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      • Papadopoulos Publishing SA

        Papadopoulos Publishing, a Greek, family-owned publishing house, was founded in 1953.  From its inception the publishing house excelled in children’s books publishing, establishing its name over the year as a household name for quality children’s books. Since 2010 we have expanded our catalog to adult titles as well, beginning with nonfiction and later on with fiction. Currently, the business is managed by the family’s fourth generation. Our full catalog comprises more than 1500 titles in stock and we own our own logistics and distribution facilities. Our books are carried by more than 1000 sales points (bookshops, supermarkets) all over Greece and Cyprus. FarosBooks, our London-based subsidiary was launched in March 2019. It is a new publishing venture with a vision to inspire and entertain by publishing quality picturebooks for young children. FarosBooks aims both to the UK and international children's book market.10-15 new titles will be published every year. For more details, visit

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      • PAPP International

        PAPP International is a dynamic publishing company focused on creating fun and innovative books for both children and adults. We are a versatile and vertically integrated company that includes printing, shipping, and logistics capabilities designed to serve our retail and publishing partners around the world. Founded in 2004 as Beaver Books, we now have more than 16 years’ experience as an independent publisher. Today we are home to three additional imprints: PAPP Publishing, Imagine Publications, and Tiny & Tim. Together we publish over 500 original new titles annually.

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        Chariton - Studien

        Untersuchungen zur Sprache und Chronologie der griechischen Romane

        by Papanikolaou, Antonios D

      • Trusted Partner
        March 1977

        Schlechterfüllung beim Vertrag zugunsten Dritter.

        Ein Beitrag zu der Dogmatik des Vertrages zugunsten Dritter.

        by Papanikolaou, Panajotis Al.

      • Trusted Partner
        Business, Economics & Law
        August 2020

        Tourism Planning and Development in Latin America

        by Carlos Monterrubio, Konstantinos Andriotis, Dimitrios Stylidis

        Despite the significance of tourism to the economic, social and environmental structures of Central and South America, little has been documented in the English literature about tourism in this sub-region, which in terms of population size, ranks fourth in the world with 652 million inhabitants. The first of its kind, this book focuses exclusively on tourism development, planning and their impacts in a wide number of Central and South American countries. It covers experiences, challenges, successful and unsuccessful stories, specific cases, and other tourism related issues of twelve countries in total. Each chapter is authored by scholars who have done extensive research on tourism in the countries covered. This book:Examines the impact of tourism development and planning within Latin American countries.Takes a multidisciplinary approach including Anthropology, Development, Economics, Ecology, Policy, Sociology and Tourism Planning and Management.Is the first book in English to offer an insight into extensive research undertaken within the region.This book will provide a valuable insight for tourism researchers, practitioners and decision-makers in private and public organisations, not only from the regions of Central, South and North America, but also individuals from other parts of the world who want a more encompassing view of global tourism. Table of contents Chapter 1: Strategies for regional tourism development in Argentina. A path with new initiatives for tourism dispersal policies Chapter 2: The commitment to sustainable tourism and the development of indigenous tourism in Chile Chapter 3: Tourism development in Colombia: between conflict and peace Chapter 4: Ecotourism development in Costa Rica Chapter 5: The challenges of natural and cultural heritages of Galapagos and Quito, Ecuador Chapter 6: Tourism development in Mexico Chapter 7: Panama, the "affordable exotic destination": planned tourism success and its unplanned consequences Chapter 8: The impacts of tourism in economic growth and development in Uruguay Chapter 9: Peru and Nicaragua: tourism development in postconflict eras Chapter 10: Ecuador and Panama: Lifestyle mobilities, the golden years and the quest for paradise

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      • Trusted Partner
        August 2003

        Das System der Haftung der Banken bei Aktienemissionen über die Börse.

        Von den börsenrechtlichen Grundlagen zur Haftung aus ungeregelten Informationsdienstleistungen (IPO-Studie, Unternehmenspräsentation).

        by Liappis, Dimitrios

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      • Trusted Partner
        September 1980


        Zur Rekonstruktion der philosophischen Sprache

        by Dimitrios Markis

        Markis expliziert den Begriff der »Protophilosophie« anhand einer dialektischen Rekonstruktion der philosophischen Sprache. In diachronischer Sicht erörtert er die Konstitutionsaporien der »prima philosophia« von drei »Knotenpunkten« ihrer Geschichte – Aristoteles, Kant und Quine – aus; in synchronischer Sicht und in systematischer Absicht sucht er jenseits der dogmatischen, »einsprachigen« prima philosophia und der skeptischen »aphatischen« Metakritik derselben, den Ort einer »vielsprachigen« Protophilosophie freizulegen, die sich als linguistische Transformation der Dialektik versteht.

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        April 1974

        Die Regelungsbefugnis der Beriebspartner und ihre Grenzen zum Einzelarbeitsverhältnis.

        Zugleich ein Beitrag zu der Problematik der Innenschranken der Betriebsautonomie.

        by Travlos-Tzanetatos, Dimitrios

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      • Trusted Partner
        November 2021

        Tourism Marketing in Western Europe

        by Nikolaos Boukas, Dimitrios Stylidis

        Tourism is characterized by diversity, enormous growth, and multidimensional impacts on several levels. In the current turbulent environment, tourism destinations need, on the one hand to maintain and enhance their products in the tourism map, and on the other hand, to protect their resources' integrity for future generations, based on sustainability premises. This is more evident for traditional destinations in Western-Europe, as many of them face the consequences of over-growth, unsustainable development, and lack of service quality. In this respect, attention in the literature needs to be given to how destinations in the region can conceptualize and mitigate their weaknesses as well as capitalize on their competences in order to plan, develop and manage tourism products that could lead them to sustainable competitiveness in the long-term. The collection of cases in this book: · Considers global trends and forces in order to understand the marketing environment of a wide number of countries and the appreciation of the sustainable competitive development of destinations. · Explores specific marketing strategies in Western-European countries' destinations. · Is authored by scholars who have performed extensive research on tourism in the countries documented. The book is of significant interest to those researching and working within the area of tourism marketing, but also of interest to students who are seeking wider reading on the topic.

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        September 2022

        Tourism Planning and Development in Eastern Europe

        by Hania Janta, Konstantinos Andriotis, Dimitrios Stylidis

        Three decades ago, the hypermobility of tourists from the days before the global pandemic was truly unthinkable in Eastern Europe. The borders were closed and the region isolated from the rest of the world. Despite an extraordinary transformation of tourism in the area since, Eastern Europe remains under-explored in tourism studies. This book fills the gap by outlining contemporary strategies for tourism development in post-socialist countries, considering the opportunities and challenges as well as the initiatives and approaches to sustainability. Reviewing tourism development and planning across Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Romania, this book: - Offers a contemporary and insightful outlook of Eastern Europe tourism, with a wide range of case studies from inter-disciplinary and single-disciplinary perspectives; - Uses varied methodological approaches and research methods, including in-depth interviews, focus groups, informal conversations, document analysis, netnography, questionnaires and secondary data, to form an interesting and diverse treatise; - Considers post-COVID tourism and the significant role of tourism stakeholders in its re-development. Illuminating the various economic, socio-cultural and environmental impacts that tourism has created, this book is a valuable reference for researchers and students of tourism and related disciplines, as well as anyone interested in the development of Eastern Europe.

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2021

        RNAi for Plant Improvement and Protection

        by Bruno Mezzetti, Jeremy Sweet, Lorenzo Burgos

        RNA interference (RNAi) has the potential to make major contributions towards sustainable crop production and protection with minimal environmental impacts compared to other technologies. RNAi is being developed and exploited both within plants (i.e. host-induced gene silencing, HIGS) and/or as topical applications (e.g. spray-induced gene silencing, SIGS) for targeting pest and pathogen genes and for manipulating endogenous gene expression in plants. Chapters by international experts review current knowledge on RNAi, methods for developing RNAi systems in GM plants and applications for crop improvement, crop production and crop protection. Chapters examine both endogenous systems in GM plants and exogenous systems where interfering RNAs are applied to target plants, pests and pathogens. The biosafety of these different systems is examined and methods for risk assessment for food, feed and environmental safety are discussed. Finally, aspects of the regulation of technologies exploiting RNAi and the socio-economic impacts of RNAi technologies are discussed. Chapter 1: Introduction to RNAi in Plant Production and Protection. Bruno Mezzetti, Jeremy Sweet and Lorenzo Burgos Chapter 2: Gene silencing to induce pathogen-derived resistance in plants. Zhen Liao, Elena Zuriaga, Ángela Polo and Maria L. Badenes Chapter 3: Exogenous application of small RNAs as a tool for gene function discovering. Barbara Molesini and Tiziana Pandolfini Chapter 4: The “Trojan Horse” approach for successful RNA interference in inscects. Dimitrios Kontogiannatos, Anna Kolliopoulou and Luc Swevers. Chapter 5: Biogenesis and functional RNAi in fruit-trees. Michel Ravelonandro and Pascal Briard Chapter 6: Gene silencing or gene editing: the pros and cons. Huw D Jones Chapter 7: Application of RNAi technology in Forest Trees. Matthias Fladung, Hely Haggman and S. Sutela Chapter 8: Host-induced gene silencing and spray-induced gene silencing for crop protection against viruses. Angela Ricci, Silvia Sabbadini, Laura Miozzi, Bruno Mezzetti and Emanuela Noris. Chapter 9: Small talk and large impact: the importance of small RNA molecules in the fight of plant diseases. Kristian Persson Hodén and Christina Dixelius Chapter 10: dsRNA stability during external applications – an overview. Ivelin Pantchev, Goritsa Rakleova and Atanas Atanassov Chapter 11: Boosting dsRNA delivery in plant and insect cells with peptide- and polymer-based carriers: cases-based current status and future perspectives. Kristof de Schutter, Olivier Christiaens, Clauvis Nji Tizi Taning and Guy Smagghe Chapter 12: Environmental safety assessment of RNAi plants for pest control. Salvatore Arpaia, Olivier Christiaens, Paul Henning Krogh, Kimberly Parker and Jeremy Sweet Chapter 13: Food and feed safety assessment of RNAi plants and products. Hanspeter Naegeli, Gijs Kleter and Antje Dietz-Pfeilstetter Chapter 14: Regulatory aspects of RNAi in plant production. Werner Schenkel and Achim Gathmann Chapter 15: The Economics of RNAi technology in plant breeding: from the innovation landscape to consumer acceptance. Dario Frisio and Vera Ventura Chapter 16: Communication challenges of RNAi and selected communication messages from iPLANTA for dissemination. Hilde-Gunn Opsahl-Sorteberg

      • Trusted Partner
        April 2022

        Tourism Planning and Development in Western Europe

        by Konstantinos Andriotis, Carla Pinto Cardoso, Dimitrios Stylidis

        For many decades, Western European countries have undertaken diverse pathways in tourism development and planning. Most have experienced fast or even unlimited growth, resulting in overtourism and, now, the introduction of policies that respect the limits of communities and the sustainability of their resources. Focusing exclusively on tourism development, planning and policy, this book draws together new voices to discuss issues across Belgium, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. It: - Provides both successful and unsuccessful case studies to illuminate real, practical solutions, developed by tourism scholars who are experts in their researched context countries. - Adopts a range of methodological approaches to cover diverse and less-covered areas such as industrial tourism, saltpans, natural and cultural heritage, and micro-destinations. - Considers post-COVID tourism and the significant role of tourism stakeholders in Western Europe's re-development. An invaluable collection for policy-makers, researchers and academics, this book is also an insightful source of engaging contemporary case studies for use in the classroom.

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010

        »Solange das Imperium da ist«.

        Carl Schmitt im Gespräch mit Klaus Figge und Dieter Groh 1971. Hrsg., kommentiert und eingeleitet von Frank Hertweck und Dimitrios Kisoudis in Zusammenarbeit mit Gerd Giesler. Mit einem Nachwort von Dieter Groh.

        by Schmitt, Carl; Figge, Klaus; Groh, Dieter / Epilog von Groh, Dieter; Herausgegeben von Hertweck, Frank; Herausgegeben von Kisoudis, Dimitrios; Mitherausgeber Giesler, Gerd

      • Trusted Partner
        October 2010

        'Solange das Imperium da ist'.

        Carl Schmitt im Gespräch mit Klaus Figge und Dieter Groh 1971. Hrsg., kommentiert und eingeleitet von Frank Hertweck und Dimitrios Kisoudis in Zusammenarbeit mit Gerd Giesler. Mit einem Nachwort von Dieter Groh.

        by Schmitt, Carl; Figge, Klaus; Groh, Dieter / Epilog von Groh, Dieter; Urheber (sonst.) Giesler, Gerd; Herausgegeben von Hertweck, Frank; Herausgegeben von Kisoudis, Dimitrios

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