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        Literature & Literary Studies
        July 2022

        The False One

        By John Fletcher and Philip Massinger

        by Domenico Lovascio

        Advertised in its Prologue as a prequel to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra, Fletcher and Massinger's The False One is the first literary work completely to revolve around the affair between Caesar and Cleopatra. In its deployment of their liaison as a venue for the exploration and criticism of contemporary political manoeuvring and its high-spirited and pungent appropriation of Roman history, the play proves to be one of the most compelling Jacobean dramatizations of the classical past. This Revels Plays edition offers the first fully annotated, single-volume critical edition of The False One, with a thorough introduction that provides new insights on the date and the theatre of the play's first performance, examines the playwrights' reworking of their sources and explores the theatrical potential of a play that has hitherto regrettably been lost to the dramatic repertory.

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        June 2024

        Thierry and Theodoret

        John Fletcher, Philip Massinger and Nathan Field

        by Domenico Lovascio

        Enthusiastically praised by Charles Lamb and A. C. Swinburne but unjustly neglected since the early twentieth century, Thierry and Theodoret dramatizes events from medieval French history. With its disenchanted depiction of royalty, its eerie instability in terms of genre, and its black comic overtones, Thierry and Theodoret strikes as a distinctive specimen of tragic drama in the Jacobean mould and ranks as one of the most powerful plays in the canon of John Fletcher and his collaborators. This Revels Plays volume is the first fully annotated critical edition of the play, and the first to attribute it to Nathan Field alongside Fletcher and Philip Massinger. It provides a thorough introduction reassessing the play's engagement with its sources - including Shakespeare - and discusses the dating, authorship, and reception of this bizarrely captivating play, pointing the way for future scholarship, especially of a historical or gender-based nature.

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        October 2021

        Die Unsichtbaren

        Eine Insel-Saga

        by Roy Jacobsen, Gabriele Haefs, Andreas Brunstermann

        Barrøy – so heißt die kleine Insel vor Norwegens atemberaubender Küste, auf der Ingrid aufwächst, fernab der übrigen Welt. Bis eines Tages der mörderische Weltkrieg den verschlafenen Ort einholt: Der Kriegsgefangene Alexander, ein Russe, findet nach einem tragischen Schiffsunglück Zuflucht auf der Insel. Ingrid verliebt sich in den schweigsamen Mann, doch ihre Liebe kann nur kurz währen, bis die deutschen Besatzer Alexander inhaftieren. Neun Monate später bekommt Ingrid eine Tochter. Der Krieg ist nun vorbei, das Land will nichts anderes als vergessen. Doch Ingrid kann Alexander nicht vergessen. Mit Kaja vor den Bauch gebunden, macht sie sich auf die Reise durch ein kriegserschüttertes Land, auf der Suche nach Alexander, ihrer großen Liebe. Roy Jacobsens Insel-Saga erzählt, auch vor dem Hintergrund deutscher Geschichte, mit außergewöhnlichem Sog vom Leben einer Familie in überwältigender Natur, von starken, eigenwilligen Frauen, von Schuld und Kollaboration.

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        Animal pathology & diseases
        June 2013

        Encyclopedia of Medical and Veterinary Entomology

        by Richard C Russell, Domenico Otranto, Richard Wall

        Arthropod transmitted infections continue to be a front-line issue in all regions of the world. Understanding the insects that transmit diseases, the mechanisms of infection and the resulting diseases is vital to doctors, veterinarians, public health workers and disease control agencies. This major reference examines the biology, classification and control of arthropods that cause disease in animals and humans. The morphology, taxonomy and phylogeny of fleas, flies, lice, mites, midges, mosquitoes and ticks are described, with descriptions of their medical and veterinary significance, diseases they cause, insect distribution and global disease spread. Updated, developed and reworked from Doug Kettle's seminal Medical and Veterinary Entomology, this major new reference presents vital information in encyclopedia format, with alphabetical entries and an extensive index to make key facts easy to find. This new treatment of the subject provides accessible content and up-to-date research, illustrated by line drawings and colour photographs.

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        January 2008

        Roy auf dem Dach


        by Griesemer, John

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        Literature & Literary Studies
        March 2022

        John Fletcher's Rome

        by Domenico Lovascio, Lucy Munro

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        February 2000

        Wo ist die Urne von Roy Black?

        Schonungslose Reportagen

        by Henschel, Gerhard

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        Humanities & Social Sciences
        February 2023

        Passionate politics

        by Indrajit Roy

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