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      • Editora Oficina Raquel

        Oficina Raquel is an independent publishing company committed especially to literature and thought. With the motto "More than books, literature", the publishing house has a catalogue with a lot of attention to the political dimension of thinking. From its origins, with poetry, through fiction, history, philosophy, and essay, it discusses themes on the current agenda.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1978

        Das Jahr 15


        by Raquel Queiroz, Ingrid Schwamborn

        Die Dürrekatastrophe des Jahres 1915 im Nordosten Brasiliens stürzt die Landbevölkerung in tiefes Elend. Die feudalen Besitzverhältnisse erlauben es den Herren, die Abhängigen einfach zu entlassen oder aber „mildtätig“ für sie zu sorgen. Die Konsequenzen beider Verhaltensweisen schildert eindringlich der Roman. Nach der Dürre von 1915 zog die Familie der Autorin aus dem Nordosten nach Rio de Janeiro. 1930 debütierte sie mit dem vorliegenden Roman. Er ist einer der frühesten in der Reihe der großen Prosaepen des Nordostens, Vorläufer der Werke von Graciliano Ramos, José Lins do Rêgo und Guimarã;es Rosa.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2020

        O Redentor do Mundo

        Colectânea de contos traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária 2019

        by Sandra Tamele

        Instantâneos da vida na Europa na voz dos vencedores do Prémio Literário Europeu. Neste segundo volume da Colectânea de Contos Traduzidos pelos vencedores do Concurso de Tradução Literária, apresentamos cinco contos publicados em 2018 no âmbito do 10º aniversário do Prémio Literário Europeu (EUPL), nomeadamente: ‘The Savior of the World’ do Britânico Adam Foulds, ‘Nebulosa de Ciudad’ da Espanhola Raquel Martinéz-Goméz, ‘Le Lotissement’ da Francesa Emmanuelle Pagano, ‘Eine Ankunft’ da Austríaca Christina Schutti e ‘Apnea’ do Italiano Lorenzo Amurri. Junto com outros três contos posteriormente publicados numa colectânea exclusiva para os vencedores do EUPL. As estórias de ‘Redentor do Mundo’ propõem ao leitor instantâneos sobre a vida na Europa na perspectiva de uma crítica de arte que entre questionamentos sobre a autoria de um quadro lança críticas políticas e sociais; na perspectiva de uma jovem que assiste às mudanças no seu bairro; na perspectiva de uma mulher que está sempre de chegada a cidades europeias; e na perspectiva de um jovem que se vê subitamente tetraplégico num acidente. Lançado em 2015, o concurso e a publicação receberam em 2020 a nomeação entre os três finalistas e uma menção honrosa do Prémio Internacional da Feira do Livro de Londres para Excelência em Iniciativas de Tradução Literária.

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 2019

        Maria Montessori

        Little People, Big Dreams. Deutsche Ausgabe | Kinderbuch ab 4 Jahre

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Raquel Martín, Svenja Becker

        Maria wuchs vor hundertfünfzig Jahren in Italien auf, zu einer Zeit, als Mädchen nicht die gleiche Bildung erhielten wie Jungen. Aber Marias Mutter unterstützte die Träume ihrer Tochter, und so studierte Maria Medizin. Später gründete sie eigene Schulen mit einer revolutionären Philosophie und änderte damit das Leben vieler Kinder. Little People, Big Dreams erzählt von den beeindruckenden Lebensgeschichten großer Persönlichkeiten: Jede dieser Frauen, ob Künstlerin, Pilotin oder Wissenschaftlerin, hat Unvorstellbares erreicht. Dabei begann alles, als sie noch klein waren: mit großen Träumen. Für welches Alter sind diese Bücher gedacht? Für Babys das perfekte Geschenk zur Begrüßung in eine Welt voller Träume! Und Eltern werden in schlaflosen Nächten von diesen Büchern dazu ermutigt, das Vorlesen zu einem selbstverständlichen Teil des Lebens zu machen. Kleinkinder werden von den Illustrationen verzaubert sein – sie werden zahlreiche Dinge entdecken. Auch sind die Bücher großartige „Vokabeltrainer“! 3- bis 5-Jährige werden alles, Illustrationen und Texte, geradezu in sich aufsaugen! 6-, 8- und 10-Jährige haben ein ausgeprägteres Verständnis für die Illustrationen und die Bedeutung der Geschichte – es geht nicht nur darum, sich selbst zu akzeptieren und die eigenen Zukunftsträume zu verwirklichen, sondern auch darum, andere so zu akzeptieren, wie sie sind. Später: Die Bücher sind gute Geschenke zu jedem Anlass, denn die Träume der Kindheit können das ganze Leben lang Wirklichkeit werden.

      • Trusted Partner
        August 2021

        Maria Montessori

        Little People, Big Dreams. Mini

        by María Isabel Sánchez Vegara, Raquel Martín, Silke Kleemann

        Die revolutionäre Ärztin und Reformpädagogin, die mit ihren neuen Schulen das Leben vieler Kinder bis heute verändert. Die Erfolgsserie Little People, Big Dreams jetzt im Miniformat für die ganz Kleinen. Kurze Einführungen in das Leben berühmter Persönlichkeiten, in einfachen Sätzen erzählt und perfekt zum Vorlesen für Kleinkinder.

      • Fiction

        Hotel California

        by Ramón Valdés Elizondo

        Damián flees from two assassins who are chasing him on a lonely desert road. He manages to elude them but his car is running out of gas. In the distance he discovers a hotel that looks abandoned from the outside. He knocks on the door and is greeted by Mercedes, a beautiful blonde who invites him in. Inside the hotel is spectacular: every detail is taken care of to perfection, but there is something shady lurking within its walls and corridors. Damián thinks he hears voices calling his name, although he attributes them to stress and fatigue. Our anguished protagonist lives a terrifying experience when he tries to leave the next day and inexplicable things happen that prevent him from doing so. Suddenly, Damian will be trapped in this place that changes, that whispers, that makes us doubt if he is living a nightmare or if everything is a product of his hallucinations. A novel written to the rhythm of rock, with nods to horror classics and a twist that will take you to a place you may never be able, or want, to leave.

      • Trusted Partner
        Veterinary nutrition
        March 2010

        Phosphorus and Calcium Utilization and Requirements in Farm Animals

        by Mauro Sartori Bueno, Ives Cláudio Da Silva Bueno, José Cleto Da Silva Filho, James (Jim) France, Carlos Eduardo Furtado, João Batista Lopes, Helder Louvandini, José Aparecido Moreira, Raquel Souza Dias, André Bannink, Katharine F Knowlton, René Kwakkel, C M (Martin) Nyachoti, Trygve L Veum. Edited by Dorinha M S S Vitti, Ermias Kebreab.

        Mineral nutrition of livestock is an area of significant importance due to its contribution to farm animal economics and health. With a focus on macromineral utilization in farm animals, this book brings together quantitative aspects of phosphorus and calcium metabolism in farm animals in chapters written by leading researchers worldwide. It covers isotope dilution technique, phosphorus and calcium utilization in ruminants (sheep, goats and cattle) and non-ruminants (swine, horses) and recommended value of phosphorus and calcium inclusion in feed. It is an essential resource for researchers and students in animal sciences and nutrition.

      • Trusted Partner
        September 2024

        Entomopathogenic Nematodes as Biological Control Agents

        by David I Shapiro-llan, Edwin Lewis, Steven P. Arthurs, Anil Baniya, Rubén Blanco-Pérez, Mary Barbercheck, Helge Bode, Raquel Campos Herrera, Julie G. Chacon-Orozco, Harun Cimen, Regina K. Cruzado Gutiérrez, Surendra K. Dara, Adler Dillman, Larry Duncan, Ioannis Eleftherianos, Shane Foye, Patrick Frettinger, Fernando Garcia-del-Pino, Itamar Glazer, John Goolsby, Dawn Gouge, Parwinder S Grewal, Richou Han, Sebnem Hazal Gulsen, Canan Hazir, Selcuk Hazir, Ivan Hiltpold, Ganpati B. Jagdale, Rinus Knoetze, Albrecht Koppenhofer, Gabriela Lankin, Luis Garrigós Leite, Diana Karime Londono, Antoinette P. Malan, Dana Ment, Jayashree Ramakrishnan, Gadi V P Reddy, Cesar Rodriguez-Saona, Weibin Ruan, Michael Samish, Ernesto San-Blas, Ramandeep Kaur Sandhi, Ana Luiza Sousa, Tatyana Stefanovska, Glen Stevens, S. Patricia Stock, Yoelvis Sulbaran, Ghada Tafesh-Edwards, Mustapha Touray, Stefan Toepfer, Derya Ulug, Bart Vandenbossche, Christopher Williams, Sheng-Yen Wu, Xun Yan

        Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are biocontrol agents that are used to control a wide variety of insect pests within agriculture and forestry. In addition to their use as bio-pesticides, EPNs have a fascinating biology and are thus considered model organisms in ecology, symbiosis and pathogenesis. This book presents basic knowledge and diverse applications to illustrate how EPNs play an important role as potent biocontrol solutions. It describes: Fundamental concepts such as biology, taxonomy, symbiosis genomics and behavioural ecology. Aspects of commercialization, including mass production, formulation, safety and regulation, and marketing. Diverse cropping systems e.g. maize, wheat and grains, citrus, orchard systems, berries, vine crops, vegetables and turf. Other applications including urban, nursery, forestry, greenhouse, veterinary and medical. Ecological considerations and applications in conservation biocontrol. This book is a must have for all pest management professionals including those practicing integrated pest management strategies.

      • November 2020

        Epaminondas Goiabeira & the Hapiness Machine

        by Júlio Emílio Braz

        Julio Emilio Braz brings us a story where time is the preponderant element: the past dialogues with the more-than-perfect past tense. And, in this confluence of times, the Spanish flu comes, a more striking plague that plagued humanity in the last century. Lightly, but at the same time dense, Júlio brings strong themes such as the loss of loved ones and new affectionate relationships. The graphic design is by Raquel Matsushita, who already brings some of the gear of this time machine to the cover. Finalist book AEI-LIJ Literature Award.

      • March 2020

        Women, empowerment and legacy

        by Silvana Mello

        Woman, empowerment and legacy, offers the possibility to discuss woman in a brazilian and overall scenario, their challenges, particularities, difficulties and the reflection and analysis of the unequal society that we face everyday. Through the choose of a strong theme like this, the author Silvana Mello, searches to contribute and leaves a positive mark for the future female generations.

      • December 2020

        Why I can't like him/her?

        by Anna Claudia Ramos, Antônio Schimeneck

        Adolescence is a time of many doubts, anxieties and uncertainties. In this phase, sexuality is unfolding, and we are going through — because everyone has gone, is going or will go through — self-questions about all conditions, all desires, including regarding sexuality. If on the one hand, we see in beautiful social networks beautiful movements of self-acceptance and discovery, on the other hand we live in a time of great obscurantism and attempt to cage the desires and contain the experiences of young people – whether at home or at school, and unfortunately, many times, with public authority initiative. This book asks this of young people, who often find themselves trapped by a cultural need (or family pressure) to create heteronormative bonds, when, in fact, they feel the desire for people of the same sex. But this book also understands that it is necessary to take this issue to the world, so that everyone reflects on otherness, sexuality and, mainly, the many possibilities of affection and desire. Por que não consigo gostar dele/dela? is a book with two sides, two covers, four stories and many testimonials.

      • September 2017

        Every food has a history

        by Joana Monteleone

        A delicious piece of work. Several essays, all of them told with pleasure of a historian who, at this moment, is not making History, but telling stories. Such storytelling, however, demands culture and talent, and Joana has extra talent and culture: she is a cook, that is, a first-rate storyeller, who moves through several times and through several dishes. The book, indicated for readers of any age, shows how much eacha meal we make is full of stories to be told and to tell us.

      • May 2021

        Fairy Tales and Classic Stories

        by Rui de Oliveira

        The artist Rui de Oliveira published Contos de Fadas e Histórias Clássicas. The illustrations selected and gathered here in this project are the result of many different publications and projects by the author. This is a different work that appeals to all ages, from supplying our homesickness to the most elaborate reading for a child. Instead of a selection of pasteurized figures, we have a real work of art. Rui de Oliveira shows us that this return can be through the watercolored hands of those who use their theoretical training and their international technical experience in favor of a visceral, yet docile, narrative.   We can affirm that this book is perfect for lovers of literature, illustration, and painting because we learned from Mestre Rui that to illustrate it is necessary to know how to read it and be a continuous reader: “any word would be superfluous to explain it”. After all, in a text, not everything is represented and not all images are explained by words, because “for each word, a different image”.   In this work meeting, we see how the master's experience with TV and animation gives movement to his illustrations. And so, in an astonished way, we are driven into the stories. And sensorially, we are absorbing the narrative details of each image.   The work is divided in two parts: fairy tales and classic stories. In fairy tales, we have Beauty and the Beast, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty and Bluebeard. The classic stories include Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Beautiful Princess Magalona, Melusine and The Tempest. I am sure the public has read most, if not all, of them.

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