahre und Anfang der fünfziger Jahre ein Liebesverhältnis verband, das im Oktober 1957 bis Mai 1958 wieder aufgenommen wurde, wird durch den posthum veröffentlichten Briefwechsel Herzzeit zwischen den beiden bestätigt. Im November 1951 lernte Celan in Paris die Künstlerin Gisèle de Lestrange kennen, die er ein Jahr später heiratete. 1955 kam ihr gemeinsamer Sohn Eric zur Welt. Im Frühjahr 1970 nahm sich Celan in der Seine das Leben.

      • Trusted Partner
      • Trusted Partner
        Children's & YA

        The Little Lady (1). Limited Anniversary Edition with Audio Book

        by Stefanie Taschinski/ Nina Dulleck

        The Little Lady makes all hearts sing! When Lilly and her family move into the old house with the golden pretzel, she has no idea that a magic neighbour lives in the mysterious backyard. The Little Lady keeps a chameleon that is 1000 years old; she can make herself invisible and masters all kinds of magic tricks – but most of all she loves to play pranks on others! So a summer filled with wonderful adventures begins for Lilly. Poetic, full of imagination and humour, the Little Lady is delighted by her ever-growing community of fans and enjoys huge success with young and old alike. A fantastically beautiful story to read aloud or alone, exquisitely illustrated by Nina Dulleck.

      • January 2020

        Scenes of a Reclusive Writer & Reader of Mumbai


        by Fiza Pathan

        "I am a recluse and I love books more than I love people." - So begins Fiza Pathan, the self-proclaimed Reclusive Writer and Reader of Mumbai. In this charming collection of personal essays, Fiza recalls important phases of her life, along with the books she was reading at the time and where she read them. Revealed along the way are Fiza's personal struggles, from the father who didn't want a girl child to the years she believed she wanted to be a nun to the college friends who shamed her for gaining weight.Her greatest victories are found here as well, among them the publication of her first story, the request to autograph her most popular book by an author she admired, the start of her own publishing company, and the acquisition of her very own office-cum-writing hut. Within her stories, you'll meet Fiza's beloved Mama, editorial partner (and uncle) Blaise, many other uncles and aunts, the librarians of her youth, and plenty of book salesman. All the people who have helped Fiza along her path to books, books, and more books. You'll also take a taxi with Narayan, Fiza's "Man Friday," to visit her favorite haunts, from libraries to kiosks to boutiques to vendors who pile their offerings on the sides of the road, and you'll learn the plots of her favorite comics, religious writings, medical thrillers, horror stories, activist writings, and so much more.Fiza believes that every one of the books she has read has helped her become the person - and the writer - she was meant to become. Scenes of a Reclusive Writer & Reader of Mumbai is her life in books!

      • Fiction
        May 2020

        Son of Formosa

        by Yu Peiyun, Zhou Jianxin

        * 2021 Taipei Book Fair Award   The true story of Tsai Kun-lin, born in Qingshui, Taichung, in 1930, as he lives through Japanese rule and the arrival of the Kuomintang. Polite and a good student, Tsai found himself sentenced to ten years in jail for “membership of an illegal organization” after attending a high school book club. This graphic novel recounts his tenacity and determination.     The 1930s, Japanese-ruled Taiwan. A young boy, Tsai Kun-lin grows up, accompanied by picture books and folk tales. But the merciless flames of World War 2 soon arrive – protests, bombing and conscription will change his life forever.   After the war, the young booklover learns a new language and hopes to finally live a life of peace, never expecting his attendance at a high school book club will land him in jail. Transported to the penal colony for political prisoners on Green Island, he loses ten years of his youth to torture, terror, hard labor, and brainwashing.   This series of graphic novels draws on the actual events of Tsai’s life. At Taichung First Senior High School he was a trainee soldier and a good student; years later he was sentenced to ten years in prison for attending a high school book club. On release he worked in publishing and advertising, and founded Prince, a children’s magazine which kept Taiwan’s cartooning tradition alive during martial law. He raised funds to allow a rural little league team to compete in Taipei and, on retirement, became a human rights activist.   Tsai’s life is Taiwan’s recent history writ small. There is darkness, but always a light; hardship, but always the strength to endure. A simple yet graceful style faithfully recreates the historical scenes, with the accurate use of the Chinese, Taiwanese, and Japanese languages bringing those times to life. The warmth and vitality of the storytelling demonstrate that while we cannot control events, we can, as Tsai did, persevere through them.

      • Fantasy
        November 2014

        Virtual Arcana: The Fool

        by Karen Amanda Hooper

        The Matrix meets The Notebook (with a sprinkle of The Giver). In a faraway future, Kelsey Zellar is starting her senior year at yet another school thanks to her twin sister’s troublesome obsession with outlawed virtual reality games. Every school they’ve ever attended is pretty much the same: lunchroom drama, rich kids binging on enhancement candies, and classmates rallying for or against the government’s strict control over everything from entertainment privileges to caffeine consumption. Unlike her sister, Kelsey follows the rules and keeps her nose out of trouble and politics while sniffing out her next flavored latte and favorite novel. But when Kelsey meets a charming book connoisseur, and accepts his offering of a tarot card, she takes the first step toward two new addictions: the guy of her dreams, and his illegal dealing of virtual escapes into her beloved storybooks. Kelsey straddles the worlds of fiction and reality, but is she a fool for believing in her own happy ending? **This series will be serial style with short episodes(15-20k) releasing frequently. A collection of the first 7 episodes, VIRTUAL ARCANA, Season 1, will be available once episode 7 has released.**SEASON 1 EPISODE LIST: The Fool ~ Virtual Arcana #0The Magician ~ Virtual Arcana #1The High Priestess~ Virtual Arcana #2The Empress ~ Virtual Arcana #3The Emperor ~ Virtual Arcana #4The Hierophant ~ Virtual Arcana #5 The Lovers ~ Virtual Arcana #6

      • Fiction

        Days at the Morisaki Bookshop

        by Satoshi Yagisawa

        25-year-old Takako has lived a relatively easy life. Born and raised on the southern island of Kyushu, she went to a good university and got a graduate job at a company in Tokyo where she met her charming boyfriend, Kashikoi. However, when Kashikoi casually announces that he’s been cheating on her and is planning to marry somebody else, Takako’s life is suddenly in freefall. She loses her job and with it all of her friends and acquaintances. She ends up in a deep depression but just as her despair seems to have reached a new low, she receives a call from her distant uncle.         Her uncle, who she refers to as Ojisan, is in his forties and has always lived something of an unconventional life, especially since his wife Momoko left him out of the blue five years ago. He runs a second-hand bookshop in Jimbocho, Tokyo’s famous book district which is home to hundreds of used bookshops, publishing houses and literary societies. Takako used to turn her nose up at Ojisan’s way of life but when he offers her the tiny room above the bookshop rent-free in exchange for helping out at the store, she reluctantly agrees. In the months that follow, Takako surprises herself by discovering a passion for Japanese literature from the “Modern” period (1868–1945), partly thanks to recommendations from Ojisan and the bookshop’s loyal customers. She becomes a regular at a local coffee shop where she befriends a graduate student who is waitressing there part-time, and she also meets a young editor from a nearby publishing house who’s going through his own messy breakup.         Just as Takako is learning how to enjoy life again, Kashikoi gets back in touch which unearths all the negative emotions associated with their relationship. Ojisan notices the decline in Takako’s mood and when she finally tells him the whole story he is horrified at Kashikoi’s behaviour. Ojisan convinces Takako to take a cab to Kashikoi’s apartment at 11pm. They confront him and this gives Takako the closure she needs. Takako is infinitely grateful to Ojisan and her life starts to come back together again: she’s offered a job at a design company and she finds a new apartment.         A year and a half later, Takako has the chance to return the favour and help Ojisan get closure on the mystery that has plagued him for the last five years: why his loving wife Momoko suddenly left him. When Momoko reappears and refuses to explain her absence, Takako senses that Momoko might not be comfortable sharing her reasoning with Ojisan but that she may open up to Takako. Momoko moves into the room above the bookshop and Takako visits often. They form a bond and go on a two-day trip to the Okutama Mountains in far western Tokyo. There, Momoko confesses that she left because Ojisan got so wrapped up in the bookshop that he was oblivious to the emotional turmoil she went through after the birth of their stillborn child. She always wanted children but had to have a hysterectomy. For her, it is all tied up in the guilt surrounding an abortion she had in her twenties.         Takako tells Ojisan. He runs after Momoko, who is leaving again. She says she’ll return one day but he needs to get his own feelings in order before she comes back. When Momoko returns a year later, she and Ojisan enthusiastically embark on the next chapter of running the Morisaki Bookshop together, and Takako has begun to date the editor she met at the coffee shop.

      • Romance & relationships stories (Children's/YA)
        December 2013


        by Katrin Bongard

        *A contemporary romance. Intelligent and passionate. Pride & Prejudice reloaded.* Ella's not really into the party scene at her school; she'd rather read or blog about books. When her best friend Zoe starts crushing on Luca, the school Casanova, she can't understand it... until she gets to know him better and discovers that he's not just hot, he's also intelligent and sensitive. How could a person not fall for him?   English manuscript available

      • Literary essays
        April 2019

        Why Read?

        by Charles Dantzig, Renuka George

        A poetic evocation of the act of reading, a provocation for non-readers, a sparkling soliloquy for avid readers, and a philosophical reflection on what we call literature, Why Read? Is all of these things. Dantzig draws on humour and cogitation in equal measure to present a gift to bibliophiles across the world.

      • Traditional medicine & herbal remedies

        Your herbarium. 160 medicinal plants

        by Agosto Vecchio

        Medicinal herbs have a thousand-year history that is often lost between myth and legend. Since ancient times, the discovery of the medicinal properties of herbs and plants has prompted man to form catalogs in which they were described and illustrated in great detail, to allow identification and to recommend their use. True treasures for bibliophiles, ancient herbaria are jealously guarded by lucky collectors or in library archives. This selection, from the Library of the Natural History Museum in Paris, faithfully reproduces the splendid illustrations of the most important species and deals with their general properties and how to use them to prevent or mitigate minor discomforts and improve both their physical health and their condition. of spirit.

      • October 2019

        A House Full of People

        by Mariana Sández

        "Possibly one of the best fictions published in recent months. Mariana Sández's prose is a beautiful and intelligent surprise, within the framework of the new narrative produced by Argentinean authors". Hinde Pomeraniec, Infobae Before she dies, Leila, a frustrated writer and book lover, leaves her daughter her personal diaries, along with curious and detailed instructions on what to do with them. By reading them, Charo will reveal a side of her mother that she did not know, trying to understand that period when Leila seemed to be swept away by a gale, more absent and more vital than ever, that time when a series of disturbing events took place in the building where they lived, and which unleashed her mother's infinite guilt.

      • Happy Dreams at Mermaid Cove

        by Marie Laval

        A new uplifting and heartfelt romance for 2021 ... From the big city to a little yellow mobile library on the Isle of Skye ... When Jenna Palmer agrees to the new position of mobile librarian on the tiny Arrandale peninsular of the Isle of Skye, she knows she’s signing up for difficult working conditions and mediocre wages. But Jenna needs to get away, and a little yellow mobile library called Buttercup could be her escape to happier dreams ... However, whilst Jenna can get to grips with foggy island roads, local mermaid legends and even big purple monsters, she never expected to have to contend with a boss as grumpy as Daniel McGregor, or a young book lover as enthusiastic as his niece, Katrina. Arrandale might represent Jenna’s safe port in a storm, but could she and Buttercup also become a beacon of hope to Daniel, Katrina and the entire island community?

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