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Promoted ContentHumanities & Social SciencesApril 2023
Who governs Britain?
Trade unions, the Conservative Party and the failure of the Industrial Relations Act 1971
by Sam Warner
Providing fresh insights from the archival record, Who governs Britain? revisits the 1970-74 Conservative government to explain why the Party tried - and failed - to reform the system of industrial relations. Designed to tackle Britain's strike problem and perceived disorder in collective bargaining, the Industrial Relations Act 1971 established a formal legal framework to counteract trade union power. As the state attempted to disengage from and 'depoliticise' collective bargaining practices, trade union leaders and employers were instructed to discipline industry. In just three-and-a-half years, the Act contributed to a crisis of the British state as industrial unrest engulfed industry and risked undermining the rule of law. Warner explores the power dynamics, strategic errors and industrial battles that destroyed this attempt to tame trade unions and ultimately brought down a government, and that shape Conservative attitudes towards trade unions to this day.
Promoted ContentLiterature & Literary StudiesOctober 1994
by Federico Garcia Lorca, Rebecca Warner
The second of Lorca's trilogy of rural dramas, Yerma, is a blend of contrasting moods through which Lorca charts the increasingly destructive obsession of a childless young country wife, and probes the darker zones of human fears and desires. The play's rich mode of expression - a combination of verbal, visual and auditory images and rhythms - is also geared to celebrating sexual attraction and fertility, creation and procreation. Through his characterization of the play's central figure, Lorca raises the question of women's social status - a controversial question both then and now, and one to which Robin Warner pays particular attention in his critical introduction to the play. He also examines the links between the dramatic structure of Yerma and the importance of cultural politics during the course of the Second Spanish Republic. The Spanish text is supported by an introduction and notes in English, as well as by an extensive vocabulary and section of discussion questions. ;
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August 2017Tokyo Coffee Time
by Yiju Life Studio, CHEN Ruoyi, Jimmy Wong
What are the things you cannot miss in coffee shops in Tokyo? Why can master baristas make the most memorable tastes? You will find the answers from Tokyo Coffee Time through coffee experts’ professional and harsh eyes. Including 140 coffee shops, 26 master comments and so on.
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Literature & Literary StudiesJanuary 2013Ottonian Germany
The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg
by David Warner
The Chronicon of Thietmar of Merseburg has long been recognised as one of the most important sources for the history of the tenth and early eleventh centuries, especially for the history of the Ottonian Empire. Thietmar's testimony also has special value because of his geographical location, in eastern Saxony, on the boundary between German and Slavic cultures. He is arguably the single most important witness to the early history of Poland, and his detailed descriptions of Slavic folklore are the earliest on record. This is a very important source in the medieval period, translated here in its entirety for the first time. It relates to an area of medieval studies generally dominated by German scholars, in which Anglo-phone scholars are beginning to make a substantial contribution.
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Humanities & Social SciencesFebruary 2011Holiday camps in twentieth-century Britain
Packaging pleasure
by Sandra Trudgen Dawson, Jeffrey Richards
This book is the story of two holiday camp chains established in the 1930s that provided thousands with packaged pleasure. Warner and Butlin's commercial camps emerged at the intersection of cultural shifts that politicised working-class leisure and consumption. Entertainment fostered in the post-war camps provided a forum for popular pleasure that reinforced the idea of a 'national' culture grown from the common experience of war. Butlin and Warner, the big commercial chains of the 50s and 60s, are enmeshed in our social and cultural history. Dawson uncovers the significance of the holiday camps to the political, economic, social, and cultural history of twentieth-century Britain, drawing on an impressive variety of sources, from government documents to trade journals, advertising, photographs, oral histories, literature, films and songs. This unique volume will be of interest to academics and specialists of British social history, popular culture and tourism studies whilst remaining accessible to enthusiasts. ;
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Children's & YAJanuary 2022Keksyk Defender
by Inna Kurylo (Author), Oleksandra Kondratenko (Illustrator)
Not only people, but also pets stood up for the defense of Ukraine in the war against Russia! Together with his animal friends, Keksyk the cat organized a Territorial Defense force for the yard and helped people as best as he could. Together with Keksyk, many animals protect Ukraine: the dog Shustryk, the crow Ksenia, the pigeon Stepan, geese and bees. And now that you know of Keksyk do you want to learn why the missile system is called "Stugna"? And why the enemies were unable to overcome the Zmiev ramparts and disappeared without a trace in Chornobayivka? Then, the adventures of Keksyk and his friends bravely defending their native country are right for you! And while you read, remember that these tales are based on real events. From 5 to 8 years, 8596 words Rightsholders:
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1990Ehe ohne Trauschein
Ein Rechtsratgeber. (zu zweit)
by Ihara, Toni; Warner, Ralph; Dzierma, Hans M
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Children's & YAJanuary 2020Country Uncultured Books
by Bogdana Tytariova (Author), Diana Strokan (Illustrator)
This is the debut book of the nine-year-old dreamer and imaginative soul Bogdana Tytariova, a book that will captivate children and adults alike. Together with the heroes of Bogdana’s exciting stories, readers of these funny tales will travel the world and encounter fantastical creatures and magical animals, finding themselves in the land of uncultured books. The work is recommended for family readings, and these adventures are definitely going to brighten up every family gathering. After all, every once in a while, parents need a reminder that they were children too! From years 5 to 8, years, 8360 words. Rightsholders:
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Children's & young adult poetry, anthologies, annuals2018Snow Poems For Kids
by Sashko Dermanskyi, Halyna Malyk, Mariand Savka and other
Children love poems. So before Christmas, the Old Lion and a group of modern Ukrainian poets and illustrators created this elegant book to read in the family circle. Snow Poems for Kids are full of fun snow games, magical gifts from St. Nicholas and magical moments of Christmas and New Year. Also, the Old Lion reminds young readers to take care of birds and animals in winter. The collection includes poems by Mariana Savka, Halyna Malyk, Halyna Kirpa, Kateryna Mikhalitsyna, Oleksandr Dermanskyi, Ihor Kalynets, Oksana Lushchevska, Oksana Krotiuk, Hryhorii Falkovich, Tetiana Vynnyk, Yulia Smal, Natalia Poklad, Olesia Mamchych, Ivan Andrusiak , Oleksandr Orlov. Compiler - Natalka Maletych. Illustrated by: Dasha Rakova, Oksana-Olexandra Drachkovska, Yuliia Pylypchatina, Nataliia Oliynyk, Bohdana Bondar, Oksana Bula, Marta Koshulynska, Kateryna Sad.
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Humanities & Social SciencesApril 2003Step-daughters of England
British Women Modernists and the National Imaginary
by Jane Garrity
Jane Garrity shows how four British women modernists - Dorothy Richardson, Sylvia Townsend Warner, Mary Butts and Virginia Woolf - used experimental literary techniques in order to situate themselves as national subjects. Reading literary texts through the lens of material culture, this book makes a major contribution to the new modernist studies by arguing that women's imaginative work is inseparable from their ambivalent and complicated relation to Britain's imperial history. Drawing on extensive archival research, Garrity takes as her point of departure the ubiquitous maternal and racial link to national identification during the interwar period. Each chapter foregrounds a different range of cultural developments that coincided with the rise of modernism, such as emerging visual techniques, the revival of British neo-medievalism, ethnographic work on primitive mysticism, and nostalgia for English ruralism. By locating both canonical and non-canonical works of female literary modernism within broader cultural discourses, Garrity demonstrates the intersections among nationalism, imperialism, gender and sexuality in the construction of English national culture.
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The ArtsJune 2021Cinesonica
Sounding film and video
by Andy Birtwistle
Cinesonica: sounding film and video explores previously neglected and under-theorised aspects of film and video sound, drawing on detailed case study analyses of Hollywood cinema, art cinema, animated cartoons, and avant-garde film and video. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the soundtrack, and breaking away from the focus on narrative and signification that has tended to dominate the study of film sound, the book examines the way in which sound's materiality figures within audiovisual experience. Through a close examination of sound-image relations in a range of film and video forms and genres - including Warner Bros. cartoons, scratch video, and artist's film and video - Cinesonica recasts the film and video text as the meeting point of audio and visual materialities, cultural practices and perceptual activity. The interdisciplinary approach adopted by the book makes its discussion of sound of interest to those studying and working in a range of subject disciplines, including film studies, sound studies, sonic arts, cultural studies, music and art history.
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August 2006Tagesnotizen
Aufzeichnungen 1941–1992
by Günther Anders, Volker Hage, Volker Hage
Die Tagebücher des Schriftstellers und Philosophen Günther Anders (1902–1992) zählen zu den bedeutendsten literarischen Journalen des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine zahlreichen, Jahrzehnte übergreifenden Notizen, von ihm selbst nie zu einem geschlossenen Werk zusammengestellt, sondern bruchstückhaft in verschiedenen seiner Bücher zitiert (so auch in seinem Hauptwerk Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen): Hier werden sie nun erstmals – in exemplarischer Auswahl – chronologisch angeordnet und zusammengestellt. Anders, der eigene schriftstellerische Projekte zeitlebens zurückstellte und als Warner vor einer neuen Atomkatastrophe international bekannt wurde, hat wie kein zweiter Autor deutscher Sprache die Erfahrungen von Flucht, US-Exil, Heimkehr ins Nachkriegseuropa und seine Eindrücke von Reisen zu Schauplätzen des Grauens wie Auschwitz und Hiroshima darzustellen gewußt.
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1989In weiblicher Gestalt
Die Verkörperung des Wahren, Guten und Schönen
by Warner, Marina / Übersetzt von Preuschoft, Claudia
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June 2007Mind Time
Wie das Gehirn Bewusstsein produziert
by Benjamin Libet, Jürgen Schröder, Stephen M. Kosslyn
Fast nichts ist uns Menschen so wichtig wie unser subjektives, bewußtes Innenleben – und doch wissen wir relativ wenig über seine Genese. Benjamin Libet gehört zu den Pionieren auf dem Gebiet der Bewußtseinsforschung und hat zahlreiche Experimente durchgeführt, die gezeigt haben, wie das Gehirn Bewußtsein produziert. In »Mind Time« präsentiert er erstmals eine eigene Deutung seiner berühmten »Libet-Experimente«, die die aktuelle Debatte über die Bedeutung der Neurowissenschaften für unser Menschenbild überhaupt erst angestoßen haben. Dieses Buch gehört zu den zentralen Arbeiten der modernen Hirnforschung.
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Literature & Literary StudiesApril 2000Modernism and empire
Writing and British coloniality, 1890–1940
by Howard Booth, Nigel Rigby
This is the first book to explore the relationship between literary modernism and the British Empire. Contributors look at works from the traditional modernist canon as well as extending the range of work addresses - particularly emphasising texts from the Empire. A key issue raised is whether modernism sprang from a crisis in the colonial system, which it sought to extend, or whether the modern movement was a more sophisticated form of cultural imperialism. The chapters in Modernism and empire show the importance of empire to modernism. Patrick Williams theorises modernism and empire; Rod Edmond discusses theories of degeneration in imperial and modernist discourse; Helen Carr examines Imagism and empire; Elleke Boehmer compares Leonard Woolf and Yeats; Janet Montefiore writes on Kipling and Orwell, C.L. Innes explores Yeats, Joyce and their implied audiences; Maire Ni Fhlathuin writes on Patrick Pearse and modernism; John Nash considers newspapers, imperialism and Ulysses; Howard J. Booth addresses D.H. Lawrence and otherness; Nigel Rigby discusses Sylvia Townsend Warner and sexuality in the Pacific; Mark Williams explores Mansfield and Maori culture; Abdulrazak Gurnah looks at Karen Blixen, Elspeth Huxley and settler writing; and Bill Ashcroft and John Salter take an inter-disciplinary approach to Australia and 'Modernism's Empire'. ;