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      • Trusted Partner
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        Der violette Puma

        Wie Paul und Bernhard sich verwandeln

        by Wyss, Hedi

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      • Trusted Partner
        May 2002

        Totentrompeten 1–4

        by Einar Schleef, Peter Festersen, Martin Linzer

        »TOTENTROMPETEN. Das sind die Pilze, die TOTENTROMPETEN, bläulich, violett, manchmal schwarz, auch braun, eßbar erscheinen sie nicht, abschreckend, schmecken dafür um so besser. Aber man muß sie kennen. Kennen auch die Trompeten, die eigenes Ende ankündigen. Ende? Dagegen heißt es sich zu stemmen, weglaufen können sie nicht, die 3 Alten, festgenagelt in der DDR und in meinem Buch GERTRUD. TOTENTROMPETEN auch für die DDR, für die Lebensumstände«, heißt es – programmatisch für alle vier Stücke – im Vorspruch der »Totentrompeten«. Die ersten drei dieser Stücke für immer dasselbe Trio infernal alter Freundinnen wurden in Schwerin uraufgeführt und häufig nachgespielt, das vierte wird hier aus dem Nachlaß zum ersten Mal in Buchgestalt veröffentlicht und voraussichtlich im Sommer 2002 uraufgeführt.

      • Trusted Partner
        Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2012

        Cultures and caricatures of British imperial aviation

        Passengers, pilots, publicity

        by Gordon Pirie, Andrew Thompson, John Mackenzie

        The new activity of trans-continental civil flying in the 1930s is a useful vantage point for viewing the extension of British imperial attitudes and practices. Cultures and caricatures of British imperial aviation examines the experiences of those (mostly men) who flew solo or with a companion (racing or for leisure), who were airline passengers (doing colonial administration, business or research), or who flew as civilian air and ground crews. For airborne elites, flying was a modern and often enviable way of managing, using and experiencing empire. On the ground, aviation was a device for asserting old empire: adventure and modernity were accompanied by supremacism. At the time, however, British civil imperial flying was presented romantically in books, magazines and exhibitions. Eighty years on, imperial flying is still remembered, reproduced and re-enacted in caricature. ;

      • Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
        March 2012

        Therese and Isabelle

        by Violette Leduc

        Censored in France in 1954, Therese and Isabelle was published for the first time in its full original version in 2000. Leduc's novella follows the story of a passionate love affair between two schoolgirls, aiming to describe 'as exactly, as minutely as possible the sensations of physical love'.

      • January 2011

        Climate, Culture, Change. Inuit and Western Dialogues with a Warming North

        by Timothy B. Leduc

        Every day brings new headlines about climate change as politicians debate how to respond, scientists offer new data, and skeptics critique the validity of the research. To step outside these scientific and political debates, Timothy Leduc engages with various Inuit understandings of northern climate change. What he learns is that today’s climate changes are not only affecting our environments, but also our cultures. By focusing on the changes currently occurring in the north, he highlights the challenges being posed to Western climate research, Canadian politics and traditional Inuit knowledge.

      • Children's & YA
        May 2020

        This point you have to reach

        by Mireille Disdero

        Violette and Arnaud, 17-year-old high school students inseparable since the 7th grade, have a relationship that is constantly intensifying. They love each other. Life is beautiful... Violette, very active on the web, runs a literary forum and a blog where she expresses her passion for writing. But, after a party in Paris organized by the members of the forum, she is not the same anymore. Arnaud, who was not present at the party, is worried and wants to understand. What happened that night? And why can't she remember it?

      • October 2020

        Leonard Cohen, The Untold Stories

        The Early Years, Volume One

        by Michael Posner

        Artist, poet, novelist, singer-songwriter, icon – there has never been a figure like Leonard Cohen. He was a truly international sensation, entertaining and inspiring the world with his art. From his groundbreaking and bestselling novels, Beautiful Losers and The Favourite Game, to timeless songs such as “Suzanne” and “Hallelujah,” Cohen is one of the world’s most cherished artists. His death in 2016 was felt around the world by the legion of fans and fellow artists who would miss his warmth, humor, intellect, and piercing insights.   Leonard Cohen, The Untold Stories follows the great man as he travels the globe developing his style and enigmatic character. This is the story of his early years, from boyhood in Montreal, university, and his growing career in to the 60s that took him to the world’s stage. It probes his public and private life, through the words of those who knew him best: his family and friends, colleagues and contemporaries, rivals, business partners, and his many lovers. From Montreal to Greece, London to Paris and New York, Cohen touched lives everywhere. It's also a snapshot of a golden era – the times that helped foster his talents and successes. In this revealing and entertaining first of three planned volumes, bestselling author and biographer Michael Posner draws on dozens of interviews to present a uniquely true and compelling portrait of Cohen – as if we’re right there beside him, overhearing a private conversation in a New York café.

      • Fiction

        Y avait-il des limites si oui je les ai franchies mais c'était par amour ok

        by Michelle Lapierre-Dallaire

        WERE THERE LIMITS IF SO I CROSSED THEM BUT IT WAS OUT OF LOVE OK? In this uncompromising work of autofiction, the author attempts to reconcile herself to a world that endlessly denies her voice, her femininity and her trauma.  Summary Michelle’s life starts in early childhood with unspeakable abuse that will haunt her into adulthood.  The narrator suffers from borderline personality disorder, which blurs the line between excessive behaviour and hypersensitivity, revealing a woman furiously attached to the need to love and be loved.  The first book by Michelle Lapierre is disarmingly, unsettlingly frank. A rare incursion into the borderline psyche, Were There Limits… features a kaleidoscope of barely bearable scenes and luminous reflections on mental illness, family, romantic relationships—told in breathtakingly beauty prose.  *** French sample : See other PDF for English sample.

      • Fantasy & magical realism (Children's/YA)
        April 2020

        Der Schatz von Ihrland

        Ein Abenteuerroman

        by Jörg Bothe

        Der fünfzehnjährige Mark Wetterfest findet zusammen mit seinen fünf Freunden einen geheimen Zugang zu einer unterirdischen Welt. Dort landen sie mitten in einem Konflikt und kämpfen Seite an Seite mit den unterdrückten Bewohnern gegen einen gewalttätigen Herrscher. Währenddessen wird Marks Mutter durch die Handlanger eines Immobilienhais überfallen und muss mit Familienpapagei Purple einer Katastrophe entkommen.

      • Fiction

        Granby au passé simple

        by Akim Gagnon

        In Granby, Past Tense, we find Akim, his brother and his Pop in the modest mobile home in Granby where he grew up. In this incredibly tender novel and behind Akim’s trashy bravado, we discover ordinary small town misery: unemployment, the father’s solitude and depression, cloyingly close quarter and hygiene that’s thrown out the window, adolescent ineptitude, and the resulting tensions… The Gagnons’ house is full of cracks— both literally and figuratively. Faced with this excruciating spectacle, young Akim seeks refuge in movies, theatre classes and especially the lens of his camera, through which he attempts to remix reality to better tell its story, if not escape it. At once trashy, tender and hilarious, Granby, Past Tense casts a sad yet empathetic eye on depression and anxiety, father-son relationships and poverty.

      • Sex & sexuality, sex manuals
        March 2023

        Mein Rotes Fest: Die Regeln für die Regel machen wir uns selbst!

        Das Initiationsbuch für Mädchen, das Lust auf Menstruation macht. Mit Tipps und Ideen für Rote Feste

        by Gabriele Pröll

        Die junge Elli verbringt ihre Ferien bei ihren naturverbundenen Großeltern auf dem Land. Dort erlebt sie ihre erste Blutung, begleitet von vielen Fragen, Ängsten und verwirrenden Stimmungsschwankungen. Aber Oma hat Antworten. Sie weiß um die außergewöhnliche Kraft des weiblichen Zyklus. Und sie weiß, wie frau "Vulvina-Kekse" backt, Rote Feste feiert und Meisterin ihrer Blutung wird. Ihre Botschaft: Mädchen, seid stolz auf eure Blutung und stolz darauf, eine Frau zu sein. Zeremonien und Rituale, die Mädchen bei der ersten Regel in das Frausein begleiten, gab es seit jeher in vielen Kulturen. Inzwischen belegen zahlreiche Studien, dass Frauen weniger Beschwerden und einen freieren Umgang mit ihrem Körper haben, wenn sie ihre erste Blutung mit einem positiven Erlebnis verbinden. Sensibilisiert durch diese Erkenntnisse fragen Mütter und Pädagoginnen nach praktischen Konzepten und Gestaltungsrahmen. Anlass für Gabriele Pröll, Initiatorin des bis 2016 in Wien laufenden Projekts "Menstruationszelte", zeitgemäße Initiationszeremonien zu gestalten, mit denen Mädchen ihre erste Blutung freudvoll und mit Lust erleben können.

      • Children's & YA
        March 2022

        The Code of Life

        All about genes, DNA, genetic engineering and why you are the way you are

        by Carla Häfner/Mieke Scheier

        Understanding the mystery of DNA Why do children look like their parents? Why are some people blond and others brunette, and where do we get our eye colour from? This book explains genetic theory, what genes are, why DNA plays an important role and what all these insights have to do with a curious monk. An exciting journey through the history of science, present-day genetic research and engineering and right through to the question of identity – because who would have thought how much of our personality is defined by our genes and how interesting genes can be? A book in pace with the times: it covers CRISPR and also explains how inoculation with mRna vaccines against coronavirus works.

      • Business, Economics & Law

        Corporate Income Taxes Under Pressure

        Why Reform Is Needed and How It Could Be Designed

        by Ruud de Mooij, Alexander Klemm, Victoria Perry

        International tax issues have long been at the core of IMF research and the IMF has provided much advice on this topic. This book showcases research by IMF staff and builds on earlier studies on tax issues. Where appropriate it provides special coverage on developing countries. The book offers a complete assessment of the current international tax framework, suggestions for possible alternative architectures, and adds to the global debate on this important topic while remaining accessible to a relatively broad audience.

      • Technology, Engineering & Agriculture
        May 2014

        Engineering optics

        by Gottfried Schröder, Hanskarl Treiber

        The text provides a solid foundation in technical optics including the use of optical components, equipment and techniques. Examples illustrate the broad applications spectrum. The latest standards and state-of-the art components such as diffractive optical elements and photonic crystals have been included in the 11th edition of this standard work. Contents extract: light and optical imaging radiation light sources and receivers interference and spectral devices colors gratings holography polarization and measurement of optical values Equations DIN standards

      • Agricultural science
        August 2017

        Climate Resilient Animal Agriculture

        by GSLHV Prasada Rao

        Animal husbandry is strongly influenced by weather and climate. Climate change/variability imposes multiple stresses in animals and thus vital to understand the impact of environmental stress on livestock production and reproduction. Among the environmental variables affecting livestock, heat stress seems to be one of the more intriguing factors making difficult animal reproduction and production. Information and knowledge on animal responses to the environment continues to be in process, managing livestock to reduce the impact of adverse weather and climate remains a challenge. Responding to the challenges of global warming necessitate a paradigm shift in the practice of agriculture and in the role of livestock within the farming system. The key thematic issues on environment stress and livestock production includes: early warning system, multiple stress research, exploitation of genetic potential of native breeds, suitable breeding programme and nutritional intervention research. Livestock farmers should have key roles in determining what adaptation and mitigation strategies they support if these have to sustain livestock production in changing climate. The integration of new technologies into the research and technology transfer systems potentially offers many opportunities to further the development of climate change adaptation strategies. This publication is therefore a multi-authored attempt to present the scientific fraternity high quality resource material in the field of climate change and livestock production. Attempts were made to discuss the adaptive mechanism that the animal exhibits to counteract the adverse effects of heat stress. In addition to the adaptive mechanisms, several management and feeding practices have also been established as tested methods for reduction of stress effects in livestock. It also highlights the challenges the livestock industry faces in maintaining the delicate balance between animal welfare and production. This book is a comprehensive resource for the researchers, teachers and students to understand stress, stress management and livestock productivity so as to sustain animal production in the Country under projected climate change scenario.

      • June 2021

        Tierspuren Europas

        by Joscha Grolms

        Animal Signs and Traces in Europe Identifying and interpreting animal signs and traces. Includes the signs and traces of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates   A detailed reference work without precedent – for beginners and experts in animal tracking alike, with 1,100 colour photographs and 500 drawings with detailed descriptions and the dimensions of animal footprints and tracks, together with clearly outlined comparisons of species that are frequently confused with one another Animal tracks and traces of eating, nests, constructions and other signs and traces of mammals in Europe, as well as the most important birds, reptiles, amphibians and insects Outstanding identification aids: comparison tables of the tracks of mammals and birds, with life-size drawings   THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA on animal tracking A unique new standard reference work for interpreting animal signs and traces An encyclopaedia produced to the highest visual and didactic standards The author is an expert who is renowned worldwide and holds certified courses designed according to international standards

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