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      • Mary Abouchaar

        Every story describes a wish that Tyler makes, the steps he takes to obtain it, and the reason why he gladly grants it to a dear one. In "Tyler's Promised Gift" Tyler works hard to obey his mother's commands in anticipation of receiving his promised 'little red car". At his birthday party he offers the car to a younger, sad, and crying guest. In "Tyler's Baby Sister" Tyler tries to get his mother to focus her attention again on him instead of on his baby sister, Tia. Tyler finally realizes that helping his mother to give more care to Tia gave him the most satisfaction. In "Tyler's Acting Practice" Tyler spends hours perfecting his aim when using a slingshot. When he was finally ready to play the part of David in the school play "David and Goliath", he noticed that his friend Joel, who was new to the school this year, was being bullied and excluded from all games because he was missing the net whenever he tried to shoot a basketball. Heroically, Tyler offers the role of David to Joel when he learns that Joel excels at aiming pebbles with his slingshot. His plan to reverse the students' disrespect towards Joel succeeded when everyone in the school auditorium cheered Joel for his perfect aim at the helmet of Goliath. In "Tyler's Lunchbox Treat", Tyler could hardly wait for lunch break to bite into the krispy marshmallow treat his mother had baked for him.  When Tyler discovers that the sandwich of his lunch companion was missing, and that he couldn't share his peanut butter sandwich with him because his companion was allergic to peanuts, Tyler gives him his krispy marshmallow square. Tyler always feels like a winner at the end, and not at all a loser. Children and parents are happy to arrive at the ending of each story.

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      • Secretos de un ausente


        El abogado más renombrado del país, dueño de uno de los estudios jurídicos más poderosos, fundado y dirigido durante décadas con mano de hierro, ha desaparecido sin más, del sanatorio donde era atendido por una dolencia cardíaca. Pide que no lo busquen, pero deja por detrás muchas cuestiones pendientes. Desaparece pero no se va de las vidas de sus allegados. Ha dejado sustitutos que actúen por él. Cecilia y Agustina, medias hermanas y sobrinas del ausente, de la noche a la mañana deberán lidiar con un estudio pródigo en cuestiones que desconocían, pese a trabajar allí durante años,  y que las ponen en riesgo. Descubrirán, entonces, que el mundo perfecto en el que han vivido no lo es tanto y que, tras las apariencias, muchos son muy diferentes de lo que pretenden mostrar. Sobre todo, en aquellos ámbitos en los que el poder, el dinero y el derecho se dan la mano. Surgen extraños adversarios que en parte se muestran y en parte permanecen en las sombras, que conocen más que suficiente de todo y de todos, como para moverse entre ellos y saber descargar sus extraños golpes. En un punto medio entre la intimidad psicologista y la ironía con rasgos costumbristas, desde sus primeras páginas el autor nos sitúa en un complejo universo de personajes y hechos de las más variadas especies. Todos, lanzados en pos de los secretos de quien ya no está, los que deberán descubrir para ponerse a salvo.

      • December 2018

        Acta de fe

        by Rogelio Guedea

        Círculo de Poesía Ediciones ha publicado Acta de fe (Poemas 1997-2017) del Poeta mexicano Rogelio Guedea (1974). Además de abogado, es Doctor en Letras Hispanicas por la Universidad de Córdoba (España). Autor de quince libros de poesía, entre los que destacan: Mientras Olvido (Follas Novas, Premio Internacional de Poesía Rosalía de Castro 2001), Razón de mundo (Instituto de Cultura de Nayarit, Premio Nacional de Poesía Amado Nervo 2004), Fragmento (Instituto Sonnorense de Cultura, Premio Nacional de Poesía Sonora 2005) y Kora (Rialp Ediciones, Premio Adonáis de Poesía 2008). En 2015 recibió un Premio Fulbright por su contribución a la cultura y educación neozelandeza. Su obra ha sido traducida al inglés, francés, griego, portugués, chino, alemán. Actualmente es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores.

      • May 2022

        El daño está hecho

        by Vivian Dragna

        María, una reconocida periodista, viaja a Barcelona y queda involucrada en un delito por el que cae en prisión. En una vieja máquina de escribir inicia un relato en el que vuelve una y otra vez sobre su pasado, sobre la maternidad y los vínculos familiares. Su marido viaja desde Buenos Aires y contrata a un afamado abogado para poder liberarla y así volver juntos, finalmente, a la casa familiar con las hijas de ambos. Pero María ya no es la misma, no se siente madre, y se esconde en un pueblo de pescadores donde le ocurrirá un hecho que cambiará su vida. María, a well-known journalist, travels to Barcelona and is involved in a crime for which she is imprisoned. Using an old typewriter, she begins a story in which she returns over and over again to her past, to motherhood and her family ties. Her husband travels from Buenos Aires and hires a famous lawyer to be able to free her and finally return together to the family home with their daughters. But María is no longer the same, she does not feel like a mother, and she hides in a fishing village where an event will happen to her that will change her life.

      • Fiction
        October 2020

        Vías muertas

        by Jordi Matamoros

        Antonio, a handsome and ambitious young man, needs to lead a life full of luxury and comfort that his parents, two uneducated and conformist people whom he is deeply ashamed of, could never offer him. His great opportunity comes when he meets Victoria, the only daughter and the apple of of a prestigious lawyer's eye who owns a great fortune. His life is perfect, the one he always wanted, except for a few minor details: he does not love his wife, he cannot stand his father-in-law and boss and he discovers that the family fortune is about to vanish. The plot is further tangled by the secrets that each of the characters hides that, little by little, are woven into endless dead ends. A story in which drama, betrayal, greed, lust ... are the main protagonists. * * * Antonio, un joven apuesto y ambicioso, necesita llevar una vida llena de lujos y comodidades que sus padres, dos personas incultas y conformistas de los que se avergüenza profundamente, nunca pudieron ofrecerle. Su gran oportunidad se presenta cuando conoce a Victoria, hija única y ojito derecho de un prestigioso abogado poseedor de una gran fortuna. Su vida es perfecta, la que siempre deseó, salvo por unos mínimos detalles: no ama a su esposa, no soporta a su suegro y jefe y descubre que la fortuna familiar está a punto de desvanecerse. La trama se va complicando con los secretos que esconde cada uno de los personajes que, poco a poco, se van entramando en un sinfín de vías muertas. Una historia en la que el drama, la traición, la avaricia, la lujuria… son las principales protagonistas. Atención. Esta novela contiene un fuerte contenido sexual que transgrede la moral. Puede herir la sensibilidad de algunas personas.

      • Fiction
        September 2019

        Heart Land

        by Luz Gabás

        A brilliant novel that brings together a beautiful story of autumn love, a crime investigation, the defense of the earth, and the countryside as a universal heritage. Alira, heiress of the mansion and lands her family has held onto for generations, must choose between staying true to her origins or adapting to the new times. When she thinks she found an answer to her questions, a mysterious disappearance upsets the apparent calm at her home—the only inhabited house in a small abandoned village. A twist of fate makes her face her past and question everything that had been solid for her. From that moment on, she will start to feel something she never knew she was ready for: love!

      • Fiction
        March 2020

        Night and ocean

        by Raquel Taranilla

        Winner of the 2020 Biblioteca Breve Prize.Bea Silva is shocked when she comes across an article in the newspaper that says someone has stolen the embalmed skull of the legendary silent film director F.W. Murnau. What’s most surprising is that Bea is convinced she knows who the thief is: Quirós, an underemployed filmmaker who one day showed up at her enormous ramshackle house.At almost thirty-two, Beatriz is a somewhat aloof college professor, weary of life and almost pathologically erudite. The arrival of Quirós brings out her lucid, hyperactive side and sets her up for a wildly unhinged fall.

      • Children's & YA
        April 2021


        by Antonio Ramos Revillas

        Efraín’s life —complicated and with shortcomings— continues impassive, until one day his Mum is violently taken by the police. He and his brothers, Fredy and Marcos, will have to look for all the ways to release her from a cruel system that labels and discriminates them. To build a future for their family, they will have to be cautious of asking help from the wrong people, as any false step could entangle them with the cartels of his neighborhood.

      • Comic strip fiction / graphic novels (Children's/YA)
        December 2019

        The Great Battle of the Gusis

        by Javier Ortiz, Javier Ara

        Hector is a little boy who spends the afternoon with his family in the country. There he meets, by chance, a little pink and friendly-looking being who asks him for help. This encounter will cause Hector to embark with his sister Estel and his two cousins, a little older than him, in an epic adventure that will pit them against the security forces of a world unknown to them. The four children will discover a parallel world that cannot be accessed by just anyone. The story is designed to entertain children and adults alike. If you like Smurf stories, this is your comic book. This comic already has a second part entitled The Great Treasure of the Gusis. Both were our best-selling titles at the last Madrid Book Fair 2022. A short animated film by Javier Ara, author of this comic, but also of the comics Dark Investment and Freehand Robbery, has gone viral in 2022 and has tens of millions of views on social networks. More than 43 million views on TikTok. On youtube it already has more than 1.5 million views: the number of views is growing every day.

      • Business, Economics & Law

        Negociación. ¿Cooperar o competir?

        Segunda edición actualizada.

        by Darío Rodríguez Mansilla, María Pilar Opazo, Cristián Saieh Mena

        Todos debemos aprender a negociar, no hay escapatoria. Nuestra vida es una negociación permanente. En toda comunicación, desde una conversación entre amigos, pasando por la compra de un auto o la venta de una empresa, hasta la conducción de un Estado, se producen conflictos y se toman decisiones que es necesario negociar. Pero las personas muchas veces administran el conflicto y la toma de decisiones que este conlleva en forma deficiente y, adicionalmente, el inadecuado manejo de la comunicación termina en resultados con pérdida de valor, tiempo, esfuerzo y, lo que es peor, daño a las relaciones. A diferencia de otros títulos, Negociación, ¿cooperar o competir? aporta una metodología novedosa y práctica para abordar una negociación, basada en la teoría de los sistemas sociales y la comunicación, la que va más allá del conocido ganar-ganar. En esta segunda edición actualizada se han introducido complementos y perfeccionamientos a la metodología que se propone. En concreto, especial importancia tiene el capítulo de preparación estratégica de las negociaciones, clave en una cultura dada a la improvisación como la latinoamericana. También se ha abordado en extenso la confianza, tan golpeada hoy en muchos países, que es la base de una negociación exitosa. Con ejemplos prácticos y un estilo amistoso y directo, Negociación, ¿cooperar o competir? nos enseña todo sobre el desafiante proceso de una negociación, desde su planificación, seguido por las opciones de valor, la legitimidad, el cómo y dónde trazar la línea ética, hasta la manera de generar poder, cerrar una negociación y formalizar un acuerdo que refleje transacciones exitosas. "Los conflictos son mucho más frecuentes de lo que se cree y, afortunadamente, menos dañinos de lo que se teme. Sus causas, efectos, grados de intensidad y violencia son diversos, por lo cual existen variadas estrategias y prácticas para enfrentarlos. Los conflictos son inherentes a todo sistema social y pueden generar mayor valor en la mesa de negociación si son gestionados en forma adecuada. Entender los conflictos y su dinámica es fundamental para alcanzar negociaciones exitosas". Pag 15.

      • June 2015

        Violencia de género y las respuestas de los sistemas penales

        by Encarna Bodelón (comp.)

        The problem of impunity and the devaluation of the rights of women who suffer sexist violence in intimate relationships is still present in European penal systems. The basic question is what differentiates sexist violence in the sphere of the couple from other types of violence. This type of violence in the sphere of the couple has nothing to do with what is known as injuries in the criminal sphere, but rather "gender violence, sexist violence, violence against women". The "problem" is not the women who report or do not report, but to what extent criminal treatment pursues the reported behaviors and protects women who suffer violence. In diverse contexts we will see common problems and remote solutions, but which coincide in not being yet ensuring the freedom of women. Our purpose is to advance in the construction of women's rights and denounce that the insufficient guarantee of the right to a life free of violence is an attack against all women, against all citizens and a burden of the patriarchal State.

      • Travel & Transport
        March 2015

        México y sus estados

        Edición especial

        by Kenia Salgado Sánchez, Leticia Dávila Acosta, Ana María Pérez Rocha

        This work, which aims be an approach to the plurality of our country, an overview of its natural resources, its men and women, of its vast cultural heritage, and the exciting course of its history, It has been structured in thirty-two chapters - one chapter per federal entity. That are presented alphabetically with the desire to provide the reader with easy reference. The chapters begin with a representative image of each region including: the location of the entity on a map of the country and its essential geographic boundaries, followed by a description precise relief, hydrography, climate, flora and fauna. Likewise, a semblance of the emblematic periods is offered of national history and its impact on development of each of the States. This portrait is complemented with the chronology that appears at the bottom of the pages and, that as a timeline, gives an account of the events past and present most important of the different entities. Based on the last population census, the data is presented outstanding demographics, economic and infrastructure. In the section of tourist attractions they converge in a balanced way archaeological zones, museums, historical sites and monuments; crafts, dishes and traditional festivals; beaches, forests, deserts and other places of interest. Close each chapter, with the mention of the names of those who contributed to forging the destiny of each region. Finally, the selection of photographs deserves a special mention made mostly expressly for this edition, that while illustrating and enriching the text, help the reader to reconfigure the various faces of our country.

      • Science fiction
        December 2018

        Psique El despertar Sombrío

        by Iván R. Sánchez

        ohn, a man immersed in the addiction of alcohol, is constantly tormented by his inner demons; repentance, loneliness and grief are translated into hallucinations, nightmares and terrors that he silences with liquor. One day, after ending up in jail because of a terrible night of abstinence, he discovers that something in him has changed and that now he must face a long road of redemption. He will discover that he is not alone and that the monsters that inhabited the darkness of his thoughts can come out, whisper to him, pursue him ... The real and the unreal are confused within a spiral of tragic events that lurk in every place where he seeks refuge.

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        November 2019


        by JAVIER LEON

        What we now know as classic tales are oral stories that have been passed down from generation to generation. It is not known exactly when they appeared, what we do know is that in 1600 Charles Perrault gave them a literary form, tempering, in many cases, the harshness of the oral versions to adapt them to the times. 200 years later, Hans Christian Andersen and the Grimm brothers (among others), would do the same by creating new stories and transforming those of Perrault to their time. Now, 200 years later, they are revised and updated again. This time, without princes or princesses, without stepmothers or witches. This time, they are the heroines and they don't need anyone to save them.

      • 2021

        El síndrome de Bergerac

        by Pablo Gutiérrez

        I was an average girl like any other. I was going to class, I argued with my parents, I loved my friends unconditionally and, from time to time, I would fall in love with someone I shouldn't have, as happens to everyone else. There was nothing novelistic about me, nothing heroic that deserved a handful of pages, and that is why this story will not be about my parents or my colleagues or my lovers; it will not be about the routine of a high school student who is bored at school... This story will have only one main character and that character will be a nose. A famous, disproportionate nose. The nose of a hero born in Bergerac and named Cyrano.

      • June 2015

        Universidad y conflictividad social

        Aportes desde la enseñanza del derecho

        by Leonardo Pitlevnik (comp.)

        Raises Michael Burawoy: "We have to rethink the meaning of the public university. The issue is not only who has access to the university, or how much it costs, but rather what responsibility does he assume before society, what dialogue he can build with the different public actors ". Among the crises pointed out by Boaventura de Sousa Santos, I understand that today we are facing the crisis of the university education model of and for the elites. It must also be a challenge to think about these conflicting crowded universities. The works that this work brings together allow us to think about the constitution of a university in which there is a community of faculties, professors, students and researchers where they collectively discuss what the university is and what its place in society is. The topics addressed, the prison question, the law in the towns of the city of Buenos Aires, training in criminal law for members of the administration of justice, machismo in legal education, critical pedagogical proposals, the teaching model of the Faculty of Law, give account of the potential expansion that these efforts had together. These texts challenge us, they demand a lot from us, they put us in trouble. And they also commit us to transform (us) into social reality, and thus also liberate (us), inevitably jointly, with rights and conflicts.

      • Fiction
        February 2017


        by Roberto Santiago

        Ana Tramel: With A for attorney. With A for addicted to alcohol, pills and sex. And with A for anaesthetized (to emotions, adjectives, and sycophants). In this story absolutely everything revolves around her, the protagonist, narrator and dynamo of the plot. In her forties, she’s about to experience a journey to the dark side of the gambling world, and to come up against an international corporation that deals in thousands of millions and has hundreds of lawyers on their payroll. Said with the utmost humility: from this moment on, we are all AnaTramel. In ANA nothing is what it seems. Not one of the characters is exactly a saint. And as Patricia Highsmith said of one of her stories ‘they are going to see a woman do what no male protagonist in literature of the past forty years would dare: behave with compassion, heroism and expose her body and soul to humiliation’.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        June 2021


        by Antonio Agredano

        “In a world of winners, defeat is a kind of dissidence. Losing is not a romantic exercise, it hurts like a stepfather, but you learn. All victories are alike, but each defeat is similar in its own way; There are many ways to cry, but everyone drinks champagne the same way. This is not a football book. Not only. Because in football there is room for a life”. Julián Bellón, at the age of 40, returns to Córdoba due to the death of his father. That loss will drag him to his childhood, to his neighborhood, to the bars and to the people who saw him grow up, the last place of armored happiness before his life twisted and fell into a spiral of self-destruction. The boy who became a goalkeeper still dreaming of scoring a goal, the young man who later became a professional goalkeeper, today is a broken man cornered by memories of him. Is there time for redemption before the final whistle?

      • Fiction
        October 2020

        El indio ciclope (The Indian cyclops)

        by Guillermo Roz

        Not so much an illustrated novel as a technicolour delirium. Martin Scorsese meets Jack Kerouac under LSD. Enter, read and discover. The grotesque and fearsome Diotisalvi brothers control all the illegal business in New York. One day, completely by surprise, multi-millionaire Camel Horovitz exiles them and imposes a new reign of terror. Old Camel will only allow the Diotisalvi to return to New York on one impossible condition: they must find a way to rid him of the double hump that has earned him his nickname. The Diotisalvis embark upon a crazy adventure in search of a solution, a journey that will take them to Ushuaia, at the very ends of the earth. There, they will encounter Carlos Gardel’s albino twin, Charles Darwin’s lost son, a Madrileñan bullfighter and his bulls, a woman who is crossing Patagonia on foot and gradually becomes black, a dinosaur, a vast ship, a forgotten jazz singer, the Japanese creator of Godzilla, an Indian woman who speaks 364 languages... And a Cyclops, that mysterious legend, a phenomenon capable of performing a thousand and one miracles. “The words that could have come from the writer, are providedhere by the illustrator. One might think that going through life withonly one eye would impede a person’s vision but in the case ofthis Patagonian native it is an advantage, because it enables himto do something that the rest of us – mafia hitmen, albino singers,dinosaur hunters or black servants – cannot: to see the comic sideof tragic situations. We invite the readers of this book to follow suit.To laugh, because life is short and it usually ends badly. And that’sthat.” - Oscar Grillo illustrator of the novel

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