Fossil Rock Ltd
Publishers of sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, historical, mystery, horror, suspense, crime, drama and modern fiction.
View Rights PortalPublishers of sci-fi, fantasy, adventure, historical, mystery, horror, suspense, crime, drama and modern fiction.
View Rights Portal"Meine Freunde, das Glück und ich" von Elisenda Roca, illustriert von Rocio Bonilla, entführt junge Leser*innen in ein farbenfrohes und vielfältiges Viertel, in dem die Hauptfigur Violetta zusammen mit ihrem Hund Struppi und einer bunten Gemeinschaft aus Nachbarskindern und deren Familien lebt. Diese Gemeinschaft zeichnet sich durch einzigartige Diversität und Zusammenhalt aus, der besonders deutlich wird, als alle zusammenkommen, um ein großes Nachbarschaftsfest zu organisieren. Von der Gestaltung der Girlanden durch die Familie Wang aus dem Asia-Shop über musikalische Beiträge von Lando und seiner Familie bis hin zu den Konditor-Papas, die den Kuchen beisteuern – jedes Kind und jede Familie bringt sich mit ihren individuellen Talenten ein. Trotz eines unerwarteten Gewitters, das die Vorbereitungen zunächst zunichtemacht, lässt sich die Gemeinschaft nicht entmutigen und zeigt, dass gemeinsam jedes Hindernis überwunden werden kann. Dieses Buch ist ein lebendiges Beispiel für ein modernes Miteinander und vermittelt Kindern ab 3 Jahren auf spielerische Weise die Bedeutung von Vielfalt, Freundschaft und gegenseitiger Unterstützung. Förderung von Diversität und Toleranz: Zeigt Kindern auf natürliche Weise die Vielfalt von Lebensentwürfen und kulturellen Hintergründen. Stärkung des Gemeinschaftssinns: Unterstreicht die Bedeutung von Zusammenarbeit und gemeinschaftlichem Engagement. Wunderschöne Illustrationen: Rocio Bonillas farbenfrohe und detailreiche Bilder fangen die Aufmerksamkeit der jungen Leser und unterstützen die Botschaft der Geschichte. Einfache, kindgerechte Sprache: Kurze Sätze und eine klare Botschaft machen das Buch auch für jüngere Kinder zugänglich. Wertvolle Lebenslektionen: Vermittelt wichtige Werte wie Hilfsbereitschaft, Akzeptanz und die Freude am gemeinsamen Feiern. Positive Rezensionen: Beliebt bei Eltern und Kindern, bestätigt durch zahlreiche positive Rückmeldungen. Empfohlen von der Stiftung Lesen: Eine anerkannte Empfehlung, die Eltern bei der Auswahl qualitativ hochwertiger Lektüre für ihre Kinder unterstützt. Erfolgreiche Illustratorin: Über 30.000 verkaufte Bilderbücher von Rocio Bonilla sprechen für die hohe Qualität und Beliebtheit der Illustrationen.
"Drei sind keiner zu viel" von Eulàlia Canal ist eine charmante und lehrreiche Geschichte, die auf humorvolle Weise die Themen Eifersucht, Akzeptanz und die Freude am Teilen behandelt. Im Mittelpunkt der Erzählung stehen der Bär und das Murmeltier, die beste Freunde sind und ihre Zeit mit gemeinsamen Spielen und Abenteuern verbringen. Als der Bär jedoch die Ente einlädt, sich ihnen anzuschließen, ist das Murmeltier alles andere als begeistert und versucht, die Ente mit einer kleinen Notlüge fernzuhalten. Doch als ein kleines Gespenst vor der Tür steht, lernt das Murmeltier, dass Lügen kurze Beine haben und dass das Zusammensein mit mehr Freunden noch mehr Spaß und Freude bringen kann. Die Geschichte zeigt auf liebenswerte Weise, wie wichtig es ist, offen für neue Freundschaften zu sein und dass drei Freunde keiner zu viel sind. Eine herzerwärmende Geschichte über Freundschaft, Eifersucht und das Teilen, perfekt für Kinder im Kindergartenalter ab 4 Jahren. Humorvoll und einfühlsam erzählt, ideal zum Vorlesen und gemeinsamen Lachen. Beleuchtet auf spielerische Weise die Bedeutung von Akzeptanz und Zusammenhalt. Liebevolle und ausdrucksstarke Illustrationen von Rocio Bonilla, die die Geschichte zum Leben erwecken. Kurze, prägnante Texte, die auch jüngere Kinder fesseln und zum Mitdenken anregen. Fördert wichtige soziale Kompetenzen wie Empathie und die Fähigkeit, Freundschaften zu pflegen und zu erweitern. Ein Buch, das in keiner Familienbuchsammlung fehlen sollte und das Kinder immer wieder gerne zur Hand nehmen.
The purpose of this book is to analyze the effects of developed countries' agricultural policies on developing countries. The main focus is on food security, poverty and other topics such as multifunctionality, biotechnology and regional agreements, as an input to policy reform within the World Trade Organization (WTO) trade negotiations. The book arises from a joint project between the Food and Resource Economics Institute in Denmark and the International Food Policy Research Institute in Washington.
Release the Wound is about letting go of our primal wounds as a path towards building a new identity. The result of many years of practice, this book teaches readers how to overcome the challenge and succeed in rebuilding their selves. It invites readers to let go of the role of the victim and resignify who we really are. For many, unresolved trauma develops an existence of their own and converses with us, becoming our accomplice in the practice of justifying why we cannot live a fulfilling life, no matter how much we want to Release the Wound is an invitation to defeat the victim and start anew. Using examples from many cases from her private practice, and building from the deep understanding taught by experts and professionals, Dr. Golfeder's book includes three main sections: Part One describes the meaning of the primal emotional wound, its origin, and how we identify ourselves with it. Part Two offers specific tools to release the wound and strenghten the creation of a new personal identity. Part Three is about practices and disciplines to enjoy life from a new point of view. This book is centered on the process of knowing, honoring, and learning to release the wound and turn it into a new opportunity for life. The tools devised and described by the author are a compilation of different therapeutic approaches and years of work in the field.
Peace seems to have been elusive in Colombian history. The ups and downs in the negotiation processes, the unfulfilled promises, and the political polarization have made Colombia a nation in a state of continuous crisis and that, in spite of itself - to take up the old Bushnell phrase - has managed to stay afloat and, above all, do not lose hope for a stable and lasting peace. There have been numerous attempts to build it and they seem to have been unsuccessful, especially because a good part of the collective representation that we have of them has been built from the media apparatus that, in the case of our country, has been at the service of power and that it has resulted in skepticism that, especially since the 1990s, has tended to transform into a strong polarization. With this book, we want not only to think about peace and (post) conflict from communication but to remind (us), once again, that we can still be we.
"Possibly one of the best fictions published in recent months. Mariana Sández's prose is a beautiful and intelligent surprise, within the framework of the new narrative produced by Argentinean authors". Hinde Pomeraniec, Infobae Before she dies, Leila, a frustrated writer and book lover, leaves her daughter her personal diaries, along with curious and detailed instructions on what to do with them. By reading them, Charo will reveal a side of her mother that she did not know, trying to understand that period when Leila seemed to be swept away by a gale, more absent and more vital than ever, that time when a series of disturbing events took place in the building where they lived, and which unleashed her mother's infinite guilt.
In this interactive version of The Little Mermaid you will find 8 illustrated pages with different mechanisms to turn, slide, lift and move the characters and objects along the story. The creatures will follow the story closely and become even more immersed in it by being able to play with their characters. For example, in this book they can change Little Mermaid's tail by pretty legs and make sea animals appear and disappear. It is a rhymed version, which enhances memory and the link with the story. Be seduced by the magic of classic tales in a unique collection with strong sliders to push and pull that will captivate the little ones. These sturdy board books are perfect for toddlers. Other titles in the series: Three Little Pigs Red Ridding Hood Hansel and Gretel Snow White Cinderella The Wolf and The Seven Kids Goldilocks Puss in Boots Ugly Duckling Hamelin Futist
Andares de un Artista no es un libro comun. Es una caminata a traves de las calles de la experiencia. Calles que a veces han sido crueles e implacables; otras, frivolas e indiferentes. Ausencias de amores, de todo. Desavenencias que han producido un profundo dolor humano, y que han hecho brechas, dejando profundas cicatrices. Pero tambien esas mismas calles sirvieron de escenarios para los dramas que alli se desarrollaron, impactamdo profundamente mi sentir. Dando paso a la inspiracion que, dio forma y vida a mis poemas y lienzos. Por ultimo, tocando las fibras mas sensibles del alma romantica y algo aventurera del poeta que vive en mi.
Changing climate in micro and macro level attribute to influence and bring changes in productivity and production trend of every industry including agriculture and its ecosystem. The influence of climate change and its environmental impact on coastal ecosystem greatly influence the life and livelihood of agrarian communities and people involved in allied industries. The book has been authored with objectives of providing understanding on the environmental problems, features of coastal ecosystem, advanced strategies for environmental protection, mitigation strategies for environmental problems in coastal areas and augmenting agriculture income from coastal areas.
Today we inhabit a world that has been transformed by digital technologies, allowing effortless connection through social media and access to vast amounts of information. In this socio-cultural space, a form of citizenship emerges that displays its capacities and potentialities; that requires active participation in different moments of encounter and disagreement; that calls for dialogue, decision-making, the creation and consumption of information, and, above all, that aims to the configuration of critical subjects capable of transforming their reality: citizens who are also consumers: gamers, readers of news and people looking for love with their best profile picture. In the emergence of this citizenship, dialogical-discursive relationships arise in the context of mass self-communication, through daily, individual and collective interactions, in which fundamental rights are disputed, such as the rights to communicate, to information, to free expression, to privacy. This setting implies great challenges for the exercise of citizen life. The gaze of this book returns to the practices that in one way or another allow and demand to be assumed as a political subject from everyday life. Without intending to exhaust the contexts and contingencies of the digital, the text calls for interpretation, discussion and search for answers that allow us to understand the emerging citizenship, of which we are already participants, beyond our clicks.
The work is the result of a call addressed to the community of the School of Plastic and Audiovisual Arts of the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, in the year 2021, in which students and teachers were invited to share their experience since the beginning of the confinement within the framework of the sanitary contingency; this through a plastic work, a text, or both, so that different expressions about how life has been modified since the existence of the coronavirus were combined.