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      • Trusted Partner
      • June 2015

        Violencia de género y las respuestas de los sistemas penales

        by Encarna Bodelón (comp.)

        The problem of impunity and the devaluation of the rights of women who suffer sexist violence in intimate relationships is still present in European penal systems. The basic question is what differentiates sexist violence in the sphere of the couple from other types of violence. This type of violence in the sphere of the couple has nothing to do with what is known as injuries in the criminal sphere, but rather "gender violence, sexist violence, violence against women". The "problem" is not the women who report or do not report, but to what extent criminal treatment pursues the reported behaviors and protects women who suffer violence. In diverse contexts we will see common problems and remote solutions, but which coincide in not being yet ensuring the freedom of women. Our purpose is to advance in the construction of women's rights and denounce that the insufficient guarantee of the right to a life free of violence is an attack against all women, against all citizens and a burden of the patriarchal State.

      • Humanities & Social Sciences
        June 2009


        by Manuel R. Torres Soriano

      • September 2015

        Exposición múltiple

        by Autores varios

        Exposición múltiple es el encuentro de veinte creadores. Diez narradores y diez fotógrafos se combinan a ciegas en la construcción de diez historias. Ninguno de ellos podría haber previsto el resultado final de sus creaciones. La diversidad de los relatos y la riqueza visual de las fotografías nos sumerge en un mundo donde Fenimore, apodado Mario Baracus, es un integrante de un grupo anarquista clandestino. También corre en las páginas del libro Lobo, un perro heroico. Beto declara que no tiene ningún apuro en regar las plantas, ni en recibirse, ni en dejar la casa, ni en casarse. Los estorninos vuelan juntos como un fantasma diurno de las alturas. ¿Qué bichos andan debajo de la corteza y dibujan surcos en el tronco? ¿Qué secreto esconde el sabor de la savia? Al terminar el día, la luna llena asoma entre los árboles del bosque cuando un perro pasa como una sombra y corre dando saltos. A lo lejos se escucha un grito agudo, Corazón, Corazón… Exposición múltiple es una creación de:Guillermo Álvarez Castro, Gustavo Espinosa, Henry Trujillo, Horacio Cavallo, Inés Bortagaray, Inés Garland, Leonardo Cabrera, Manuel Soriano, Mercedes Estramil, Rosario Lázaro IgoaÁlvaro Percovich, Carlos Contrera, Guillermo Carballa, Jorge Ameal, Manuela Aldabe, Marcelo Casacuberta, Mariana Méndez, Pablo Bielli, Santiago Mazzarovich, Tali Kimelman

      • Fiction

        Last of all, the sky

        by Michele Cecchini

        Emilio Cacini, known to everyone as ‘Soldo di cacio’ (Shorty) on account of hisdiminutive stature, teaches art at a secondary school. Fat and clumsy, Cacio has a secretinvolving a woman, Ilaria, with whom he had a relationship during the period in whichshe was a member of the Red Brigades. He’d like to confide in someone but in ArdenzaMare - the neighbourhood on the outskirts of Livorno where he lives – no one asks toomany overly personal questions. The fact is that it’s something of an anomalous place,largely because of the magical, enchanted atmosphere in which it’s immersed. From hercage in the middle of the neighbourhood park, the majestic tigress Mirtilla(Blackcurrant) has always been a reassuring presence for the locals.Cacio has a son called Pitore (Pet Chicken), a child who suffers from a developmentalspeech disorder. In practice, Pitore speaks a language all of his own made up of newwords such as folmedína (sea). This would appear to be no big deal for Cacio, who goesout of his way to find alternative forms of communication to words in an attempt toforge an increasingly close relationship with the child, who he’s bringing up by himself.Albeit disoriented, Cacio has a whole world inside himself and goes his own way. He isgentle but, at the same time, strong, capable of passing through solitude and creatingharmony from the disharmony he feels around him. In search of authenticcommunication that goes beyond words, Cacio seems to be saying that the world canexist in many different ways, provided we know how to invent it.Michele Cecchini possesses a unique imagination, a virtue few writers can boast of. Hisis a magical realism marked by a special form of delicacy and wonder. A cross betweenFellini and Soriano, he uses a special lens to look at and speak about the world, which flies lightly by, as if it were enclosed in a soap bubble.

      • Lifestyle, Sport & Leisure
        November 2020

        Kafka en Maracaná

        90 partidos. 90 autores. 90 relatos

        by David García Cames, Miguel Ángel Ortiz and Marcel Beltran

        Football breaks down all doors, including those of literature. Contrary to popular belief, there are many writers who at some point were attracted by the mystery of the goal or the fervor of the stands. The ball sneaks into the work and life of authors who have built bridges between these two apparently dissociated worlds. From Marguerite Duras to Eduardo Galeano, passing through Albert Camus, Roberto Bolaño, Svetlana Aleksiévich or Federico García Lorca. This book is 90 games that were played one day. This book is made up of 90 stories, halfway between the chronicle and the tale, with which tribute is paid to 90 extraordinary creators who have influenced our way of understanding football.

      • Religious & spiritual fiction
        January 2020

        Ciento once mil

        by Díaz Latorre, José Ignacio

        This novel narrates part of the life of Naraka Patel, but it could also have narrated that of anyone else, a path always riddled with evidence that we must learn to interpret.The young Naraka escapes from his family at a very young age. He lived in a small village near Delhi, and was fleeing from an abusive father who was about to kill him. On his way he grows, and crosses the north of India until he reaches Kathmandu (Nepal), where he enters as a Buddhist monk in a monastery, being recognized as the incarnation of Lama Savitri Parvati Rinpoche.Throughout his exciting life experience he achieves enlightenment, becoming the lama of the well-known Kopan monastery. He ends his days in an isolated retreat in a cave in the Mustang region of northern Nepal, where using the "Phowa" technique he achieves a lucid and conscious death.Naraka, during his retirement, writes multiple texts, this book being a small part specially dedicated to western culture, where some of his valuable and fully valid teachings are shown.

      • Engranaje I: La venganza es nuestra

        by Esteban Morales / Daniel Rojas Pachas

        La venganza es nuestra expone una variedad de representaciones de la realidad a través del arte gráfico. El compilado presenta humor y sátira nacional gracias al trabajo de Christiano. Su obra encarna un espíritu testimonial y coloquial de la vida en Chile a fines del siglo XX. Juan Vásquez, valiéndose únicamente del poder de la imagen genera un retrato que resalta la fuerza de las culturas precolombinas. Necrotax y Mauricio Menares hacen actualizaciones de leyendas nacionales del sur de Chile, la Pincoya, el Trauco, el Chonchón. Esteban Morales plantea una corta historia sobre el animalismo. Propuestas que se acercan a la literatura por los materiales que trabajan, leyendas y literatura latinoamericana. La obra de Claudio Rocco es una muestra del cómic strip o historieta de humor, cercana al cartoon. El arte de Iván Llanos demuestra su interpretación de una cultura del videojuego y el manga, mientras que Bastián Brauning, portadista e ilustrador expone un arte cercano al tatuaje y al graffiti con una mirada contestaria y punk.Escapando del límite de los centralismos y la mirada reduccionista de los grandes centros. Este libro constituye un punto de fuga y una invitación al lector. Proyecto Financiado por el Fondo del libro y la lectura 2021 del Ministerio de las culturas, las artes y el patrimonio de Chile.

      • December 2019


        by Pablo Albarenga

        Con esta selección fotográfica registrada entre 2016 y 2019, Pablo Albarenga nos adentra en la vida y la lucha de los pueblos indígenas de Brasil por recuperar sus territorios.Muchos son los pueblos originarios que viven en América Latina. Los que se identifican hoy como guaraníes vivieron y transitaron en la región comprendida por Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay. Se dice que si caminamos de Uruguay a Brasil y luego a Bolivia, podríamos dormir cada noche en una tekoá distinta. Las tekoás son aldeas donde preservan su legado ancestral; tekoá significa, en lengua guaraní, la tierra sin mal, el lugar donde se lleva a cabo la forma de ser guaraní.Estos pueblos de tierras bajas han hecho evidente una impactante capacidad para oponerse a eso que llamamos progreso. Son los que han enfrentado con mayor firmeza a las grandes obras y megaproyectos, desde la represa de Belo Monte (Brasil) hasta la carretera que atraviesa el Territorio Indígena y Parque Nacional Isiboro-Sécure (Bolivia).Las retomadas —reocupaciones de tierras indígenas— son un retorno a lo esencial, un acto de rebeldía de los pueblos indígenas de Brasil para volver a unirse con el territorio ancestral. Estos pueblos nos interpelan sobre si somos capaces de reconocer la diferencia, de aceptar la libertad del otro, su derecho a ser y a elegir cómo vivir. Pues en su libertad se evidencian nuevos rumbos posibles que nos obligan a mirarnos en su espejo para repensarnos.

      • April 2020

        Reificación mediática

        by German Duarte

        En los años 60 del siglo pasado, las posiciones existencialistas y fenomenológicas plantearon un problema importante y controvertido, que produjo divisiones en el seno del mismísimo campo del pensamiento marxista. ¿Está el efecto de reificación sujeto inextricablemente al modo de producción capitalista? ¿Está por ello destinado a desaparecer con la liberación de la esfera social del dominio del capital, o bien tenemos que pensar que el carácter de reificación es más profundo que el mismo capitalismo y que está arraigado en la dimensión antropológica fundacional, anterior a la relación capitalista social ?.

      • Children's & YA
        June 2021

        La doble águila

        by Julio Santos

        Series of illustrated children’s books 7 y.o. or older.Over 120 pages of entertainment, adventures, and mystery with color illustrations. ¡Hola! Mi nombre es Txano y mi hermano mellizo se llama Óscar. El fin de las vacaciones se acercaba rápidamente mientras pasábamos unos días en el pueblo de nuestros abuelos. Ya sabes…, mucho tiempo con los amigos y mucha tranquilidad. O eso parecía. Una noche, mientras jugábamos al escondite, descubrimos un viejo diario olvidado en un corral en ruinas. Al abrirlo encontramos un nombre, una frase y un misterio. Tardamos tres días en resolverlo, pero acabamos saliendo en el periódico. ¿Te atreves a vivirlos con nosotros?

      • Medicine
        June 2020

        Atlas de implantes cigomáticos

        Diagnóstico y tratamiento clínico

        by Miguel Peñarrocha / Juan Alberto Fernández / David Peñarrocha

        This book is an eminently clinical guide that has been created from the knowledge and experience of years in the authors' profession and a highly qualified multidisciplinary team. Atlas of zygomatic implants, offers the reader a protocol necessary to know the anatomy, diagnosis, classification, treatment plans, anesthetic and surgical techniques, such as regenerations for the placement of zygomatic implants. Current digital techniques in oral surgery and implantology have placed us in a new technological scenario, and this has also reached zygomatic implants. In a large maxillary atrophy we can place zygomatic implants and make immediate loading, something that, in extreme atrophies, without zygomatic implants is practically unthinkable. It is true that zygomatic implants are only indicated in a small number of patients, those with extreme maxillary atrophies, among all those treated with dental implants. Zygomatics were introduced to the scientific world by Brånemark in 1998, and since then changes have been made, both in the implants and in the procedure, which have led to a considerable decrease in their complications, in the short and long term. Two important figures in implantology collaborated with him in Spain: Carlos Aparicio Magallón, who has contributed greatly to the scientific development of zygomatic implants with numerous bibliographical contributions and a book, and Joan Pi Urgell, who for many years worked and learned directly with Brånemark . They taught us, formed a school in Spain, and got many other professionals in our country to be grateful for their contributions to Spanish implantology. It is important that readers who approach this topic know that it is a difficult technique, not without serious complications, and that it should always be performed by an experienced surgeon. It is a procedure reserved for professionals with extensive surgical experience and not carrying out the proper training, with a teacher to guide you, can pose serious problems for the dentist and the patient. Therefore, the first requirement to use zygomatic implants is humility: we must recognize our limitations and train properly before launching into complex treatment like this. To finish we want to say to those who read this book that we have written it with the idea that it helps professionals to better understand this technique and to know when they can apply it to their patients. Zygomatic implant surgery is a delicate procedure and not without complications, which should only be performed when one has learned from the hand of a teacher and as long as one has sufficient training and surgical experience to do so. Table of Contents: Chapter 1: History of zygomatic implants Reginaldo Migliorança • Javier Aizcorbe-Vicente • André Irschlinger • David Peñarrocha-Oltra • Juan Alberto Fernández-Ruíz • Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago Chapter 2: Anatomy applied to zygomatic implants Juan Guarinos-Carbó • María Díaz-Sánchez • Pedro Serrano-Carbó • Miguel Puche-Torres • Francisco Martínez- Soriano • Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago. SummaryMalar boneBone atrophyInfraorbital regionNeurovascular and muscular elementsPreoperative radiological studyconclusionMessage to rememberBibliographyChapter 3: Radiographic examination and guided surgery in zygomatic implants María Peñarrocha-Diago • Juan Carlos Bernabeu-Mira • Xulio Pouso-Rey • Juan Alberto Fernández-Ruíz • David Peñarrocha-Oltra SummaryIntroductionRadiological anatomy of the zygomatic boneTypes of radiographic methodsPreoperative radiological studyPostoperative radiological studyPreoperative and postoperative radiological study procedureGuided surgery on zygomatic implantsMessage to rememberBibliographyChapter 4: Diagnosis, Classifications, and Treatment Plan: A Prosthetic and Surgical Perspective Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago • Javier Aizcorbe-Vicente • Juan Alberto Fernández-Ruíz • David Peñarrocha-Oltra. SummaryIntroductionAnatomical flying buttresses Frontomaxilar or canine flying buttress Fronto-zygomatic flying buttress Pterygomaxillary flying buttressZygomatic implants vs. Bone grafts and conventional implantsProsthetic diagnosis of the maxillary edentulousTypes of prosthesis in atrophic upper jawExtraoral examinationOcclusion vertical dimension (DVO)Lip supportLip length, smile line and transition linePosition of the incisal edge of the central incisorIntraoral examinationOcclusion and antagonistic dentitionResult of the aesthetic and functional analysis of the patient's prosthesisSurgical diagnosis of the maxillary toothlessPatient's medical conditionDegree of atrophy of the upper jawImplant distributionSurgical determination of the prosthetic spaceObtaining primary stabilityMessage to rememberBibliographyChapter 5: Conscious sedation in complex dental surgery Maite Bovaira-Forner • Paula Bovaira-Forner SummaryIntroductionPreoperative evaluationMonitoring: material and equipmentDrugsOral sedationIV sedationInhalation sedationRecovery and dischargeMessage to rememberBibliography Chapter 6: Surgical technique for the placement of zygomatic implantsJuan Alberto Fernández-Ruíz • Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago • David Soto-Peñaloza • David Peñarrocha-Oltra SummaryIntroductionAnesthetic technique for the placement of zygomatic implantsLocal anesthesiaEndovenous sedation accompanied by local anesthesiaGeneral anesthesiaWashing, carving and preparing the operative fieldPre-surgical measuresPreparation of the operative fieldMaterial needed for the surgical approach to the zygomatic processGeneral use materialIncision materialInstruments for detachmentRotary materialOsteoctomy suppliesSurgical technique - incisions, detachment, bed preparation, implant selectionIncisionExposure of the operative fieldPreparation of the implant bedClassic approach or intrasinusal techniqueSinus slot techniqueEstablishment of benchmarksImplant placement sequenceSelection of the type of implant to useClassification according to the angulation of the implant headClassification according to the type of surface treatmentZygomatic implant length and insertionMultiunit abutment placementFlap closureRevision regimeImmediate postoperativePostoperative mediateLate postoperativeDrug guidelinesPatient recoveryInformed consentInformed consent document for zygomatic implantsMessage to rememberBibliographyChapter 7: Bone and soft tissue regeneration in zygomatic implants Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago • Juan Carlos Bernabeu-Mira • Juan Alberto Fernández-Ruíz • David Peñarrocha-Oltra IntroductionBone regeneration around zygomatic implantsPalatal bone regenerationVestibular bone regenerationPalatal and vestibular bone regenerationSoft tissue regeneration around zygomatic implantsPalatal rotation pedicled connective tissue scarf or graft techniqueScarf technique along with Bichat ball replacementConnective tissue graftBone and soft tissue regeneration around zygomatic implantsMessage to rememberBibliographyChapter 8: Zygomatic implants and jaw reconstruction Federico Hernández-Alfaro • Adaia Valls Ontañón SummaryIntroductionIndicationsStep by step procedureSurgical planningSurgical actProsthetic loadConclusionsMessage to rememberBibliography Chapter 9: Biomechanics of Angled and Zygomatic Implants David Soto-Peñaloza • Juan Alberto Fernández-Ruíz • Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago • Blanca Serra Pastor • David Peñarrocha-Oltra SummaryIntroductionBiomechanics of forces in the middle facial skeletonTransmission of forces from the tooth to the boneTransmission of forces from the implant to the boneBiomechanics of implant-supported restorations with zygomatic implantsBiomechanics of angled implantsBiomechanics of zygomatic implantsMessage to rememberBibliographyChapter 10: Immediate loading on zygomatic implants Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago • Javier Aizcorbe-Vicente • Blanca Serra Pastor • Juan Alberto Fernández-Ruíz • David Peñarrocha-Oltra SummaryIntroductionImmediate loading conceptObjectives, requirements and considerations of immediate loading on zygomatic implantsSurgical Considerations: Primary StabilityProsthetic considerationsClinical proceduresDirect techniqueDirect-indirect techniqueIndirect techniqueconclusionMessage to rememberBibliographyChapter 11: Complications in zygomatic implants Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago • María Díaz-Sánchez • Juan Alberto Fernández-Ruíz • Hilario Pellicer-Chover • Miguel Armengot-Carceller • David Peñarrocha Oltra SummaryEarly complicationsLip lacerationOrbital injury or periorbital hematomaInfraorbital nerve injuryNasal bleedingRupture of the maxillary sinus wallPain and edemaAcute maxillary odontogenic sinusitis (early onset)Immediate failure of the zygomatic implantIntracranial penetration of the zygomatic implantPrevention of early complicationsLate complicationsMucositis and peri-implantitisVestibular dehiscence of the zygomatic implantOrosinusal communicationChronic maxillary sinusitis, late onsetImpaired speech and functionalityFailure of the zygomatic implantSurvival in zygomatic implantsConclusionsMessage to rememberChapter 12: Clinical cases of zygomatic implants Miguel Peñarrocha-Diago • María Díaz-Sánchez • David Peñarrocha-Oltra • Juan Alberto Fernández-Ruíz Zygomatic implants with 15 years of evolution (Cawood and Howell grade V atrophy)Zygomatic implants with 14 years of evolution evolution (Cawood and Howell grade VI atrophy)Zygomatic implants with palatal bone regeneration, without immediate loadingZygomatic implants with vestibular and palatal bone regeneration, without immediate loadingFour zygomatic implants without bone regeneration, with soft tissue grafting and without immediate loadingZygomatic implants with bone regeneration, soft tissue grafting and immediate loadingZygomatic implants with bone regeneration and immediate loading   link:

      • Adventure stories (Children's/YA)
        March 2018

        La piedra verde

        by Julio Santos

        Series of illustrated children’s books 7 y.o. or older.Over 120 pages of entertainment, adventures, and mystery with color illustrations. Hi! My name is Txano and my twin brother is Oscar.Have you ever seen a meteorite crash to Earth? Well, we have… While on an excursion at the beginning of summer, a huge ball of fire flew across the sky in front of our eyes and crashed into the forest!Yes, I know we should have run away in the opposite direction, but we didn’t, and we went searching for it, instead. And we found it. It was a strange green stone. The mystery hiding behind its glow changed our lives forever. Why don’t you come with us to discover it?

      • Ways of doing nothing

        by María Vela Zanetti

        This indescribable book, Ways of Doing Nothing - the first in prose after eleven in poetry and intense work as a specialised journalist - is nothing more than the reflection of her pleasant readings, her animated conversations with friends and daily observation of the dog spirit: happy and indolent but tenacious in her loves. The countryside, where the author lives and has lived for long periods, is another of her favourite prisons, because as she says: "the countryside does not know who you are". Misanthropy? Black humour? Perhaps, because her strange fantasy places her among the few writers who have given this serious country a smoke.

      • Christian theology

        The Christ Always New

        The Place of Context in Christology

        by Francisco García Martínez

        Something has changed in Christology, something that causes anxiousness and worry among the shepherds and theologians that try to give reason of their faith in a time and in a society where certitudes have dwindled. However, since Christ is the same yesterday, today and always, the only and universal Salvator in history, theology, forced by Christ’s eschatological lordship, which does not despise any historical present as his own body, must look for new ways to offer today’s men and women the truth, beauty and goodness that are in store for all in God’s very depths. According to this logic, where the context becomes a provocation inviting faith and theology to be daring, the liturgical Christ reveals himself as the foundation of Christology, since it is the place where he displays his truth and living presence.

      • Children's & YA
        February 2017

        Hoy es miércoles

        Children whose future has been stolen have only their imagination

        by Patricio Nouveau

        An unknown adult unexpectedly turns up in the lives of Gilmar and Lanh at the same time but in different parts of the world. Gilmar lives in Bolivia and his father works in the old silver miines of Cerro Rico in the city of Potosí; Lanh is an orphan, she was taken in by the Thuy Xuân orphanage in Vietnam after her parents died when the Perfume River flooded. From their native cities, accompanied by the strange adult, they each undertake a journey that will lead them to Sas, a child soldier who, tries to escape during the Sierra Leone civil war to find his family, return to his former life and set out on a new future. The journey brings together three points on the planet, three languages and three cultures whose only relationship is a book whose photographs have disappeared since Sas was kidnapped from his school. The three boys are eleven years old. They are searching for each other, they need to find each other.

      • Biography & True Stories

        At the Crossroads of Church and World

        by Bienvenido F. Nebres, SJ

        Growing up in the shadow of World War II, in a small town with a simple upbringing, young BenNebres learned very early that life is difficult and he would do well to spend less timecomplaining and more time finding solutions. So find solutions he did.Bienvenido Nebres, SJ takes us through the formative years of his childhood and his education,through the harrowing Martial Law years as he played a pivotal role in the revolution andrebuilding of a wounded nation. His quest to close the poverty gap in the Philippines by way ofeducation guided him through his years as the Ateneo de Manila University president and ledhim to the honor of a National Scientist award.A deeply inspiring memoir, At the Crossroads of Church and World is the story of a man and hisunwavering love for the country he serves.

      • Football (Soccer, Association football)
        February 2020

        Rivalidades crónicas

        10 ciudades europeas a través de sus derbis

        by Jordi Brescó and Pau Riera

        Football shapes cities, and derbies turn them upside down. Two friends travel to ten European cities (Istanbul, Belfast, Belgrade, Sheffield...) to narrate and photograph them, and use football as their gateway and common thread. Because the king of sports is an instrument as effective as any other to delve into the political, social, economic and cultural reality of a place.

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